Sfriftiftítit>ŕ. Der HülariWr Grli Krjinuii^rAl Prof Il*it» DfltVrüdt L*i4eli über rinm drn Rr.J.mfL.....■ .--cr Or El f. tif'-prrr wilirnul finfr RJf mui Jen ^"j*l»ii\ni Julnlar mi Ai t m. *, *l» !, ij .. I. r. l.-- r kit ft n>Hni, r r■ ni blmJi v»» klim gtworJ*** . . Okne Po 5 e M^cnn elic Groden mclit wmcn, elnfj lie j»liotogr.ipliiert werden Aufnahmen von FeilaLcn Jen, 5it;ungcn und ßankc:;. :i Vtm Dr. EriJi Salomon Der Mensch jtt ein Hinistier, Jeden- bringt, so dodi don grüßten Teil »eine» foils «ler zivilisierte Dtirdisdinitt.t- Daseins. Die Nnilil verbringt er fast Europäer ist ein«. Wenn er ntidi «iiMiahmdov im Hell. also in einem nicht »ein gnnze» Lelien im Hiiiim? ver- Sddiifnnim. und. snwril iiidit Audlüge Muh Latin /nur audi ■leu Ikiiiio sapiens beim Sport und bei anderen .Spielen im Freien beobachten. Aber iter Sport verleihi M-iueii Jüngern ranz (ypisdic GesithtMus-drüder (dir Sprinter hulx-ti fnsl nlle beim PmJCTtn 111 - Gesicht), und wir wollen ja nidit blob I \ p< Ii Le n neu lernen, sondern Individuen, I nil gerade die grüßten untrr den Individuen, dir Großen drr Nnlioii, tun tin* im Ii« immer drn Gefallen. S|>orl zu treiben, wenn es nicht gerade Engländer oder aroeriLnuisdie l'rtrolcum-künige sind, und wir inter-r»-irren uns midi nidil m> Grolle Jiinitcn unter iidi: Orr IwiüLmlr Sl|j»frrilil.lrhrrr C"»-ImMM? JitKtml V ,!!..! i KU im CvclprflJl mit Arm Kc-,ilii£< rwlil»-Piä.iUi.i.n Dr. Simmn oder Rctfen i.....>•!•-!. liedni- gungen schnffeii. befinilet er sidi audi l>ei Inge im gc-sdilavM-uru Itiiume. im Wohii-zimnier. mi Hiiro oder in Ver-Mimilililiig*riiiimru. Solhsl auf ilem WcgO /u dicsefl Haumeu »tl7.l cr meisl in gesddosscneu Itiiiiiiicn. die nicht minder gcMlilnvweil siud. I ml zd till >ie sidi auf Riidern bclinden. Wcr also den Meuw In-ii »lu-dieren will, wcr seine Leiden-sthnftrn kcnnenlrnien, wcr win Cebardeiii>]iiel auf die Pintle bnnnen will, tier mull illm wold oiler nl» ! in die gc-sdiluwneu lliiuim' fcdgcti. CI11C }Ull£r FricJhdiCA AllcniAt mil tier Knnn.1 aiA \'t:' ' I '■*'.! J I ■ it i K tut J E*i.*nr r n**U «Irr RvuVkilir ifm Mirvrr AntrnW*- Uf.f.l.. !■■ r I I - ii ■ id. • LILLDSTRfi fr an; ais MADRID Mi. «0 PAGES i 2 FR. f ANnSe - H- 452 mekcredi II novembre 1936 «-67, CHAMfS.£LY5EES JLY 27.37-jb IAL59-7» 'HOTQ KtYITON I c* f 1 1_f_~. 1 U«» IN COHVTHUCf lON 1 C 7 El the suburbs: introduction Narrative by Gilles Perass 5S J, aSmo" more depressing than war itself because •£» dont have to run for your life, the evidence of waste is there to contemplate as slowly as you want, inch by inch, bullet hole by bullet hole. The sense of hangover of the day after the party, after the house was trashed, after the family was destroyed, the children dispersed, colors every one of my feelings. There is a bitter taste. People in Sarajevo and in. the Serbian suburbs are sullen; there is none of the joy that one would expect from the coming of peace. 1 an listening to the BBC World Service when a sudden announcement, on the 6 o'clock news explodes like a shell in the middle of a sunny dayi the Serbs have to leave Sarajevo's suburbs within three days, we, and I suspect they, all thought that the deadline was a month later: the 19th of Harch. some of the ™*«»ation, the deadline has been moved for The < ^! !° thSt th0 """Uatiohs «0«" be staggered, one afte the°oSfrhrd* "U1 *° °V" tQ th* floani« -thority one to£ ! in 5£ at/nt««l- ^ si* or seven d Tno firit Vogosca? d*ya' " «»«n»d on the radio - is NOEX | GRID CONTEXT | FQftUMS mmmmt , , PREVIOUS I MORE I NEXT 30 FROM THE .VEtV WXK TIMES »BSTSELLING Ak THOR Elizabeth v^eor Write "Both aspiring writers and fins of George's no ■ el should l n i m the author's insights into the creative process." — ftiWnAr ri H'cvUr "Ms. George can do it all, with style to spare." — Will irrere hwntt "George is a master?* AMNALS OF NATIONAL ÍECUUTY TORTURE AT ABU GHRAIB AmmanoiimhntalatJ/nuni lieujtrufthalkrrnfmMilygot BY iEiNlOWl M. HERJH I In rhe era of Saddim H »ein, Abu Ghraib, twenty miles sie« of Baghdad. «Ii one of the work)'* moil no- toriiius prisons, with torture, wccldv execucMMH, lud sile Ih-tng coodruom. Ai many íl fifty thmiiand men and wr-rncfi—no accurate count 11 poui-Mt—were timmcd into Abu Ghraib si one time, in r*xhre-bv-rwrKT- toot crtl* chit »irrt Unk more, than human holding P«<- In the kmong ilut Mkiwrd the regime's colli pie, kit April, tbc hure prawn complex, by then deserted, wis stopped of cirrjthuis; dm cnuld he re-nysved, iittludi*>g doors, windows, and ' boclx The crulitmn authorities lud ihr Soon tiled, rdli rkunnj inl n rsiired, and toilets, ihowen, and a new medical center added. Abu G hrab tnt now j US rnitrary poton. Mem of die prii-oners, howeier—by if.r jail ihrrt wcte Krierai duvaund, irclucbrti women mi teen-arris wuc civiliam, mam of whom had been packed up in random military iwecp* and at hizhwair check-porntv Thrj lefl into three k-Kwrh- de-linrd citróne* con «nun cfirrunak; security detainees suspected of "crimes ■pun* thecmlirxxi', ind a null number of mspfx-ted "high saloe" leaders of the irasurjteno against the ,«u]itmn lutun, I jst June, J ami Karptitslu, an Army reserve brigadier general, was ruined ujuuinaadcr of Cht Wjüth Military IVitVe Brigade and put in thanes* of miVin pritoras in Lraq. Cienrral harpu i .k\ the reih female umu uiklrr in rhr war fone. Wai Jin i|»Dil»r..i^Trili..rBalil!rirrl licence nlhcrr who had served viiih the Special Kuren and m tbc IWl Gulf \Var, but the had neser run i pose* ayr-lenv Nuss- dar waa in dsarrc of ebne large jails, eight hattalimi. and tliim -four hundred Army reservists, most of whom,Ukr her,had no-Tuning m handling privoricn General fuupustb, who had wanted to be a lotdier since die was frvr, is a business ionsuhant in tiiiliin life, and waa cnthusuttk arssutberncw yah In an interview last Detcinbcf with the St. rVtetsburj! Tmn, the tod that, tbc many of the Iraqi inmajcs at Abu Ghraib, "[nr-ing cordilsncs now are better in prison than at home. At one point we were irnvr-wd dur they vruuldni want to lease.* A month later. General Klarpinski was tuimalh ad-niotuihcd and quietly sui-prndeit, and ariuicjctmrstigi-lion into the Army's prison system, authonrcd by Lieu, tenant General Rieardo S Sanchez, the senior eom-mandcT in Iraq, wai under was- A firty-tfiree-rage report, obtained by TV ,\>_ iMbrr, written by Major General Antonio M. laguha and not meant foe pubbc reiraie. was mmplcted tn late February. Its ..-rwIill about the 1-1,11 eiitiorul tuViTs of the Army priton lystrrn were do-asm-ing Stytxitkralh. Taguha found tint between October and l^errnber of 2003 there were numerous of "• i In t.., blatant, and wanton criirurul abuses" at AKj CiliraifeTTsurjstemiac indiDepil abun: t4 ilrlunrcv Tapiru rvpisrlcu, J aher hriiw iluiimed aa^assi ikx wall in fc.ii ,rlL KKkimuusa a detainer nitil a ksOst mj nrrhini a Snssns Mscl, and uiutt llul.Ui, »,,l.nj. J.^, n. tnthiin and BUndatr drCasntrs « aH dnacs ol srUsk, a*o m uoc tomuxi sosuSr li*«a There wn wunnnif- cndasíe to wp-port the aJIc^aliona, Tagubl added— "detailed witness uatemenli and tbc diKOTcry of rarremely grapruc pbotu-graphai: civkr*rr_* Prsoasrriph* and isd-cos talrn by the loldieri as the abuses n.l.uri uctc happerung were not included in ho repean.Taguba said, because of their "ciTrettieh lemilne rumtr * ' I rsrwtr^arsha—tcwnl of wbach 1 were l>roadcs>it on CBS'i *W> Mm-utrs 2" last »nk ihow leerinn G 1 s taunting naked Iraqi rsrmyius who are tarcrd tn aisume huniilunng poaca. Sec suapes-ri—Staff Srrysarit han L rVcsler-idc II -. - . aa t ■ j whowia the terr-k* etvbsted mirt. Speculwt Charles A. Graner, Sergeant J aval Davis Spes-ialni Megan AirisuhL SpeaaiM Sabrina I lar man; and ftivate Jercrny Shin—ire now lung pnwccijtKvi in Iraq, on exurge* that incluor eiwuniracy, drif I.,■..... of duty, crucln towml prisoners, irulrreal-ment, assault, and indcvriii acts. A seventh >ihjy\t, ["niite Lltmdie Ireland, was rr^uigned to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, after bcssmuriK prqrriant. Thephoc-saxaplif trJIniO Inonc,Pri-sale Lnffani. a lipaeiu- dinrtme &orii her moulh, n psirif; a yainn rhunsbs-up urn and pointing it the genitali of a youni; Iracp, who a naked eaerpt fee a undbag ma liu head, as he rnasrurbates ThiKocher hooded and nikcd Irnsiprts-onen are shown. Kinds rrflen Kids iTrjucd thcthurnbs-up behind a duller of perhapi seism ruled Iraqis, knees bent, piled i^umiiy on top of each other m a p|,Txrrad There u arr othcr pl>3tTirraph of a duster of naked pnionCTi, l£iin piled m l jsiTamsi. Near ihrm iraraii Graner, amiling, his arms anaicd; a wann soldier Mode in front of him, hendmg over, and ihc, loo, is imilirig Then, there is another cluster of hooded bodies, wtrh i remake soldkr its tiding in frtxiL taking phonsjrr^rshi. Yet another l^holc-rj-apri ihows a korrlnn, naked, iirdsooded male prisoner, head irwnieneahh' turned away from the camera, posed t ,i:ixu it j;ii-.- •'■:>: ':s :- ;vr sbrrung oral tea on another male rsr-soc-cc, who o naked and hooded. Such deJiurnaiuunon h unacceptable in any culture, but it it espectilb. ki m the Arab wnrld Hianosuual arts arc against lili-mr law and it uhunull- aring for men ro be nakni in txoeit of .•flier m Middle fjiterm irudies ai New Vc-i, I'nnsrnty, expilined. "Being put on top of' each other and forced to masTurbatc, being naked in front of i^oehri—it's ill a form of timire," Haiicl said. Two Iraqi faces mat do apsrscar hi the phocogriphi are those of dead men. IVit is tlx- luncrcd ticcot ^si^tivi N,. 1SJ399. and the bUdaed body ot another |st»unee, wrrapped in ceskoprianc ami pa^Lnl tn « There a apriotograph nt ancnepp, nwn, iplarternliutliblnl The 372nd'i abuse of prisoners AnlrmrvéeumttUhr uvtJJ V riorr p,s«W i/>V/«5 «^/ry Ah; Sftovait CtmHtt Gnmtr «i. «nsverr isasaVr tear* iraSBm fc rume ankeaf ot«s«kl no. books Si I Jiutiih Cmhjc. Ufa "T al mi si AuOkk [railir n«n ww tesurs. Matr o roru DANS LES RUES DE MOSCOU jŕ LES PROMENEURS SILENCIEUX Dm m Hup, Hrfll C»it»i ftf,*m a rml. í.l—• n*ti*aU.l r~ rm Mt Ml* W rt . V.artal»a4 m lal ra> ipkhr 4r la raailalr »-1^ -n [iih^ipht—I • IfcMWtaJ» ll » lllllll — ' !■* rcAlruklf nr. *rf<* ^h»" "-^ h« *trtifxn (Mr řiř¥t la ^wf hw«ir* i4ri »»4 W* mv«m, Cyrila. «lUatn ».»«.k iHTVIMTVI ll k* tyn fuftw- ■» W NjWr * Irartrhr ***r rf "«U n^in^.illn Pm.Ii t-ml. kr—— p 4*- rn» «• 4w U ri^JaL U j>iHU»-«|Mŕ Ir Inn rj^-jrw Au teieobjectif le coeur meme de I * fUrt it U Ittt-rlyllmi i-fL I Mi-*** f* JU' Tlrwn Squur fv( , V** V'ufc. PifttJlltl * L. LjjMlm #1 i [hjtfni k V*n+ I j lutikr i# dlnjr jta «..|t.i a tfnlitW. Jri irhm, ittt life il*» nup.-Ji iiiic-imii« il'1 t il ji|>|vJa« i "i'ir tij; h i ryi ii t*.i l, ^, | \| |naiHH»li( ü hrfc'l < »v M*t,4-L ii . II —l - uiril Un-i In j.igrv. iiifnit U In. ,1 \ mnl a capitate : place de ia Revolution iW t lirro * »«-P" " , ■ F MM . -------.-i„wi„»U.™.i W >-*' "JT™"' ' i. i__■___r ,Lj„aupb: rn aoM I ■ W f*** 1" I* t..i.iriiM-|iTn| i Le musee le plus couru : les couloirs du metro Li lc™*«1 rM"<4 " * tiwk***H w rtii » l- ■ . Viim 131» > tr% IiMtihi hV Ujfa - Hm-lif rti Ih^'I i#* u H'"1"1'-11 1 ^ P««i n. 111] riTil'i in— ■'■ Bair^On. V4kMMnl ilr I* Nlh'i W» ■k* HbtUmEiii* i lr|«ifc>*-h* i .'i ■Ví1' »"* r • Já '//// - 1 UN DIMANCHE AU STADE VK-VA. m. mít ta ipwl ju jjrnmrr fHwi il# u i......|ur I, |". - —ir A-s *-f.ir1v aui «4- iVnalf I j n-h. .if |«dlrl m ilk* IltuMu Jr Uk.|u'i I «Mb *IU(m A Li ár* *ai »T+ 4r* f Mir» k*l 4* W*M H^h^^r. Hotel Ukraine á ľheure dl a"se : le fox-trot des ouvriers E—» will ant I'hAIrl I'krilur rn >■»-_, Iii«Ium. limn (*rl»rr-l^r*vm . «■r]Hi« In 'flUKP •' I« uaTnir** »il Ir.nn ik iljlurr ill ik I.míhí-l/,.n I J - .Im» >■ i lun Ikr in-i»l«>it Ctu-urr ll I........ .Ill 1411"""1 HUM MiiUirf 1 »5 Jr ir.U IUI» I" i-k"1""- ^ i. I..........Iillirilr pni ',*",llr|l'-l "Ir Hritn la í*4ft»í ľ'"Mi«ililli iťl 1U Iii» t4il iin ml*"*' ir» ir iwtu KclM [| i lr hnxtiv Miknr». TWíU»i»m Kmkukr>. lUnln, Ma***. VlBlll, Ulllhl VnMMrl. Kiyiltlrh. Ik pnrnl k-*H ' i etutn *!•« M («wf jBfdrtsiunl k ľMla* Ar mm hliw. .«Uli řj-ifc« |» t:VT»» l> UtiTT FT LA T>BL «r ks ifcl».. SSt Henri Carrier ■ Bresson vom conduiro ó noven la Russie. de ľoneienne capitals dei Tsars, Leningrad, oux confins de lo Chine dom les conltéei myitériauses de l'Asie soviérique. APRES 40 ANS DE COMMUNISMEÉGLISESETMOSQUÉESSONTBONDÉES » Cnl |a* TlJaiili ■ iMMilhfc |. • é . ~| J'v.n^n n«|t.|rt» i i - U iu|- l->r**taW da r.irrail* ftr*|*»| tna paril i n in ^7," *> *»» • '.'.i- nu-- ■ i' —■ ft mm —il rlr inaiLrrlr* L I—* fc~r arfaV* r»~W» I j a r, * "-rll-l. a 4. „.-v).-. „V kh« ' T« —lllh«ii 4f M*VMlll4MI* .*! far- w Mil H't t * u a-w i rj»*». »rA.*iiH I «-*| ™ aaaf-CI» In , im DES I LES EN PLEIN E TERRE: LES KOLKHOZES lu* f mat n I kí krilhov l»Kir. Hr'fľt -I.Hi 1.1 i h"l kktew * Tin »> *»•* * Mmbi c i umí m íl* i.ii ii pKk ■ » !• IM"'! 1 IM - Iis-» muitir nin íl iŕi.- 1 b ■■■■ ák « h A k En YÍlIe, le marché idéaJ n'est encore qu'une exposition Ltnniuan Aawi • ľajTMlhlu , h ad 4W Siatia*, ťm bw«u "i •" » Kam jmi ta rmtha ana. «-iif»iIu.« ]»™» Mt . i»«abjH l-r . maW1 !»• nt r^aalLaw « * i«i ) «1 ir*""* f** iu paiilla*. Ln pM» itV r»«rw«'l«n IVaHkk tuff II a> *v tair-K i«« lira lalllŕ* ■** fmiiiilwM r«a. •I* f.a,* a» ku kitniiwa um Irak i.i.k ~T nb| flw a-4 mW « » ■!» H«" *ri» A> l.rvafk) Mi bnpf In iW UK* I—~ «1 lt» Ar>klilr« ->-■' It. f wli* ^ nl_ u Ant >■! J«n« J n«J JIIUUO Owl. 94JH0 f r ».l MOlm IW n« ip* pilay— ,1-, Ms <„,. u>)> «~ Ji-lM -k-r I >-.,.*• Ik* Cwmuih >•-*»» H»»"l ■« Auk. TW Uu h —" i*nln I i ■■ _n» Mi nal. I. ila f—«-n hjH M —■ !%»»■*■. 1 UiU I'm. WM«UuJn>'^l>"<»" i- Ta*. u.j ib kVaaa, i , i n I l.i Caa. kiHaaar. P>U bit* - *> r~H' Ant* too •— «*• —< ' ■ -'■ the frontier IM* «4 mm m —a" M#, IW immmI aluuaw. a I« u kafcaaaj i La |k|illa< aaalu i .afca. \ .tik-1 iWl.aaj iw ,„.1 ^i,,!, ■ mm (tn*M *l aha L4-1 mum *-t Oar larar«» la ■ ikhfftlMrlklwikMK.wUkA TUHau'lLJlilkHll.tlW j^a.. - ii.i^t—J^aUrmifMiUJw^J wtini , ., Inula ■UaLa^aUaAaUbwaJ^Mita^u^uh -a*. laJaaaMalMk^kaVlajva— n» »aal kaanbl U 1 alaUL k Im Tká aJiut aka.aiaaa-11. IkHL JaaJ a-aalk M Ti* II ■ I « \**m ItiMiila- i, kl* wf V* mmm kaaa. Jana.» aiaal .aaJa b. a kalt Üaak-aJ« ayk( >k>k kranla aaafcaa-a, t*. •«. I> ■( aha u»ia at. iivaaaaj Mara Im ak> ■ana .k*l» akaall Labaa uaa<.*uaaJa mum l»«,.,l, iaka> I. ih. Uaa«ri ll i Hi ■! .i paj. fa-iajM. a-Uaaa. UaV a__J. Bahaiai lana laa kaa k ta iV ■ raaaakaalajt If f«-a haPaaa UrVat a*' — Iba kll alaaaaa, » |W *«l If \l lka< ■ i'l aal m .a.a "-^---i-niTa,1 ' r i mla n il a i aaana 1 lUOAPtST I A chaque coin de rue, á chaque seuil de porte et jusque dans les vitrines se drossent les soldats sans uniformo A t'abri d'un char detmrt transform* en barr cade des partis armes de fusils semblent composer le dernier tableau de I'msurrectfon A 13 ABYRINTHIAN WALK t'ttubmrfik, Ukr amy ndj. u ■ ii»fbutti\t •Vfc-ur, kwi| mUtim utlKii tkr r^uiJiiWiuma of pmrmJv A Uttrtf. avmml rmttty U W» ai /Ar proof £>/ Jfl hwil ml cttn iwr •■oat iMJt»r. oil ik* nmr»n»r>/r Ai"u?fi «y JMf«*»frJr /fuftvnii, mnJ *Aor r.jrti|*rJ * hdAUy t»f iuui iAaJ /flrtiM /ar l*rw*ik <%a4 Lry***J Ikt kvltvrr r+f-iiAr *4fA4tfaiunu— "Tkr tieartk of tkr \+unn>~ "Tkr 4r»rnmi of Wrm*^," TA* $*u>ky tiifH i-A.ii/ urr ttfirm. trroufbt Itr J(i Mam. Ta portray m rHj ■■ mdfutg. Iff iWcu ituA OA fjfoft » ■ <"*Wlit>|4Uirvt •m*>Vc vii in 1WU, ll» diHwrhnri *uir*i>r t«iili"i»rH ihr CMy CvfJftfil In "rffenlt (Imp nukurur " Bui ihil Tnrr*«|■: lh r..i in £ r'-t alitii *l l**ti ill* uf Ul|1| lisril umUr i hrait U-.1 fL«.f thai wiU'dfcnrd lh* Lanii«a|a-. rtliniuialanj |hr Iwrtvua, kiwi ri»ii*r I-tk miK.h in uittn»,! diMriir. Fur «4ili »tim iW hnar. (Um»nj| faaJi.rws HAf idlr t • vll tW krjimi 1* jtlunptrd Tkrn uV wh-*i RMaBl Miikr tlrj ■,!