Group Project (European Governance only) Framework topics for the paper, which will be presented in the particular seminars 1) The EU and the puzzle of the refugee and migrant crisis – seminar November, 2 2) Future of the European integration after Brexit[1] - seminar November, 16 3) Does the EU need to enhance its security?[2] - seminar November, 30 4) What to do about democratic backsliding in the European Union? – seminar December, 7 Within your group, select the preferred topic and sign up to it in the application “Topic Lists” – Group Project in the Information System). First-come, first-served basis! Please note kindly that only ONE student from each group can sign up to the selected topic! The enr olment is open from Wednesday, September, 15th (5p.m.) to Wednesday, October, 6th. As the topics are quite broad, it is recommended to narrow and specify the final topic/problem of y our particular paper, within the framework of the topic, which your group has selected (see the foo tnotes). You may, of course, consult the specification of your topic with the teachers. Your final paper should include: * Presentation and explanation of the particular problem (outlining of the context, explanation, why the problem is important/serious, explanation of the aim of your paper, structure, method/data used) * Presentation of possible/available ways to solve the problem or to cope with it * Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the particular solutions, possible impacts * Recommendations (Which type/s of solution your group recommends and why) – must be properly explained and supported with arguments Your findings will be presented during the particular seminar (PPT presentation). Every group has approximately 15 minutes for the PPT presentation, which will be followed by discussion. !! Please upload the PPTs to the IS (Group Project folder in the folder “Submitted Student Work” in the Information System) before the particular presentation day. The final papers should be uploaded (again via the IS, Group Project folder in the folder “Submitted Student Work” in the Information System) by Friday, December, 10. The length of the paper should be about 5,000 – 6000 words (+/- 10 %). List of groups: Group 1: Arend-Jan de Koning Lieve Dessing Anežka Fadrná Group 2: Judith Gerhalter Floor Goris Sven Kist Group 3: Kristína Kráľovská Nikolas Westenhoff Annemarie Tax Group 4: Natálie Vladařová Jip Wolterinck ________________________________ [1] For the first time in the EU’s history, a member state has left the European Union. This truly is an unprecedented event in the history of European integration. Please reflect on the long and short term implications for the future of the European Union, especially in terms of its architecture. Try to narrow down the topic and be as focused as possible. [2]You may deal with various dimensions of security. Your choices will depend on your own formulation of the particular topic/problem for solution. Particular focus of the paper is up to the decision of your group.