Passive 1 Rewrite these sentences in the passive form. 1 Someone is printing the report at the moment. 2 They’ll hold the teaching conference in Oslo later this year. 3 The director has signed the papers. 4 Someone started the competition in 1968. 9 Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between two and five words. 1 They asked hundreds of students to complete a survey about school. WERE _______________ to complete a survey about school. 2 Decorators have repainted the classrooms in our school. HAD The school _______________ by decorators. 3 Will the school provide the course books for the students? BE Will the _______________ the school for the students? 4 How long ago did Edison invent the light bulb? WAS How long ago _______________ by Edison? 5 The hairdresser didn’t cut my hair yesterday because I missed the appointment. HAVE I _______________ yesterday because I missed the appointment. Fill in the verb in a correct tense (10): The prizes (give) to scientists every year. The work (published) already. Perhaps her discovery use) in future. The television (invent) in 1922. Emails (send) right now. Rewrite this sentences in passive (10): Robots do this work. Police has lost the ball. My family is spending a lot of money. The teacher has given her a bad mark. Did the japanese scientist win the prize? Create questions from these words (10): are written the language the tests always in lab ? found in Alaska are eagles ? was for the World Exhibition in 1889 built the Eiffel Tower ? will replaced be the workers by computers ? together beans and carrots cooked can be ?