Anatomy of Violence 11 Nov. 2020 Breakout Discussion Questions Breakout 1 Justification for Violence ■ Is violence ever justified? Explain. ■ Do you think humans are less or more violent than we used to be? ■ Why does violence sell? (media, video games, films) ■ What interventions for violence are in your community? – Are any of these preventive? Explain. – What kind of violence is addressed? Breakout 2 Social Learning Theory Think about someone who was a role model to you as a child. Not just someone whom you looked up to, but someone whose behavior you tried to copy. ■ What was the person’s relation to you? ■ What was the behavior? (can be positive or negative) ■ What made you want to replicate that behavior? Was it: ■ Direct (happened to you or in your home) ■ Vicarious (happened elsewhere, you were not connected to what you observed)?