9Ý€ €I]uesle]u] ,sel}np puB s]q8IJ lenbe e^Pq sesnods qlog sesnods eqlJo ÍtIIBnbg z:žeIdTJuIJd ,aruI8eJ .(1.rado.rd I€IuouIIJleIu aql 3o a,trlcadsa;-rr .(1dde raldeq3 slqt uI pauleluo] saldrrur.r6 aq1 uorlecrldde IBJeueD 1:7 aldrrurr4 SgsnodS gHJ do SgIJnC oNV SJHDIu TVuflNaD :I ulIůdYHf, :saldrourr6 3ur,uo11o3 eq} spueuuofal ,4tBT ,,{1rueg ueadorng uo uolsslululo] aql :suezIllf slr;o slq8rr aq1 uaq}3ua,rls ol pue ado.rng uL\IBI ,{11tue3 Jo uolJpsluoluJeq eql o] alnqlJluo] o1 3utrrsa6 :e8PuJÉtuaql 3urrnp pa-rrnbre ,,{1-rado-rd eqt uI aJpqs rte; e asnods q]Ba aalueJpn8 o1 3urrrsa6 :atuoq {1rtue; ei{} Jo uol1]e1o.rd aql eJn)as ol 3utrtsa6 :,(1rue3 ar{lJo aJpJIa^t eqt ol elnqlJluor o1 8uutsaq JIag' pu. ,(ruouolne ale,^ud ,sesnods eq' uea^leq e]u'I'q p e>IIJls ";tfiiJ:";ísasnods 3o ,tlrlenba aq1 8ulpJ€8al sanle^ ueadorng uoulluof 01 elnqlJluoJ o1 8utrrseq :sáf, ueJeJIp 3uruletuar eql íq peJepurq sr adorng uIq]I}\ suosred;o }ueule^olu aary eq1 ]pq1 8uislu8o]ag :sMpI Jo arua8ra,luoc 8ur,nror3 e sselel{ue^eu sI aJeq] 'suralsr(s rnre1 ,(1rue3 IPuoIlPu ueaM]eq seIlIsJá^Ip 3utlsrxa eql 8ulpuElsqll'vl}ou 'lPql 3ulslu8o]au gTflI^IYaud sflsnods N!IflMI!IB SNOIIVTíIu ÁJ.ulldoud 9NIouVDiIu MVT ÁTII{Vd NvíIdounfl {o silTdI3NIud Principles of European Fami11, Lan, Regarding Property Relations between Spc :.: Principle 4:3 Legal capacity of the spouses Subject to the following Principles, each spouse has full legal capacit1, a:: .u particular is free to enter into legal transactions with the other spouse ani-.-íT third persons. Principle 4:4 Contribution to the needs of the family (1) Each spouse should contribute to the needs of the family according to :__. :r her ability. (2) The contribution to the needs of the family encompasses contributions:_ t running of the household, the personal needs of the spouses arj -r* maintenance, upbringing and education of the children. (3) Ifa spouse does not fulfill his or her obligation to contribute to the nt*;. r the family the other spouse may request the competent authority to dete:=_m the contribution. Principle 4:5 Protection of the family home and household goods (1) Any act of disposal of rights to the family home or household goods re:_::=r the consent ofboth spouses. (2) Any act of disposal by one spouse without the consent of the other is ..,,'r úi the latter ratifies it. (3) If a spouse refuses or is unable to give consent, the other spouse ma\- :3.,:l5í authorisation by the competent authority. (a) Any act of disposal in breach of the preceding paragraphs may be annli -. lir the competent authority upon the application of the non-consenting spous€,. Principle 4:6 Protection of the leased family home (l) Where the family home is leased to one spouse, the lease is deemed to -]ql to both spouses, even if it has been concluded before the marriage. (2) One spouse may not terminate or modify the lease without the conser: :i u other. (3) The landlord should notify both spouses to terminate the lease. Principle 4:7 Representation (1) One spouse may authorise the other spouse to represent him or her _:, -gJil transactions. (2) When a spouse is unable to express his or her intentions, the co;:::,+--,lil authority may authorise the other spouse (a) to act alone where the consent of his or her spouse would othent-_< E required; (b) to represent his or her spouse when the latter has the porl,e::: 18 alone. 