>■»< Ml. har'l*hlj> Vi* •f/iwUmr* ir ■» 4lilrfrrtl fhi ufh *till Mtiurlgrd b> uifcli'« a.' . Ir I r<^l.'t'il ■ ■ r-utiI« 1.. Ir*- nil >1 ■ V.I lUniT thi- i hih.nm* L+$*n l-i tiniNi uj. tkru llari. infrclioti twr ihr lullinf Kill* « rn-Miirnri it llt*ir -yinniil* ! i < AilrAim'.w ui wurahij. an 1 I'armnF. -i . ihif^iU *fatD*l th* ftl> V >" I**1 tiir m-^m ha* rrcmrrrd iu ni«i*> lV Mr t n*i* a r KaWA iwm Rhythmoodlc variations AruUial ll.r lala-mla nf Ix-tjtiun >*MlL tlwnit. Out M 4.-.i»**a. jUt* lW wiirnii tlirrii i«d Ji-Hh I he •a>ift yitnJ l f l!ir hi.ui* iJ'iN tur*. AjlaSinf ►Tpa, rmnh *m\ \niwf*+r» laii li *ia-1 crime, uimibI bmI tlrmmd |>tuar iad |Mi«iJrT brttu and giwMilii - llior Jia* lav- nuainiwni* »4 ih* rn»taf»* iUj UL \rv »[J jir urtrla-fa, hut Ihiw trunk l-.uii.** U-,j»«kl ' Old tir-aiAld I fhilju ■Uimaa iKr ilia la «|uk1. a» alow ; mirirrt And a^u.lft CWfffilJ *l H Inn f history, aterways, nd underground riches SH wKrtv dn- \Un^n»« and llr M'n^fahrU 1 n tn*L- 1» |<.trp tKr 0*lw«. M Wf»" ■* • *t*Ae t«|f fprt F«* lKi> «r|rxl thr FwmV ih- tWiliaJi t*de**U. awl Atkyttnn ir.w»j»» In-m Virginia »11 bmnh cnfJntrM Aim) all l-aj«Ki ihr Indian Irvrr nrir u ,i* ■*.»"»-» •rnl rw» ».jt."r1 iKr tatUfVivi li-r ttf *ilU|r- PtlldnirfJi atxidmH bauirv j A to*Ti Ki*lboaU iViu'*H <*n Ira*** »«» rH"*Wk aga-TPl iHr runnil fci m.H-r al it* «lr»rk». and lit m\*+n l<-<*-L* and rtam *nf K»nU vn fcril iKr NV-rv-JijaKrl*. lV>rfr nrr* »4nrnlmal» — ■n ac*fu1 rt*rn**r>paifT* ta*l ■.harnctt «{fjwr>rn«r « <* Li-ifia, V* rtilw*. and ikr m And trwr* «■«■#■ t-«rj,p» All ihr>'iiflh 1'" I'K ■ ■M t»at M-iird h* a iHiirfil ««»*»uWiot» M fT-.«.{| MltiHorii «riii t» l| 'llr.' irk 11 k* hilK. llfNkfkn «ml bp ifril rmur *Jijfia r| ate am U» wrw baiN. il triit- hit. Al nt$\-I, IrMa tbr kiUki film***, faf* (...niurt tcatM A»r-.r IkrkW rnt>i Thv ma. hi TWn. id ilka- laWTa. on (>r|f *IietvJ Fratfca, Cm dfiv iV iMrt t*-iI ti>ti- iiw «->i [■•• int m»f» ihr-«* trinlri Unni Í-4I--1* I**- JiwJiMiy Midi 1 ui) lii h «ur* null" HKf*-•«mT 2IIMU tonniinl«* r»W f^rf/rn Ihr mjhUinAr mJb ai«* ilic IkwTMW iwruiWW ni-*. |||r. err L»fi:'iF.iify Ir*-"*- lW •uj* rii** 1 IrirvjhnK 4 urn ni i» tirvpJ ih*| W It l* utni it- \-mrr 4iii|li'iuir «tfTf^lr ili.firuliw- Uhit m rtu-- ni(irvlr>*4 •nurwl bi>.r" >k»I Olinám tiL-u-rFÍ nu (I J Hrnu I nm^itrnt jt Is ihr t> ■ -l ('Jlrriml n| *|. ill* t*l iirpli pirll«ř- luir t HtC Lrrlt »>rj hi lit- *'iiiftl bumtxr nf ,1» rnftjik 'fill (iftnluH 1». l>Ut th+ f IWIflrAll. ihirvftlil \i \-rtt lo mniin ^Hi |l-r Ni>irlu4 fapuir >l. «'<> lirH^ |>f«Jui*f i'f mliii«u* .'.ml. UrB^r imriDjfKlhrrf ^^H»l I jig!-** ni*j'ml*ilwnr *•( ^B- m4 (Jirit-1. iri|t f>if nrf-f trrti in |S« w»rid Plít -^h ti** 2Í n*rl*. riinr plffllrtl ili*Tn nil lu íiii-l 4 j«i Líni: i^lfirtr »n w Ur V* HC . V .1,KG C* SWmAiLOrt FE'*; ufcWG TME YBft FINEST hATKrlÜL :W 3 Ar 4M l ENGLAND TMIORS AW.iSLE SEffvlCE - WYWHERE ...WZ R4Ti~ Wl 3'J^??äM7EB Tli FIT * PLEASE BEST WORKHAUSHiP The 'FaveV a Hillside of Filth and Pain •Jwct* ikiktiwrrrv uk Ai*r»j »h*rc inJ Naif da Uu M »*" ihf't *tfM tfiiWrt*. ffee tutff wtctih k> bnrvat sat «a*S upn lac AarrLi« r.uajcr xnj ibuu bvl tm iW uaav* thjMPT (oftauAau Bcaca tm) uV |li fi ag >«m itf Ra» tk>t«J iv MR |j4r^a^a^mWr.rflBc7IUrxai»if*ii-ftl |fc« tiwm Wriv pnJfifj JW n a aa*aVu»i.-* rcTvyc ftGaaAn pM* artatcad irujl H< »-n a raauana.-itM aaartai until m arnaVnt inwml ha hack >Co» fcc n(K acfoare* *ra1 Mwh ai . taj> po^Mt hi im) Sur huik-H. thn d*4 Uapr iini n.iin u« ,«n- UvLrit i-ranry enkn j«J utcajra r*rm lumbal the ihop ferauji ui atari CO « aar-oik In an U mj aw> f*v*J Hiii ahtil a* hau' her mni* tSiU wj*hi.-> I.if... atuWtfc a iftcfo* fifth* Mi Hk itii«Vtr »a*i rmfV ftvm 17 Hsr* u» 17 avvnarv. arc T«a«c4 «n iV uh*.a w roua ihr 'ihjI n*ih*at\ (4uMfr*r-b *+*rr IV Nih |h« inhatnunK i> tr»«n] uul Id loi ■a* ra aWLUaVr-TaUaaf IrUkl taatoniaatil coo Wafer IrHfn-■alxntaBucO TV^ 4J, ^uKi^n «h4 fH> hnk w no ml MaiaiavM ^l^.iualMhi KKk^i, hawk 1*1 AUuk vPihaj ■aa^rfOni Uh AiMiittafiih Mara>* ■ hMti ilhrr hrff K ■• IN h.r*. frhrtna* I 1**-,^ 'We are animals in a world no one knows' a LIFE ssniis in two pai Prttty (H wind Kiwi. pHaainl young man named John—tnay could be hunytng to a mov» • aup*imar1>at. * coJiaja claiaroom. 8«r th«y an drug addict*, haadad fo» h*f«n fc*»r**sWwtth*lh TNs »cr.*> raportad and wttan by Aitocut* editor Jamaa MJIt |*II< j; !Mr h« «rt bk* and. in ntxt wwkt inilakiwnL what n«» could 6» don*—to i«lp th» «ddiet tonaAtnarWofdhje* and to ciaan up a tragic and lanit ,ou» John and Karen, Two Lives Lost to Heroin an t Par ran a laha aw) Imm. r-**- pp> *«* hr«* |fcM Jfver* : hhu attar*! Mlth raPaa« upl. >l- laarraaati. tuna, ■van H**'*< "—I «au> lac hlMvialrrara tad iHta pan. tap a ofrvianp tW* Par tm— riai a *kl< tar on a al itovp »tat ih.a dal UVrtrr |*»PPaa vpa-ai. raj ihr mrti lWj taaaal Wafar facka to but rhrap ap ratka-lr-> «- Na-a|paTi" IbtapaVtrl iratta tWaar-m aW dan m an aWpa tata>i|iia [ha airv~iplt of kef-aptltphi TV ukUl •* On ftp a, aafa Ban faa «_ aprp Wan Tar P, aaa Urn a war ap Wjrb aral appap aa ral la taniir p pral Itarp ihm* hi hal L-.rvl f.ií p ■ml ťaatb for a laWr*. nm rja» PPJ rtkar «nat. Ippab Iht a/a**rat raraiřaar***aiuali lb ajaaa- Tai rriihareaap faaatr htraa p-ah Ml J,*a tarj Kim a lap piIhunaa» jaj ihr anaik l—Pai Ta amp la vir aal 1j ppfni Pal af-atl ita-, irr anvrn kalhaakrat r« ;. il..,,.., ,ha i., praaaaiira. anal talk la raavv ■V "rava I» pat far llapr pap "»?*r IV Criaj arara Ihr—, aa Uf«l» aad j*h >! a tVir auLaa. kaaar. aal larar •■aik/al trat 1>«"P<1 aphapaaptpanrapp »iknalralriici,.«. ■■- Pand aap. «am —' *- aw ar aaar Wala— tiara* aP it. .as,,, n a Hi bkpipa ml tkriirat. Ota ata> apr) I ** AHavbft ItpVpai Sarjf« Oar, SP", IWrr aiimaaraar-aaaii aarakri mi nrppi mutl IWi ir» a* Sra Yprt C») • hurituan Ihm Paa .hap rü at tk »ä-iraiaatatiaului Ira an ■ -raVr. ' ■ "' I i In aarslar laWf. « • Pap Wrapt Ikat ftp) lni IP rar bat». KP pytal al lapal IM ani *p* l'ivli L rvavra lkal i (aapr *rp1 tm fcaap tapv* r-p-hňb ira Ira* .alar of k» lati. ktWa W hal abnba a atnh tp. ht Mt> tah ku Wax am IV an TW 11 fo* aa -atpt,-otavlk | ■ ajalc k u!ll i l ivl Woh Lap (~tpaWr*l, Ht *W aprrPI batata ip apact ip IfcaT tapl. ti aaa trvaacu Iht laTML Tkal a hul '"aaha-aa,~ p ■pnppf aWI la brk! vtf Iht lil", 1— lak a™ nt apUnavtl aap fn aaa rtrtarlp' tiaarpk ui aan.JaiatT tf ha hahp a aPaaatJ kra SJD a Pai laj rhmi a aca t ktraj kpM P) tari taetaa. ha attal apa aatrt hatK Ur A W tam Waa kaatn ■hajj kap atkl t*) lpi hp a patlnt PtTVRap aptaV haa ryn art aalrr atf a— a* n rnpaapirüj ta tatí kil P avbp i rPln Im tajh a Pap 1** ml tm m aaJt, hp apt la. aacaai tatí kifjltt ha araAb lat p " rttttl taa * 11 ppati a*Lp kata (Var aik hia vru ta, taaraaruai hal ttrapajtrfaaiaVl. P*ahl memm\ baarr-ir aalT Pitatiaa." app r*r Itp" Otu Iht ttUad kai haaajh* hi'.lb'.irap r. airtl i ta a laarp tarn iw mk) WaUai ia* tpting p w W caaktr aral apt ka tm axrantp pllial tptaap .au W>W larrurJ. IPWpht Wa Paa»r Plrattap tW barová kiv'k i *—PPUVI afl lal «i **t" anritt .PT fea aaa. •«-Sri». ,aa .*,tW*P, ttaatt, Tha lrtk.,1 NaiPa, kaa "■'"li lhát tkt L V Wa MOD i taUatii, Na athar kup a*V "A - nrj aa* fa am i '-ptal." a rrrlala r,*, kra i apaWiarPh, l| I |PPaVar tpvktranklkatkalaaar ■trtwl— i la aal Wa arprp tf lpt1 haraaa aap it rap paatar ht raaaxaj II* baapaa Ital iW tWa .JI pr al kata* atf aap latPtpp I* WM ttraajtP Im t hra Wan. I papat alt lilii Ma laatkrt tf ira aha* |f a a kr.—f *»«.> 1 ha vrr, fa* gM aařal aha* PaWl haaaaa Ua aaMaci aar —a aflaba. abac* pal, htnaa tap rp-Irrtp kt ak* atakrfaraal li aap aap. I mt ikiiai. tai aian p*P tf T' iKlRÜatal la a kaaar> l„ IW tffap iprtadi int b.paM> ataaap iWtbliillaapPrattJl attltai llW Ma aap kam bpv* taavb at '■PIPP arlh aabtr kavap> arita lana a 3a |a> H Wl hal brrakca tkt ka Paf aar i>ar> atartaj rat h.« aW a lata ut IW V a****, ar a. r fWrf m Sa-a YaPk, kvtaTa a iW (rat ta lar raaaiti la aaa laVpal akajpi tap Mi ka. aaa iPlinil Warbaa PPa t tharP parat ran ti|ipai| aVrlh JaW tat) KaPat Wat aaad lairi Prapa pat ihrv |aa«n htaaat la al fW nat pari i [aikl. aaap la bar a I a tullW Ml latart aka I» ai i Or 4 taara iht l.a.r - aaj hpar i He visits her in a hospital: 'Stop nodding, they'll throw me out" *9 kM%jft — 1 to ,»Ufj* ******* *, mm » IaI mM> "I " m. m*f* *** -< 3 ""^ "* * W atw m •W Vkw « fM#ftr . I >ni I tfpn >m ■b *■ n bywi m> wmd4 hr ■i tVi M» mnt Vrn* pun 4 Mi «MMt *> MT *.'lf-»( The deadly overdose: 'You got to fight it, Billy!' »V Op- . aha tm »*■ aa

J_«ilikM Irin. **■ r*W> Af i 11MB all.J ■ -J *tt "«* FiFm^-i Injlill *** 'i in. ■*» «MT iv. *k* nf 4i* «aa trial ri. i*j k bmv. "VWtiWaagfc, ,.„, /"» hah nit i, tar. •a I. »d _ < aaa >f 4m»> n->«4 Qu» ~ im u, j>, m » >aa >*aa »o -—1 <_# JU, r*.a i a* iLw^ i.. aa/ai n., haj f a >MjriMb*# Mi Om fmm law — **>' las ..i a> iv*i a aiffi* Mip/■liiarfaaa'iaf Jaaaj >a»»a- tri» I aW amaa, JriMa taw aaasvW aaa a_* a <**» a*/ f I Mm asaa aa a raaa *..... Mr ar —■•1 "iäri aanjiaan f<^ri .■ *r/». la. , L. . .. . .a. . V. a • aaa aa< — t ra... aaaat —" s art* a < v**" M tu aaa, aaa a aar It—rt l**aa* na aar, itar Ja ii— aval är I a a'' aaia ata aa-a-lj taa ta/a ari A a. in -irfl ■ aVMaltl(aaaaf aaa* Ja» trfau a- II ■ JtaatV «« aaa ■ navaVaa aaaa-r VUa». IM as * ami taf " Mr aaa tall • ->l irffar law if fn~l rifl T * ~ ' ~' r»T aw aakatt aan a/ a. —a. „,.- iriakiifaaaa. Wrfl»raW a' laaav« r*-*~ aaraaar -w . -iMliaraaaanaiaViaaaijai Jaalai aaaj a/aaaa »s- iaaTaW aia»i--rfOP/»—* "-awa^-a a. ■ »* •■ ,ta*Wrf»V-.l-Jkmt al ayanaw a taa> aj>.a aar fcat Illustrated JUNET.1«- 35 CENTS ;" ; ___I l£—i- THE FIGHT YOU DIDN'T SEE MlT\ . ■ |J NO PHANTOM PUNCH 10 a luili vthool ice-hockey arena in Lcwlfton, Me. Sonny Luton became the loneliest man in the irarid. Once considered invincible. the challenger Tar ihc heavyweight inlc tpnuls nunncJ on ihc canvji in ihc remarkable overhead view D1 the right whik Referee Joe Walcott Iric* to sh ■ ■ a Champion Muharnmad Ah —Caastus Clay to you. perhaps—into * neutral corner < lii II shouting for l.islon 10 gel up anil fight, M Jul snccialors ihioughout the country. But the putsch I tut dronficd Lislon murway through the riot round Uri him addled Tor II lull IT seconds. Lmrwi could noi act op Tlit Mow was kcii by only a small percentage of Ihose who u aichrd live fight The impact of it, however, it pLtmty shown in the action sequence at kit. In the tori photograph (I I Lillon lunge* a left jib to-ward Clay, who drops his hands and pulJl back his chin to ii i . the jab miss With Listen open and off balance. Clay starts a i ahl 1.....I wunicr In ihc hint 11 lakes Ualon's left to move only several inches. Clay's polcni righl has already risen front his aide lo above hit hip 12). Clay's left foot Is solidly planted Tor full leverage as hit (love—the white crescent visible beside Lrston i head fjs— rips over Luton's extended kft li jn.l The punth lands on I .ston'i ja* (4) wilh ■ ril-i ling smack as Clay piroliolTtiis righl fool for power. Ihc 'imcc or Hie Mow lifts Lulon'sleft root, uhich mis carrying most of Ins weight, off the floor (note shadow beneath) and snaps his head downward Uuug hn rc-niarVahte ipeed lo excellent advantage, Clay followed the nghi with a tcrt hook. Out in the instant u took ■hat left hook to arrive, Lutein fell On the following pJKcs ihc only color photographs to be published of the h-i h(hi thaw ihe knxkmu and Ms aflcflnilh, mia no*' < ■ ' ' THE DRUBBING BY .JIM MURRAY Amor r*/ ft* «*irmTi »*v k*Jm tkf in «1/ tikf Ar*l m wrH «■ Mi raasftraMMi /M Hittf, «W ./ AtMil* rm , man Hrmrhant—nmJ •rrrfrar—owvrnrrirrr St*rt+u f.vmntf *ith SfTJAtS ILI USSHAT1 D.JIillr ItttlrHlfmAimttJ ro/umM lAr to i AntrU* Hmtj, tW fvltrtmtttj mrt rx> rrrpfl fnm Ihe Umf he /W Imwtoi'itirWj n/'rr lAf /trAr. Km| Kong gni knocked oilllic Empire Slate Building. Cassius Marccllui Aladdt n Mil limn Monimor-ency OToole Clay look only 60 seconds or Sonny Luton's lime 10 knock hun kicking in i letting as im nrobabk u the fight. Sonny Listen hn live Itoor like j my slipping on a cake of soap gelling out or the tuihluh This ti ih« second lime this fight has ended ■ ill several thou-uiti! people looking it each other and asking "Whit happened11" Well, I'll tell you what happened. 71'. l"t what I'm here for Sonny Luton got ihc hell beat out of him a \.h:.t happened This time 1 was looking for it end I u« it; an old nun groping hn way inio a speedy inwlcnl reckless kid. He wall like ■ guy braving * barrage of rocks Hehasnlhil Cassius Clay ycl And be Mxy »4tt. The ' he ever ioi lo Ihc world's foremost Arabian hitfighter «n Ihe iveigh-m When he didn't hit him then he ml volunteering Tor an evening of catching He should have worn a catcher's milt on his Tacc I counted throe limes when Cuslius staggered him. The flnl tinse was when the bell echo hadn't died down ycl. Castiut is an ad-lib fighter, end he thought up j beaut la gel Ih is dance under way—« right cross Nobody ever started a heavyweight title llghl with a right before. Thai's Ihe kind uf iii-'l> inik yojr wife would try. But Caiuus messed up Liiian'i unpretry features with a eraiy light that he slatted lo ihiow when he Jeft his comer Litton should have known ihcn and there that his ploy was lo find a soti place lo loud. We all knew Sonny was slow, but we didn't think he'd need locall a eab lo get to center nng Actually, he should have called i cab lo take him home Two years ago wc were saying Ihis guy was the beat heavyweight in history. Now, he's not even Ihe best heavy, weight in Lcwiston And it you think thai isn't a comedown, you've never been lo Lewuton. Sonny fought as if his feet hurt. I f he m a hone tlxy would have scratched him. Castius could have beat htm in high heels They tried to drum some strategy into Sonny thai was Napoleonic in enncepi Itewasctainselcdonhow locot offCai.uui' retreat in mid-ruig The only trouble wis Soriny alwsiy* gol ihcic after C'asuui kfi Hit problém seemed lo be he hud 1o surround Clay. The closest Luion ever got lo Clay was the same ring. In my fight notes, if you cure, I have "CC slops L with a rrghi" and Idler "CC naggers htm" ud then "L leaped at him" Thai was Ihe trouble "to gel at Cassiirt, Ltston wnnld haic had to Set ihe bruaďjump record, The ordctly thing to do would have been for Cas-siui to go lo his comer en an orderly manner. But Cassius never does anything In an orderly manner But it doesn't detract from ihe fact that he drubbed ihe m-in nc .lit ihuueht lie .hould fighl with bulkls We thought only a silver bulk! mould floor Luton II turned out a right cross could do H If I were tlul cop in Si Louis whoie leg he broke. I'd gel a rnitikh with Sunny The only trouble with Celsius Clay is thai, ifevcr a guy milpbyed a rok in history, il was he N'ul Anna Stcn in her wont roovse could ha vc lopped ihia. You have to think Cassius would play Hamlet for laughs and the Mara Brothers as a learjerfcer. When he came along be was America's sweetheart, the guy who wis going to kick sand back in the bully's face He »ai going to show that crime di.l.