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Are you: Warren stresses compromise, fight for middle class Barbour: Romney's visit to Pa. a "logical play" Campaigns point to enthusiasm, early voting Obama has electoral vote advantage Early voting, Sandy impact presidential election MOREPOLITICSHEADLINES Campaign 2012 Headlines 01 President Obama's victory speech 126710 views 02 American HeartAssociation: Beware of "salty six" 110035 views 03 Mitt Romney's concession speech 97458 views 04 How Obama won four more years 45297 views 05 Obama win: What it means for your tax bill Most Popular converted by Asian (3%) 73% 26% Other (2%) 58% 38% B. Obama M. Romney White 18-29 (11%) 44% 51% White 30-44 (3%) 71% 28% White 45-64 (3%) 68% 31% White 65+ (1%) 65% 35% Black 18-29 (5%) 67% 31% Black 30-44 (18%) 38% 59% Black 45-64 (29%) 38% 61% Black 65+ (14%) 39% 61% Latino 18-29 (3%) 91% 8% Latino 30-44 (4%) 94% 5% Latino 45-64 (4%) 93% 7% Latino 65+ (1%) 93% 6% All other (4%) 74% 23% B. Obama M. Romney White men (34%) 35% 62% White women (38%) 42% 56% Black men (5%) 87% 11% Black women (8%) 96% 3% Latino men (5%) 65% 33% Latino women (6%) 76% 23% All other races (5%) 66% 31% B. Obama M. Romney Liberal (25%) 86% 11% Moderate (41%) 56% 41% Conservative (35%) 17% 82% Age by race Sex by race On most political matters, do you consider yourself: No matter how you voted today, do you usually think of yourself as a: 05 your tax bill 37509 views Puerto Rico votes on US ties and chooses governor 2669 shares President Obama's victory speech 2390 shares Puerto Rico votes for U.S. statehood in non-binding referendum 2101 shares Samsung's Galaxy Note IIhits 3 million sales 1985 shares Obama win: What it means for your tax bill 1683 shares Most Shared Sponsored Links Free Medicare Plan List Free List of Medicare Advantage & Medicare Part D Plans. Compare Now! Man Cheats Credit Score 1 simple trick & my credit score jumped 217 pts. Banks hate this! Exercise Your Brain Games You Didn't Know Existed to Fight Brain Decline and Aging. converted by B. Obama M. Romney Democrat (38%) 92% 7% Republican (32%) 6% 93% Independent or something else (29%) 45% 50% B. Obama M. Romney No high school diploma (3%) 64% 35% High school graduate (21%) 51% 48% Some college/assoc. degree (29%) 49% 48% College graduate (29%) 47% 51% Postgraduate study (18%) 55% 42% B. Obama M. Romney College graduate (47%) 50% 48% No college degree (53%) 51% 47% B. Obama M. Romney More than high school graduate (76%) 50% 48% High school graduate or less (24%) 52% 46% B. Obama M. Romney Under $30,000 (20%) 63% 35% $30,000 - $49,999 (21%) 57% 42% $50,000 - $99,999 (31%) 46% 52% $100,000 - $199,999 (21%) 44% 54% $200,000 - $249,999 (3%) 47% 52% $250,000 or more (4%) 42% 55% B. Obama M. Romney Under $50,000 (41%) 60% 38% $50,000-$99,999 (31%) 46% 52% $100,000 or more (28%) 44% 54% What was the last grade of school you completed? What was the last grade of school you completed? What was the last grade of school you completed? 