346 Principles of European Fam Principle 4:8 Duty to inf Each spouse has the dutr and about significant act: :he other [o exercise his o Principle 4:9 Freedom to Spouses should be free ]roperty relationship. CHAPTER II: MA Principle 4:l0 Concept 1) In a marital propert1, a =a1, choose their matrimc l) During the marriage :egime or change it for an, Principle 4:l1 Form requi }íarital property agreem( :rofessional with compari i]ouses. Principle 4: 12 Disclosure -.\-hen entering into a mar rutual duty to disclose tht Principle 4:l3 Obligatio: comparable functions _he notary or other legal p (a) give impartial adr (b) ensure that each marital property í (c) ensure that both s Frinciple 4:14 Effects as ag _:.s against third parties ma =_aking the transactions rr.i (a) such information , (b) theyknewofther ::arsentia Lýt, PIluasla]uI ,lueruaeJ8e eq]Jo supd lup^eleJ eqlJo ^tenl .,{eqt (q) Jo :páluerunf op,(11elrlqnd sI uotlelujoJui LIfns (e) asnods e qlIM suol}Jesu€Jl eq} Surleu Jo aIIIl] aql ]€ Jl 3urpurg eJE sluáuIaaJ8e ,,(l.redo-rd IPlIJl]u satl-red p.rrql lsule8e sy sarlred prlqt tsule3e se slJaJg 71:7 aldrrurr6 ,1uetuaar3e eq} o] luesuoc ílaa.r; sasnods q]oq lpql aJnsua (r) puE']uatueáJ3e,,{1radord I€1IJeIII aql Jo saJuenbasuor 1e3a1 aql spup]sJepun asnods q]ea lpql aJnsua (q) ,{1ale-redas asnods qJea ol err,tpe 1erl_redut a,tt3 (e) plnoqs suollJunJ alqereduor qll^t leuolssaJo-rd 1e3a1 Jaqlo Jo Í.relou eq1 suoI1f,unJ alqereduror I{ll'!I lPuolssa;ord p3a1 Jaqlo Jo ,(relou e 3o suorle8tlqo €I:7 aldrlurrd ,slqep pue slesse Jlaql asol)slp o1 ,(1np Ienlnru p Jepun eq plnoqs sasnods aq1 luatuaa,r8e,(iladord IelIJBIu e o1ur 8urralua uaI{M eJnsoIJsIo 71:7 aldrrurr6 ,sasnods qloq ,(q pau8rs aq plnoqs puúpel?p aq .suol]funJ alqe.reduor q]lm leuolssaJold 1e3a1 raq1o ro í;elou e ,{q dn umeJp eq p1not{s sluaruaar8e .(1radord IelIJeN sluaurartnbal tuJoď 11:7 eldrrurr6 ,arur8ar Jaq]oue .ro; 11 a8ueqr ro aut8a,t .,{1radord IpIuoIuIJleIu rraql l;rpotu ,,{eur sasnods aq1 a8errreur aqt 8utrno (z) ,arut8ar,(1radord IpIuouIIJleuI rraql asooqc Áeu sasnods alnlnJ aq] a8et-r.reru er{1 eJoJeq ep?u 1uawaa-r8e,{1radord IB}IJeuJ e uI (I) 1daruo3 61:7 aldrrulr4 SJNgI^IflauDV ^Jugdoud TVJIuVW :II ugJdVHJ ,drqsuorlelar 1,1.rado,rd Ielllptu JIet{] 8ululuJalap s]uawaa-r8e o1ur Jelua o1 aau aq plnor{s sasnod5 sluaruaar8e,fledord IB}IJutu o}ul Jelue ol wopaeJf, 6:7 eldrrulr6 ,slq3l-r.raq Jo slq aslJJexa ol leq1o aq} elqpue o} ,(ressarau sI ]I sE JBJ os uI uolluJJslultupe Jo slrt 1uergru8ls lnoqe pue slqep pup slesse Jeq Jo slq lnoqp Jal{lo áq1 uIIoJuI o1 ílnp eq} seq esnods qreE luJoJuI o1 ,(lnq g:7 eldrcurr6 sasnod5 uaeirleq suoIlpJa6 -ilrador6 3urp:e3a6.ue1,{1rrueg ueadolng3o saldrlurr6 aIluesjelu T :-.e o} rarrrod eql sBI] .q asTMJeq]o plno^\ es :ualadtuor aq] .suollu -:3a1 ur Jeq Jo rulq lu. ,esPaI aq :J]_Jo luasuo] eql }norl ,a3etrrer :::o1aq o] pauaep sI as, ,asnods 3utluasuo: ,_.. pallnuup aq,(eu sqc :.::rba-r ,,(eur asnods ;at :- ]IIe.