-t I pay Sonny Litton at that time would have been the sentimental underdog in a railksnakchiinl Il look Camus and a bunch of iha ted -headed, agate-eyed types one year to turn Lesion into the most popular public favonie since Si. George They give Cassius the pari of the marshal in fifth A'wwi, and he wanted lobe the guy in ihe Mack hal lie's ihe kind of guy w ho could get people rooltng againU ihe doctors Ml an epidemic hor 3*4 days, 2} hours and 5Í minutes he might bea whaeked-up kid- Bui for 60seconds Tuesday night he beat Sonny Ltston to bad he'll probably need help gtiung in and out oi bed for a week- Whalever Cassius Clay u or believes in, he's all ours. Sonny List on eouhtn'i get close enough to hit hun with a bucket of birdseed. It's going lo be terrible on the ears, but Cassius is righi back w here you hase to listen to hum and he's commg in loud and clear. ana PI'UHHQ TO OO TO Ml U THAI COI1.1I, * INlluwl ClAT CHALL1HSII LiaTUIV fŮ AIT U# NA CORRIDA DOS ESPERMATOZOIDES O PREMIO E A VIDA A fscundacao A tkfe At una ptitoa nop cjjiniVj a tob dl rail I ririlli «Ja por um Jul «prrnulnir-Jn 4> P" O 4*v4o im*4un> rjfetiwl ul Jo r JŕVť >riimmlf pin uanpt j, PiUyig iu ( ÚHHO. «rrtttldo pdf II«* HfTMr •m *• itewididto. hihi..«» »ein Aj trie t n iluiwruir. ft »0 milhä« 4t Bpimi^iJÄt ■VW u-n ■ uruli «i knie Nft luilnčk Mk, nBÉM UM mmo. «rau lb) toto Klu Uli Miel n taib nd jriM—r fr 'ijt.-i w Iff .-Lriirif r*-i It r«!5 1 FH'jtRb VlXu*) i HflÉL du eoBtn I «amelt, pu» tatta- EMBALO NA REDE DE SEGURANCA Um mis emeio A Iwgnfu mMir» i Mru p» tnw 40 «mMftJe. «HUT« ti u IranipcJfnl» cluftudj wlů iptwi nu torn inunom. O im"-- tfti cht* Jt uRu UlllU juí )>uh> u c4kUi 3a p*3vtno 0r|Mi-w Nim rx« wnplíiii »w nln-■utm Munmc com «wm ruMu» As im» imp). Ii-Mo M U*vU° ° t»»*' nmu» tum alk. wkK litt pro-úpie M folpei mi rtrifon, • ílu prtctu hui cm» < fóru <■ r">M* A Mh», t rswidi i I MilevU SUifctlk*! unrfJ X cntUo. «i« prod" « íUtíílM ■tufiiim O mutuj np™,.-*>. i inu mW» t • pucmu 25 dias A ■ ■ In «t gu pra* aMnaimm aaalm eoaa h ran M Ha aua ■ aaiaraYa, ■* aaaa. I laairfllin • Hrdo uul 1 dma*. ~1J daaaarrada Na tv. it >.pnur ■ H i caaata « arto • par-a trnul do ckabrt tanan asst o attecc 4c satana aa aa (Maria Aa 4 aorafcarlnnia rodáka uim í* mni «i* a nMial — Mu O aatnla i Ha sa. mm — c*rt» da > auUnatraa <■ naarknau — ata > nU ; tu* « laauajl te fWc « arapia aa ■ jaraaarta, aa aaaa WHi Um mes * s patt da mm rraaca ua ni o araatto A a aua. I awaa, i • ■ala ■riia.hl' t«, tra, uia raaaaha para a toncia, ff aa araaaH aram. a aeara Ca praaaada ta rasa do aana, a> aarafaa át aatarlae i aVau vtia aaar ral t al aa aAjie fla ala ad aato kaštan >• Fara a Pari a raaaa ai i a aanaba a a uanrpa « anoda vaaa aaai * aiíaaa aaarta I a dat aal a tnaaaVa aara *t dar fafciln A aa i a raan aalWi A van. aaaaar. 4 a a aai aaara naada a ua- r> uawa adwwaa «wa walaaa «■ raa snaaxna aa axdaaava da nade a luaaaaa CABECA TRONCO E MEMBROS COMECAM ASSIM Um mes e 7 ďas ada inaifi a aa aaaaii da aala, • aaara* ji «aa aaaa aaaawuua áa aaaart aa> aa ™ a lili A látat* d aaaa aa «H- aa lalaaa aaal IM aara aa aaa> a aaaaa A ikraaaa* ada. U lmmi da .-... • . . i a i araaa-a a aaaaaaaa 4a saaaa auaal aaaiaa Naa U aa U tarlaaaaa A —d. da >.. Jaaanaa aa O i|li tu >a *w ala ■ • 1« uauda faa a < •ua a_da d ddWB a DEDO NA BOCA PARA APRENDER A VIVER Quatin meses emeio O i&Maao cúca meno* tie 5 a*t-•n i* pite toto na K\ca £ «*f-(■no que o prtptr* rvui aliinaíi-iar-*e cipOTttanittcrire b>ŕ> que naif/a Smi pele t i*.' .'«Ik,jJi t ifiiV-irfn'f ■;.'C ■ rWc de *«w tanjulňeo. ptrece wir ru tuper-Hoc ľ ■ ter .'t .í.!í i pele c ■ulneti-vtl H wnii*:i ■ >„ „n+ji [ In cmctrn ráp>darjrtn-ir t po-rJcm •'- ctituj ■;<-.. ť irn r'.fi i-'n i! -iM-tiľ-1 Al ttin. dai pnnMini UttfM 1*1 eaŕcrnMiri que ni-in no parte 4 cofw ** ubKai |i been ; ' " &> B*N ;•■•» ■ ' -'■ ,ť n ac'itttiiM Ať» m*+** t atwx o fata t » fcriľ-Kľ c f-i'l-. Fu iraquenlet- flei&t* Pod* char o -. -* ■ ■ ■ apcot c pc-nti-CcflttfU* «4 fuaf a rnovr-nctiwi do sbôre Tam u cardt. vmn ma* nlo podá cmfiir twnw pcrcTue rJo ciuk i r E*lí cnm 16 wiirrttíot- Advda vi** wb- rrcrtív r-**, rnqu^r CTatn. .i lotmndo conti dt .odo o Imnio I Jt.II Cldl **I ITtCTKM lipi^Ľ pan a IkiUhta O que ICOTI- 4 MfcVla wenNI»«*l « da plaeanf*. ao orpciKiw di mil. pan ler ií> mmfcdo Dei Mnunai átpatx c dMéŕA.oK ime*ii> «lfl ľeio ttii pti-liCMMlt WkMČO. AlfHUH cn*nc*« niKern Mnunrvmriw ncua cpoca forim. o twHO de Mffipo een que l> feto pennu.K« no i.ew th* di eait fcVca* a rht perrnlie r*et>*r ej* rnU IfDfaitttl II Lmiaidade natri tiliu dectv (»i nc«i prtrne'roi mm ňu *«rii How it feels to be black in South Africa. Picture report on life under apartheid, by a Negro photographer J29i riU aH The struggle to learn Oh of ■ cure of 99. Drtta and booLi are precious in Mantehdi I pop. tfO.OM), where ihn boy rat pbolu-r,nipTicn fn Ihcir education ■( about fllj ■atooo. Ol the natioojl in-cwk, *y per teal, b sprnl on education huMlic Mnt-in share i. AZ per coil. Most children netrr irt.itm.uUtc V V / mm i \ mmm Bonda of fjned. ->oobi Uarp- plnndcr whh> pockets aid Windh^t The nun la tp* pkban: above had hu. nllmtirrn drawn hj uUarl; rjndurMwbkeliin and be pusbctl free mints the waflrt (rem his hip pockcl. Op a btitj strrr* Ibclo* rttbtj a mat ■tun on »lmni-jrmed and frisked. A bom usnllv starts u a iranrrj hoy taceiiai. Fenny baas pJtu*. baas, I ra rMtrj , but (he r*pl> tbelnwi may he a blow in ibe lire. The boy rooita, u, rubbbh bun, asVy.Mrwhrrr oot nl the cold. Coter; tsubi. meet i« Aehcens at °ir>t to celebrate tod*)'* robhntj: u* plan locnorrowi. On* of Ibnri ia unokinr. manajana. « 413 FV: J* 1 -Cc# ' — -*1k\ Digging gold at4id.anhour Tbc ram on the bench luir been arrested foe en renne, ? white iki wfthoot a nui. Tbc |Kil kr make Irjlii mui; checks a od in African can tn to pmnn for n month for tnenar hit raus book at bone. In one raid, a 90-jear-old man. Henri Malinka, wai cabled [or sacrancy ™ h Je on he* way In collect his pension Imux ocninik who walk«) oa all loons Malinpa\ lomily had rjten up hope of srcsog him again; be wan freed after sil days. They arc coin* lo work in «j;okl mint Tlscir par will be three chilbnp nrr erfhr-buar shift, remit by lourpcDce aller three months The medical exHtruinlion laboir) rr lollnwcdliy (csrrprlntin| for Inctr pam-booU, la hrtalisT their pranre In while areas during working hoyn. Then rack rwrol is reaied with a tank, vest, pants and Iwo blankets, the coat to be defturtrd from bit water*. A constant nurrralocy i.i I ■■, ,i r macs cornea In the cutse* afxer rroray base failed or nil ta eabaoaterl Strikes are dletaJ. [owl a drab, 20 men mas lis c ui Sharing a hospital bed These children arc til fad lUninjwanalb Hropital, 16 milts oatndc nhttt Johjiumbart.. scninc t,\rr half a iuiLIjdd A Eruauti. Their ate loo Few doc-Ion ud purm- ■ --■ -1 -- ri. itry M ! ':s '■ *< 4 1 J '* ■"1 "■ ■' bed. I jtd >1 iirh, focr dwtun did Ihr wort of 11 in ibe casualty wciicm, tt> tn fuH-lime *ad two part' time dorNun nut Ibe oiurcofagKiaL departrocnl. The nirnkxl rtaff was four inU**d ol 16, the radiuloo slafl lliTTciiisindoTVnCB. The while, African ud Iiadiao doctor* who ituff lUraofw-innct jib ruiw u Wckh, meaning braid and wheal) v«tictun« work 30 boon al ■ time. Two ntn 1.1*11 > sleep tn fbc ntilKHii^ patients' rcst-irjOBl. Ihr mj1trc4*rf are hkroaVaiiird, The nun OB Ihr nfchl htvi waited thrrc rij> t fnr liatpi Ln] inmvoort Io Ealcr him to lm bnmr 3r nulrs away. The nihtr ™* fell Iw ill In r,o home. 46 50 CENTS ■ JANUARY 9, 1968 A special issue on Sound and fury in the arts from sex and violence in the movies to madness in the galleries from Leonard Bernstein to a pullout portfolio on the Beatles BEATLE JOHN LENNON BY AVEDON 3«tfHifi3 a nitHia, As rvith everything ihey touch, this photo session with the Bealles lorried into a "happening" ol Indian art (or George Harrison fpre'edirsR page} and live doves for Rmgo (left. P-L-..I a tOurta* k- a t>a «MlaliwJ atuůui vVPď* aerob* nphia are naanava and ra aa* ■ hyi of !<<■■"% Sovnabodr Calla yau you ba-n aroava aowhj T* -<** t ydjajnp -4" In kalt doacgpa Booaara That a how G*pnr> Mamaui cant* an la be pbalnarapbid ay ArtJa-d Ampen ai Pal perpii, u eaVPa thai w* V* ranud at Cbtltat Scauu ha>* paptdd lha word H> aacatarUa at** Na timid pufnata of naj lamím Of arrival But Caaraa N«t ttoon-t m tfi IN* aneataay. wvannaaaord H* m« bnaen a/ • hraji* paajn.ab c aaawi f»rV l.ka atad eieandd-plble wnctawe Ha a cat Ma rai i il edan 'aft da hub*" pad hat prosa* a cua- tiaiii ■ Ida n< a ncii fabric 0,w hat «tan ne ■ ill a racloac* of paacaxa-tAia atay ra narai to hia aavat a aevaj at pa. bdadt ľa—.trad, ha davvvn a Ihaaa aanď-ich. inam a tma aa—waaat tana ftdan «n Irani Mra Y.j'V;'roan aaVaadtatl.-.g aaaavaa and ana naaAaaavjrrfa^lprtnwadacaiahaa^hh-a'.aa Bcota f>aar/ * Od* ID Btlaa At*wnanpa Ml lrr*nA>rtdVjni CvrtaaW aPVpnoaraah Th* aheatKif a it auanvd A aa* coo-poo—a caaaaa nw ova* lana* awe* a# caaaa ba whach 11 dvaaa pal at b* pAobbaraaJvjal aach Purge Tha ooa* agent and haa nacio-ah-HiFd aaattanr aland about an* Tany eaaaa aap aa praaa ahW«r- tar rdvrl. rba pet? aap tea aaa am paa pad* on tha FW**-a I bote**. Ona ol it* Urfattl aowncat for bv* aataat at tha world hear) ana twvtad by ra lata BnanIndian, •**> loot,»aar. cart V ava Baadaa aarrgt Ml Pad tad Aueaaa aarvoava»/ tnr-lH tc-ra BOOM 000 CndrVRnaaa. Arrdor. a London aga*, in a aaaao-ccnorad aut wah ha-pe ~«fryr lapala pooe a. to rant a aaonf with auh-ftpua. rt artr> harttor My, taaoo'y ndadad prop oat it la/da and a ,.o-t*noa>i aaaea. aaVaa caAa* ťangt up Oddna* a ja. I •! land* malt of col 'aai owfioa**) sta and. If.Dua. ixantr tar Pact) aaaiatajnaiaaf Pa BaaPa naatf aataga taaftaaoaa R> ttan lana ttracKaa hat Han-clad (aa* and aanaa '-a nt-a. - ■ aapartact »a- 'a Pan- BrDaar, a adut «■Kurte pdfSba IhaoupA tvheaograpra a-iOur-VJ ringe nil aaa* Mauaaa and *• iwataoaSlaTa » '«am- hvapa about Ida a atntadar Hat ajaf bfcaa aatiiimiaaiaiad *aV ahat aoon parva tVom ha laa aSana Panta tanVraan Aupajra avaa: hhatda aj rtnaan-yaaaoad Johnny Aaadaai la waaanjaadhaj fa n™) r,K h, i,riy>. Ha ä „■ lha Bra'f 4 Ity aaattal arraaaanaa Loot Sua mad* ua pkriaiat al r*a eaaavt* ay four aayrhattrW: KM (áv fnvrva-a at John Paul GaarCja and ttaaoa maaaui-^ &Yl~*7 l'~ pnntad an taaH» aap*' •ra rndnabta tor ft SO aach Tha nada-acnaan «ata -and-varaa pnous wvM •aenovcaa aa a *r by t»" tarnn lall io Four podaraoka oanw araBsS Tco-chv «nwa a ISM Boa 1. Loon Bmlanaj Oaa tdiana* lOnalCXd l^aaaaddí&Crvonoa > Thaaa aaaa a aatnatantaa, tiladfit H aau Utalanloifaararda Thay ftandaaan I hapaacanaaaaa "TKa aKjtootapiav pVm a «aack t apa *na Cat, aa t ahoutdat Um uvaanlvataiVaaiaaah.aaida.rdi Cntaraarunkt arao IM ah** «nedan Saua d rh, naddta nl Da tttaaa vVajh ha artd har franvn, ayat and laa. "•ra h» laaaa aar« aaatianic Pan sa man Mah*-raNpxav, Ha daaerda, ha a/aar. naaw-uaaa aahen ha a lad aaa-dad adh avdan aynaWa Iren a Itaal an Tanan art ay Art Watauvryaa Or *a naaa a aaara. tturdd at t pan.auiy panaaig af p.ahfl-ari oanpa ajl .djiataaj ataM lactanp» Ch ihr »oad a a nana anal anadaaa On ara Ooar * a urhdwbaa v^awaahaayadraaiicarriauar' "ľiaiaUm ataxad ba lava that1 aau Caaraa Cara and kutat an* Im.lfl.r. t id Mat la Ma a rnaatycar Srrra utttixiiy rana a^d amal-aar V lawlaanaaatMar« Al aaa * «dd aa aead to. atari Ha Induan aiuaranea it aaaia-lvaal ataa Ma H taaattttienad aanui pat and ana atatuaa I vrdř tha ik'M i.i'iaa caaa hana iäaaataa. ataa atflkaHa faaauay and a da avuroaa Baita aaa "a V« le Urn ha last fcmaro ttaEaat Tau* ha hat mat Pa raat al da e*at*i acnf tlaaaa haw nvjih pay ana aacti aaaa* a braa trvaaďa Thar aMlduncad limaralan e# fatlawaavj Pa btatujr ah. SAahaan y**> to ha Acadaay at Unt-a tan H ICaarVw* anay do aara far Inda* aitaaaai Van hanhayn aaj eVaaa baa*, urn and tba. blab. trrWaC tndan atari am Hrtany da rajtaur aaa laa da young a Pa-dam and Aaaaaraca A aaa and «I ■**dftae«n hat bar una da •KVpu* S oaa 2J03 Cab tanva eaiatfa Mudaru do a ragirWry Tha Inuw «anaial »aiatabia Sacaay ctaaa (Taptara x M rajaranaa HnvSv dairng aaaana art-n Tha aaa artbbtaavaintana*lr*taitll*yaaT "Yaaj ana aar! of avaaavon. tayt Garr pa bid tarano tua Pínia ad rai Viaj- body t aal a vara da You bar* to ba bva la rauraad and pay aa a lardan b> ď' that aaaa anat saoea ba Osa rowtap diatnum, a**hi 11 a n aoa^a Ha ataad wdh aWavy rapaaa laa 'Sdihdď Paaa an aarvatovt utápa tva* but darn ana aa adte la a«r,th-n* b a *r,t - rr* r,^»» !*-'ü-^a( Ow r -j-5 >-»r PHhhfbav tanatacjoao ban ad Pa Da* v do* and diinbtn* rai a aaa pay ta pat Iva/h Tnp* aaaa a rap >aho aaaa bam balara Ch« Ha a aaa urraj b> day btpaaanaa*a> »• AdaIdauaay** Ma nap raabadoa and ha kvanvt rat baoterw Ha and Orat aa aatetaraj am Pa .^wuj An Put ant aeon ba mada tnon-r rtrnugr tha haapy aap aeara " fat Ji aara thai ha look LbO ror pa hrst aaa aaaarwarnayjy Handl I *» btavpar baata Thar hat! drappad a .*» thpar trta-drvar car"** Thayd pannat ta ** naaMdatAvaie and aaatad *• abtna aa. t rary*inj naa aajaraaVad Tba daw atari aar* an bra put _* dan t cďa Th» aahav* •» ai »V* rVh*- paay alartad autbraa pa ra-i an aa tata* j la etoaa Wa place ant ihaarp-t a awl a bon. thai aoa-a and ruahad around ta Pa Ad lat b aa* an avbnary ava/* tata la an.f laa a lta*r»aod aranaarataaa AJtIralyyMiand at IMi-oeúa .--n. narajaraund I couht baa rvphr Ihraajr* Par aal aap tap. I den I naad LSO any **)-» I ran pattaptitaual Id pva t piaiin rpoart anwiaH a that cat) tad a., da ana par I aaa Thay aar* avbdai Maaapart a" tha Orpar al Pa Brdah t »anna ta bavng t naboraa bM lab eaaaa raaarda aaat abnaadl a IP- taan i bSabV i aanaa t tha ■ r , , ay, t-chr, a, aa b-« aa'r^aiTL -ant Kt, bra-ot, , ta, a a.t oaav,« .M ^«aaaw.,^„tr-[^ "~* "•»a« Mfjaauad baa dpa, «aap aaa b- -aa a, b, ban, tra* Ha baa •"Jbrna l*aaajibaababaAIWIp.La»a»aa arnnM ««va»hanajiaaa*db*»adbb»aoy«. wdh awanpn ana hat a baaf a* ba taw aaa* tay, Itpaa Al nr haaa mry aa la bba ba am. a a as r*ara At rata taajpt 1 antra aaraad a aa atva tat Ca i tar, *>l ltd 11 I auata Paaaalat aaatda abnlaraa an, TKa la apt . -n,. lay tupapr *_», < but nrvpt acit d u» baa* Ut laaa. a leva ararananuathat I aaa 11 Ip aaaa la tahn apaaat a a aaa aaaiibaa amp* Tba oaa a tradaaia.uaha.paia. aa ha pwd bltbaiai Haptv piaaa aaa. n. aaaa aaaaaat *wtaa a rwra a w* aaaun l r trvaj a pda " Athad 4 dan, pa* pat aa. haaa p aj awl dl -tba Pat I ai aabatd" Laaw apaaat taprary af Pa Baaaai trny aaaa i bind" achael la ludaai trad Id par at haa wdrtaray-ciMt ia n pa aaaa da aataaaa d PMabJbjpt* data» I baa ba an na t hall aaa thta i -Sprylaai aaat " I ia,ai*»(«adaaaira.aaw-»la-nataaaj O bay rsai -war uaiana» pajra r-raat-aarHtd-PanWaaaa. "v.. ataitatdaadtiii.....bibnr t.aanpapra«ayayaat»»t^ a pun, na. Ha a rae t nadá br a paa d **»^] Ta.Fad la. awl apradafPdtVraM »•adaa^aj»' haaa aab ha Sad rbd^aa«aa-" .