Spring 2011 “Public Health Emergency Law: Domestic and International” John Marshall Law School (JMLS), Chicago, Illinois USA Masaryk University Faculty of Law (MUFL), Brno, Czech Republic Instructor Judith W Munson jwmunson2@yahoo.com THE SKYPE ASSIGNMENT Skype Assignment Coordinator: * The Objectives The objectives of the VoIP Skype conversation assignment are two-fold: The first objective is to connect up law school students trans-Atlantically for a substantive discussion about a topic involving public health emergency law. The students at the John Marshall Law School in Chicago, Illinois and at Masaryk University Faculty of Law in Brno, Czech Republic are taking the same course in the spring of 2011. This fact alone is unique. The students also all speak English. This is very fortunate. The only communication barriers are distance (across the Atlantic Ocean) and time (there is a 7-hour time difference between Chicago and the Czech Republic). The second objective is to introduce the students in both classes to the use of technology for international communication purposes, for personal use but especially for professional purposes. Skype is recommended because use of the www.Skype.com software is FREE. * The Assignment The assignment is to set a specific appointment time with the Skype partner(s) in the other country as to when the conversation will take place. The appointment should be set for one hour although it might take longer than one hour. Generally, one hour should be sufficient, but experience proves that the experience is so unique that the participants are not anxious to conclude it. During the conversation, personal information is encouraged to be exchanged as a prelude to the substantive assignment which is simply this: the one-hour conversation should involve a topic connected to public health emergency law. It could be a law in the Czech Republic; it could be a law in Illinois; it could be a law of international application. A short report on the subject matter discussed (usually two pages) must be submitted to the instructor electronically. (The JMLS Students are required to write a longer report.) * A Suggestion for Selecting a Topic for the Skype Conversation Attached are the web addresses of the Pandemic Plans of the Czech Republic and the State of Illinois. Discuss one or two (or more) of the subjects covered in them. In the written report, take a “compare and contrast” approach to the subjects from the documents which were discussed. NOTE: Please put a proper heading on the document, i.e., the title of the assignment, your name, the name of the course, the instructor, the semester, the date of submission, etc. Please make it as professional as possible by proofreading it and correcting all typos prior to submission. Pictures and/or other visuals appropriate to the topic should be included in your report. Czech Republic Pandemic Plan: In English, it appears on the following webaddress: http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:65UpOnc3_6MJ:www.mzcr.cz/Unie/Soubor.ashx%3FsouborID%3D71 74%26typ%3Dapplication/pdf%26nazev%3DPandemic%2520plan%2520-%2520English.pdf+pandemic+plan+of+the+c zech+republic&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShuLLaSgDX4QPPTWL8igrlnaPaCimWqwjNT47FYhwx9TR8HPI8gyMdp 8w70cGEScVBoX9Y4wLbSbs-bdIhH9YFKtZe17BXcsCV-BMaGXFjQoFbuQUHpPcmTBf_X86ooO9HF4E-k&sig=AHIEtbR1NL0d32 lqkc2YTb57hI0s3fXQHg State of Illinois Pandemic Plan: http://www.idph.state.il.us/pandemic_flu/H1N1_Pandemic_Flu_Plan_091409.pdf Spring Semester 2010 JMLS Student Contact Sheet Email + Skype * * * * MUFL Students – Spring 2010 Names, Email Addresses + Skype Names