How to prepare your presentations - IRAC Stands for: · Issue · Rule · Analysis · Conclusion 1. Parties (defendant, plaintiff) 2. Facts – describe briefly in few sentences, a timeline may be useful in some cases, choose the most important facts to your legal reasoning, you do not want to overwhelm your audience with too many details 3. Issue – spot the main issue relevant to the topic of the lesson, there may be several side issues and subissues, draw an issue scheme if it helps you to find out the most important one, try to formulate the issue into a sentence 4. Rule – find relevant statutory and case law rules the court used in its reasoning 5. Analysis – describe briefly the most important parts of the court´s reasoning related to the issue 6. Conclusions – what is the court´s solution to the issue? Think of any consequences the decision may have, relate it to other cases we talked about in lessons. Is the decisions sound? Here is your place for a critique. Does the decision leave an open way for other courts and interpretation?