* This Hell's Angels motorcyclist writes no songs of protest. His actions, his very appearance, say all he wants to say to us. Thus, a life style becomes a statement about the world and, in a sense, a work of art. Irving Penn went to San Francisco last fall to photograph some of the people who both outrage and lure us by being what they are. Looking past current rages and entertainment, Penn placed these people in a neutral, ageless environment. His pictures, accompanied only by fragments of conversation, are addressed not just to the now but to the days to come. cootifiu*11 LOCK '** 51 D "aaaaa'■ **»*r mi I iiiw%a, immihp naar■ «i• - , a, j iMtlhwMtnkwhi i — tat l 1 ■ '>m.i*i*mmv*i Jjniftx^ fjtwrn, i a» a a* **^»*laarTjP *nti «»an»4wi #T*ajaili •fHPSrai to* a* *B asm a. **a i n r i , idi ■ ^ **• ■ ill ay «_** *p** a"* i pax* «* 4 im a* ***** ***»- */-* -I i *■ * 11 > | iMfHMajMH { I _ „ J____r * —i aaapa aaa «a i^M| *»~- *m mrwM a* »»a *** aaa I ^_ >aa»'Mi»a'li n Kaaaaaa the •a/*****at an an aai a*** laa^n , IrtMCiatwai -T 1 ■ "i i ■ i*n I * • -*a*T a***l ***** raa taal ^a* i*a *a a ira, ,**• amilies •"»«*( 11 i Taaa Hwaaj *** paaa «*a mm aw .ara ^■^*ava»aTha. V» *»_>*•»» ,, -aiahaaa ha • aallaa,l,aK> A.MO JOHN LJJCl 51 i*-..* Can you pass your test? H«r» i. .../ylh.rg ,ou n**d h*V fa* a top Miw. in tk. Mi rat, hi,,. i0 pen* . * Up-tt>dui» ttnt mat***,! ■*Wlt Qrflon,i»d UV-Jv gukjW* •Oat ami don h of tnt taking ■ SvNrp-by **»p paog rommirvg ■ AaT^yrrg** prrxlKal l«H □ niarfKf ond loll/tiont • S*>(f-*Voll>OtK»n proflltM COWUJ ICOtt^CH HAM SOCKS WJ w.l wj MlVJJr'f* I ■<- MM*-. - r '" H 4lJ_*- • P*r- f i' « ■ ■—— • tPHT »■ - » im-— i-— -» VBr. IM.-J- ***»_ MM U*> M.Mll 1*1 _* T.a-. -a. ■>>*■ _U*a> 'I j__ VJj~^-£ — "iTSit t-T IVtLS.KaTE**" U. tV-aaXtf. DON T OVKIOOX TMIW COWLIl iOOttt ***Y4Y4a»»r»«* C***** tta. lwl| r« 3wrTt*-™- * — ITatlaa-a— -a _aj* ^^ilt"a—> "aTiT*-"-- 3 :i £T E IX Kt-Tu.^ uw SisSwL E^fe'i- tvti-— Lit™____ --___I aa-aa — a****— Cfis■—■ ■—— ■^r^- a ft utrageous IV WP-y-lM I (4/11 OH rnm jin.ť li catch 'WlMhtdlllwMilMa] r%ff ^,1 rfMfra*** ItlÍNAIfrHdiMi řy At? I IT*** ■*> haván i t*d ffuŕi pc&cm fÉť*ié¥ľi ara ' ha fcaa btWiflbntlwf. U*a «rffjtfy Mna t*a>eJutba ybV lVMr*ť 1*Bnlf 1 "Jí 1 ptKíI M 'a*>t ba a/ha*. «a no* n On I tVai ttay ■a-'rf <-* Fnght hav* «"*• r^!> MiAt«aridMMfMlaniv Pwp*a all gai aa:rta4 «4m thry mm ba towang md-ldOAlb«ar^ ibaWJtifba ' V «jaI r* la i rffag-baa-a11 co<~a ľwŕa¥iPB»a i:*-#ra> n » ŕ*a*> bta^uf - ' H aoanatotf] «na of f) cimiroalsrinn wfcu . hare^ciiaiic m tin ptTuro "Thar buj Sefro ™ cVxnt m tut thqr Oil k_t ,| hjwl Ifjltiltfl ---*"I n lad locrbrra; rjroades it cadi other Utt-lnwtl on rhu occtuüo tbc Marino •ere «Von oí rrriucics Wí arerr 070« to «rcBti ita« tbc earthwork top of tbc üudd wad 0/ Huŕ «nct tbc pciuďci were Li_m,|nnnli pani the Viet Cuny. pofsprad tip auad buried ■ praaie rd pun taken dm picture before a tuefcened the petuctr landed ihort bat a srocaaded tbc Gl n the barxl 1 sprat II dan n* the Amcricanj (ftiiet tbcu wiy nu dae CnackĹ Wbai wemed UK about thn whole haute war the fan liar there were so few mature ■eaaVn trub the Manne platoons. The capon hack at the rremaml pott war only 24 aad the anrate aft of tbc platoons (noc oat bo ■ana the Viet Cng poshoos ins baa] í iVrt BaaaaJ 1 írn: -ict.i irr--n; Ac rtxna; men ior Vcadcxahip The nat impetsarvc tisne was the •nancy of the American shelling. Tbeir aap* mat at sea were hitting r he streets ■ad* ta frcaat of ear poarieins. And shells frrea a) arerr hate IS nalea amy were aasaunr. 200 Tarda ahead of us "Saaasumaj J (nad ven nxmnf was the csea?oe»md the Whtcthare dr « ** >searoo - ratber toother "7 rooni I (c* ihe Icdm(. „ nx ^ ^ n( tfZ*™** « oc pan of ibe a-tílcľ**"11* *etaa ■ ■IÍL?™ Q« tbey ftnej tiKtmehra ^rHra^seľ"^ ^ °^ ^ I^rľľl ""^ 01 ^ «*niTT tit™ 1 — «* *™ nao year, are, ITS HARD TO KEEP COOL ON 100th STREET rMtfnpbl by fever Dandum Day by day, far newly two jan, firm D*>id*on took ha camtn into one alreet ctawe* »i random rn New York1! ghetto*** East Hartem ■ I UJUj Street betmi Kir* ind Stow) A*rnee» "I wanted to photograph everything there wan," he *ayi Patiewly, with cnenpaauon hi* w^hmt toodraoenmpo. he won tome tmat from the people of 100th Street. e»en though he wie »a ont-wocr and while imnjt oat p»X*o«Tepha to people who badlv needed to that of ItVnwho at beautiful " On I he following page* wc ihow tome of the phetfogra^hi he took Above, • I*->ear-r>id Negro prl.a filth ichrwl Jrop-ont, w*h her ncwhom r>.r- Her famili mo-ed «*. iht choac 10 May on in 100th Slreel Left on a hot Sunday iftanoon • Aoiiui iht pent* of l(Uh Si tea »re dnvea out (rorn overcrowded, alvertt Oaled apartment) to the unaD rela< of arfrwalta and fin escape* The lighter acction on ihe righi ■ . tenement rebuilt hy • U*al lenao trtur On paae 4« Bruce Dnvrdaon and the people whom he photographed nil »hout hfc or, II" h <*nct m rXTnrj(T FfGÍJT m 1W utfWn itw if M MA Hrtv* n4ma> cum k.. C ■ ItttU ÍMnrJ ŕ,t* i* ■4ľ» h^nr jSwrwi irdn mflnr ■tWaiirwiiiriLKai, lunmu ■ I>* Wmw - irtrnwW .1 k*.™ lo huar " i-mtl ľnM«tl'Hqnhnuáloirmlilbn f flpflfV«i pcrnka- fldhrtf irwv /Hunuiu fcrjrt, •r Awnnm anUim MuiYripJiiw iwAiiW WiAyPfn' íinufiJrw crtnw. » fňŕ äŕf EJ»J f« f*ď i.. run |ini #TTVF>ŕVť ;«"#m m Hl l*** -V* ttn, UlClU^lWl^M/kT ■T bW itavl pibct. mh* títtn laSŕJ iňOttAň VIS M/1117 .y íWrVrOW.KrtMj TV/tlíl/DY luadnrIIrVpnpbulnKŕ ifen •tuf tahv .1** "i juiAVt uoiU ir M-«imrV J Jf ITV •Win(ltrbri> ihr im MnJJn, rtn ■wvi »v rAf Jŕnr**Vf r**" *UU] (W WMv '^intarWliwnlWliMii.llib LTifO* rT|í4*l,í\iii.fí»fjňUJ„>1^4w| o*Wl V MrHfáwf ^UihAuM, atlifrn BJlrf *' KnVi h knwfc1, in, m íHf olt(ní í'irfCnVfwiMiu' MOST IV m*ľ»l JOtWIESE tur im íwJmriä rub Hnlir or *»rr r>*TVtl-1 >U* í»««lVfi ••«•"*' nlxMTia .titíif i»nim«f«>«wl*<"-*wii» in ílu*fHf*rt i-0 ROVrrfvwa u bnrtv itt(wi Fyr rirvnv *ifn»i tra« TV AÄVIV Utaiiw*llil»"ifr"'ll,£»« .l.jvr. ul»-i í .< •* Dni- Vtifr, Kí ti* mtkrT „itÉÍDtrni^rttrrTri mwW frt I m■*«" liiiftafflwuw TVi LnlInT ť*«*. H"- arnW H«lhM^ fwMjrnť thv IniľH li. l*f *nUntím ti >»J» r< (Tf ik.i.w* lt«^-~.ŕiVlllUM^.~\ iwn cu/»J »W»í>UJrŕlln. >if»>i r It. I-jkí.JÍ vhvAw HiCiin i.mmmiH "VTT .i-hí |",,^m n mrtrmmrwiml WkT AmtnMX mn' 'Mi ŕ»» ir Wii»i kwt kriu-rtrr. ímhh n«rukn# " Ai rhi w * i*'r*r aMMMNiilnnAw ihm^iMiAmMlNi" life vietnam ONE WEEK'S DEAD The fate* shown on the neM pjjtt jre the tun of Amef-ican mm killed—in the wordsol the ott c«a1 announcement of Iheir deaths—'"in connection with the conflict in Viet-njn " The names. 242 ol them were released by the Pentagon duin< the week of May 28 through lurve 3. a span of noipeoii significanceewepl thai it includes Memorial Day. I hi- numbers ol I he dead ire average for any Jev«nfay period dunng thi> stage ol the v»ar, II is not the intention of this a/iide la speak for the dead We CJnncn lell with any precision what thev thought at Ihe pjplitKil currents w huh drew them Jtmi (he world, from [he Setters ol lome, it n possible ta lell they felt st rongly thu thev should be in Vietnam, that the1, hid great Sympathy for the Vietnamese people And v»eie a^pallrd at their enormous pressed their own feelings that their ion? and husbands died in a necessary cause Yet m a Time when Ihe nurrbers of American* killed in this war—36.0CC—though far tew llun Ibe Vietnamese tossev have exceeded the dead in Ihe Korean War. when the nation continue* week, alter week 10 be numbed by a three-digit statistic which it transited to direct ant/jish m hundreds of homes af I over the country, we mult pause to look Into the face* Mote than vve roust know fioiv many, we must know who The laces or One weefi dead, unknown but to families and Inends, are suddenly retogni/ed by ill to (his stallrtv ot young American eyev May 28 - June 3, 1969 p lavtolr ;c ^ltw L IUjH*irOfiJ ;1 tirlufií r rKlon la JE •ffiiiP Ii-.trtr.l4 11 ChfcrfH^rv«.tr. It rVirr>,«c Mini, rTc V**ClTt>ijry N v Cjfrf-m r1! t ■h, -J I f-,' In der Äonn* DM FlurJ-uHrl BV dam I44ttn. lITi Ml*IHnUM «.Jan. D4Lm*t *U[r* S-Si1nltL fluaul. dsr pdiflns Sohn dri grshmsnsn, J, -"-gtFtlu, iu**W*n mil OOwimil WilWI FltlTn J* Asm StsKinjiWv serin Swpa bri-iils tslna Mfltsn DCflynsrn sin niAskKbtlaMlL bsi dsn n*i>4H wj- síňynDin. bťdsn PS '■■ Dsn ĎtrstlV Wultm im in saHta Kn«|ti8*ii Brsti' ipi^cr'Kr'ľ amnn Sun-in dur* í s Olttan dri Slsdt 5^ mil «St HveillsníSft ASH, mit darn Kůn.ftl- tjgs mít dan ssrmiisn h jicn Mam u is is abar Moss Oovinda. sam Frf.-a «■ trsrr rftiftirtlDNv E' lisbls SiMMrmas »••}♦ J"'d ro if Sbmms, at nsbls tiinin Ejir] dsn vpllijarvrisftsfl AMtafd saüwr Biasjunfin. ir naset alias, ass S14-DrlrtU lil und Ilju. und an riMisii Labia sr Stlnfi iiül>. V*r+ HDlhSn Vv: :n (irfjn-kan HrW a'MPBndsn VfllkH. Id DSbitn Htm &donanra as* Nan si1 .■ f f muds. iii*i> irSbhnhnljD^j. ssaifraundl Er labia aikrt **i mil «in 0411 w#m •fir ubsiltHur.n hbiksr und í,. . slp> nrtri :t j niLnd-»«*, Idu Sinnst in .MSTlUl tí IT- Ahsp 41 r^ří ;r, f-il DSt/attn ^| sm EitKHtaa ;■ LsSii* oar ^(j.: SlMÜM gl Lv «n su^urtroť-SsmsnM «■!..-Do>r ishii sa Asd>im.-tltn>|it-utM?msr*í jj, B4lr)3lt»rB) tgi und D+r VaÁ 6i srln> srn Dtpa--t*i Samam n ;r Si h É gill EP» «HB i -;i udí F.|U^j .,. lurliflhmji mm ITi tit tisimniviiÉin Siddriirmst Wsndruna lrtm nirwjhrian, mM Us** fliitiarOaaaiii Win dat nsdshn (Harv qujpan us ttpfjat.. L El tmo isurrHCJI lili '^aí^-' ť JÍ rWdlnassl smTaaund «af»aap 0«a«»taa V i...... r^ntin r™ Er rsutit Itrildreirtu. rg Taaa Das fimi teriaand iMtrmldwi-ks*i und Manga* Jin wip*n diMíSř-nůn. F,ni B*m «Uintdri ima f4j r-ajii iítfl am Krm s»r |r«Ksna iT^ee jpEIj-i gr>alsjlna Hind 4d-aňsniu oi wsjsjcMan ini-ienbrsfflf, flldhantf iv Hanari. fiurmd W Du rU. und Bland, Du at rada Smman und Durst rnahr Hsšai, Sdí* pi^tml ilflnd sr Ln Uar iWtdniaJ. BUS Ht-r.pp Huf. Irů" dst Wastar Obar MárpnitB Scntilltnň. libtp 1tMPH> Dé Húlisn und Baas», und dar Buasji- ilsiuA t.i !;-,!f(r^( 6rii nionl mahr naratv b4 L« teriTsUan. D4 Ha mil sraiari Scrraaiatnd Uu*Hd sr sn OonHJs-nns. JHSJ dff bnaniisn-dsn html sniA das Gljl *u* Sthafsn e*r E.ifr. und MdMnns yBns-r.llfr lllrr •a tDK tt f Blut snanr 1>aB. ba r -p1 ■ f : rud".ls nehr brsnnri. . Bualrn Mit* sudí Í-* dtianhaa vwar. dar i*f n asi Sstkl*. to iŕj**Ji lind l*hrn m.ŕ íí ;it.' fkuM da 5c tLmd »dtaunha tuli.iiunisa sdl*|s>arlsňBriPd aattcnr. gWiindirt Sd*n*n rW ™Ci.rHI* BFitrtllSdUlHT ssuvwsm oVn 19.3 év- .feř»Ůr> und UTjrKflTl*,- d<í* Nw und LáTiiCi wu* -ftwi Voter ■wTvfkfi t<*lCKJCT. AřHpri WtÉ ^ipi íl jí:- -i! '■ev 1.1*1*-kjiiVwriiLr p*1 ■ >«HrTk T«g - t>4w»*ft I1nillll|nfnj1ín d*Tífl i*r*3 fepi senjm Wí *J^í4 1,3*. itVM|9,|. ftr VSft*. Jrt - CcHVdJl Wi-ijnK^ wé> úm tcr- 4 dd-i jjiTi j í-tyiliríJ-w-e Siiler tn dor italik ™c>rr> G*T*Tf*1o*i ran **«..*■ *-k*v-rr Vé^ttni CSirtFiíÉ rV#rj OuitJ. CM &*Jli*''',rti .* v - ;k n ] | TrotZ - JO jirtWirtl*i^tj mn IJ-^n* •ffultii Lingí i^vc-n uLL# ttEh a*aahinijj .-, ů/fr Vu^v 9*t ■ftrtcritijnfi **■ "J *"*.' 0«T ■■■tiSfiLf-J ac*j>f LUCrTt^tvi ti jo* htM m i ■ f tu - i- - r i v*»jm cl*.. 1+ [j^ch Viifi- urd jř lufk rtu* iiiiLran ■ i sj- ótJ Út nJ.1* IrtfJOrTfWfl r- i""rn jjl i• i r>urj,2*r \re- urtd m> trátrrwr L**ifTf j 11 *«*( vOA i/Vjr* WfMrwt ín Ttr-rtí u*xi c+s-c lOcfl *n tgr -ř.: I. OJ.) 14 r#* «*«r KM wkI. 4tf □ *.ji «rjř řiicf.1 trcqn-^-1 íJh) St-H* Trti1 ňr' *rár drn itlrtT ■jtftjjMfl d* Op*v Qun^ \jm «« var dji ■ a** CKvf*ilTtm au icft urvi du. ůcf Zc<< nn\Qftkn wv^*-v)i<&i*' Wir n it> JO I m v <řl cwi ■jtniv n> tM j ví IXXTrf5Cft TkiH de-i Gtxlsfn ni ■ac>f4>f**'^ VVtfli iriVrt ij Htirtrif ůis ti #vttfi art(Sar#n t*.'ř) dtfi iu ti- -ler* fta^V Itjřrrti"* Ach und n>4>. nwind it-fli* d-rmn Wff] --iC-miAíj avlie *vi ^■íridflrViitr n.cnr ..(■níiji' ijyhd WchMn. qi* hfUríii. OBrllr- B-ri^iT+n jfuj ihťffhai- ',>*'•* BWW 1I*M t*rviB- W W. v*n UH *t*1W«*' ítn ipt^urm-ťn jrkd Mffl -*fv utft 4 r> >' itm t,* ks, 5**^ir**n tM HifThlri V*-*r Vď ■J'*i. ifwi Rt.w. d#n t Hl» Mar ahlm iHMnwTak.Hilriff- mm****) * Ha Baafcv -MV. >' D« dB Un Sa ----ilttli I raun mi. ■ UIVTm. 4, «. aa» lall llr.« n-r i:-.,-•i^l-alHi-XT», *V_'—i mi.!.». vlitn UnfL der IVii-flksBiaa» •m atf *» w aamn U«aa i" -| 4.- . ff rp -r; - .KM. Aid On mxA 4m mit M*fnm*v mmmmkL fcc r« » .-«krt-ir^ tm Bat •V •j^n^wiS-p-^ «tant-ak**-1 Hi»-*. i—;. p-tf L»». a Ja a W— •V Lata? 1H> LI« aal ihm fr Hu Ol Jak- Ti, ra Ua W ada arte aJ »im ta-Mhatl Ober drei Folgen hat wen nuno« Leben des Brahma-ncn-Sohnes Siddhartha, so wie es der deutsche Dichter und \obsl-prci-,1 r.ircr Hermann Hesse in seinem Roman schilderte, in Farben aufgeblättert Die ploultchc Liebe *u Hermann Hesse, die in Amerika aufgeflammi iit und sich in Buchauf- - ' : Im '1 I (Hiiimiajim »r*- *■ ** U«a — ruwl-iaaaeiaa lagen äu&ert, die in die Hunderttausende gehen, und die Ihre Wellen zurück zu um schlagt, kann nicht best nl-ten werden. Streiten jedoch kann man darüber, ob Hess« Dichtung nun wirklich so verehrunpwürdis ist. Der Schriftsteller und Journalist Alexander Parlach kennt die Welt, in der Hermann Hesse lebte und dichtete, aus eigener Betrachtung: Als junger Mann wohnte er einmal einen Sommer lang in Hermann Hcsses früherem Hsus In Montagiuia. ON THE MOON Footprints and photographs by Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin LIFE Exclusive pictures, eyewitness accounts The Massacre at Mylai ivm m of Cwtupui C M Uhr hhqw Ah fati YW jLLH-f. jii re^ii-rd *-.l)f i ^--«njT rncrHlhir- .11 I ibe -nK-lt S-if-w hncslny in Manh c4 \ttA I fcnwftU l^iV AiTi*rrA»l [JViTiMifi kid rn*4jWi:iwLj.Ll t\iihlhei*n*mr) rVCj' 1juiiijt-(L»' vii- ■■ 'i. Iljd lilV-il i.'*- \ ir1*.--r I hCLT -Tff j ft* ru»TTM>r* of n>Ji-r» JMih.. hwi -hsri ihr Amy -«ltcd ink. iKttti a itm olh jltn \f*z PK*>dcTil it fourvi w*hri»JI«i>in-il«Jj^c«p4Murt nwuuir. IlkemfttleriT.ijHi hau rndrd ll-ri ew^fx rtwiToirmr dl Ri-n fti4<7il> nj-. ■cm i C*lfol1--a Os^tcpT -lM4rni Alt*, tanmf a-S-ul M> -Ui (tvm forum in*"i*i-ärv he -i*-»tjc kl'-tT» If 1 iiiif.iLiiiHjTfji • rjmrfvjirtvii" ttumohmjnihrriajrl. and l^>-dy h-^L».-rn pLavf Vi« jn r hah torn cl-irwxj * iih iniundri of "»n yri h -THSm-n tiwrihhcr t-f OfXtil-l h^irun .»(-.' il Vj- lii, a Mi Z«l trite* mti oTTot^-i) C t.tu ■hiukeai. 2\Hh Ird-mr) air urxkr irr^M-uInn ( •wriYW'it.'i jit j* [,» kKF* *kjl hinW- 'I M>li- -.Sil hfiJim-t] ^■4-fX-r«V«l K l"JNAI I) I II \\ |l| JJ I I acta in Vrlfiuwri lltVJu*ctf ironti^ ib* Arr-y will *-) l"Mk lhe Sotrlh Vnrtjmiev dhrctcj 1I1 i>.n ■ns'TüifalKHi HjIc. inj. Myhl *ih"^riKi> ulk of alftxitK-i ■ iuki V«xi»*rf.| piv-(VfjiLjdj. This umiMfue Hk fKlurH^h»iihii here hi R«i-ri-J 1 Ann> ^i-ngn jihiT*d L*be "i-*--M^.ifrfLhr: tni^t»ic*s 1.11 iht folkr*Ffif 1^1^ toi-fln" ■ of irwliipiiLi We luirn-r ihrdcl-Nrraic ...ugJiWi itftfkl inrfl. -iimtri, LhiUi-r-i mt Kibe* Tlie« eyewilivwi »*> owMv t-> lie iTven aTCompay C irnj -u,>ivifit . .Upftr*. ■ijpcaie ihii ihe Aawtiaii .rroi> crKiiLiTiiered liilhe rf*" K'Hiik l.rt. rpuiifj *irtLullyiiL. r+flW H piidtihil m) ftciLtrJ] «iil-1-.nJ I r-,r,i mil,, p,,, ip I nril ||1£ urwr,j rrr.n-r I «* S^l-, UPrffl 1^ I rl.Jf.1 lutm u> Lr»ni The order was to destroy Mylai and everything in it' J* iV*r*r/*PT* £*zt r**iu kitw «ni at, V«t * m *ClMrW C fee upBsted '■ *rI*j i -t . *:m! IK* «*a! < ■ n . liV . ikV »n lhai »f »«r Mxflil 1*1 Ihu.t«f«r> !