MIDDLE EAST: THE BASIC TERMINOLOGY, GEOGRAPHY, DEMOGRAPHY, ANCIENT HISTORY Mgr. Eva Taterova, M.A., Ph.D. Faculty of Social Studies Masaryk University BASIC TERMINOLOGY •No consensus about the terminology. • •Historically, Near East referred to the territory of whole Ottoman Empire while Middle East was used for the whole region of Arab peninsula, Afghanistan + the countries of southern and central Asia. • •Orient – a label for countries of Near, Middle and Far East – today quite negative connotations (book „Orientalism“ by Edward Said from 1978). • •The Levant – eastern Mediterranean (Israel/Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, northern Iraq). • •Nowadays the prevailing definition says that "it is a region located on the border between southwest Asia, northern Africa, and Europe". • •The terms Near and Middle East are usually used simultaneously. • •The unifying factors: similar historical development, religion, culture, language. DEMOGRAPHY OF MIDDLE EAST •Estimated population in 2018: 411 million people. • •Great diversity regarding ethnicity, languages, religion. • •Main ethnic groups: Arab, Turks, Kurds, Jews, Berbers. • •Main languages: Arabic (different slangs), Turkish, Kurdish, Persian, Hebrew. • •Countries with biggest populations: Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen • •Main religions: Islam, Christianity, Judaism. MIDDLE EAST ETHNO-LINGUISTIC GROUPS MIDDLE EAST: INTRODUCTORY STATISTICS Countries with biggest population in 2017 Iran 81,824,270 Turkey 79,414,269 Iraq 37,056,169 Saudi Arabia 27,752,316 Yemen 26,737,317 Richest Countries of the Middle East (GDP) in 2017 Qatar 124,900 USD Kuwait 69,700 USD United Arab Emirates 68,200 USD Saudi Arabia 55,300 USD Bahrain 51,800 USD Major religious groups in 2010 Islam 317,070,000 Christianity 12,710,000 Judaism 5,630,000 Unaffilliated 2,100,000 Hinduism 1,720,000 Poorest Countries of the Middle East (GDP) in 2017 Afghanistan 1,900 Yemen 2,300 Syria 2,900 Pakistan 5,400 Jordan 12,500 DEMOCRACY IN THE MIDDLE EAST 2017 RELIGIONS OF THE MIDDLE EAST RELIGIONS OF THE MIDDLE EAST •Many religions have got their origins in the Middle East. • •Religions of the book: Judaism, Christianity, Islam – three monoteistic religions. • •In the past there was a lot of religious tolerance, nowadays religion is often a source of conflict. ISLAM •5 pillars of Islam: •Shahada: Faith •Salah: Prayer •Zakāt: Charity •Sawm: Fasting (Ramadan) •Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca • •Significant dispute between Shia Muslims and Sunni Muslims. • • •THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION