Please provide answers to the following questions. These questions require fairly brief answers of a paragraph or two in length (between 100 and 300 words, approximately). The final question offers an opportunity for you to express your opinion. The length of your assessment, in its entirety, should not exceed the overall maximum word limit, and may be a little shorter. 1. Who was Frederick Accum and why is he an important character in the history of British food law? 2. Provide a brief account of the triggers for, and aims of, the European Commission's White Paper on Food Safety. Which major new EU body was proposed here and which piece of legislation eventually brought it into being? 3. In just one or two sentences, briefly explain how primary responsibilities for risk assessment and risk management, in relation to the food chain, are allocated between two key EU institutions. 4. What is the ‘precautionary principle’ and does it feature in the EU treaty framework and, more specifically, does it play any role in EU food governance? 5. Can you identify, and briefly describe, some key features of the new EU general food labelling Regulation (Reg. 1169/2011)? 6. Can we trust health claims made by food companies in relation to products marketed within the EU? An example here would be a claim made on the packaging that consuming a particular product can help to reduce cholesterol levels. 7. In just sentence or two, is a fundamental human right to food set down in international law? If so, where is such a right to be found? 8. To what extent do you feel that your interests in food safety and quality, and also your right to make informed consumption choices are adequately protected by EU and national food law? This question requires you to briefly express your opinion about the efficacy of food governance, drawing on what you have learned in this course, and the other answers that you have provided above.