>.->• m«]cmsMbrr »t UtUi J o*C nine haAktk CK* *v t^mf f *f> t tmpma^tr 9-XUth ■acre di*j£frtl •mikc^ ^ *w«a*i* * «**-* wwwupt*- r-*v>i»r mm the prr.rn.iwlv aflr** wmJ ra.ti.rDr \ ci>wf4f -r*f •«ri> tatare. wwprr lfv ftn Jo *•.!«-> Uw (irr >w utw I'm Wjta- 4 T-•■ More ami land iaw«n tu-f MaaJ Itn mn~ mmi »■ ■fcdW^ So**-!*™ M«t m . Iiititn hi U v U 4. i tw»| trap Ckatta Wen 0» tmt a*> hart to nap J «•» ewj I »er>IWy *««t njhi •» •» C-px**i Hii.ii (Wn -aw *•*- Ul-r* U*J)tip »»4 Wr1»t TrV—* *.! iV tairiinf. u>k *t-j 1 arum Vir 4t-m oAl 1* ■*«■ nirM pi a ht>w Wi ptri n-mj \t*t tkeMttm, uiu few («cu*jr Cm M it* i*mm\ df pMnwiwt m» mmwt mix a pep r»J» frr tta frnkwaf mim> 1 jpHjin VJnJ.ha JwAfll irvc m «ntn La p» M Mrf U) iWHft or rlil#rT»' W«al. VW» KW->J1.^ cn lUana. t* vjj-w at Ihrf I mm I | |k*jA Hf tl1* «vn i»>ni .V Che (av1 Ifcal —t »1 rut> ndu» ikarr* I Ihtrk »Ka1 »< T*ard pttl (or ■ art mt 111 iV*ni »« i?hn*(ki «r divi»tnhw*> it a ■ ■ Hi -.. uJlHif iSj' hctt - iha riiMn) like nm> IW tk*d an aflMj Mr 4—Iwtlk 1 km ««a p< If, la he nri fera tXaJ ***tiW ani -t *-*U *>k «p >«r rr.t>a* «*c MH fVMIf W pv <* anil *a«k iiuLnn rtc*n, fikcrlH mha iiim «■ Mm* I*. IW, a f«1fMl llfca*. ill) I tar fcrU--TWO* njpr Munp nipn M»*a»rf« BB MB erf Cnwp«*> <■ irw i*e hwr *-ai»f ai I >nj.n>f /one IMntm »irJoMiWr.aelbrn II kOnWim J»>> IBS rs^U-^. -en »rf M^l*. * Sr-n. famr mrmr-rt \fi H*f *crv tv*«J \*» an a.*m. Walk at U* fin rw*ac !»■ V ^ run lhad «*t» H»pi atanni it* Tn t4> iMj l inaMh actnrc. T«lM| «A Mi rmrmf imp *wJ fc-Jh onvpetl tmt} Com CofPpB^C *mU FWLiiilc MM U* iHc rrum w k-a/* kaaiLet Mil*.4 >«, C hMl Me* tt* fcni «*I Mpa»i m MrJina HaehnW *W OtT) - H-mLflW >■ Macb -a^*»lMcBM» ii' iV ,rm TV \rm.) mntA no tK-Uoa al ilka I iitae tMi jfrwaar> mIi uMwanit c-aian-T ■** tfce *irl*il preii-pp-l^fjti i lUlicnk a MArar aiaatM mmn md inmm MtaWfMiaedrWI lnoi p*4 mm* pwi Tlhr> avaaaajal 'You don't call t-1Em civilians-to us they were VC ■A.*^,r»iJ Mm.lAl lltAiiMTi In-Sfff ■.»1 U«*. GaitaIm,* luJ fi4V Uiifthtt-i. |i ■Llau n, 4-4 lU>fn f»>>«j ikfluft iht im IbtI hi J ik. -K,tl,n!», itJUpjc am Hvterk- »u*nh la i** I * Oh %kc*hvur* a cv* Md twiN litet* «1 I he wuh uak Tkm iiMiMiitri^ikri A CI tJM l vmm Mami l**t» o*iVt-v Vrf* fmtfmnj tmMttt mm) (fet ■** aauI dkc tWII i Ml ~Of 1« Jkt nf)M ' win it«c««rtr "a ic AH iht tMiTfr Oik kwiW 4jtm| si hn ■J hn %-itt u *n rm aa*1 ptV pjmml [4, k*J Ti' »11- ■■■■«* i-ttj iw rrf iLW Tti iji Ah > nulitp CThwirx *>nn«-« U,-j ji IkSrr- »WW dhH> 1 «1 *>• li-vn IKtT W^«Vs HiMn. L—! Lk»J I * |fUt J I r. .fV* IM in** « |Vft. *d »k«r. t-#»t>>».»J> M* in Mil pijiPUl Ht iMl LSm m\mmi «fM*J Lf» • Ikrt. 1IMM Wt^intnkrfi pjjtj *g-pt J* totwri ifct MM^irfwt Ml I Htti pA MTf MtfMl lk*l I MM M* M • m**+m IjatPl m I kt*J .<-*-> •,.^[4iiJu—rm« ' tit The ( --j » i> . mm t 1 |».••*•*■ •wru mk] U tw^jikOi <,. WMil bbii I > ■ c* «■*) hhf.t W'otM. " TWr« 1 tack W> •tA >«>t h#r»>t4 ■» m • itjr u.. Il4-^rrtc Hi j Pin t!« « n* «*a mJIk Hi hm^ ^Y»H m wi-t mm liutark LM 4l>*>« ht ik A 04 tfk-rfc *.«*■ ani in k*m TkGI hmJ ik#m iA>t.t mm «« dMl Th Iftt yW .r,.UJ km K4.- Ik* MtJM*) Jw* il^lMMlkl. I»» i-w4 mw, |« tM ikiirtlik ^.I^ommi TWOI r Uwr*H * rtM Mri mmjI, «TM tM M»| .jdirtf Jr*ih ,1 « «.r 1 - - .1 yl^nii TW ***** -ft" 4 r-AiW, Lhh 1 11 iijitirj-iMt w^pHkr kiiTMig. tfiJMiii../,i>| i*.s, wASitJttj Ikf |M-pk -« t«IMM 1« km ' Lflk hHt lk.1 JVMtA I Mtatj **t rkf % ■MWM pMkfdk 1W> fc«t* 'M> lV» PMMglMrlMp Ikf 1 JhkJpT •€ MM *** mm p fPTMJuwfu .jum n v»j lund -»*K |T4t me, hiHf m «Wjt to m> Tkr Hhp *• ■vHi-W .lllwi r-v-f Vitliir>.l|.,rS,11M*»*k*-l- li ■(• r*tj*- -kU-lV mmrAm Chij * (*» Mn.MM] iMii^iPMikWiinrtM I * MM MMP, ■ t «rJ> I .wmi thi «M « W* ■ iMMM TkC| *m > C OtaMHbtjwv Vn mm 1 caf «m> 1»m pkrp m* *pC TW> ika>*»Ml An tun «r im» Am •*-> ■ •Ml tMJ.frMl kHH) J*WIMIJ»WV VrM MJ« l# A* MJjpMrOM>l II «W> Mjtff >C AM) r» «»» <*n «*i *-*) •art Awl € imjim Ub y<-« tkvv r*r»r. • TM«M^lMlAkhj|IMMjJrf||Ml» 1 pm«-- vn lfaplM»k -Ik 04> 1 *m r CJ«V-»* *ft++*f iff rrt^WlAiM-l ifil.Ojllrl-M. ji| r#,#«Hť p#i-i>n '#Mkf 4-iŕi u* rtu*** *«v-r iin jmi ««- m*tfmii4 Mi-kvtT) IhI wtwPiVvtT VT*tf**ii*Yl4Íi M ľ JTT4.1 -hr1 *rj ■ •*»*»«»»»^»— F ■^''PiJjj^^jm^HJ- ÉTr^>iif^i-j ^.-»ijf^w dating Mji^^t* fT** _ 3 *" ť-*J- ují [^Jttii.TH-r i ílu h j ■■• r.L>ŕ Ri-r.v*—!-! l|, fir^t M JtWv< ■ - * 1 *r LIT--T-*ľl a» U l»» J i I I II r--Ta Pm>-1 f^Vr iV-pr-J alk-l !■ f HW nřd-1 h-" ll-ryr^IfnÉ-jii. f"*""! -m>--i «■>■ ™ ■ - . - ■MJ*JJ ''»^ -»vr-cá? f «pi *-Wb-T f- r^-.« - P--«v-1 ia.-'^.rJ) ;r >v1»W . ,T*a*-1 fc- l-j* "I "■■■| _ *ftT mit hi jilcn i iin.iirlj it. 1 ri.-n +p *r »t *■ j;.fJ| ; ;-J- -11 -■- ■__ m 'Hr*iirr um h-i j p- -Waih j> ji? O-, i pi rHlrlr-rW'h t^i-'' J_LÍ"i.ľ iE HWt-rrii .#--,.-1 - •*■»—i if JlrUtJsrf pip Lp fr«.« " »I ■'"'Píimii/p flriini Mri hniv» ■ c*****' jj tmi #-ví*-í g.«'** mi ŕi n irr«! ŕ"<"í Wi**' Tomtit **i Téfirrtiant M "■<■»■> i Dome's Journey No one is afraid to photograph the breast anymore, but what if it's ravaged by cancer? An essay by Eugene Richards 4-5 r»lWogriph»ts have long been '., n-'ed by !he lemele breast, c«l«br* it is a metaphor tot lh» beauty wrjman In retem years nearly ill wboos about" laveaing u m print Wen shipped away YW or* UbOO mans vvu»t rl th« txeast is ravaged cancer and then surr.«c»il/ renxrved to pieveni me ip-ojo ol the disease? On Oacamber 3. 1978 Dorolhea lynci. was adrr .tied lo trie Boston Hot prkal lot rVon-*-, for biopsy on a -"av. .n her left bieast and a swelling in her tell irmpn The biopsy was poWr*« siagell breesl cancer with lympfi node inwrvrj-men The porosis "Paiieni it e.cel '.<> candidate lor modified rac ca rr«-*5 c 'on .y with adrunci ve cheroi herapy.* Ooriie tynch 'mouoni 4 moan! I wis gong io die" '■<■ day a"*" the cam* horve Irom ihe biopsy. wNe the wound was aim liesh, her (riend Eugeiil Richards loc* me pnotorjrapn at left ll wasiht<,r,I p.cturtrclnhaiO*nere'ers to how as 'a tund ot fsumey" through surgery chenvotherapy and recovery Richards essay dccumenr.3 Dare's coura.eous poutney, oerr>r>islraijng the power ot pJyotoo/aprry not only lo c*tt-txate beamy, but aisolo r^.lront—and perhaps help overcome—me tearscJa disease thai alliicis one m every 12 American vvrjmen (M J SerrjTE surgery tftthjrdi tfoagnphsg (/» sutureo1 rnojiop a/tef "»t>qpiy f*i ngoij Dome awo* e tarn Ihe misfeciomy c/ulcftrtg he.' palriWami 'The moment of discovery is a little like dying." "I »m obsessed wills whin il Iir 5.1 eaptoded into Me." wrote Dome Lynch before Mf masabKlomy That one cMer ent, voracious cell m my breast The cancer trocars uy rjmors can grow lor years betore they are detectable 10 * touch So I Can! help wondering rfil was a ready in tHicc lhat night we yonny. clipped »1 Sumel laK or when I cm-ered my lircl news sftry Vsu whole ajnv tim I spar*, sryrrg 10 urn morawnarrale "TNirrijrnerrtddis^wBryisakflhj Sfct dying Ttiewhole wwigriol my«leHaned •v>aaTS4iTaa»ltr^ediriesrne»ijrr«jn my breast II s d count me uHimate betray*. • cWecfion you am urspreoereo lor—your own body's rjrrang away run-rimg away wnh a erary new Me al at own "imends cat and wrno with stones oi e»lravaganl euros by wtenwis. stereos rrcar.lic therapy prayer and holy waters The mommy amy surgery Iher* was no IVau^wrierwiriecVcmr^MCjn crry the hurf rt her ten aim Geaie rrrche/rj Aral vfsCQrsal « Danes Gene and I warch bocastcres lea* career publcabons 11-gal are thorough yet under-Mandaue We and one book Ml a too technical bm ecptani tcarselrang about coi growth anc cfiemocrierapy Si* inn • re no pictures In show ma what a woman with one breast lonsa t*« The ngnt twfcre me cajarahon Or Robert Snvtey tea* rraj the deia» V* wii go up to ihe clavicle an) nujaa ow ncrson down 10 the Chen wal The wht*e braasl poets oil riaher rae»V "(Vi aversion »1 Ihe shape ol a arsang mouth They w* Clean ofl *m lythfih rrodes Ihe chest wal me arm naascJae and my long sfjfcnrhd ropes of vera *l wish I ctajtd erpuan 10 tarrtfy and Insndt trtat < is not amp*/ Ihe loss d a breast lhal imuWai me « a •natth* ksss tyrntxates aiavaroiuiinale-day all trie cats «1 my body ate ersngushed akecotd Hers' The psychiatrist asked if she fell less of a woman. "No, I'm happy to be alive." "20 wars from now, says the doctor, "you'll be glad \ou went through it" f> Saneyam cnttroturMrr adchatl ivwrinwiv^-eww raaMrca », tvian Kxrkl cm ra uare the afkatf onl rvrry Timiixaeater aw a a fTJ oetenl rmencr'rue I--- - y -r, lacmnc* eJ *» CantM K- mj K C»»»0»V B PCM- caoncj to ww idni kxr ynar Mr*»-ra> no ran* poaang mo my Mm bV "K «uO> aeerjnd MtWI ll c< my rv«r 4 ISkncj "r*r- uafci efceur vd* atlaai cy r« c*Jt Aflat aacfl Mtwr I art! kicA at my r€Kt,x.w Ojci wucri u ha-c tti aaomarh (or na»rry Xi icut "MW antj or*r>o *u can pney "V*wi t> SJwWy rcixnrjw m» n -»thkttjn jU*j»«y«* sj'jvt -But niMilk nvlrcariManwck* 20 yean rant now yml be gVad you Mrttnaaatti "Ha jwaa a* netmmfcn iradCytoaan «fm*mt»i ever, evee ami aft llomach and tjejae* l^r#en mm dnad i jma wx, vjoq my i^o w** "Ha w*e»rubcawt»eei^r«>yacioai r uppar ar»r happing in* vejne ■mcMrn taarrn-ctarri tiarr* nv haari Nrt fvwn vnprv, «c\ jl o >i*as anri there taood ""o troia «■*» ioud imeg** rat ?i den cojo comn my uptw anr trapping lie veine tjaP hat*+.bmn\ rjoem-tjam tfcym nv mart M*ng ewr. ka »> rwede a sanj loaaasltM about ha peroral «e ae he vnpaaa one Cyaraaai any anatia> to ry tajuoaiaam Mkvrje WW mOm cxeka oaep n her ffmal ■ m» Oraaati ano utan my tw -.and my arm "The* Mndnaas makes, me aaytiocry tins meat peestjt and hymari aa-ci cy crmxrv-ju-nr I «v*» M< tsarj t* Sfwaay ruta, my efaaa my heart 1* ooaranl team to nrcca I am tasrjrraa tV -key my haa a gnaang batkeue/ end grayer aarirajgh I saa hata nr/a num about ivnraaaM and OOUort •Gaul bang re slv*ei-eo«*^» hen haa had onaafl back and aae fceharn and •iwrG bm fay TL»iv--xr t«r*«asauOaanoar-T" SA 17 DOMESTIC HIE The War Behind Drawn Curtains Writer, by DISK PQLM*N _ PART ONE One year in the trenches, one )«r working m doajouc abuse cases, is enough to bum tarouLlipuioihe pom where she tacha people on (he street and wonders •huh of the men are beating their women Bt the time simmer amvcs, Hillary Ho-xei a glad she's leaving the city 4wrirl anomeT's office and going off to law ttiwl She it starting to think of Ptuudelphu is "the dry of wife-beaters." SU knows the label iw'tUir - tlx assaults wear everywhere every day, among all races adrlmsei, afflicting an estimated two "niton women rutioiwide — but it gets to *« pout where she can't tide her bike ftioi seeing evidence of the w ar being "ted behind drawn curtains b* tOHNfl FEflHltD "nth-, by DICK PfJUHiM DOUBLE SUPPLEMENT: MOUNT EUEREST/HIGH HIMALAYA w»»»l««m.lorth| NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY WAStrmoTOM, o,c BEFORE HE STARTS down the ladder. Maru Lad Lakes a I small pouch of nee from his waistband As he 'pnnklci grains in the air, he recites the different names of Pholo, god of the forest "I must not cut the comb when the god is not pleased," he says "I must always pray first" The Gurungs practice a mature of Hinduism. Buddhism, and animism That morning Mini Lai had sacrificed a chicken to Pholo, searching for omens in the animal's lungs Mani Lai's father, Barta, taught him the sacred mantras But Barta's belief had not been strong As he descended the ladder one day, the bees attacked him by the thousands, arid he was blinded by a sting " He did not make the offerings with i good heart," Maru Lai explains. Now Mani LaJ turns his attention inward His eyes, normally alert to the slightest movement, lose their sharpness Without a word, he starts down the swaying ladder like a spider on a frail strand of web The slightest error of judgment would mean death (left) Mani Lai stops beneath an overhang to fate a nest nearly as large as he is. Its surface ripples with a thick, black layer of bees Two of the honey hunters, Krishna and Akam (above), have climbed a third of the way up Lhe cliff to secure the ladder Clinging to the rock, they pull the rope against the cliff to bring Mani Lai closer to the comb. Meanwhile a fire has been set at the base of the cliff to disorient Lhe bees with smoke and encourage them to leave the nest But the wind is blowing the smoke away Gesturing toward Lhe top oi the cliff, Mani LaJ issues a silent order Within mm ules a flaming bundle of leaves is lowered, and Mani Lai pushes it under the bees with a bamboo pole Now panic runs over the living surface of the nest as Lhe bees furiously depart in the smoke Nothing distracts Mani Lai however The golden comb has been unveiled A husband and wife team, Eue Valli and Diane Summers live in Kathmandu, Nepal Their book on the honey hunters will be published this month by Harry N Abrams in New York, by Thames It Hudson in London, and by Nathan in Paris 66J ti "■rr'jUAinwtj honey," I tlioui villagers gathered I at the base of the cliff Faces upturned. Fhey *** ihrun out fwti and pans to catch the sticky liquid as it runs freely from the comb These eager bystanders do not belong to Mini Lai's group, but they are welcome at the cliff nevertheless because they have helped in the past to pay the governmerit's annual tax on honey hunting When income from a harvest is slim, the hunters coltecl the equivalent of mi cents from many villagers These persons then have the nghL to a taste of honey at the next harvest By the lime Mani Lai finishes filling the first basket, it's brimming with 1S liters of honeycomb As it reaches the ground, villagers swoop upon it, dipping in bowls and breaking off small chunks of comb 10 chew It is a honey [east Later Mani Lai examines the color of the honey and pours a small amount into the palm of his hand to sec if it tingles If it dots, it may not be sale to eat, for the bees are known to visit plants that produce toxic substances Occasionally a villager consumes the hone}' before it is icsted and collapses on the way home, unable to walk for hours, suffering from cold sweats, vomiting, and impaired vision With only capes to shield them, the honey hunters take their share of punishment from the bees Plucking stingers from his arms with a pair of tweeiers later that evening, Mini Lai laughs at the swollen faces of Akam, Amarjang, and Men Bahadur {above right) "I am old, my llesh is dry and no longer swells," he says '"But lh< flesh ofyoung men is soft and blows up with the bites of the bees " 66° Europe struggle* toward democracy, it must also confront a ravaged environment. Corrosive soot has fouled water and soil, and in blackened industrial cities, the air is laced with heavy metals and chemicals. In a world ruled by production targets, there was no pressure co clean up. I atft. -*iiri Bi-nuL I,.: that «4 aa>, iMll-nlMntM. ' ] -mm utxw.Iwrt Pll*.ti|- IK* pa^t* rri UlllMllBiL fturnanLi. tub*, Iti-UMir-jl fiin t—Jh bluklrwnwl «i« in nifl) rrpon* But the tnun ad of indLWtml litnriXtAtatt fotkrvi Crr-ml Kutopc'i cm! mad auel belt, Mffvkinf froen dw ■ouck Eaat German*, acroaa porticcfi C*choaio>aJkai to kc^ihecn PnJand Mom thin rnil-W*. people ivc .1: 1 in iifi llrir. | — 1 reane i ri mxl rtiJU, prjnvu iraftoeu iad chemical pkaon - Iwvm 0*Cf ike town, of Si Itui, vherc mtr-i m ifaeif 30*i and 40"» aft dring of c*ni«. hexn duoac and crnphifern* Nexr Cneow, a aaaaaPttBaaa. in ■ h"h mi« 650 fret bckrw «K* political tvrrW 11 a refopr (or choae *rth reapiraaOrY proUeu. The new gjori^aTiCftfJ of Baaum Eatfope have errand tmifcei mental dtptJiBttna, and chef mj^ncm\tdmt that ckaaiaf up tiU mtw Lkwij rrnerr uuiiUl-^J pLini* nvl li*rir( .Ltwti nttgh borhcoda ataeped te lead and w dver Em-Lrao menulua lirmaad ihe Knahdouaei of rnrcci ivlofrjEiah van tout nau and of Land 10 aeadac it can nwnn ad crape. Some open* wt **> «cilc^vr*l Uanhi^l PWft 4 noeded- Weaver*. EsrOfe, riucaamad by she nauc ben and oW fkyvmf and bleviof to att ova iWrmrjt, 11 nflreinj aid Veat Gernun* he* appnTYxd about JW3 miiboc. 