2011 total family income: 2011 total family income: converted by B. Obama M. Romney Under $50,000 (41%) 60% 38% $50,000 or more (59%) 45% 53% B. Obama M. Romney Under $100,000 (72%) 54% 44% $100,000 or more (28%) 44% 54% B. Obama M. Romney More than once a week (14%) 36% 63% Once a week (28%) 41% 58% A few times a month (13%) 55% 44% A few times a year (27%) 56% 42% Never (17%) 62% 34% B. Obama M. Romney Weekly (42%) 39% 59% Occasionally (40%) 55% 43% Never (17%) 62% 34% B. Obama M. Romney Protestant (29%) 37% 62% Catholic (25%) 50% 48% Mormon (2%) 21% 78% Other Christian (23%) 50% 49% Jewish (2%) 69% 30% Muslim (1%) - Other (7%) 73% 24% None (12%) 70% 26% B. Obama M. Romney 2011 total family income: 2011 total family income: How often do you attend religious services? How often do you attend religious services? Are you: Religion, combined Protestant and other Christian converted by Protestant or other Christian (53%) 42% 57% Catholic (25%) 50% 48% Jewish (2%) 69% 30% Something else (7%) 74% 23% None (12%) 70% 26% B. Obama M. Romney White Protestant/Other Christian (39%) 30% 69% White Catholic (18%) 40% 59% White Jewish (2%) 71% 29% White something else (4%) 61% 35% White none (9%) 63% 31% Non-white (28%) 80% 18% B. Obama M. Romney Protestant/Attend weekly (15%) 29% 70% Protestant/Do not attend weekly (14%) 44% 55% Catholic/Attend weekly (11%) 42% 57% Catholic/Do not attend weekly (13%) 56% 42% All Others (46%) 58% 39% B. Obama M. Romney White evangelical or white born-again Christian (26%) 21% 78% All others (74%) 60% 37% B. Obama M. Romney Legal in all cases (29%) 76% 22% Legal in most cases (30%) 58% 40% Illegal in most cases (23%) 22% 76% Illegal in all cases (13%) 19% 79% Religion among whites Church attendance by Religion White evangelical or white born-again Christians Which comes closest to your position? Abortion should be: Which comes closest to your position? Abortion should be: converted by B. Obama M. Romney Legal (59%) 67% 31% Illegal (36%) 21% 77% B. Obama M. Romney Support (21%) 11% 87% Neutral (42%) 42% 57% Oppose (30%) 89% 9% B. Obama M. Romney Foreign policy (5%) 56% 33% Federal budget deficit (15%) 32% 66% The economy (59%) 47% 51% Health care (18%) 75% 24% B. Obama M. Romney Shares my values (27%) 42% 55% Is a strong leader (18%) 38% 61% Cares about people like me (21%) 81% 18% Has a vision for the future (29%) 45% 54% B. Obama M. Romney The housing market (8%) 63% 32% Unemployment (38%) 54% 44% Taxes (14%) 32% 66% Rising prices (37%) 49% 49% B. Obama M. Romney Expand it (26%) 92% 5% How do you feel about the Tea Party movement? Which ONE of these four issues is the most important facing the country? (CHECK ONLY ONE) Which ONE of these four candidate qualities mattered most in deciding how you voted for president? (CHECK ONLY ONE) Which ONE of these four is the biggest economic problem facing people like you? (CHECK ONLY ONE) What should happen to the 2010 health care law? converted by Leave it as is (18%) 80% 19% Repeal some of it (24%) 27% 72% Repeal all of it (25%) 3% 93% B. Obama M. Romney Expand it or leave it as is (44%) 87% 11% Repeal some of it or repeal all of it (49%) 15% 83% B. Obama M. Romney Increase for all (13%) 52% 44% Increase only on income over $250,000 (47%) 70% 29% Not increase for anyone (35%) 23% 75% B. Obama M. Romney Offered a chance to apply for legal status (65%) 61% 37% Deported to the country they came from (28%) 24% 73% B. Obama M. Romney Barack Obama (53%) 91% 7% Mitt Romney (43%) 1% 98% B. Obama M. Romney Barack Obama (48%) 98% 1% Mitt Romney (49%) 4% 94% B. Obama M. Romney Barack Obama (52%) 92% 6% Mitt Romney (44%) 2% 96% B. Obama M. Romney What should happen to the 2010 health care law? Should income tax rates: Should most illegal immigrants working in the United States be: Who is more in touch with people like you? Who would better handle the economy? Who would better handle Medicare? Who would better handle the federal budget deficit? converted by Barack Obama (47%) 98% 1% Mitt Romney (49%) 3% 95% B. Obama M. Romney Government should do more to solve problems (43%) 81% 17% Government is doing too many things better left to businesses and individuals (51%) 24% 74% B. Obama M. Romney Excellent (2%) - Good (21%) 90% 9% Not so good (45%) 55% 42% Poor (31%) 12% 85% B. Obama M. Romney Excellent or good (23%) 90% 9% Not so good or poor (77%) 38% 60% B. Obama M. Romney Getting better (39%) 88% 9% Getting worse (30%) 9% 90% Staying about the same (29%) 40% 57% B. Obama M. Romney Getting better (39%) 88% 9% Good and staying the same (4%) 71% 27% Poor and staying the same (25%) 35% 62% Getting worse (30%) 9% 90% B. Obama M. Romney Better today (25%) 84% 15% Which is closer to your view: Do you think the condition of the nation's economy is: Do you think the condition of the nation's economy is: Is the U.S. economy: Economic Conditions Are... Compared to four years ago, is your family's financial situation: converted by Worse today (33%) 18% 80% About the same (41%) 58% 40% B. Obama M. Romney Generally going in the right direction (46%) 93% 6% Seriously off on the wrong track (52%) 13% 84% B. Obama M. Romney Barack Obama (38%) 5% 94% George W. Bush (53%) 85% 12% B. Obama M. Romney Favors the wealthy (55%) 71% 26% Is fair to most Americans (39%) 22% 77% B. Obama M. Romney Yes (33%) 73% 24% No (63%) 37% 61% B. Obama M. Romney Enthusiastic (25%) 98% 2% Satisfied, but not enthusiastic (24%) 87% 11% Dissatisfied, but not angry (30%) 9% 86% Angry (19%) 1% 97% B. Obama M. Romney Positive (49%) 93% 6% Negative (49%) 6% 91% Do you think things in this country today are: Who is more to blame for current economic problems? Do you think the U.S. economic system generally: Should taxes be raised to help cut the budget deficit? Which comes closest to your feelings about the Obama administration: Which comes closest to your feelings about the Obama administration: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama converted by B. Obama M. Romney Strongly approve (29%) 97% 2% Somewhat approve (24%) 80% 18% Somewhat disapprove (13%) 9% 88% Strongly disapprove (33%) 1% 96% B. Obama M. Romney Approve (54%) 89% 9% Disapprove (45%) 3% 94% B. Obama M. Romney Favorable (53%) 93% 6% Unfavorable (46%) 3% 94% B. Obama M. Romney Favorable (47%) 6% 93% Unfavorable (50%) 92% 5% B. Obama M. Romney The rich (10%) 9% 89% The middle class (44%) 86% 12% The poor (31%) 25% 74% B. Obama M. Romney The rich (53%) 87% 10% The middle class (34%) 6% 93% The poor (2%) - B. Obama M. Romney Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president? Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president? Is your opinion of Barack Obama: Is your opinion of Mitt Romney: Do Barack Obama?s policies generally favor: Would Mitt Romney?s policies generally favor: Do you trust Barack Obama to handle an international crisis? converted by Yes (57%) 85% 13% No (42%) 2% 96% B. Obama M. Romney Yes (50%) 13% 86% No (46%) 90% 7% B. Obama M. Romney Only Barack Obama (42%) 97% 1% Only Mitt Romney (36%) 1% 98% Both of them (13%) 46% 51% Neither of them (4%) 13% 72% B. Obama M. Romney I strongly favor my candidate (65%) 54% 45% I like my candidate but with reservations (23%) 42% 57% I dislike the other candidates (10%) 41% 51% B. Obama M. Romney Just today (3%) 51% 44% In the last few days (6%) 50% 45% In October (11%) 49% 48% In September (9%) 45% 53% Before that (69%) 53% 46% B. Obama M. Romney Just today or in the last few days (9%) 50% 44% In October or in September or before that (89%) 51% 47% Do you trust Mitt Romney to handle an international crisis? Do you