www.zerocarbonbritain.org UK greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced to net zero. • Without relying on future technology. • Without major impacts on quality of life. ZCB shows that How? Energy in ZCB Key Question: Can we “keep the lights on”? The ZCB Energy Model: Based on ten years of real-world hourly data 2002 - 2011 87,648 hours 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 19/5/11 21/5/11 23/5/11 25/5/11 27/5/11 Poweroutput(%) region A region B 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 19/5/11 21/5/11 23/5/11 25/5/11 27/5/11 Poweroutput(%) all UK regions Land use in ZCB • 65-70% = food production/agriculture (despite 42% imports). • 85% of agricultural land = livestock. • About 12% = forest (European average = 37%). Land use today Land use in ZCB 1. Food 2. Energy/fuel 3. Carbon capture 1. Food • About a quarter of today’s grazing grassland is needed. • All cropland still used, but allocated differently. • Imports decreased from 42% to 17%. Current average UK diet 64% of adults overweight/obese (Bates et al, 2011). 71% of deaths in 2010 from dietrelated disease (WHO, 2013). • Too much food. • An unhealthy balance. • Too much HFSS and high protein foods. • Too little fruit, vegetables and cereals. • Waste (30% in Europe (FAO, 2011)). Agricultural GHG emissions today ~ 10% of UK total Nutrition Emissions Land use • Healthy, balanced diet. • Low GHG emissions. • No new agricultural land. ZCB scenario • Eat only what we need. • -50% waste • Product switch. • 5-6 portions meat/dairy/eggs. • 4 portions pulses/tofu. • + Milk for tea/coffee. • Nitrogen inhibitors. Agricultural GHG emissions = -73%. ZCB average diet Land use in ZCB 1. Food 2. Energy/fuel 3. Carbon capture • Healthier • Lower GHG emissions • Less land Land use in ZCB 1. Food 2. Energy/fuel 3. Carbon capture • Healthier • Lower GHG emissions • Less land • Support energy system Land use in ZCB 1. Food 2. Energy/fuel 3. Carbon capture • Healthier • Lower GHG emissions • Less land • Support energy system • Safe, proven, supported • Biodiversity benefits • Improved resilience 2. Growing energy and fuel Total = 274 TWh/yr 3. Capturing carbon • Double forest area. • Restore 50% of peatlands. • Increased use of wood products. Balance GHG emissions of ~ 45MtCO2e/yr Net zero GHG emissions Where next? www.cat.org.uk | @centre_alt_tech www.zerocarbonbritain.org | #ZCB