10 ckw up Eaa« Gtirnany, and &-w^deii hai pledge*! J4 S nulliftA 10 hrJp hm pbDtKKa in Poland Yei ft wdl ukf more thu ttunej w being; Lie bad 10 d>r*t; pollen tMfjetnaJ tone, waere em jDaaaf; paoeJe aoand defeased and dnr-i. Keanr 1 hr Sem Lem and Qahen hope the patina. ctaftfB* nil bwoc ■ pncbK "1 icet't kao« the vay." mti a Po4i#K teeA-aftr in Kaiavarx. "but we havr oae* ovef ihe I-doo't-oardai r KILLING THE CHICKENS Onryai efln tSt Mv>li uiffmtm n/ dmo'i dVMormi J awtiraamt, lAr /infpartem la ilmimni the npntih fatalpwm of a/pao! mrngr fcrir tnwW oV oufuiV n nrW fr-d h It UN hint Ml l%1agitifJti fwm u-l Mill /a y«wlii i m,.,, /n» nytrr tkii mltrrnt tflnrn. au amarnura* vttmtfur la *uia4in£i aVrv ^r atMtr—nrnan .(. ~ ... i.. ■,.., it™ (J»H.,r,(j„ afca lH| _ 7"7 «a»W nnn! llrnr Ihry lianl .,, „ *t,w~ fcf 11» rUoaOl m irbJdi llir .|rnv,,,' "•^rn>rii( roiled, a ,ear age on. H^jj™' IW «rnr, ,„4. ptn „, , rrp^ ■ J|»tal a imnnw, ,|„h ^ ^ DM BawM bOM ,„ lfcl m utM "* (''"".'airfn ,n ilanjp, M ^ nl in ejar aaSulU The vuungn-'i nafllr «1 W*nw k*r> luan. an ur«mpli*rfl UriurtT Rr|,a>il llioar taCtK nadullg II luwn about lam The dcmrmualKMla an da> mi. "larh began no 30 -Vpnl, tulrninatrd on I and 5 June m ivjleni cuciBneaaounj rth anwd pobcr nhxti mulird iri 1 number of •tr,:i. 11,vihemg ihot or beam a) rlndl b> ihc prair and inuV burrwi '< bu». Inmri and oiher irhaJei. a> m! a a onrma and a dqianmew unrt Qr»l Vnnphm and Wang K«ema«i *m arrested aoon a*rr>ardi and chargirf ««h mrmtul aoon fcr 0« aurtfd part «1 if* bummg of ihr buiel Thp rnt quaih cried and arnicKied la death 5aturdar » Juh- -m *nr bai da« on earth Aiabewl6amiher miaVrn fru» ihnr relk and d*n inw hound ilinr backi ««h rope. A» daw esi«t«™» indole, tho 100»»"*«™»"*" Um tlirm. > ■ '■. iKTti toU v.ii,! -■■■<, hrfrwr, l>* oil* in *»hwh thr*, had Lanra ikorotrd »nr ram, hcMr*rr. a irfTT^-.m thinnr. uW I iLtl sU-ti> -i*f r .klh n it .Ulti the I June rn-orxKirni I'rlii^ i*h jiidwaiiio j-j»v uuiinHiin (jubfeih id ihr .ni-ii» nk.I iiiu i ii1'p.fiT !■] ilkc limit !..!• n sifc^-yl-U i» ili-ni.- hunvr the p.«r*i i'm: n u. iiii ihr . i earned auch anrtara inr nurn U ««, om ila*. « *f inrn hm. 1. nl!r-.I lo it rr\ .<,, rn t-tfli ilkH-ri Jinn i-jmtrd l-rlwrvl their IkiLi aim I ihcii larari*. l<>r*rd into a la* » iImtii .fMnKt) Hfir nrad mil (Htr nun *•** ffii- * inlM J -j-i nl - I .1 I - !1 ■ I. -MM iIh ii k> k-t-tl jf'-himI lui Jiim and arj"» lilr 4 iik^IioJ wial*. IV |m«x»Jnink»r-i **rir piir-iiwUi. Irtrjin-I* rr> n-minriiul. l>* tf tti^t r rUN» It*, Jlktl i iHi*|Kitrl , nav Hi j .ret m a ill ins;-iiu hiiar*. Ujuiiniiin ,!■:-■ i . valur was e\Jnatrd jhi> In km lltr w-fiPr-ih ri |UMrfl iH. iliry «nf poraalnl an Kind ihr ray m a pcaWr Un rig •.. .!• lajtrr rxomtS wniiitan! pf-drMm, eaih halt hn namr anii iTwnr ww*iitnl iai a [-Lac ard armaa law clicaL Al jlp-it Man. Uari jim*%M M a bfa ttnrnu nrat tlvr irmrr ••! in>n *t lm h ara» cTirntlrrl aaatla ihr irtnr^nLiMi-. n llkr hvvUa-i>r' of liar CamnirtuiMBt tiacr. *hah an, urtr *.rxr agu an cVatrlt ■! ■ >*' ■ I "I *Mrnm% SfltuiK ai ihr ta-aV i«t tupr an thr/jly. U-*[»rii* Iril jud|(r attxj Ikad |uvwl wit Irntr. in lin ^urariiUan umfcaui T>ar priwnrTi hlrtl un frraria aat anar-nra-Tjrn ami H.aai Uang ihr tfiritMipri m ihr )uH|r trj»l ««iii ihru iTOftin tiait Inr minuira Urr I l.-i jr.: Kairx. thr f«ih 'airv in iha. l>aVik hi rr> *rrw thr 4rath ak^Mrrar. »mr .a^V-m4, back uifii lltr i-a«r .HimV an. ■bm vn liar kaal nnn'Mi (iiiiml a panh i4 *»jilHiiai in ain Jira av ln-rn ihr (jiahk rac liar drwialr arltina; aixl lltr il»• a.t ■{ ikl 1¥**—-»-'y^ »a-»r ***** Mmi Ihf ůri^jfrwrJ *h pt r-f cietlIEft-jl buH ihn h ranf IWtli -I,. , ,, r raf Lilfcirj; jihI trk- TVMitlt rif Uhr lucMkjt - j ihlatc -.cíl lupin -n-tuji-* rif L-i-jnib- 1r*n, Ii-riiin. In a iiiMj.iI -,l i- vi (tu ihr rjrth jIw.iU ilir Littel. - Jr- urulard W Qi-ria. Iv iii... nti 11, 'ľ- -.i ■ i. ~t .',r Fmii)* i*ru*l i|i|iriTi rrpnljf MriIljnjL A™l ■' t!i -tu ■ I.ju ikk i |H1éUiC i;hi i-a-k '-JIhliI *nrin-i^r-i numeri-jv jifHiii,; iIk ni il- junior Lniivtl tdil] ^jkjui-tri His ni i m. 11.1,1 ||i|i|>Nir, JľMl .i him .ir/v *th1 |ilKi4^-nd|klkŕf. ibciiinciiliii}, like r>riif b"J \ M mint Y n Ii jr- - i. i .. ,i Iŕri l|•, Im cfcCCU- tiftWT us x if** tint ihc tool tjf ilbf bare ilufK- and rrcfUllril m Vjvcd. Irnr Htldit-n iiicyktj Ehe lorrc-K tf ilurtf rtílo arpititl U-r KmiIl-i trf U k nindŕipri-rd nvn at-ti ikfl, k-hrtl Jitttrthcr utdtrr krt Un ml ÍLc drtafc. Cif.1 _* wijjlr \\v* into Ütc .«irni hc3TL Brtíi n-trii fdľ k-n-Jinl. Chcú dtcd m fitatr Wu| i nrruiwcr mam. hne rrttMcd lhc rrurlv, lin-on, brxanr ■■-ríf WTvlkrd ctí ihr ptTrjund aa ihr blood CiWktI Ír.m-n Ins VikHÍmtt v4dirr vir|HFŕťl rjrrl .rnH U Lnt rmn m haMcn lhc Itrnof 14cpr-JarMj ihm hnfVaflh Wltcii \y-inj- ká riiulh -UľJ luli U.l_-. ••ttt lu.nrd oin j[kI -vi n p--* J paper bear-llirr ll-w lr-i;riy| "t».ri iiItt| f/i* jrw-n" jrhI uunr f u! i k ^ wrft | -u e.: new 10 ihrm for Ihr final rjfTkcuJ phíriiiirr.j|ici Afift^arch ihe arrpta piTfr Laien la lhc (--Im rrr-riuttniuni li a unaxK7»n Vilm řL.[i;-.rn.■ I In lhc fjprv t-scri ď lhc n-ľT.1 ^4 Ljn »rrr K It liLrli Chtľl wir I.., hjt-r ir-mjih. Later, in Nrrtínil»rr. ihr •ti\ men ircti n the um pftrti^frniph in IIh- tlU límr jqjii. i1 ihr 4 1ikLtii> * ho fpA K in ihr Ifcrtt 4II iltc it«n,kihi-tiä men were. afcQwu and Wjuif, from ibe Frwijr* nf wtfn. ind ilwrflnrrr ŕauh Liim ll<'l It Htlifgam \Lrrje mrrr ulhIctiLv I Im riii!l* of ic-rnUiin prrvxl cirrrri-ui^ľi lirif in C.hiru *nil Ll>o hin c Ejccti vlckdjJi m tntJünn ort unce A June. No p4iiuwlirnciJ ^jci rtJKľltd in the OC) cf tpumpkicig. lor rKimpte. in the immcdi' air iJirnruih of TtanomncTi Snjwarc. but Liirtľ-KCrtJr ĺ culí jiwl nuitMimn rnceculKMi* j-tr '-ihI 10 lust; i j Li ii place ihrrc in the tjii' iniwiih\ ol ihn irar And ^haV: Üir 1 hu Lc it* continue Id be .Liu^hleltd. ittC 1:1- -i- Li ■»ha>e nut pjl a«as XuE-fler Mar» liiindred* ui mihmtiiii jer bŕlieird !□ hair bcrri >cTilc1Ke »or *.rolnl in ihr M.Lr ij ihr 4 Isar caLinn. >mJ June tlVii nur., crfum hr* w«? hmi rrta*»! Imnrit* {,rniF.i»>JI «1 Ihr I m,I hj>k ■g»-crftn|i VmifiMi^ jjmI sn im, lu»r horn |fti|H»r«l i4i m-ilm .iml «u-.Um» ill OVO ihr ciMinln hi In, A l'ut» Mriiuniucft Sii-th jHiitithiiK im* ii'iiiiiiiiiil url llltii ihr» ir.ll hu Im^i (iLiiittiriv ti hü jj (jtH'-'i.'ii ii| ginnt; iliiiiii^h t|>i Ii jtuuni; iixxi"«» v.hiU .»»«•.Iiiil: li-WiiiiR iMiiko «.ir M.ih-1 in (km ig jintliini; h Ilm Ii i.iiiilii .ilfciw. ihr Huf.....'i>> i i ■! i-, t'i. |NiiKr furihrr Ami m.m. hm tvulitt .'Ii - f 'h n »* Irt rnipoic vuth puniUi inciitv **tiM Viiili wMh jcti o*f du* i :* 11 ikwJtctUtiKr. i' n umI, «li»|> jti iiiirnni.Uvil>k Ijm i • »t i%a\ im flitti Uli \ il« k-»v ihr >;i'vrinnKrnl uii in] MT II JrlrJrWHl Vtttll Hl 'Ii!'. UM i IktH *d io«tfi luve hrxii vcn th< iftHijcblt «nktnlirfcil. in l iIm omiiLry Hlkctic \Kxt-Itil IJpnung («r-akkil ihr. uinct öf ik yvM uf u*iJi»i»ik« nrm*in> Mikci. quitr *n fitmh *» Ikrfcur in llw- muH cif «igtulMJii BlnJ icii«»i 11k uiHaiiiiv Milk» nlm Üut iWriHtcil liVr J U% Aftcf Jiiibr ihmii im »in« »hilimn l».»rll"«lc Ii Hjalini; Im EL ^'ii The eruption of Mount Piiialubo last month thrcv. a blanket of volcanic ash across a van area of the Philippines. French photographer Philippe Bourscillcr was one of the first outsiders lo reach the devastcd region: these arc his rmarkable pictures. Report by Hugo Curdon ..• iVii|i^iVto aaaath mmi rukaaafaaan tinttJJuuprmp^ ha* tla »kT au n J] UxHďWon aaJJn. «111 brdUr* im Morton 'illN ih™ (hlien MM lávat u™*,.. »dio.ckilüWlfnIaiVihak ."idnj •w«rt»l In n ^.i.,. - th* af a aaa* to* "mí^vx n mm*. ■■imtfii^UM^d..^ »hvrwtiioa TW sag amrarf-*aaat at A*a*l*i iwi|"v»(' at iKr L«rtn ah** la* •***TTW—*~ aM Uka.**, Ktaatonra |»*~lai*aa řacati. a I—« ~ at SiaW hn aatal ta.Villi art mom Mar* ■ la ana Sua Clara - aaa itnlrl. ml tla* Bat barn ataaJaatd aai *a 16.000 aar lW at i .aatat m af toaa r—«W »'■*—««* ™n aa.1 drimawi rant rVwa tom TV* aaa dar», «iiavii* I1W lataaai » P**, Otoajap. da Ian) raaau aalt oam«*a an- avp •** n.ii» I a* han taaafata anatt ib* oatl raaanl haj a. íha PI l|| I 1 hHrjpS» atitto aftah, A bantam aain i nimi; patoh ^..r, taJ Uviflarui wajM*J tojj!a*wavJ. I hraji Maaarm i rntua a iht taaaao har] laaaai tt> aaadl iht baa. Aafttn « *rt to toil. Ajajon a for. <«f *a haan a*«hi /a aa, raa «>*»• aWrtxad Italiiraá^mnla. TW Pli 1 ,f ni laa.-n ^ \\JiaaahaT ■ ftaV.aaaiaiaTaaa.drii! .aaaaaraaat W*AtWUa«fCUa.daar^aJia nlWouIw hwilRhi^iklaNuU |W to*, *af aaal rja baaa aark aaa**hj m ladai i ill ha f^aa - the ArMrmn Thn ar* ih* mt-un! baapa arc iianl Mit starkem Bier und leichten Mädchen hatten Mitglieder der Rasaner Bande, ein« der großen vier Mafii-Clans in Petersburg, in ihrer Privatsauna gefeiert, als gegen zwei Uhr morgens die Polizei stürmte. Gefaßt werden n\-:itf nur die Kleinen, »Kämpfer« genannt Die Großen machen sich die Hände schon lange nicht mthr schrmitiig In einem wdtadrten Moskauer Treppenhaus wurde dieser Ermordete gefunden. Es waren verniirtiicri »Geschäftspartner«, die Ulm mit einer selbstRebast elten Pistole ins Heri schössen. Gelangweilt führt ein Kripo-Beamter Protokoll. Alle 22 Minuten wird in der Sowjetunion ein Mensch ermordet - ebensooft wie in den USA the love parade Against a backdrop of united Berlini the Love Parade-, a 15-iODD-strong techno demonstration-, took over the city centre But it wasn't just a good party, it was a sign that the continuing divisions between East and blest Germans a_... rn.can be overcome - ilami ajnevna r; irw and * aautad Tra antit an Put *»>*« id I"*) aavananaa irenar aa ' A I or ra» latdatluri. Aa a carnaa 1a Jul, I (ova rrada *nva aaan nana *a/e tiantat -oarad n a San trtia mora Pan rata a*r*l and aar atlantax* wat rapn^m a a tarAaao*tt>aaacn i trance tot caopa a putney *•» rruMasa ral ara ram *c la war Ganan tnarecar -ria lava him a in* tinpH na ta-a" aawaar a ral I daataatnaa 1 a a ajjod avn *ar fa ojayd iii'ii at tai nrajrian rat ra t* dam for tan md urea* aranr*ra aaada Pa aajtvate at I'll' DaVna ma at.ii ta tapir, «1 ana r*a taat rarada a aaran t t*an> tilia ttlaii at i. it * a*i i tonrpf o* toart anttdtiaa taunt ttiapii rnatc and daoor tnataa aa nar aran Ntt dar-m a dua ■ rarca aa to tendon t Ottard Saaati an a aanadav arvar-enn aanr clda aa Para* I arret/* rtd Vatc rat at tail ita twata iImii ti cenrneania from lamtut Cataana Wnit OpaOar and Iron*, '■■at It Lima ilea < oarnoaai laa Ion !an| aaj •*! aaa a ansa ana Pan aVaan tour aaa . OVtt) .avana *0aS Aa liaaallil if, 000 ma a* *art*"«"' tiratCVj" r"»*a"J" , af'tVJ ataJCaar *jNr"aT"tfta 0^rBaf*"aS l!*tjp>r*JaT| aaund ndrrakar true It erarlruj naetnt trtt ra Port aaa tat at anxarq eapga taat La tat nnan a aura to not »a/aa-vt -una-aral aa o» aa* aaaaaJMajaara a Bajtdajl aaa xma a ' "c^r •a raaot ton Sanaa an Ta tart at ta vrvkant Thalav* naaria tat ran a ttatua avngaa* Gd'iuat, I vacant tora maai carat bad tt a t-ara MO Hva ndiii nu t- ia» rant nana 1 SCO a ■«*■ , 000 Ita rtar Item ravatad i ad Qua* E aaa* gr* brava/m t*a lappa Id carta n a atevt aaopa arai ra pa pa-ada a vaanaart Al Pa paopa and '.-J* "** naawaan in in tan ttnrp top-Pa- and aa op vva araa ad ra narnar atosa -atm •aj on ra nan ttaa n lartr. rat aa aa ana aat aaa aa tar aaa a karat .<-raantVrl jji niuacan pvj ipanaati aataaaarv •tout tie-rap danca cudara rat Pan am» at ra i or traan t ncraii -ori trio ■pa-tad end. Cuftua WtA aaaa ita Lav, icf! Tiataa and tart, tana nat atat'ltia *tad at unman, t nvaotl ctpupt at rnd a n otrr, ca> W I ton tranra aaLtiunaa a dvuidang ■vjaacgra ton* ol a tatrt an, ntt a tan.t ta fa canoor anaat Maacnari arc too* rungava al «nt*n I Landor Oj Cm- Daa uats ra ppraaa rldHnt Meant to datHO* tucP vtDkun a i at ■on ma antant at tta Sntaa CtPaadra n anTA trad-tana nuve Jon*» **» iwr rV«uc>T«t}*nc «jhwica rixM *mm ^'-J 4Mm cm rtu* o* **»jrwMI «"Wioarr lacfTB ma** *■ r« \+-+ «*i tV »* >j D«rívŕriM b*a iiumi ifw^«nttw I i [■«»!*■ rtMiUM utlvMto* ď t*** roní «i trr»b!tm< ft1 iKl OM"") IM' ~>Cj f-flh B-K*** i4w-FK« l*'«X* » <* -« • c (*»t* cx/^ *i % Muh "v«k n^~-kj to <•* - • UM n MUMMn-aa aaaa. Th-, ««im i* éttwn. hrt an inrttáv, w«i .Uli paMHitm- t»H iP.d Wail t*oJU i «FW» *VÜ Tr* *M i>iAN[-j| ■ poor A w*m* ťw that paráda Vm hxiatmnamt rMiN'liMt' rfw^CtWn B*^-n K* katrj i*q. rr> -** On »T*. i al or* ť*al r ■ n«Jřa»r/.rjng , r^*\*0 uč* ÓvcV**. -r- Cutirg ir* c*, * t«q ŕMtrfil .">• «ir 1»* W«ftl Ml CO-qa.m« 1h-*f» DřJULnnQ ar>4v t**-t 1 • *-n ttw™ « aacond oaa* Crtj-*-« RtiMWiM >**-» tmel Ii*« Wal rjrnf 0C*Mrfl, tt I JO"*} W Mu) fTWB lháři Fi*aQ a/aj f Tt*» «1 M* Qarwi * oft« y *** ch*: cntnai C»rr-»nt Hůib*ri vVaitvr o* 1*« p«xrí»cri# Ír* t«-»nitir [txrr* t»j ity»»-* sa o*> im pirv In if* Enf. sojwtr an Mm and duba n Mint -«xr*o •*«rw»a lo«« »VtClt M<1 ■•• * 1twf1«rv PMi-ajatfi Pa'iaéVT-aTj-rri «Uta tůf-jitii IV01. r-tw barn^ra top ip*l« D«ro'* ,H* dt »«Mal down aii| ■M^twt. -ag^-ad to\ftk\it0tl *>l t*t r«aw poa> lie*) at Gt*r*i»ft» t cap>ia> V.^10*« t'tm wo^O laOOOMtWnjTunM w (oo*« on rxHtfwit lataft h|r| awari t*«r ivin"o*fo* » d' »wnrTii kn 'aterti y*»tt « Mrt tTracrtri i^srng pmaop*a -a*io K> ay-ada r*>»viarv —*v«eo e*tv «aa e^nrobad trr tfw tWX ojatffw pí tt« Wal, «Timfrinta dom Turia«* ind Llitvr (UOOO fJWAll lii-i"» 1 j:-' , Al DJ »Irl 'B*r-n ■ j >^«JtKO*>y«dL ir>UtaCuiIu-al aCAr-t' •« m*>t«*^ DOt hau půda * payfian Ctyiwii iL IJ. ľ J \ i; íí I-.!?.\T AJíP í miXrl ( ÍTIES SAVAi .EE J BY .TSARS OF S4 rtlCT »'ÍUB Jneasy Peace. I ""'■"»"»itapi^ü,,,,,,,.....! The sadness ofS-21 The catacomb-like heaps of liones exhumed from Cambodia's killing fields are a familiar, if grisly sigbt, but they are victims without faces. Less well-known are the prisoners of '$-21* photographed faytheKhmerRouge ci1o«cth , t C -i' ■ -.1: i mi ofthccňk> tn mni řn ihc ficWt. Under ihli t f j.Ii •( oune ictvcnv aí > linut ■c ;t. -ii i i -. 