CZECH FAMILY LAW HISTORY – PRESENT - FUTURE © Zdeňka Králíčková, 2009 MAIN TURNING-POINTS - the establishement of the Czechoslovak republic (1918) - the second word war (1939 -1945) - the communist take-over (1948) - the collapse of communism (1989) - the accession to the European Union (2004) 1918 the establishement of the Czechoslovak republic n Act No. 11/1918 Coll. – reception of the law of the Austrian – Hungarian Empire ► legal dualismus n Czech lands: CC - ABGB (1811) n Slovakia: Hungarian law (based on legal customs) + n Act No. 320/1919 Coll., so called Marriage Amendment n Act No. 121/1920 Coll., Constitution (new principles: equality between a man and a womam, all children) n Act No. 56/1928 Coll.,Adoption Act n 1937: legal steps for recodification of CC ► failed 1939 – 1945 the second word war (16. 3. 1939 – 8. 5. 1945) n three catelories of inhabitants: n German citizens n Citizens of Protectorate n Citizens under „racial“ rules from Norimberk (15. 9. 1935) on Protection on German Blud and German Honour ►prohibition of marriages between the German race and Jew n property aspects n Act from 21. 6. 1939 on aryanize of Jewish property 1948 the communist take-over n Act No. 150/1948 Coll., Constitution n Soviet pattern – atomisation of legal order: n Act No. 265/1949 Coll., Family law Act n Act. No. 141/1950 Coll., CC n Act No. 59/1952 Coll., on Marrying Aliens n Act No. 69/1952 Coll., Children Act + - equality of a man/a woman elimination of church equality of children bagatelisation of no guilty divorce property in family 1963/1964 n Act No. 94/1963 Coll., Act on the Family n Act No. 40/1964 Coll., CC till present – see: 1989 the collapse of communism n the access to the Human Hight Conventions n Amendments to the Act No. 100/1960 Coll., Constitution n Act No. 23/1991 Coll., Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms n Act No. 509/1991 Coll., great amendment to CC n Act No. 234/1992 Coll., amendment to AF (civil wedding) ► Establishment of the Czech republic n reception of old laws of the Czechoslovak Republic n Act No. 1/1993 Coll., Constitution n Act No. 2/1993 Coll., Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms n Act No. 91/1998 Coll., great amendment to AF (no ideology, new conception of divorce, parental responsibility, guardianship, maintenance, adoption etc. + community of property of spouses) n Act No. 359/1999 Coll., Children Act 2004 the accession to the European Union n 1st May 2004 n major changes occurred after 1989 – human rights dimension of interpretation and aplication n old laws from 60´ still in force (AF, CC) + n Act No. 115/2006 Coll., on Registered partnership The Act on the Family - structure n I. Part Marriage n II. Part Relations of Parents and Children n III. Part Maintenance Duty n IV. Final Provisions The Civil Code - structure n I. Part: General Provisions n II. Part: Right related to Things: n § 143 - § 151 Community of Property of Spouses n III. – V. Parts: repealed n VI. Part: Liability for Damage and Unjust Enrichment n VII. Part: Inheritance n VIII. Part: The Law of Obligations n § 703 ff. Joint Lease of a Flat by Spouses n IV. Part: Concluding, Transitional and Repealing Provisions Legislative Intention of Ministry of Justice No. 2623/00-L from 29. 1. 2001 ►the new Civil Code FUTURE n almoust 20 years of expectation of a full reform n early 1990‘s: prof. Knapp and prof. Plank n middle of 1990‘s: prof. Zoulík n 2001: prof. Eliáš n great support of government n the draft:, n end of 2009 - Parliament n family law: the second part of „draft“ Civil Code n discontinuity with communist law n comeback to European Legal Traditons