\ sI JeI{}o aql Jo ] .;::nbar spoo3 ploqasn spoo8 p1< : :. jj]alep o1 .,(1rroqlne _ >]aau aq] o} alnqlJtt oue sasnods aq] ,]} suollnqlJluo] sas ,...= o1 8urp;oclu ,(1ru :_-_"_ ]ue asnods JaI{}o i : :,:a iirredul 1e3a1 11 :\ uae.iileq suoll€IáE Principles ofEuropean Family Law Regarding Property Relations between Spouses Principle 4:l5 Exceptional hardship Having regard to the circumstances when the agreement was concluded or thost subsequently arising, the competent authority may, in cases of exceptiona_ hardship, set aside or adjust a marital property agreement. CHAPTER III: MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY REGIMES SECTION A: PARTICIPATION IN ACQUISiTIONS Principle 4:16 Applicability of the participation in acquisitions regime The participation in acquisitions regime applies if the spouses have not agreec otherwise in accordance with Chapter II. CONCEPT Principle 4:l7 Concept of participation in acquisitions (l) Participation in acquisitions is a matrimonial property regime during rvhic: property is owned separately by the spouses. (2) Each spouse's property comprises acquisitions and reserved property. (3) Upon dissolution of the regime each spouse participates in the acquisitio::r made by the other during the regime in accordance with Principle 4:31. ASSETS Principle 4: 18 Acquisitions (1) The acquisitions comprise the assets acquired during the regime, other tha:_ the reserved property. In particular, the acquisitions include (a) each spouse's income and gains whether derived from earnings c: property; (b) assets acquired by means of either spouse's income or gains. (2) Assets are presumed to be acquisitions unless they are proved to be reserr,-: property. Principle 4:19 Reserved property Reserved property comprises (a) assets acquired before the commencement of the regime; (b) gifts, inheritances and bequests acquired during the regime; (c) assets substituting reserved property; (d) assets that are personal in nature; (e) assets exclusively acquired for a spouse's profession; (f) increases in value ofthe property included in (a) to (e). Principles of Europearr Familr. Principle 4:20 Presumptio; Assets are presumed to b proved. DEBTS Principle 4:21 Personal det Debts incurred by one spou Principle 4:22 Recovery of personal debts are recovera her reserved property. ADMINISTRATION Principle 4:23 Administrat Subject to Principles 4:6 an, property independently. DISSOLUTION Principle 4:24 Grounds for The regime on the participa (a) the death ofa spou (b) the annulment of t (c) the change of the I the spouses; or (d) the decision of the Principle 4:25 Date of disso The dissolution of the regim (a) at the date ofthe dt (b) in the case ofannu the date ofthe appl (c) in the case ofan ag regime, at the date (d) in the case of a dec application. 