11 - ir at thc hif-h kHooI « T«c1 SUng Kifurmi in ilimprthcr more vniian and tmít j lapoit. The KhrntT Rouge nirncii r. mtc a ptnan, whrfť lhotř -řill1'^ nftWhcainr^ municí-icrohiixtivkry «mimrril« iwre rtrtildinR"li-21' waiuninlmhrniallyrlriqurnl. fitfiguring the way in which the 1 I.! ■ '■' C ■ ml Juniwh" pa*wd dwough ihtKtaol guet and died imidc were ihemtehr* deprived ni* nimn, hceflming number*. The grim irony oft hear fat* w«* that thr.iUVn-lhctclf-mlcd i ' < fl i'. ■ "i I rL; nr. . i Wi (l ihcm*c!v*rt open and mc i ini V m i» btifc jiur it i, wlm kept m >r only a wnltrn tmmé '1 ' ... Ii pf lionet, i PH. 11 id i n P COf>tM i *f ň i li fiM* li -HI *. T>>cl^mcřHíii^ followed i Se precedent ufSiatii-'i. and M j ■ I. ,-:......I ■ . . r '. n. | wirncHiuigizill mtirc hc nit il K piruw i'. ainul Pol P-m i ik^rcditiorii For til ctvji ú w*i a ^te+q^eli4f»dc, the Xitcm rinuliif re«int*tí'*i and te|f-cri|iiw m did 0* k«t iltrnr for eventual rtli ihilitalirei, liVtnviw, S(aimi lhtnv Inili i*eic f-rmi i*jnxlit-M*fjildki '! L',, (-11 I rlK^m. V.TL.l wi* ne* auionulic The enttfcwofii Cctrattcd in Tuol Slrng woe for ihe Pany « prwwt* umfaitton only, they provided no groundi for clemency. Orly xixn people arc known In have ttarvived iÍ cndinrd. Recent Vt iKe pho4rtr^(*hcf Rnrpomibk fix t heK Jaiřminc irtij^t-i wiidheamrdm KjiTipifc-'hci. Nhcm Flin, ikw 3!>", juried tiic Khmer Koupc is 110->Tif-nlii Hc mi tent Tn China loc hair.irt^ ifiAti M r. } »7(i *prd tl'i mbe^hJH'poirtftgripi'Kf -it Tut4 Skojj. Intenmvd in PtioocTi I Vn h K R' 4 n n McT>mca efihc AttoeuicJ Pirn, Nhctri Kin «timnrt1 tkit 1^ nrxilc ihviuT 10,000 pli. .t .i-'Tipl'.1- alS-31 aadiTcaQ«l rmn; face after fact (ilk- J with feat m*d a «kep vadiKA, "I krxw (hat I vrai t lib rij; t hc pit rum of i rmoixnt pc'.iplr, hut I knevr that if I Mid ■njihirtu, 1 would he lilled." In the fashion world of the 90s, teen-age models simulate an adulthood they've yet to expenencc for womeni who crave a youthful beauty they'll never achieve. Sweet 16 it s not. By Jennifer Egan Photographs by Nan Goldin ames is a girl A: K OCTOktt MOVNVVC IN rAJUL LAMB UC HO Hll rUUD back ma i fvmui. km**) fwom ta ilnia mm iha Vakkr ot J. ikt rUtrl <* U Tumult, mm I* mm mt Arc it Trtaafka. paaie ake ku Wra uaivaf. k» rk* *wi -at*. "Haw aVa t lack — «4», fa >vj|t"V> ' ike uLi mold Juki SMnim, vto vua is ve»> i kta>uf rami, ike anlriaai kfesay nH ttcfai ■ liaakat rack*. Tm wir.-|aHi —I kepa n, l*m*t mij ». rtjo n-, »k<* iV wl u Ja—c- (Cl«11) HimtMtAl akraaS iwiiiul Jam Hkta. ■ uy lutrl "Jaw ' -■• ■W* J>» W» } Ssaetaan a am (nA kM trmausi H*MJ ekajac-c. i»u« raa tkaak Kl fine. labtkJ- r-rVrrc- ,. ike KfnkM ea, ,e« .h* lal lal^uuhisiia uuie) tea." Saamsn ujv ailaag. Tea.-$ka hai wnaa aatk ejta ana kneel 0* War lank, ana »Ji i<1! aarona abj aati ekai ker fad*. ,■ . Kau*a laatint MsiksrV krreatl Vm rcan. ika ku laltoi a break Im bar iimWi m -- anrn ^'■'^^V'W^y.WaWrykU.^ Tmm+DmmmU, Tim ■ aar /M arat* /W m* Ummmt V*. Gat*, a a Mr* la** Wa '"u"Tl!.l^<"''|M;"',',w*'>" mrr a aVr OVno M-r— mfAmmcm An mm U kruaanr. Jaw tan. aa m Jeka 0 1 i tiff*, wtl ilaaaa *f Ukf ceaacuvaa tavt ahaae a Far*, a/a* kwi kaa batai eaat ■ a — a tnaaak 1« an mil mm B auak er eer katas. bar lav •caaca is Far* Jaaa kai mm taa*kra bar mm! aaa a Mbaa (baV ■»■»***. ksekvcaausfFnack b», an iMearianiar 11 inMalil *f tka ran* nil- it*, bam wad laakyi WV« laaea ha f" kit bn hraitiaa —w*,»aa»l »as » rtnil I «d . ik— of M*W™ — I -a*V. »«k kai i........n tk. TWara *" Ck—p *Tak -W. aka C I «k*> • w taka akaea Dna-u Ika kabn whta, hna kai baaa a Ma — ■ (manj aenka mm) ika '""'•-C avvkaek km Ha* aW -a Mta a ibra. «( ik. pilnw, <^ Krr»r« W»k. a rtkw »* (ataf ruikaMlo, ^ Tt" TV™ ** "»"» Y« *•b,fc* "* 11 aa.lik.kvl-TM-.„,..L.r^..,1i| .., ■ vkaalBiaaiMtnai Faakaa tWw ■Hal la kr van allan caaiaj awu, as jy--"—'—i— Mw ■*— -f ' ■_ . l.ukl_, J_ J_ ka.e iW rhaa m aa at aaaaaaa aaatarr uarrTc evkarai taaWtoa kke a Siaata caactn a ike l»7{r» Tko-ck n. aa» KkaaUaJ . kw «^ k» Pkt-aktk* ft. Jaaat kuaiuta a a> Jui «oai aa ataa a rana. th a a. kagar it, akaal u>J( ic|« u it«i<« baa-y "'■"»!'■' ■"""T.*' *• trrml ikr icon, a Mm*J at* tatwa SljMBnMIIbant Tint tatvi itM* It* to lit. 11* Ik* I rlovt-H lK« rwry Mi, tltea tart «*« lldtri ^ <*»» tr tan oatrulr ik* Uatntr, Hi Maaaw. aril htrWu tio.d lain nvral Varan ct*cWtt o/l ikr Boat trtryont • n»Ud naaa tat] nana, tat MM at valatai fa* irT—ctW IttrUfrtar. runad Unit >VrtV UottT >' ami MM i-t -B-a-lt^ Cat..* l>« i .rvmi taatrtaa-raa bar ka aaa a tka -ana W k. ian», aaadrb arrrr aka-rt ,« tbti *«. ~*< "jr........ rna.-ai-»l-wa^ unantaa. a. ac-aaarv a*.*«*r, at. Wta* .-an Baaaaa. aaa I tral al ratal - and i»* arri.vTv. cka . Uy—aia andri aatk. a ttM nba a atin tai • Itunkututa (at -tni-a uarvataa Ja* tat *» taakanakrl, i.iiiil.a.lW*1 taaa* tad ik* Lain ■ abut a t ctaai Sbr a t ttaatV , ,,-JC,V^l.i.1luT..nli.'»k-. acky at Vat the* by mat) ka aaa aaaaaitat ptnu rafkt ta ihr tufa fcltatll) bat taaa oatta It toand tart Inm uVr "f\aa Frctaa" inabnrb In tcianjn^Jtarcucti. no unf'r net aay newatj Caaabrfl taviaitt tVttt tW tuv Wtr a hard pnraltn, lOtTil «Kra ■ bora aotuar a. Vrr aatr. tbaloa. aarrlr, roe a a oana. ynaattrn a Out* ita banner af da balcony J mart atyaan it • >Kn. tVta. Wr law Mat aaaa Al tat tana la aral urn, laa™. Cafcaaw t uaccnay, tkr aratrt to Hal tauVaar ia arret a a pal atarraa; a tar ttaatl play James met Michael Flutie. founder and owner of the Company Management modeling agency, when she was 14. I wanted to go somewhere with my life and! wanted it now,' she recalls. On TH* Oat FtCTTI tJU/tO « rtU I III ill I itiMta. TK DTI FASHION tOILD MODELS AU I trnrrt prlr- SaatrttrvJ raoara an naj ft. Start bar Moat tal ICaaajM «U Eranrriau art -Van, prla " Daaa.t I tbata> tk* am*, any toaral (tr l )0.y-old I mfjatA aba ka aaaV -aaWaa tra. tar cam. "aaf cataail lia ya ti 111 11 rale alaynl bt I taotVH of aay arr InKMacr a r ^.na or « a iknaaEaar a a krv ~|rf~ aacaraat. all Man* Hv a Wy r tat I tit aaa aaa aaaaai TVaa Mtajajy Itaaa La Ilia ata rr caacVca oaaarWaran-. ka. anj \ acaa.a alaat. aai Laai. Kaaatai. ataraotaaly cat art Wr Lt rrrrot yean, Aaaanci kit kKorrar okantn aaa "pak," ant rKt lajnaon aerlf ku t iVory taoot aalrr artrtuat ktrt hw ttaar tjanaia ay kajajaj ata ital (i if It. aai aaaWtt aaa lyaaaaal n 11 ta aaa ilitatj oaaraaai critWvry fattaaaat TWy in akat rata uat tart a> tat Wt aaa) nttta) an.1» tart ta ihu atTt TV* nor ai allrli kat Uti ta aW aaa ta* ftakao .nduairr, akaa* hrttaaaa baa t&aaaaa lata the bO"l» utlt aak lb* atlrra taraa* ol oabariJ attaccaaaraoat pS*. I a>ll) yaaaV. kataay akj attbaai aaott tl at, attaVt Ufatan Moacb art prrirnkr aaaaai k> I rahart aktntta tmli (aaa hir at aaa taV Aaaaauaa a tkr axaVa a Ikta yob — ttana aufn a* iknr lutot a trait TTary at liaill tor aiy tan afl kat LaaaUaa^ bat a back u> aba) TV* 111 tbant aaaaa. aaaa kiaaa — bain. tat. tka raaaayi an Ma7taaaaak taaa aaaaai if W IVd btcaaa* af da aarkar ima| a Tain, T. i Wart. araaVA d klua* a aaatrakit aaa, a nra Tka ■ ataar hv aiaci aadak tka tan tad tka ka kaaaj di tGajata Ij II I aa I • lattjkaaal ka Trar Fataty. Fktur trrran aaak ttaaa tai Vat ni °---^r' r Unr'i'l' "----lijiki ■ ttl t t inttjUiii laatar aaatt [a ka alaaaa aWayt aaaa), aa aaaa aaar " * Hdkajtaataarl laaa-cdku aturrjt •a ibr taaVaai •aarli tkarr a i i Tatty, you're MM Uainf far Ctrl men I ineeaaanoiCltaaiiai kliat,n»ri«.«iatVMnaatlaaa| tka Ittrr btrt ktaadta a ^ ikaa urr tarocuar loai . i itoatrT, aaadr. ka akdWy a artraa aa aaa tb Far tkr uaart J.--t-t--a-----a. , To -nad11 raT a to aacoaar I tarat ata aai totaatul Tk* raw, am ol t attcW rttjaarrt tkal tkr ton raaar, aral tke pmtraalaril kraary al lie Caaaa* an Gat an. tkaar and da Frratk I aari anautt. tad iadaiaa. i nn. aaaa* aria a karat, bar tarn a turn ka km riltdil fraaa lux tanpni tkaa ~Va I wm aaa uurrt Id* Ik* ritaarral.- 11titan art m • attr iii, -aaa) bay dad. at/ aayrbakt" Sb, ia i i-aa*. n a mi ma ar - aaca. ka.a>| rat tat ti rno-,a*un. tk* rabktd Haaci. ^ a. irr (aa. lor t caaaa af dm Sa* baa aaa laraaj I*, taa) dNra bat tlelmaia atrarrkaf ami .i* rnr tf brr ataatita ftauty a tbey al tatrJaai a Cbaataa fbr knaia ataaaal J—v an. raarainl traa da Caaaa* an Caacoat aiam aW taatraaaaa lii II L talaaa tram bat teal tl ltd taVW Tka aaa (natrr-a). I baa aaar* aaaoraat tbaai aa «at~ fT^. I kaam taa ttjl s iontrW.ikinilaada«)aJa^k.l^^^Cw an (Weaaa. faaa aaa red aaa*. Aanan* ba aatdata. la tanab aoataajaa t .aia,t-^^i.lun-4»«^.aa1a oVaana. tnaacaaVr.llitiaaakaiu^raaai a. 12 or 11, ^ a* iaaam, ^ ua.------a , TV aae ar*X aai pnir.l id aiaaa aVray. aat rutaa, brtoab, K« katk a fat alaaaa t» •» "ear Ac ayjtary (aa Hat aj . Map aanmcad a i*r far aat aaaay eaaaaatl abt at) It*. t tattmta II Ou aara. »IC*.,i,t*..t~t~. ...i— -..______... ■ _ , ^,,____ F li Au ary 4, 1996 / StCTlOri S She has a look that's earned her runway jobs, magazine covers, tens "ousands of dollars and a shot at celebrity. All she's lost is her you At'6, A Model's Life By Jennifer Egan Photographs by Nan Gold T.p rsn, lit. It ntkt: Jun Kin hi, irrMial Krlt, it im Inm Oaaba. looking lit. it a til Pirli rttu, ind rtpl »1 Ktrl UltJliW 1 Uildlt nrtr Juki its' imthit atCil. Cirrlig Marphj. it m Chatt thaw; In Puis at i lilt lag f af Jim Colooau, ■,,» ■•*»* "•"t «*•* *»« taut to h.r dnící 11 sbni in Nt> Tark. latiím rsw. "Hor btSr mki In a Wi wi," Ii haw J>»*" ■•«'*•» diLtntjii hi<: Jaaoi pa a Jota Colonna tti mill lanjsitshh i haial mam. and with Kris at a pool hill hh New Hflrk. IX Irnti-ri....__u _ _ __ At Richard Tyler, one of James's biggest fall shows at Bryant Park, she wore three outfits that had m common transparency from the waist up. so that her breasts were fully visible. ^t11^ ll» in ard even focd. Ue r*£j .„d,, add. up. ^ wholl ^ ^ ^ r> «m« rurally ,he ™ff 0f ?utoruť) , ^ ^ ^ «* model, - will mike in e. limited $1 K.000 m this, her Hand war Bin,he lOCwJlluvt. commitwo and apmta to pay The m, it. go l0 her pirtriu, who ,„>«, ,! ind prcidr her with , »«kj, .jtowaxe Strdun. i balance „j,^ rf,,^ ^ a[. ^ b micisl to the jutte., of any model -ho, Lke lUdcncnu of fim^B íhocair* lor the top. bfaoral work _ dui „, pamg lot the photopitih, thai appear m the fuhion ptge, of impmw —„ Wpiyir^fSlMpeedavoo avenge), but highly prestispotfi and a vjtuitOe wutce of tor Aeeu and apoture. Catalogues pay much better (day rate, inn at J7JQ and can (on high ai $10,0CO or more, (or a lur), but ire utltu in lotssvdoig a oreer To be rxre erred u a mere catalogue galuiokieibehivpeoírditoculwwk. wabenit wrúcri i model h« httk thiňct n craipmr, for the real pran of her bu«n™ euiffliait^ or much is SJO.00O per day; Ind ment dared of all, cooiracu, m whoch » model beeames a fepttseotatnre fot i compiin/i products or ípparel lima (Mot. for Cilnn KJnn, Osudu 5chdTftt for Reiloo}. A contract model mi) earn .utni In the rruBiooi There n in upright piano it Naucha, and James begin fooling around on it She hu i chininu lhii dn»s when to her. and won a [roup a gathered at the pu.-io watching her, I find nyitli thinking of rcr driííipíion of her fint meeting vitb Fluue, »tVri the tu l* "Michael "ked me a qucrncm. He's like. 'Why do you want la do ihi.1' And I aid, 'Beaux 1 sunt to be a lUf.' It didn't mem thai 1 want to be famous It didn't mean lhát I wi_*ued evenone 10 kner. me, rt juat meant that I want to be a star to myself. That I warned to be lucmtfol to myieif, thai 1 warned lo so .omewherc wnh my life and I wwiied it then, 1 suited it now " JfMH tS FROM OMAHA. "1 CUV LTr IN THf lUlLTUÍV SMI TELLS Ut ™»ery nornui family, hke Mom, Did. ihat kmd of itung" She hu an older inter and a younger btcxhtf. Her paftfitt itparattd more than a year ago (wrocihinc. James never moiboni), but the iplit u amáeable uti ther »tiS work together in Onuha. toiung out monry Ijw-income ipki-menu. "Then I wu 12 or I3,"J«mi ayi, "thai'i when I tunrd loolungil imgauie^ ind I Iwaine liteniy oe^^ trtjtild Hiy up ul 3 o'clock m the morning iliang the best psTiita ow of Haaper'i Baaar and Vogue md mikini; coUaga and polling ihem up on my doot, like the fiercest pictures tlm 1 uw, like of Gauhio and Galtmo and wtuiever. 1 knew "try model, I knew »tw Sieves Mroel w". In the mind, of a great many young Amencan girl., rnodeimg hai repbeed Hollywood u iht lotu, lor fuitaast, of iwdom Kelly Stew, a 14-ytaf-oW high-ichocJ itrthemn who ha. been with the Cbek ^ency for two years, »y. »be became obsessed at age i A mom plmned with paces ftoen Vogue hu become as emblematic of Amman girlhood as Bat b* hu, and the assiduous mercriandiiing of model, in books, fuagaline, and cable-,eVtTOiOTJtMaMnr.odiJ4ita ... ■mmlMiiniitnierki^lrad.kaorr^ 1™ says. "I tuned gtmng my bream eatuer tlisn ent7««. I rud fiiy. peiwl T« a.w Hiss Tl.asHit.iisi/nnui.i 1. His D machete Mart dtilkj than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined! Me*4y t*Trmn by tudp R-trtdii Hi/lu m*iKny inwud loth* rwimt 0»it L>*-*mlw*iTwi!>*. l>n rt«twl« 1 I*J p*rf pMphEhm1h« nudM bantu j, duftwartda.dat laniuatf pas lap*4>*t.«*,fr Ua twwii quit na^nl, utcuU agitata. 0>und la OM«T* tftla • *d*B qua wt bvfcat njdtmm UVMti w HrwHmi al NagauU I nuW <*»■ tnrftnxiitit«au-*a110 00Cn Chimin viMw no** n*w da payar pou, R-» tut*> a 1« UalviiM pUM qua "I*1 ^..w^wv,.,,,!,,,^,^ l,f*,Ml,|»«m'«l*«««** J CCDtUS. an mm umlinl M im koumui On f»v< Wf Hovvtr 0»»pour wiM JSU5p+a, c'«t fidM pour 1*1 "VD •'*»"»'* "*•» U Oimj» fi In wn It tv+wwmn toi 15 ~iMk>M * ""^ * t Angol, d+pm** k iw*i tTtubuntt da rnorfié U pl**l *• "0 ^* r*pana\*a dm A4 oayi atlandngnt longlampa jc**i u fci oat ani m ihji moment »Herlthe tkv itpurplf "O'Neillplanned! m v»i ihr wi it Ifj« «kí bdtrt.faaonnp.Itiprl' W " ^ •wU -«k. "B.I I m , Uli» turning; aid cUked." he recillt. He wit uter raw*, bf hew elejflV the iwmn in the h>«r kh1***J jľľL^-"h S imjiinE [hiHlio w people .ere irtuJIs- itwd^^ »tili cnoueh in look like they wer* wiiüif tni k™kjrit—I be piinbeW** C)culrJ'i taboniai trxitrn floon ud t be Eighth Artaut VQ indi±nrf, T*nb*ork «71 hr'i "ncTcr been to t pUee ■here you imd 10 rainy ajftferer.t ihiap uv s-ttcfa 1 uruQ am." fid Umt -tá - 1. Tm M •.litI rfiirH nJM«r ,,,,11»" iM I [Jfalánp.....^ i!-f nJ Mi* 'AiMcftw »9 'Mtnti lir iu-j"i-rL t.t ■>!■» bw. wj H^r-n bn ■ ůrp«r bfttssit V*iS/l läVtÜAg. ribiadbjemdcwjeüjicd -iľbblbnimiil-1 c i loá lim m-lfc Rui Nan GoltUn Tilt HIMIIIM ii' Tor Nan Gold™, diooiwr in Tinwi Squirc'i m. ..n. [nn^rnii*, iransinvil iiid pay iwMprt ban «W i ■:rit || -.■ i[ of I '.:■"■...■,! "I wu a bjiitniier on Will Sir«t fiowi IWO «J "IS." iHc uyi "I knc» thrbuillm and .he jiimpi and i Ik ffOlEltui n who fmir !«.■ ihe hje *" When ike ft turned Mctiuij. ho»v*--f f. ih* *iw no finiJur ixn Tricn, ptof»k don'i luse 1 Inot wiinl rue," ihe %rjri Coldmcjlli tb< .inuil iIhImiim ol the py culture m the area i "le* nrtifirj of history" bul *i kaofikifjw inn bust m ■h* nnghlHjrlioiHl lUpfon ibe -cLinge* "I wcbi (0-1 Jinn with iJrf lyaftiil,'' ihr nj/i 'Tbt.- * rwi cJkti liSe pohce iffed the police caene ««d -I1' v r ■ lit :' - .j ..