Faculty of Law, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic 27th - 29th May 2009 Invitation to COFOLA 2009 Ladies and gentlemen, Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, under the auspices of prof. JUDr. Naděžda Rozehnalová, CSc., Dean, and Roman Onderka, Mayor of the City Brno, holds its third International Conference of Doctoral Students and Young Scholars COFOLA 2009. Aim of the Conference The traditional aim of this Conference is in particular non-conform presentation of the results of scientific activities of doctoral students and young scholars. However, we have left the former model, which split the section under legal sections (civil law, criminal law, etc). Sections are drawn horizontally, and should be a discussion arena for more representative branches of different departments and faculties. This unique meeting of expected two hundred lawyers and economists we have decided to enhance of the panel discussion on topic Principles of good governance from the perspective of the Visegrad countries (CZ, HU, PL, SK). Icing on the cake should be a lecture on the backstage of the Czech Presidency of the EU, which will have Ing. Marek Mora, Deputy Vice Prime Minister for European Affairs. Date and place of the Conference * Date: 27. - 29. May 2009 * Place: Masaryk University Faculty of Law, Veveří 70, Brno. * Accommodation: For participants of COFOLA 2009 we have booked accommodation at the Hotel Amphore in the centre of Brno. Participants may themselves book rooms at the hotel, phone +420 545 428 310 or via email: reception@amphone.cz Reservation must be made by 4 May 2009 (incl.) * Price (price includes breakfast): Single room - 890,- CZK/night/room; double room - 1200,CZK/night/room. Price of accommodation is not part of the conference fee and applies only to conference participants COFOLA 2009. General partner: Main partners: Partners: Faculty of Law, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic 27th - 29th May 2009 Programme of the Conference 1st Day: from 14:30 attendance of participants of the Conference from 4 p.m. panel discussion on topic "Principles of Good Governance", followed by reception 2nd Day: morning and afternoons meetings in section, lunch provided Informal evening programme 3rd Day: 10 a.m. lecture to the Czech Republic Presidency in the Council of the EU. 12 a.m. Conference concludes The exact programme will be published on the website www.cofola.cz Information on the application, contribution and conference fee Registration: * Deadline 10. 5. 2009 * Registration only on www.cofola.cz Contribution: * Deadline 10. 5. 2009 for sending the English resume. * Deadline 31. 5. 2009 for sending the complete contribution. * Templates and instructions for processing of the download you can find on the website. Resume is added to the system after creating your application. Conference fee: * 45 EUR (1200 CZK) * After the registration to the Conference you will receive on your e-mail address an electronic invoice, original invoice you will receive at the registration. Please make the payment of the Conference fee according to the information on the invoice, including the maturity date. General partner: Main partners: Partners: Faculty of Law, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic 27th - 29th May 2009 Information on the application, contribution and conference fee List of Sections 1) Social responsibility of the legal person Annotation: The topic for the meeting is social responsibility of legal persons in the broad sense. The social responsibility is duty of legal person to eliminate possible negative impacts of its activity on the company, regardless of whether this legal person is meant national or multinational corporations, state or territorial self-governing unit. We will welcome contributions analyzing various layers of social responsibility, i.e. economic, legal or ethical, and formulating recommendations to strengthen the social responsibility, e.g. in relation to contributing to sustainable development, environmental protection, public health and safety, to respect fundamental human rights and existing legislation at all, to the transparent and non-corruption negotiations. - head of the section JUDr. Jana Tkáčiková, Ph.D. 2) Economic crisis Annotation: The economic crisis is currently the most commonly reported term in media; it is included in the agenda of political leaders and business management and is frequently discussed at households. The aim of this section is to cover the full breadth of the current problem. Attention will be paid not only to the causes of the emergence of the economic crisis and subsequent recession of the world economy, but also to the impacts that the crisis left in the various sectors in the economy, including effects in legal and social environment. At the same time are welcomed contributions containing proposals and solutions eliminating the impacts and consequences of this economic crisis. - head of the section Ing. Eva Tomášková, Ph.D. 3) Reorganization of enterprise Annotation: In the context of ongoing economic changes takes place conversion of the structure of many businesses and factories, including the transnational level. These changes affect not only the relations between the companies, but represent a significant impact in the field of labor relations, which brings with it consequences in the social sphere of the employees or their families. The aim of this section is to identity various aspects of enterprise restructuring, such as changes in legal relations, including