pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API How Americans voted in the House and Senate elections, based on exit polls conducted by Edison Research. Exit Polls Nov. 4, 2014 NationalGeorgiaNorth CarolinaIowaColorado 20142010 U.S. House Change from 2010RepublicanDemocrat 2%Total Data not available47% 52% no changeMale Data not available42% 56% 6%Female Data not available52% 47% Total Sex Live Blog Senate House Governor Live Model pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 2%18-29 Data not available54% 43% 6%30-44 Data not available50% 48% no change45-64 Data not available45% 53% 6%65+ Data not available42% 57% 1%White Data not available38% 60% 1%Black Data not available 89% 10% 6%Hispanic Data not available63% 35% 17%Asian Data not available50% 49% Yes Data not available41% 58% No Data not available56% 42% Yes Data not available 76% 23% No Data not available45% 53% 1%Protestant or other Christian Data not available38% 60% 2%Catholic Data not available45% 53% Jewish Data not available65% 33% Other Data not available67% 30% None Data not available69% 29% Yes Data not available44% 54% No Data not available49% 49% 3%Under $30,000 Data not available59% 39% 1%$30,000 - $49,999 Data not available51% 47% Age Race and Ethnicity Married Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual Religion Full-Time Work Family income pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 1%$50,000 - $99,999 Data not available44% 54% 3%$100,000 or more Data not available42% 57% No college degree Data not available46% 53% 2%Some college Data not available45% 53% 8%College graduate Data not available44% 54% 1%Postgraduate study Data not available53% 44% 1%Democrat Data not available 92% 7% no changeRepublican Data not available5% 94% 7%Independent or other Data not available42% 54% 6%Liberal Data not available 87% 11% 4%Moderate Data not available53% 44% 1%Conservative Data not available13% 85% Undocumented Immigrants Should most illegal immigrants working in the United States be deported or offered a chance for legal status? Deported Data not available23% 74% Legal status Data not available64% 34% Condition of Economy Do you think the condition of the nation's economy is: Excellent or good Data not available 74% 23% Not so good or poor Data not available34% 64% Obama Approval Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president? Education Political Party Ideology pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Approve Data not available 87% 12% Disapprove Data not available15% 83% Same-Sex Marriage Should your state legally recognize same-sex marriage? 1%Yes Data not available67% 31% 1%No Data not available27% 71% Healthcare Law Do you think the 2010 federal health care law: Went too far Data not available14% 83% Was about right Data not available 80% 19% Did not go far enough Data not available 78% 19% Islamic State (ISIS) How do you feel about current U.S. military action against ISIS in Iraq and Syria? Approve Data not available50% 49% Disapprove Data not available42% 56% Marijuana Legalization Do you think the use of marijuana should be: Illegal Data not available32% 67% Legal Data not available60% 37% Congress Approval Do you approve or disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job? 52%Approve Data not available53% 46% pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API 25%Disapprove Data not available46% 52% Life for the Next Generation Do you expect life for the next generation of Americans to be: 16%Better Data not available68% 31% 14%About the same Data not available60% 39% 8%Worse Data not available29% 68% Trust in Government How much of the time do you think you can trust the government in Washington to do what is right? Always or most of the time Data not available72% 27% Some of the time or never Data not available40% 57% Ebola How do you feel about the federal government's response to the Ebola virus in the U.S.? Approve Data not available69% 29% Disapprove Data not available26% 72% Race Relations In the last few years, have race relations in this country: Gotten better Data not available55% 44% Stayed about the same Data not available53% 46% Gotten worse Data not available37% 61% Climate Change Do you think climate change, also known as global warming, is a serious problem? Yes Data not available70% 29% pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API ▲ Back to Top Methodology The Election Day polls were based on questionnaires completed by v oters as they left v oting stations on Tuesday throughout the country and in four states analy zed by The Times. The polls were conducted by Edison Research of Somerv ille, N.J. for the National Election Pool, a consortium of ABC News, Associated Press, CBS News, CNN, Fox News and NBC News. The national results are based on 1 9,441 v oters in 281 randomly chosen precincts across the United States. These include 2,800 absentee v oters and early v oters interv iewed by telephone. The state results are based on v oters in 35 to 40 randomly selected precincts within each state, surv ey ed as they left v oting stations: 3,1 1 7 v oters in Georgia, 3,1 7 6 in Iowa and 2,7 97 in North Carolina. These include 500 to 600 interv iews in each state conducted by telephone with absentee v oters and early v oters. In Colorado all 1 ,050 interv iews were by telephone because v oting there is by mail. In theory , in 1 9 cases out of 20, the results from such polls should differ by no more than plus or minus 1 percentage point nationally , and 3 points in each state, from what would hav e been obtained by seeking to interv iew all v oters who cast ballots in each of these elections. Results based on smaller subgroups, such as supporters of a particular candidate, hav e a larger potential sampling error. In addition to sampling error, the practical difficulties of conducting any surv ey of v oter opinion on Election Day , such as the reluctance of some v oters to take time to fill out the questionnaire, may introduce other sources of error into the poll. No Data not available14% 84% pdfcrowd.comopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API © 2014 The New York Times Company Contact Us Work With Us Advertise Your Ad Choices Privacy Terms of Service Terms of Sale Site Map Help Site Feedback Subscriptions Marjorie Connelly, Jon Huang and Jeremy B. Merrill/THE NEW YORK TIMES The Times was assisted in its polling analy sis by : Barry M. Feinberg of BMF Research and Consulting; Prof. Dav id R. Jones, Baruch College and the Graduate Center, City Univ ersity of New York; Michael R. Kagay of Princeton, N.J.; Maureen Michaels of Michaels Opinion Research; Prof. Helmut Norpoth, Stony Brook Univ ersity ; and Annalise Armenta of New York City .