-■<■ an ivtptoon at proiriiuuot* I hilt ih* :if 11r i i.Iii i.i comnviinity, and (heir people it.11) cared for each other M**ki997 TirLu.Uu iteoiittdrjttlub Mítt t\Un Mirk tjaaiMntirr p^ífrípktT Kťfrjij^T^dlí becnnuaj dťipiy irat ibc híffíoaiúí wndentif rařd Tunu S^mrt fw i f tw cVn "raJh p|e inii: pice. Foli rjf md nriíirr rc j» " TbdjiJs íhe lons to hxuí oq * hii ibtCtSl ES* "řdtti d lbe City,'' ihr oka iuut *rlh utiltt who fod i reraiaDcírn in Ne* York i ptrtr nrjiaitt "I: u eemblí 10 be iioariío, ud ítnc u ncchjr g dwitt| ibotri Imftt jíi Kjuitor." itaunt 'Trr-ciSqdirewuJhivti Icnoied^rvTti ubeinf; rtffattd hy i tkaiwui ton oF 4 w. / w Pití. 0«nut> rAe r.'nr Mdrni ThtÉXi 6« íjrf íinuf. li.i-i Soli-? ■li* LHIITt lbj Tan Sout * ľcmrr i^jiaŕÓKlBinlílcl ■nm tkinvlc iwitfótjliti," tm L.T-.-Vr -r.i ■ ľ afcoeppee EcťTWTÍBO. Hr latS* i í IBMf A VQIBlf «i >5 Svti a-j met aputfcai tat" Sdl, IrKl^lttllsWiacTsKl w-x,,. i-j; .;:f... ŽTTSj ix^ťl^ -ršř ĺ* Ĺirr ■h*TlniiU<((lwii ^ >b) ■ J. i CHUJQ bcW ■*1HH ijFTpmr*i iht •»»»"ÍBflWC±lEílÍli"| ■JíltTMm,-b, "■ApoataafaiKd -"■.»if.t'Wr.W Abelardo Mnuli \ MVItlAtJÜN or Ml. N * "I wint i aort oí hutDiiCi. rtccwd ůí what X room leea," Hjn AkLiriů MůrtlL 4 ií-nrir-oW tiubjn imtsirjini »! ■< L, a u BrOoUme, XüiLTrat hu |-ťn: H;■■ i íot che incirol tcíhajqueoí ľhe cuntra obuvr s, jit tnu hic caeitrtitiro by isunK üw rootn idŕH u ■ cimrr», blicVinií tu: ií.!bjr i HjIÍ-huIi i.t:lf oí a t^ndo* — the apretuře — in Roo« i Iii »I the tornou in Timet 5<|iurr Morcll thtíi itf i umcn on i tnpod near the jperrure, damting it into the room id record] lbe optiúiI jilwiooMBCin M Arne a lineje opovu* over two iíiys. he captured i Kent of;■=—-i■ :::■<■ r cairn — lot r*on — wpenm posed with lhc aiWi hj of Broadway. 'Thiol, about how rrunv people go threw j. ikit iiie in two diji — rfidliOtfii — and no One tiood HiU foíiř,erwu CO -■ r : Kt li".-- "It'l tO empty, jümonaperverse picnire" Attrrh 1997 fiVcaAwj dli at oner from m room tt ire .Vim At THE AUSTRALIAN ■ it n • ■■■■ " azine ■* [\m\P to '^ypiW^i The ugh £tiii= ov ilie liiilxLi-a. idea tori Vu wart lonmc tnu Ifw tmňmlmW,twm:twi%wwma • nimi "tmi fwio mm tw im phaUVJpfcal tarr-rmilrt KtrVMWt plljtm i* Hhi4 třu OUlMbOanlIW aUW »M 1« TU alf man to l> Ummdi ** nsatartpwt Uni. nel •( «1 Ihtn WW 11» MMU af bfinl min : ii>» pwa. ir uwt p«« MT PANDEMONIUM Attracted by clouds of smoke and dusi coming from the hill', photographer Trent Parke got caught in the middle of a drunken demolition derby on the eve of last year's Bathurst 1000 at Mt Panorama. nm k..luiiM uiáJkW íř lnli-1* at II 1mb ntMcd m irr* wniyKmirt rrXaig •W. ■*">»' ta tr« ; > r r r ■ r ■*»***r »P*rt fí : .i . : rrI ,, ^lirtÍPDqiftí u*ti ir^lrych.-I tt*r»»**" TnvrTMEfMrh« «ftn-iliifi, tM třMA| 1ulr(<| h*»» feraift| -r«tkj llui S*STiÍl*]i ,lrľ.TI KhIwwiI P*VVÍ «ihI K-Ml>rb-IM1 P.111 fUluliU Wrnl m I* WM I la* kin L*y fittlurwMr- fnd iW tWaUtlt. Uwr;rľHr rrp'ilirtC rVvl Hfrrl ••n M ihr |r-p ad 'I . \tl lUtVMArru.........HiUiilr IUIImi. J \\w Jli-riVj-^lKrííHr rrw-iiilaWnlavf,^Frm K*|-Ji«K 1 p-t»hr.l IrVm r-"--. ■*■ Mo Irm. luluiiŕ aatv Líhrt «jlail«aV Cl*rnnl«nlrv «1 ia|iulh liŕlM uj» -ln-«l •vlwhriy rmfJ** moVmp - m •> v-ť-rľ pjjrrd *n il l> 'i.l H r (br Ifjfl r'..irli ,.\\ llulikíl* 4lhi I ITlU Wrtt Uhlu iiUr. fm. IH knnU Mil UasWlM 9ft l*|*ar4»r 11 mm MJOrÄ *** *u ™n«i d» fotografa i, rn„ »«"^^ UiUtd» m «t» oc«l6fl "Ptttw dt l. humwWtd", h,^^ POrt'nt* it Kjq*C it mtUnt tn tu vld» out krtoqrafi*. Li «poiicün Irrttfntcior* oe «rtt wl«wlM dt U BkliBf ui'JIrtiulii 4M tWnrm m Ii irr AAikwim ElHEKUHlEOEiCHIChtTt: D E H HIC Ff AU 3 H ^**jt»«>»>t*»jWwws#M,iT»«*iM^t» • ii i Hin nl«mm»:iiii «»u«^_i„, DE* ra*HUSCH Dil INDQ-iUtOrAtM tJMl pMv brf>f jV»*Tlim i TWfirvW Ii»— tan ? lhi»i*m ii hli Ii imd■■■ i an Uli in r ■ hu 1111 ■ ■ Mtlljl mmi ■ * i ■ 111 ■ Ipl 1 fi fjl MlllBMlutci« Li >lf<lnArt« I Iii iljllll Tfcllim»»H—II *llt>»< «xx.IH01«? 1 _ Ma f q oder Poltiti tur die Migranten macht öjs keinen Unterschied m., 1%m, >*y> ff* LwVi^lirl u r, f««1 O I f OUIHTA DO HOC HO. LISiASOU Jedes Wochenende eine Party »Die beul tu Rohbauten i tanden ktT. dir taurmT war nach Brasilien pflOchtet. dl bcKOien illegale Einwanderer «rr aflem aus AtVib dieHkintr Minehe vrrpathten heule ugar Zimmer für umgerechnet bil zu 200 Mlxk im Monat in andere ■ Jede* Wodkea- end*. finden räch hier Afrikaner luspm Uuibon ein. uro tot den Häusern und in den jhrhemi. den Band» Vierteil, m trinken und TU tarnen Mein Eindruck m. da» die südeuropiisdieii Under Illegalen vi rl e n ii jinnt c: umgehen ahdieitordeurüpjiiehen.fie haben jeden fallt Khon rrunderuu-tendc legaliiiett El jibl Hint. Qymu do Mache abrureitten und die« rrrJiimlSi{Jen Einwanderer in einer Siedlung untetxubn r.jn die derzeit mit EU Geldern ernehtet wird.« DCIl KONTINENT DER GEFANGENEN JmJlnttail7llür.*fnJnihrr^ilitiitA»ilralienidietnim rtir0n],^h,nj^1|rr|ilnJn|lrnHtllU7M5Mr(trji]|n]t »JiFrjliiia.JitinZvnr.jutt^u,,,,,.^,^^^^^^^ »llen Du Vereitle Wtiiprid! entfaltet aufdieiern Wete lerne Itet-Ulltcn CtfintniH* ■ und Hup «Brt.i*» ßr einen |riv.rnrndej,Fraurnminjel N«h 1*1) lind drei viertel H ranitiinKt rr Sieillrt Kinner ^u| rjrm Uf.rr.ler onen Jtrar^inpMntpht^drtytwrerir Inijfuinldetwnicrtdle bni.uliekiiieeelwa i<«dojMmKhen em illlriip« «ledieCetiriieTieBinriiewie. " AUFBRUCH NACH NOVO HAMBURGO fJit techi hliriirjiwn Deuitcht windem im I1. JjhrNin-dtrtnxhOVrtrt amCbenntjend indie USA Elnire llundeirtjilierid (rnijtinrenttrien r.irh5tld*rarnlui wr i'ltrn in den Süden I ntihrm. am ihn hrururlf aciunltcx-wer «Wielen lüiifleutrundl'RKrMhrrier tuten tich brvomarl In den Stadien nieder Heute leben mehr all tedit M .lliflxen DejiKSitlmmire tn i Jdi.T.niVj - uxmI du OVwberfttl ton Ihirnenau tillala djf twtil|rrj[lv Jnn Iraiilieruttadi dem Haitirval vonRio. Mira' GEO 1*7 AH5TE»DAH S If f)F Rt AHOF Ein Niemand in einer fremden Welt »D icwn Afrikaner I oiograftene ich im w genannten Grenshoipt-num. einem eige iti fůr 1 lief sie gebauten Geflngnu Flrxkcn fiele n packte dm Muui fuirJiieibchr Angl i - er tune in tri- nem leben iwch nie Schner gesehen und wusste n ichr, ob der weifte Nirderschligwehtai Die Behörde hat die Identität des Mannes nicht ermuieln kŕnnen, denn er baim keinerlei Papiete Dir rinn je Hottnunf, ilin abschieben zu können, ist, dus ihm rine i f 11 ■ kaniKhe fotsch in Fryatip jpiere ausstellt Wenn nicht, winJ d« Mann entlassen -undsich dsn n wohl irgendwo in Europa dureb-ixischlagen versuchen « Ol E ÉiJBľj p* ISCHE KATASTROPHE: Ve,it?jf Ws 1 řS1 wrtíen i7.řhral)ielir, riojriit der pjropliKhen tei.ulkerjnjcüraieiiedeät.venTie-rmoJíMii^iTlLidicjMiJligrr.niert!-!^,,!,, j|j ioMIINirnen Mf-ilihen ^dtnlwingir-.ifrialiB geNiun iĽíen, rif nich řalli:ls juni Uberieeau*-v, ir :rn,d:e i n JUcbncjit o,r:' geü ji>i UHVrtLTFLÜCHTLIHOE AUS DEM SAHEL SaUine irr leer Jihrtgebcn die krgrn mengen n^SiWwit.dtm Ssvutierii4rM sodlvih dkr Sikitsilrirjuwch nirurk - vermutlich aU Feige der itŕ itoi LTwlimimt Zweimal spiril lachdlt Lage atVtroíeWrrrvín nsehi aktvriMülionrnNcniadenündBiuern Dia A,!!ci|)l|mwv^didieiilisoimi iTlu^dernarjiWiectj.nihnlurgeti^lüueii Mní A1 Hionen Menschen wrariem in d*e Nachbar riiimnund lein Aiiih nich dera Atiugder Kfl™!*''ennpinntľ.ehdl*Upkaum 0«weiter. Mnwt«nc> Cnrt,eine kannnbph u> Düne und WPatillidrrilljTmiiii.niorijjM hi Im ui it n terjaofenrn Monaten rrnen Kjnöert miiindefjper dar Grenzen geerieben i J/ k* » I »Ihm, 1*11 11-S £L PASO OF. LA CUt HHA l i'i railo* ■ 11 i i-i-' t ■ tf«* 1* ••(* «n cid« rimon rJn Afg*rn*lJin En li tm> f>«n. «1 rJlftlrilO SHur 0* /**r de Kibul. t>r»lrwldo per tin cotielt- de onn 2S10 »anistan us gentes se esluerzan por rostableccr la norma-dos largas dccadas en guurra. Ptero los afganos J«l. Pv AngtHn Eifintna. FtHof>(alia * Vmoo Metlofk. t F mdi rLamlad d du »jur »«»W u irnn -EitituiM» «i um boda tu Laahkxf 0*h" nUuaittndrlaiuarKadrarxifctr rl tnvrl ijut und u>» inJanlÜ» (l^TMl para »«mpnr hi »u nwnrfia Eataba » pun» in il HIV drl Xtiruadih habu per«»idn im f »r loda u .Uli .in al rtt« dr Kandahar La ttttkptnbm partr d> U pn*prr*Ud v rl r*fik?ndur tJcinAdo« a paittr dH il ein \ cUirriQ U duutiu. j»un«\ Irtr Tri* ladt, am »u mtdrtxla ö> iinltriMi jr le-.ui6 tu* m*J*«tuM£* paiijrttft 'LaOikir Gab putcu iuu urbanu» nun »nencaiu cwi aut mudrrru» n>* dr )*rdlDM' rt-mrtnoTa Fariba. irx*p>ar de r«*«iw»erf la tiu*l>d 33 «not oWpüP* Im craaSrt» dr aqi*Wlm int^le rot «tairkiimiaVm« «im »Hum m pw. > r-l irj.-jdu rrlicuUrde %w rw.loeMi *** LTrcair» *J de Vw »uliurbLot madrneulr* de $mw FraJV.MxiirjlifrrTtiLi. rioodr M irrn Lim tan <*llLacJo*. qtir il dr Li» mirtnrado* bjjjret lir ü* Vtclftai rUnd-ihir *. Hrtai ü in rBilarri 1» hik: rii dr arbol*» qu* m# dr-tcribr Firlha tun riaruparKldo y rl pol« hu VUcIto a iclurnairw drl Luxar La flWT». Im tucr furrra* tun de*T Hildo kn rat\^W^ dr Lrri^ton Lfual ejuc « rl »igle, XIV hl denn Lii hordat de Tain«-rün Abando-nj>dov k» jurkuhom mhlnn npu., qut rrquserr rnriKH JCUJ Im fnitai« dr U tjJaiM-La dr Fariba Lafli nitnj> nur qu --nirj» rl iittivrf toi i+(frro L'u irula (unttira d# IMDafin draef ibr la irtaaTiiftoflcla da k* palacLot mrdJrAak» nfljltnJjdMabi 'jri IIa drl rl« Artfhaiwtab Sin •mbarjto aqjurl ina kn mityatiulin rtlnblrrlan m Lr>r«H mitrmmj Ilrira drdtfrnu Irrrir alaJirotjatdcMoHU \tr\ all im t\ rJot CiurcUreiD rrdiacKlo* b mor.Ui\a» dr arrna Ho) holo prf manrejr rfl p\e rl br-Uo irro de (iata i Botl. Uli nro [rtiimo rbtidr la arqUIrtlun (haridr Ul(loXU) U prnkek-otr Dau'l 1u .o U prrcauri&n dr apunlalarlr> pon rt tla.r Ml drrrucnbr Su imairn rrpnt bltl#lr«4c > Con In paz recien estivnada, sahen que (*1 pais no sera ol inisino "aDiaGUU alV?J^ «'iT.0 ** »" •'PO*M*n «, KaM Fn»l. I «. M hombf. «uMl» rn ' "* "••»» ">*"> »inAolo d« 1ort*hH«. Ell« »mmal« ron prohltMdot per loa t.hbiui it, Ajtonrw ptRRiM JWf5 •ECIALIOM: THUUC MTU HUK0KI.D» Or TIIIM. perhaps a thousand They wept and knelt before neon Ihe ground, crying, "Please berp us, the communists in era-tung* 1 had hiked (out days to rpaeh this fonakwi place deep in the jungles of Xayumboune. northern Laos The llmone. rtfcelj prostrate before me were convinced they would all won die They knew they aire a [orgoeten tribe. crushed by a military In all my years as a journalist 1 had nev-ct seen anything tike this a ra(Ug army wtti wading families ui tow, beseeching me to take new*! of thei r pi ich 11 o the 00 ts roc wvjt w I wj|Vri*iTKHitit*™ngctoMirn,ÜW frames scarrrd by morfar shrapnel Toun|i men, toting iBa and with duíver the next decade neatly hilfaflhe | «.000 firming fighters m Yin* Pao's army inLhffU^ttDiuvepenihiiddijruiKt^flfJU' I mg The reward foe their sacidicc? The run sasue-fare agreement of 1973, wrneii si inhaled an end of US aid Vug fought on for two moreyta^tutwbCTrtlx^iM deal tint die rslhet ].od would win he fled to Thailand anil then m the US Today, some 200.000 other Hmong live in rale mmmĽiutics in the U b But not all Hmong made It to Amenta 15,000 of Vangs brethren were an off from escape and wreforced to mellAway into the mountainous yungles of 1 JOT Even from CaMonui. where he leads the United Lao Liberation Front (lllir). I Vang. T4. cans • long shadow over his pco-ple. Mow say. he reports directly to Vang-i claim the Cahforntin denies, though he docs admit toprwringoccajTonalbelp From his suburban Ainercrai tome, iheenled general demands democracy and a ranttalement of die mcmarchyinLaos Mou» and his mill-lla ere among the remnants of Hmong rebel groups fighting for that disappearing dream Moua sained Vangs Mere* army at age IS His left arm endi in a slump-his hand wai removed in a 1974 jungle amputation One of only four people in the village with some wrrtmg stalls, he is a mebculoui Vrcp-eruK-illagestaUsto-thereaieMoephaiied children, -10 widows and II widowers By Moua's count, 30% of the villagers nave shrapnel wounds In 1975. when Vang fled Laos, Moua recorded his group ai 7,000 people Today there are only about 600 left Although the Hmong hare been on the lllll for nearly three decades, Moua and Others in ha vtflarje regard the past year at the worn. In October, they say some 5O0 ground troops attacked them from (our directions ui Xiyjornboufte while a gunship strafed them horn ahose In all. 216 Hmong were lolled- Such assaults can come at any tune. 1 ,i" August, a mortar round landed less than a meter from nine-year-old, Veng Housi family dinner table, lolling both his parents Vengsumved,but] count ISthiap-nel sears on has legs, lua saw is broken and Ihere is an infected sore on his inner thigh Since the attack, he has not spoken Tbe Hmong say-they aretwiU-equifiped lis slnU back Most of Blew li.J len a/T armed wllh 4flCienl M-16» sod AK-471. «nd the heaviest weapons at their duspoui are two gcrutiK M-79 grenade Launchers Tiur„M*r-i.lAX>J Ammunition ■. mostly dug up from former I'S air bases Atcusung to Moua, only a third of the rounds are actually lire, MsTJuns: Hmong chanoes of launching a liable offen-snre. -ss for the Laa govemirseiil, which denned to talk to TlMI it denies allegations that it is decimating Hmong rebels and Names them for much of the unrest in the country It insists that Hmong are doubling as tiuiLiK In February in aiisbuili on a bus beveling Ihc busy Highway 13 in the Isetth left 12 people dead, including two Swiss cyclist* A calling card canned lo one of the corpses indicated the deaths were t>ic wot 1 of Hmong rebels And on April 20, gunmen opened file on a passenger bus, tailing at least 13 people Eyewitnesses to this massacre say the gunmen spoke to one arnuict m the Hmong luiguage Vang Pao angrily denies claims thai his men are responsible for attacks on civilians "Li the past theie have been several events bkc this that hare taken place and been blamed on the L'LLF," he ms "But it was not us We believe it was orguiurd by the government using Hmong people who serve m the Lao army" For Ins part. Moua portrays the Hmong as haajJaai m :■- "Vie only defend and run," he says "If tbe Laa boops launch an assault. Our amino won't even last an hour" Back in the mountains of Xa)Sccnboune, Moua and his comrades sleep uneasily on beds of leaves unsafe banana-leaf huts Most cannot recall how many limes they've relocated but they remember the people they'se lost Shun Si. 12. says ha »-.fe and two sons were taken tarn him Last Cttober His fnend Soum Sai saw eveiything the government troops came in hesayi, and shot women and children from a distance of just five meters TDday, Shun looks barely abre lisimclí Only two fängen remain on Ins Lett hand-he Inst the others in i B-41 rocket attack that Lolled six of his reflow Hmong His leg ttiU hleedi from * suppurating threpnci wound he receded 13 yean ago One nde of ha fie* it a mask of melted flesh, with Hack sockets where an ear and in eye should bat "Everybody is dead," he sajs "Sixteen people in my family are dead, all lolled by the communists" In a heartbreaking refrain I heard repeatedly during my stay in the camp, he adds. "Amenta must sa»c ul" Oinunander Moua, too, wonders where his erstwhile American allies have gone "V\'e shed blood with the L s be says "They should runvember this They ihould find us a Land where we're safe and have foodtoeat" But as the world has watched in awe of the might of ih* U S war machine in Iraq, the final scenes of a 30-year-old svar in Indochina thai America wssuid rather forget aie destined lopUy out unisercKXit ■ TIUE.UUS.aiM]