American Political Institutions Faculty of Social Sciences Charles University March 12, 2021 Advice: I recommend that you read the questions and make outlines for your answers so you do not leave anything out in the rush to complete your essays. Please send me an email ( if you would like your course grade and basic comments on your answers. You can also request a copy of your completed essays with my marking and comments. Question 1 (U.S. System of Government): Explain the important features of the U.S. federal system of government. Then describe the organization AND operation of the Executive Branch (President), Congress (Senate and House of Representatives), and the Supreme Court. Explain how these three branches of government interact with each other, their power relationships. Which one do you consider the most important for the American political system? Explain your choice in the context of the other two political institutions, for example, The Office of the President viz-á-viz Congress and Supreme Court. Please do not neglect the video, “Super Chief,” in your examination of the United States Supreme Court and its position in the American system of government. Question 2 (U.S. Presidential Election System): Ironically, elections in the U.S. are held under the laws (rules) of the individual state governments with the exception of the national voting day (in even numbered years), Electoral College voting (in leap years), and the public funding of presidential elections. A U.S. presidential election is a very lengthy process that takes a complete year. Please explain that process. Its details are important. Do not neglect them. Was it different in 1968 and before viz-á-viz 1972 and afterwards? Explain the rules reforms and their impact on the presidential candidate selection process. What is the future of American politics? Ground your analyses in the context of the class reading and lectures.