6ý€ eIluesJa]uJ eílUesJáluI '(a) ol (e :uoIss :aur8al eq1 3u :erur8ar aq] fJ.tJasáJ eg o] pa,tord ale , .sute8,ro euoci :o s3utu-rea uror; pa^IJep apnJJu -j?i{l Jeq]o .erut8ar aq1 3ur: .1g:7 aldrcur.r4 qlll ;:orlrstnbre aq1 ur saledror1. ílladold pa^Jesal pl :::l-i.rr 3ut;np aur3e;,{pado. suo =;:5e lou aaeq sasnods aql aur8er suorlrsJnbou l SNoIJIsIn : f I{i9gu l'Juadot .JuaIueal m:r_,;3-153 Jo sese) ut .,{eu ůíE-_::lPepnJJuoJ se1vl lueuIaa *[ :,:. -j!a.\\laq suorleJag l1:ado:4 ,uorlerrldde el{l Jo elPP aq] l3 ÍllJoqlne lueladruoc aqt ,(q uolslfep e Jo ase] eql uI (p) pue :a3ueqc eqlJo alpp aq1 ]p 'etul8eJ ,,(lredo.rd IBIuouITJleIu Jel{loup o1 a8ueqc o1 1uauaar8e upJo eseJ aq] uI (]) :uotlerrldde aI{1Jo alep aq] 1e 'uotleredas 1e3a1 .ro ofJo^Ip .o8etr,reur eI{1Jo luetulnuue Jo aseJ eq] uI (q) íasnods BJo L{]pap aqlJo elep eql l? (e) lJaJe se{Pl suorlrstnboe ut uotledtctl-ted aq1 uo atur3a;3qlJo uollnJossP oql uollnlosslp Jo eý q sZ:ý aldlcurr6 ,spuno-r8 snollas uodn paseg,{tlJoqlne 1ualadruor eqtJo uolsI]ep aql (p) ;o :sasnods aql uaemlaq 1uatuaar3e ,,{q aur8a.r .,!rado-rd lpluoullJletu aq1 3o a3ueqr aql (c) íuotleredas p3a1 ro e9Jo^Tp .a8err:eu eqlJo ]ueurlnuue aq} (q) íesnods eJo ql€ap aql (e) ,(q paalossrp sr suorltsrnbcu ur uorledtctlred aq1 uo aur8ar eq1 uol}nlosslp JoJ spunoJD v7:v aldllu1l6 NoIJnfoSSIC ,{1tuapuadapur,fi .radord Jeq Jo slq JeJslultupe ol pellllue sr asnods q)Ee.LiÝ puu 9:ř saldrourr4 o1 1oaíqn5 ,fi redord 3o uolluJlslulru pv €z,Ý aldrrur-r4 NOIJVUJSINII^IOY dl.redo-rd pe^]esal Jaq Jo slq pue suorltsrnboe s asnods Jolqep eq} ulorJ elqeJa^ofeJ aJp slqap lpuosJad slqep leuosJed 3o ,(raaoca6 77:v aldtlutl1 ,slqep IpuosJad.raq -ro sII{ aJe asnods euo,,(q paJJnJuI slqáC strqap leuosJa4 17:7 aldrlurr6 SJsfC ,pa.ro:: esl^'Jeqto ssalun sasnods qtoq ,{q ,{pu1o( peu^o aq o] pe*nsard a;e s]as.; dlqsrau,lao 1uroí3o uorldurnsar6 67:7 eldrrup; sasnod5 u3a^tleq suoIlpIa6 li:ador6 3urpre3a6 .tae1 .{1tureg ueado:ng;o saldtlu::, Principies of European Family Law Regarding Property Relations between Spouses LIQUIDATION Principle 4:26 Determination and valuation of acquisitions (1) Th; acquisitions of each spouse should be determined at the date of the dissolution of the regime, as specified by Principle 4:25, (2) The acquisitions should be val"ed at the date of the liquidation of the regime. Principle 4;27 D etrimental transactions In calculating the acquisitions ofeach spouse account should be taken of (a) excessive gifts; (b) dissipationofassets; (c) other acts that have intentionally diminished the value of the acquisitions to the detriment of the other spouse, Principle 4:28 Compensation (1) The acquisitions of a spouse should be compensated for any contribution profiting his or her reserved property, 1 for any iZl