conversions of rights and duties of these relations, termination of the legal relations, or issues related to the insolvency of undertaking or business.. - head of the section JUDr. Jana Komandová General partner: Main partners: Partners: Faculty of Law, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic 27th - 29th May 2009 4) Acquisition of assets by the State Annotation: Topic of acquisition of assets by the State is inherently cross-cutting issue, affecting not only the administrative law, particularly expropriation, management of state asset, but also commercial law, civil law, financial law etc. As the most relevant parts are in particular institutes of inheritance, donation, individual forms of equity in state companies, relations between different laws governing property relations and the status of the State and other entities, etc. We can't leave apart question of obligations. The aim of these contributions should be an analysis of the question o state property, acquisition of assets by the State and management of it. - head of the section JUDr. Stanislav Sedláček, Ph.D. 5) Political-security and economic relations between the European Union and third states and international organizations Annotation: The European Union is seeking an active performance in international economic and political-security field. External relations politics is divided into two layers, which are complementary, but to achieve its objects they use different instruments. One of these layers forms a common commercial policy within the scope of the European Community. The second one is the foreign and security policy forming II. pillar of the European Union. The aim of this section is to identify issues in external relations in the economic (especially trade relationships and WTO issues), political (the European Union as a single voice on the international scene), and security (fight against terrorism, police actions in the Balkans). - head of the section JUDr. David Sehnálek, Ph.D. 6) Legal, economic and social aspects of the movement of persons in the European Union Annotation: The internal market of the European Union is a space within all European citizens can benefit from the freedom of movement and residence. The scope of this freedom has no comparison in modern European history. The current level of liberalization processes in this area culminated in creating of the Schengen area. The possibilities of work and business, but also free migration can be used in way that never existed since the Roman Empire. At the same time emerge accompanying problems that must be handled by law. Can be mentioned e.g. the issue of taxation, access to education, recognition of qualifications and experience, access to social security, civil, family and commercial relations with a foreign element, bur also an effective sanction of offenders. Movement of persons concerns not only natural persons, but also companies. Even in their case due to the gradual globalization of activities originate series of new problems to which law must actively respond. The aim of this section is to identify these problems and to propose their possible solutions. - head of the section JUDr. Eva Žatecká, Ph.D. General partner: Main partners: Partners: Faculty of Law, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic 27th - 29th May 2009 7) Information in law Annotation: This section will deal with information from a legal point of view. There is no doubt that the information occur practically in various forms in all areas of law. That is why this issue is very broad and crosscutting. Participants in this section should focus on the constitutional foundations of the right to information, issue of provision of information on environment and free access to information according to Act 160/1999 Coll., as amended. We must not forget the issue of official language, delivery and access to files as in civil, criminal, administrative and financial proceedings. Nowadays is an important medium of transmission is undoubtedly internet and there is a scope for experts dealing with cyberspace dealing with legal information. The list is obviously not exhaustive, but only indicative and for participants serves as instruction and recommendation. - head of the section JUDr. Ivana Pařízková, Ph.D. 8) Autonomous will of parties Annotation: Autonomous will of parties belongs to the basic principles of private law, which is reflected also in substantive law, procedural law and in conflict of laws. Like any other principle is also this principle in justified situations subject to certain modifications. The aim of this section is to allow authors dealing with various private law disciplines to take into account this principle in the legal sector in situations where it is subjected to restrictions, for example, to certain groups of persons, which law a priori considers as weaker party and thus because of their disadvantageous position need through legal means to cope their position. - head of the section JUDr. Kateřina Ronovská, Ph.D. Contact info Feel free to e-mail us to reach organizational team or heads of sections: cofola@cofola.cz Links www.cofola.cz (official website) www.amphone.cz (hotel) http://picasaweb.google.com/cofola.photos/ (fotogallery) http://www.ticbrno.cz/ (tourist info) http://jizdnirady.idnes.cz/ (timetables of the Czech Republic and abroad) http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1541339&l=5ac3d&id=1171764652 (Cofola poster) (Facebook users can add COFOLA to their events) General partner: Main partners: Partners: