SPRb1130-Violence and Human Behavior Instructions for Group presentation 1. Date and Time: 30th November 2022, from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm 2. Size of the group: the group must consist of voluntary selected five members (maximum) 3. Forming the group: the group must be mixed once considering gender (as much as possible), country, the field of study etc. 4. Topic selection: any topic that describes an aspect of the violence phenomenon in your country. The students are highly encouraged to select diverse topics, which are incorporated into the syllabus of SPRb 1130 5. Time: 15 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for the discussion 6. Role of the group member: each member of the group must contribute to the work and the team leader is responsible for obtaining the contribution of his/her team members. Every member must present for at least 3 minutes (out of 15 minutes). 7. Content of the presentation: - Introduction to the topic - The prevalence of the selected violence type (with qualitative/quantitative information) - Possible causes/reasons for the selected violence - Social work interventions to reduce or deal with the issue 8. Evaluation: following factors will be considered a. Richness of the information b. Rationale of information c. Team spirit/quality of the group work d. Presentation skills e. Organization of the presentation For any consultancy, please feel free to contact me Thank you Susantha Rasnayake