rrr. reserved property of a spouse should be compensatec contribution profiting his or her acquisitions, (3) Debts ...,r-b.. the property in relation to which they were incurred, In cases of doubt they are presumed to encumber the acquisitions, (4) In the case of investient for the acquisition, improvement or preservation of an asset the calculation of the compensation should take into account any resulting increase or decrease in the value of the asset, (5) The compensation should be paid in money, unless the spouses agree otherwise. PARTICIPATION Principle 4129 Agreement on participation Spouses are free to agree on the participation in the acquisitions, Principle 4:30 Allocation of the family home and household goods The competent authority may, in the interest of the family and subject to payment of compensation, allocate the family home and household goods to one ofthe spouses. Principle 4:31 Equal participation in the net acquisitions (1) Ifone spouse,s .r.i".q.rijtions exceed the value ofthat ofthe other, the latter participatei in the surplus to the amount of one half, (2) Net acquisitions are the value of the acquisitions after deducting the debts, Principles of European Family L (3) Losses made by one spou dissolution, should not be st (a) The claim of participat otherwise. (5) Upon request ofthe debt are serious grounds for doin instalments. Principle 4:32 Adjustment l In cases of exceptional hardl (a) adjust the participt (b) set aside or modif Principle 4:29. SECTION B: COMMU Principle 4:33 Applicabilit,l The community of acquisit otherwise in accordance rvit CONCEPT Principle 4:34 Concept of tl (l) The community of acqui community property and pe (2) Community proper§. acquisitions and which is nc (3) Personal property is eact ASSETS Principle 4:35 Community (1) Community property acquired during the regim sPouses. (2) In particular, communit (a) the spouses' incc community proper (b) assets acquired eitJ community of acqr (c) gifts and bequests they belong to corn I ntersentiaIntersentla 350 I9€ EI]uasJalu] dlradord,(1tunurtuor o1 Suolaq,{aqr 1Eq1 uolllpuol uo asnods euo ol ro sasnods q]oq o1 slsanbaq pue sgr8 (c) isure8 pue aluoful,sasnods eq] Jo supeur,,(q suorlrsrnble ;o,Álrunuuor aql 3ul.rnp sasnods aqt ,,(q dllenpl^Ipul Jo .{1luloí Jaqlla peJlnbJp s]esse (q) :,Qradord 1euosrad ro d}.rado.rd ílrunurruoc 's8ururea uIoU pe^IJep JeqleqM sure8 pue eIuoJuI ,sasnods aq} (e) sepnlfuL,fi.radord 1,1tunuuror'relncrl.red u1 (7) ,sasnods aI{1 Jo euo 3o ,Q.radord 1euosrad ar{1 ]ou sI }eql aurt8ar aql 8ulrnp pa;tnble elq?^olu(ul Pue alqe^otu ,,{Lrado.rd .(ue sasrrdruoc .firadord .,(1runururo3 (1) ,firadord ÁlrunturuoJ gg:7 aldrcurr6 SJESSV dilado;d ur*o s.asnods LIJpe sl,(t.radord 1euos,ra6 (g) ,,,{lradord 1euosrad ]ou sI qflq^\ pue suorltstnbre 3o .(1runruuoJ aq1 8ur.rnp parrnbre ,{1radord sr ,(].rado.rd ,{1runururo3 (7) ,1,1rado.rd 1euos.led put /padord,(1runtutuoc 8ursrrdruor aut3a.t ,,!rado.rd IpIuoIuIJ}eru e sr suorlrsrnb:e;o .