Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Professor John Wilton Lecture 4 Environmental policy Additional source: Skovgaard, J. (2014) ‘E.U. climate policy after the crisis’, in Environmental Politics, Vol. 23, February, no.1, pp. 1-17. Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 CONTEXTUAL ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK 1.Brief historical development of E.U. environment policy; 2.The theoretical perspective 3.E.U. environment policy within the context of the defining characteristics and underlying principles of E.U. social policy Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 1.The historical development of E.U. environment policy - change in political views at Council of Ministers meeting, Paris, Oct. 1972 - 1973 EEC Environment and Consumer Protection Service set up - attached to Industrial Policy Directorate-General Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 -1973 first E.C. Environmental Action Plan adopted - but no clear legal basis for E.C. action on environment - no strategy or coordinated policy programme Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 Three significant changes in 1980s: A) 1981 – reorganisation of European Commission – environmental responsibilities transferred to new Directorate-General responsible for environment, nuclear safety and civil protection Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 B) 1982 – Third Environmental Action Programme (EAP) (1982-1986) – emphasised need to take PREVENTIVE ACTION to protect environment - instead of just RE-ACTING to problems + EAP stated that environmental concerns should be INTEGRATED into all E.C. policies Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 C) 1985 European Court of Justice decision argued that environmental protection was “one of the European Community’s ESSENTIAL objectives” Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 Single European Act, 1986 - gave E.C. legal competence in environmental matters - stated that the European Community’s goals were to include the preservation and protection of the environment Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 Maastricht Treaty,1993 - Article 2 – fundamental goal of the E.U. “sustainable and non-inflationary growth respecting the environment” - stressed importance of ‘precautionary principle’ (E.U. should take action if suspicion of environmental harm) Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 •1985 – creation of CORINE (Coordinating Information on the Environment) •1994 – foundation of European Environment Agency (EEA), based in Copenhagen (not policy maker or implementor, but generates and provides data) Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 April 1986 – Chernobyl nuclear power station accident/disaster -gave impetus to E.C. Environment policy development -Demonstrated that environmental problems didn’t respect national boundaries, therefore transnational policy responses necessary Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 2. The theoretical perspective - E.U. uniquely placed to deal with environmental problems at transnational level - after 1986 became clear at several levels that a transnational response required to environmental problems Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 A)Many problems – such as air and water pollution – are not limited by national frontiers; B)Individual country responses might incur costs undermining economic competitiveness; C)Costs of taking environmental action offset by across-E.U. economic benefits Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 D) Richer E.U. countries could help poorer countries address environmental problems through funding assistance and by sharing technical knowledge; - plus, over longer term, benefit to richer E.U. countries as fewer factories and businesses likely to move to E.U. states with lower environmental standards Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 -demonstrates ‘spillover’ functional process in operation between E.U. environment policy and economic policy, and the operation of the E.U. market - E.U. Environment Action Plan – ‘Environment 2010: Our Future, Our Choice’ stated “Economic, social and environment policies are closely integrated”. Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 - environmental policy and E.U. integration closely linked - European integration has been good for the environment, and environmental protection Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 3. Environmental policy and the characteristics and principles of E.U. social policy - environment policy is area that most requires greatest degree of harmonisation and convergence? Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 ‘Goals’ of E.U. environmental policy in various treaties and in the EAPs are broad: a)the improvement of the quality of the environment; b)the protection of human health; c)the prudent use of natural resources; d)increased environmental efficiency (i.e. improvements in efficiency of resource use, so that consumption is reduced Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 e) the promotion of measures at the international level to deal with regional or global environmental problems - In general, E.U. environment policy has predominantly focused on problems that are better dealt with jointly (harmonised?) than nationally Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 - and these have been in areas where ‘harmonisation’ is more easily achieved, i.e. a)the control of chemicals in the environment; b)the reduction of air and water pollution; c)the management of waste; d)fisheries conservation (of fish stocks); e)control of pesticides f)regulations and requirements on heavy goods vehicles a) Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 E.U. has also been active, in terms of policy harmonisation, in areas not normally defined at the national level as ‘environmental’, i.e. - noise pollution control - control of genetically modified organisms Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 E.U. tended to take ‘mutual recognition’ approach on environment policy on issues with more ‘local’ or ‘regional’ basis, i.e. a)protection of eco-systems (at local level); b)protection of natural habitats (wild life); c)the management of natural resources, such as forests and soil; d)the promotion of energy conservation and alternative sources of energy Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 Underlying principles of E.U. environment policy: a)Sustainable development – renewable natural resources such as air, water and forests should be used in such a way as to ensure their continued availability for future generations; b)Integration – environmental protection must be a component of all E.U. policies that might have an environmental impact Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 c) Prevention – action to prevent the emergence of environmental problems, rather than just responding to problems as they arise; d) Subsidiarity – the E.U. restricts itself to issues that are best dealt with jointly; e) Derogation – Member states that are unable to bear economic burden of environmental protection given longer deadlines, lower targets, financial assistance in transition Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 SUMMARY: 1.By early 1980s E.C. had switched to focus on environmental management as basis of economic and social development; 2.Environmental factors actively considered in other policy areas from mid-1980s, e.g. agriculture, industry, energy, transport - environmental factors no longer subordinate to goal of building single market Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 -and in 1990s E.U. adopted the principle of sustainable development i.e. agreed that no economic development should take place without careful consideration of its potential impact on the environment 3. E.U. approaches to environment policy provides illustrations of forces operating in process of European integration Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 8th Environmental Action Programme 2022 to 2030 (www.environment.ec.europa.eu) Objectives The long-term priority objective is that, by 2050 at the latest, Europeans live well, within planetary boundaries and in a well-being economy where nothing is wasted. Growth will be regenerative, climate neutrality will be a reality, and inequalities will have been significantly reduced. It identifies 6 priority objectives to 2030 Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 Enabling framework Sets out the enabling conditions needed to achieve the priority objectives. Among others, it highlights the need for •a full implementation of existing legislation •significantly decreasing the Union’s material and consumption footprints •achieving environmental fairness •boosting sustainable finance •using economic and tax incentives to facilitate the sustainability transition •phasing out fossil fuel subsidies •cooperation at all levels of policy-making between different levels of actors •harnessing the potential of digitalisation •ensuring that policy action is firmly anchored in latest science and knowledge Political Issues and Social Policy in the E.U. Lecture 4 Monitoring and reports The Commission, supported by the European Environment Agency and the European Chemicals Agency monitors, assesses and reports annually on progress on the priority objectives. Based on selected headline indicators, the EEA assesses progress towards the 8th EAP objectives in annual reports published every December, from 2023 onwards.