The seminar paper Assessing the policies in the selected public/social policy area (it is recommended to narrow the policy area for example with respect to the specific policy objective or specific policy measure, target groups and similar) Introduction The problem and more general reflection of the policy measures that can help solve the problem The objective of the analysis: which policies will be assessed, their relation to the problem The perspective: which policy objectives (ethical choices) are to be achieved if problem should be solved, how are related to the problem The relation of the measures to the objectives Part 1 Background (theoretical, methodological) 1.1 Theory: what is already known about the policies that aim to solve the specific problems and achieve specific objectives What are the corresponding (partial) objectives, appropriate measures and their characteristics 1.2 What criteria may be adopted based on the above theoretical discussion for assessing the concrete policies? What indicators are related to the criteria? (how do we recognise that certain characteristics/qualities of the measures are already at place?) Part 2 Assessment 2.1 What criteria and indicators will be actually used for the assessment and why – the arguments may be a) robustness, significance, informative value of the criteria b) accessibility of information, data, workload needed to collect data (we are doing desk research, not field research) 2.2 Empirical analysis/evidence Follow consistently the selected criteria and indicators, make it explicit in the structure of the paper and provide clear empirical evidence to each of them (qualitative, quantitative) Here, only the most important data, if you have more data, e.g. tables, descriptions, etc. put them into annex. 2.3 Conclusions How the policies are adequate/appropriate to help to solve the problem, to achieve policy objective(s) In what respect yes, in what respect no, what are policy deficits Part 3 Recommendations Based on confrontation of point 2.3 an point 1.1