{1runruruoo aq1 (1) suorlrsrnblu3o íllunutuoJ eqlJo 1daruo3 7g:7 aldrrurr4 Jda]Noc ,11 ;eldeq3 qlIM aruep;oJJp uI esIMJaqlo paa-r3e ]ou e^pq sasnods aq1 ;r sarldde aut8ar suotlrsrnbce ;o .{1runuruo: aq1 aurr8ar suorlrsrnbre;o ,(1runurruoJ eq1 Jo Álrlqerrlddy gg:7 aldrcur.r4 SNoIůISInÓcv go ÁJINnhIT^Io) :g NOIJ]tIS ,67:7 aldrourr6 qll^l. eJuepJof]e uI aPel'u 1uatuaar8e 1esnods ,{ue ,(;rporu Jo eplse ]es (q) iuotledtltl;ed aqt tsn(pt (e) uer,{1r.roqlne lua]aduor aql dlqspJeq 1uuortrdecxa;o sese] uI ,(1rroqlne 1ualeduor aql ,tq luaurlsnípy 7g:7 aldlcurr4 ,sluetuI?1suI ur alqu,(ed ]o peJJeJáp aq o1 slueu/ed asrroq]ne 'os 3urop.ro3 spuno-r8 snolJes eJ€ eIaql eJáqM ,(eru,,{1rroqlne 1ualaduoc aq] asnods Jotqap aq13o 1sanba.r. uod1 (9) aa;3e sasnods aq} ssalun 'auo ,(;e]auoul E sI uorledrotlred ," *,;:"ffU';] ,asnods laqto aql .(q pareqs eq 1ou plnoqs 'uol]nlosslp aql Jo elPP aq] te suo]]Islnbce raq .ro srq 8urpaarxa asnods auo .{q aperu sasso1 (g) sasnod5 uaa-\!laq suor;elr5,(lrador6 3urple3a6,ue1,{1rueg ueado:ng3o saldr:urr6 ?1 luJsJá}uJ ,slqep eql 8url:npap . Jallel eq] 'Jaq]o eqlJo lP sl :uo o1 spoo8 ploqasnoq ol 1oeíqns pue 1,1rue3 spoo8 ploql ,suol}IsIl :arSe sasnods eql ssall .1JP luno))e o]ul a)e] _rl UoIJPÁJeSárd ;o luaua ,suoIlis -ji ,paJJn)uI ara.u ,(aql ,._.^p JoJ palesuadurol -LrllnquluoJ ,,(ue -ro3 pa ,a! : j] _Jo anl?^ aql peql .Jo ua)Pl eq plnol :-,_ _Jo uol}pprnbr1 aql 3 :--: _]o elep aq] ]e paull suoI, :::od5 uealtlaq suol13Ied Principles oíEuropean Family Law Regarding Property Relations between Spouses Principle 4:36 Personal property Personal property comprises (a) assets acquired before entering into the community of acquisitions; (b) gifts, inheritances and bequests acquired during the regime; (c) assets acquired through substitution, investment or reinvestment in accordance with Principles 4:37 and 4:38; (d) assets personal in nature, acquired during the regime; (e) assets exclusively acquired for a spouse's profession. Principle 4:37 Substitution (l) Any asset substituting personal assets without extra payment should be regarded as personal property. (2) Any asset substituting personal assets with additional payment should be regarded as personal property unless the payment provided by community property equals or exceeds the value of the substituted asset. (3) Where additional payment is made by one category of property, compensation is payable by the other. Principle 4:38 Investment or reinvestment (1) Any asset acquired solely through the investment or reinvestment of personal assets should be regarded as personal property. (2) Any asset acquired partly through the investment or reinvestment of personal assets and partly through community assets should belong to the personal property unless the payment provided by community property equals or exceeds the value of the investment or reinvestment, (3) Where additional investment of reinvestment is made by one category oi property, compensation is payable