Assignment 0: Maps and models Due date: 17. 10. 14:00 Where to turn in: IS folder “Assignment 0” as PDF Grading: Only bonus points (max. 2 for Q1-Q3) are awarded, don’t worry. These count towards the average grade from all assignments. Responses will receive bonus points based on the reasoning, not for specific answers (i.e., it is okay to have you own opinion on stuff as long as it is reasoned well). Mandatory reading: Jorge Luis Borges, On Exactitude in Science: * * * Q1: You were tasked to read a paragraph by Jorge Luis Borges. How does it relate to statistics? Try your best but it’s okay if you don’t see any connection yet. Q2: In your opinion, what is a latent variable? How would you describe it to someone? Q3: Epistemologically, would you identify as a realist, constructivist, or a subjectivist? Why? For the sake of the argument, assume you are one of these. Q4: What do you expect to learn in this course? Q5: You are already familiar with FA. I’d like to know whether there are any aspects of it you are really unsure about. Is there something (like say residual covariances) that comes up at a party and you quickly change to topic so that you avoid being humbled by other guests? I have had many moments like this. If there is something, please tell me so we can work it into the contents of this course!