Vizualization of Time Data relationship between European regions (variable eastwest) and distribution of parties on left-right axis Show the relationship between lrecon and galtan • • •Continuity - temperature, party support •Discontuinity – elections • •Data: Annualy, monthly, daily, (hours, minutes, seconds) •Iregular: elections, exams, conflicts • •Easy to find spurios correlation • • Three elements of Time Data •Trend – the overal direction of evolution •E.g. Global warming, increasing prices •Seasonality – regular changes in data •Wheather, unemployment, activity during day •White noise Trend •Usually the most important things •Allows us to say what is happening •Forecast (be cautius with that) •The main source of spurious correlation Seasonality •Usually the most anoying aspect of time data •The solution is to look on the whole season •The detail is lost in such case • White noise •Important when we want to see impact of some event • •Make the general information hard to see •Moving average – replace current value by average of neighbouring values •Usualy 3, 5 or 7 •Depends on data (e.g. Monthly temperature) • • • • •