Passive [USEMAP] Active vs Passive •Active: People build roads. • • •Passive: Roads are build by people. [USEMAP] Passive •- when the doer is not important • • •- when the doer is obvious • • •- politeness, academic language [USEMAP] Passive - form •BE (in appropriate tense) + third participle • [USEMAP] Examples •Roads are built •Roads are being built •Roads were built •Roads were being built •Roads have been built •Roads had been built •Roads will be built •Roads will have been built •Roads might have been built [USEMAP] Causative •A special form of passive • •Usage: somebody does something for us (usually paid) • •Form: have/get (in approapriate tense + subject + 3rd participle [USEMAP] Examples •I got my hair cut yesterday. • •I should get my car repaired. • •I will have my lunch eaten by Friday. • •He has had his photo taken already. [USEMAP]