trust _____ to handle an international crisis? Which best describes your vote for president today? When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the presidential election? When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the presidential election? When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the converted by B. Obama M. Romney Just today or in the last few days or in October (21%) 50% 46% Before that (78%) 52% 47% B. Obama M. Romney Yes (60%) 42% 56% No (40%) 62% 35% B. Obama M. Romney Married men (29%) 38% 60% Married women (31%) 46% 53% Non-married men (18%) 56% 40% Non-married women (23%) 67% 31% B. Obama M. Romney Yes (36%) 51% 47% No (64%) 50% 47% B. Obama M. Romney Married with children (27%) 45% 54% All others (73%) 53% 45% B. Obama M. Romney Men with children (16%) 45% 53% Women with children (20%) 56% 43% Men without children (30%) 47% 50% Women without children (34%) 54% 45% B. Obama M. Romney Yes (18%) 58% 40% When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the presidential election? Are you currently married? Gender by marital status Do you have any children under 18 living in your home? Married with children: Parents Does anyone in your household belong to a labor union? converted by No (82%) 49% 48% B. Obama M. Romney Yes (60%) 49% 49% No (40%) 53% 45% B. Obama M. Romney Yes (49%) 73% 25% No (46%) 25% 74% B. Obama M. Romney Yes (5%) 76% 22% No (95%) 49% 49% B. Obama M. Romney The most important factor (15%) 73% 26% An important factor (27%) 65% 33% A minor factor (22%) 51% 46% Not a factor at all (31%) 28% 70% B. Obama M. Romney Important (42%) 68% 31% Not important (54%) 37% 60% B. Obama M. Romney Factor (64%) 62% 36% Not a factor (31%) 28% 70% Do you work full-time for pay? Should your state legally recognize same-sex marriage? Are you gay, lesbian or bisexual? In your vote for president, how would you rate the importance of Obama's hurricane response? In your vote for president, how would you rate the importance of Obama's hurricane response? In your vote for president, how would you rate the importance of Obama's hurricane response? In today's election for U.S. House of Representatives, did you just vote for: converted by B. Obama M. Romney Democrat (50%) 93% 6% Republican (48%) 7% 92% B. Obama M. Romney Over 500,000 (11%) 69% 29% 50,000 - 500,000 (21%) 58% 40% Suburbs (47%) 48% 50% 10,000 - 50,000 (8%) 42% 56% Rural (14%) 37% 61% B. Obama M. Romney City over 50,000 (32%) 62% 36% Suburbs (47%) 48% 50% Small city and Rural (21%) 39% 59% Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming District of Columbia This material is solely intendedfor thepersonal referenceof users of this site, andmay not bepublished, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or usedfor any commercial purposewhatsoever. Population of area, five categories Population of area, three categories StateElectionResults Site Map Video Site Map Help Contact Us CBSBios Careers Internships Development Programs CBS Interactive PrivacyPolicy Terms of Use Mobile UserAgreement About CBS Advertise FollowUs Facebook Twitter RSS Email Newsletters YouTube CBSMobile Copyright ©2012 CBSInteractive Inc. All rights reserved. converted by SOURCE: CBS News, 2012/exit.shtml?state=US&race=P&jurisdiction=0&party=G&tag= contentBody:exitLink (Accessed on November 7, 2012). See Jon Cohen and Scott Clement, “Networks, AP cancel exit polls in 19 states,” The Washington Post, October 4, 2012, for a discussion of the 2012 presidential election exit poll procedures.