PRESENT PERFECT Read the article about Dennis Heal and put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense, present simple, past simple or present perfect. Dennis Heal (be) a politician. He (go) to Oxford University in 1950, and in 1957 he (become) a Member of Parliament (MP) for the Labour Party. He (be) an MP since then. He (be) Defence Minister from 1964 - 70. He (write) three books, including his autobiography The Time of my life, and a spy story called The Time to Run. He is married to the artist, Edna Heal, and they have two children. They (live) in Oxford for 15 years, then (move) to London in 1970. They now (live) in a house in central London. Now complete the questions. _______________________________? He´s a politician. _______________________________? In 1950. _______________________________? In 1957. _______________________________? Since 1957. _______________________________? From 1964-70. _______________________________? Three. _______________________________? Yes, he has. It´s called The Time to Run. _______________________________? She´s an artist. _______________________________? For 15 years. _______________________________? In 1970. _______________________________? In a house in central London. _______________________________? Since 1970. Translate the sentences. Právě přijeli. Kdy přijeli? Odešel před 5 minutami. Byls někdy v Británii? Znám ho už léta. Jak dlouho bydlíš v Brně? Bydlím tu od roku 1990. Kde je Anna? Šla do kina. Kdy jsi začal pracovat pro Microsoft? Jak dlouho je tvá matka v nemocnici? Dokončil jsem to ve dvě ráno. Phrases for a cover letter. Match the beginnings of the phrases with their correct endings. 1. I am submitting this letter A. will bring a very significant contribution to the Center. 2. I am familiar B. an expression of my interest in the position of Director of Nursing Services. 3. I do believe that my practical experience C. to express my interest in the position of ... 4. I would very much appreciate D. is enclosed for your review. 5. As you may see from my enclosed resume, E. match perfectly with your requirements 6. I would like to point out that F. the opportunity to discuss my potential contributions to your company with you. 7. Please accept this letter as G. in order to be an asset to your organization. 8. I look forward H. to hearing back from you 9. A copy of my resume I. with the important role your Center plays within the community. 10. I believe that my skill-sets J. I graduated from the renowned ... College 11. I possess the right combination of nursing skills K. my experience and accomplishments match this position’s requirements. Cover Letter Go through the letter and fill in the missing information. There are also some mistakes in the letter, find them. XYZ Company 87 Delaware Road Hatfield, CA 08065 (909) 555-5555 Date??? Salutation (I know the name, I do not know the name)??? I´m writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union. As requested, I´m enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume and three references. The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical experiences and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include: • I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications • I strive for continued excellence • I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. I also have experiences in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed. So, see my resume for additional informations on my experiences. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speak with you about this employment opportunity. Closing (I know the name, I do not know the name)??? FirstName LastName