Marketing for Lawyers Expectation of clients, communication with clients Lesson 4 Eva Tomášková Customers want lif we compare customers from twenty years ago to customers nowadays, we'll find that today, customers want more. l lCustomers want: lfaster service, lmore convenient service, lmore flexibility in things like payment plans and options, lless time waiting in lines, ltheir problems solved almost immediately. Expectations x wants lWants – customer want to solve his problem lExpectations are formed from customer experience in the marketplace. l Question lWhat expectations are you from the standing in the Czech Republic? lAre you satisfied? l Expectations lPast experiences lWord of mouth lCustomers needs and wants lRisk perceived lPrice l Customer satisfaction lCustomer satisfaction measures how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. l lThe implementation of a customer service standard should lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction, which in turn influences customer retention and customer loyalty. Kano model Very disatisfied Non reached Reached Rate of reach Very satisfied Expectation Sweetie Necessity Customer Satisfaction Task lDescribe your experiences about customer satisfaction. Present necessity, expectation and sweetie on product. Perceptions lInformed by total experienced lAspect that can be managed by a company: lOfferings lService delivery lAppropriate arousal level lCost lAspect that can be influenced by a company: lCustomers´ needs met in the company lImportance of the experience to the customers lThe amount of risk the customer perceives is involved lAspects that cannot be influenced by a company: lPre-experience events (e.g. Transport) lCustomers´mood lCompanions (e.g. Argumentative) lPost-experience events (e.g. Meal in restaurant on the way home) l Customer Value lCustomer Value: lProduct elements lQuality lPrice lTime lInnovation lEmotional elements lCustomer Relationship lCustomer Services lImage of the company Barriers of customer orientation llittle emphasis on customers lunsuitable corporate culture lattitude of employees lorganizational barriers lno offer of customer services lbarriers in communication Communication lIt is necessary to understand: lthe products and services that they offer, lcorporate culture, and lwhat makes them unique to customers. l lcommunication process starts - what the client wants and expects from a company l lIt is necessary to have a method or system for client communication lIf you’re working with several clients at one time it can be very challenging to remember exactly what was said by which client and what was done at different points. Effective communication with clients 1 lDo More Listening Than Talking l lDon’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions lask the client rather than assuming l lRespect client's confidentiality (e.g. personal details) and securing client information lresponsibility to ensure the safe keeping of this client information l lCorrelating information between advisor and clients lkey information as a date, action, fee l lBe Patient with Your Explanations lexplain things in a way that client can understand l lExplain Reasons and Thought Processes ltake the time to demonstrate to client: why you think, what is important and what the potential impacts can be, which are consequences of neglect l Effective communication with clients 2 lGive Advice When Needed lMost clients will respect opinions of advisor and appreciate that he is looking out for client best interests l lAvoid Jargon lOne of the biggest frustrations for clients is when advisor talk to them with terms and phrases that he don’t understand l lUse Examples When Possible lmore clear for clients and get more accurate response and avoid misunderstanding l lPut it in Writing l lKeep it Professional l what advisor say and write can impact client relationship l Question lWhich of these rules of effective communication with client is the main for lawyers?