Name: ______________________________________________________ Credit assignment The purpose of the essay is to comment on the question below: give your answer and use arguments from what was explained in class or from other authorities (cases, articles). The essay is to be written personally and individually. Please use this document to type the essay in: add your name on top and you can write the essay below. The length of the essay will be between 1.000 and 4.000 words. If you use or cite other sources (internet, cases, articles, books,…), please add a footnote with a reference to that source for each sentence or idea that you have taken from that source. Failure to give proper credit to the sources used (i.e. simply copying and pasting texts written by other authors without indicating the source in a footnote), constitutes plagiarism and will result in a failure mark. You can use the Czech method of citation. The paper should be handed in by sending an electronic version ultimately on Thursday 8 May at 14.00 hrs to my e-mail address: Submission time will be the time of sending from your computer. Good luck! Question: EU immigration law and asylum law serve two differing goals. Please discuss, in the respective areas of EU immigration law, how and to what extent you think that the protective goal of EU asylum law can come under pressure by the rules and measures of EU immigration law. [Type your essay here]