U.S. Election Results, 9 February 2021 @ 11:22 ET in The New York Times. President: Biden 81,283,361 (51.3%) Trump 74,222,960 (46.8%) Total 155,506,321 (98.1%) Voter Turnout = 155,506,321 x 1.019 = 158,460,941 divided by 239,247,182 (VEP) = 66.2%, the highest voter turnout since 1900 (73.2%). Professor Michael McDonald predicted a voter turnout of 66.4% (See below). Biden beat Trump by 7,060,401 popular votes (4.5 percentage points) and won the Office of President by 306 to 232 Electoral College votes. Minor Party candidates received 1.9% of the votes cast. Senate: 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats elected with after the January runoff elections in Georgia for the remaining 2 Senate seats. House: 222 Democrats and 213 Republicans. Republicans flipped 15 seats for a net gain of12 seats and Democrats flipped three seats. Miscellaneous Notes: North Carolina vote counting ended on November 12, 2020; Alaska counted absentee/mail in ballots on November 10, 2020. See Michael P. McDonald, United States Election Project (Department of Political Science, University of Florida, 222 Anderson Hall, POBox117325, Gainesville, FL 37611, for ballots cast by state and calculation of the VEP (voting eligible population). http://www.electproject.org/2020g (accessed November 4, 2020).