Modern Technologies and Conflicts JAKUB DRMOLA AI and autonomy at war Related image Some basics what is intelligence and consciousness? unmanned/autonomy/AI? types of AI? ◦strong/general AI ◦ vs ◦ weak/narrow AI ◦ what about physical form? History of autonomy mechanical automata since middle ages ◦Digesting Duck, Leonardo's mechanical knight, Karakuri biological automata since 19th cent. ◦Frankenstein, R.U.R. accelerated progression after WW2 ◦Turing, von Neumann, Minsky, … exponential since 90s History of autonomy in warfare before WW1: hot-air balloons ◦observation and bombing interwar: aerial practice targets during WW2: remote control of all types ◦both wired and wirelss ◦air, land and sea -based ◦V1 and V2? Image result for ww2 japan fire balloon and rones/TenStories23.jpg Cold War target practice, decoys and reconnaissance ◦with jet engines too modern era of drones/UAVs began during the 80s, in the Middle East Image result for Ryan Model 147 Lightning Bug Present remote control is commonplace growing autonomy ◦locomotion a sensors „human in the loop“ principle fire-and-forget systems still not true intelligence Image result for Super aEgis II Image result for predator uav Image result for platforma m Problems? lower conflict-threshold collateral damage „gamification“ dehumanization psychological impacts political and cultural fallout Image result for drone screen Non-state actors terrorists, guerillas etc. ◦reconnaissance, targeting, smuggling ◦direct attacks commercial drones are cheap, available and easily modified perfect example of horizontal proliferation of dual-use tech ◦ ◦ Image result for isis drone Near future growing autonomy across the board ◦ closer integration and mixed units autonomous swarms first autonomous kill? arrival of true AI? Image result for future combat robot dog Related image