by the other. Principle 4:39 Presumption of community property Assets are presumed to be community property unless they are proved to be personal property in accordance with Principles 4:35 to 4:38. DEBTS Principle 4:40 Community debts The community debts are (a) debts incurred jointly by both spouses; (b) debts incurred by one spouse in order to meet the appropriate familr needs; (c) debts related to the maintenance of children; (d) debts incurred by one spouse for the use or administration o: community assets or in the interest of the community property; (e) debts related to a spouse's professional activities; 352 Interse::r Principles of European Fam (f) debts related to (g) debts that have Principle 4:4l Personal r Personal debts ofa spous (a) debts incurred l (b) debts related to during the regir (c) debts related to (d) debts which are (e) debts incurred r Principle 4:42 Recovery, (1) Community debts car the personal property of r (2) If the spouses are joir from the personal proper Principle 4:43 Recovery r (l) Debts which are perso (a) the debtor spous (b) the debtor spous (c) the community spouse's persona (2) Personal debts re]ated net value of the comm property, income and gair ADMINISTRATION Principle 4:44 Administr (l) Each spouse is entitle acts require joint adminis (2) If one spouse refuses t other spouse may apply to Principle 4:45 Acts requi; Subject to Principles 4: circumstances of the sp< particular the following: (a) acquisition, alien (b) entering into sigI (c) making significa Intersentia sasnod§ uaa"\rl3q suoI1pie6 -(]ledo]d Surp,re3ag ,ue1 ,(Ilúec ueadoJna;o saldrlurr6 {m PlluasJe}uT ,sgr3 luecglu8rs 8urlttu (r) .§:rJr§ :í;1 i.-:_:-::: ,s:ululaalSe ueo1 lu?]glu3ls o1ur 8utralua (q) - , - j -, - , - ----;: io e]up]qurn]ua pue uoI]?uaIIB 'uoll]slnb]? (e) 31J'* ? -i -- ' :8urlro11o; aq},ltlnlrl,red ff4r:]._].:-::::;:LuPeruloi8ur:rnbarslre.sasnodsaqlJosa]ue]suln]Ji) -- 1--- ----o11e o1ur 8utle1 pue 8:ý ol v|v saldrrurr6 o1 lcaíqn5 ] _!, n-,- - = uolleJ1slultupe 1uroí 8utrrnbar sl]V §ý:ý aldroutr6 :: _ -: :_-? t-r] uol]Psl]oqlne JoJ Ílr,loqlne 1ualaduoo aqt ot Áldde Íeru asnods reqlo :_-_--jLril?JJsluliIIPP ]uroí 8ur;rnbeJ lfP ul] 01 ]uásuof ol sasnJeJ asnods euoJI (Z) ,uol}eJ]sluIulpe 1uroí arrnbar slce :uelrodui inq 'ílradord íltunruurol Je}sluluJpe o} pelll]ua sr asnods q]Bg (I) ,tlradord Állunruuol ;o uol}úl}sIuI wpy vý|Ý aldlrutr6 NOIIVUJSINII^OV Á.ra,tolar JoJ ]ualfgnsut a;t sure8 puB aulo]ul Átradord 1euosrads.asnodsJolqepeqleJeqMÁtrado.1d'(1tuntutuocaq}Joanl?^leu aqlJoJI€t{ uIo{ pele^o]",q o,1" u?J auIIJ] JoHTT;§:T].::l§:,",u '' Jo]qap eql rIlIM ra'rau JIoI{l Jo ,[fi'rii',I"rfi:r,Ť:::Xi:i:ii .!] :l,tradord 1euosrad s.asnods Jo]gep eql (e) uIoU paJe^ofeJ aq up) asnods auo 01 ltuosJad are qrrqm s}qeo (I) slqep l€uosJad;o ,fua,toraa E7:7 aldrcutr4 ,asnods Jaq}Ia Jo Átradord 1euosrad eql ruo{ PaJe^o]eJ aq osle ,(eru 1qap aql 'aIqBII ,{11tre,l,as pue ,(1tuloí a,re sasnods aql JI (Z) ,lqep aq] páJJnfuI oqrnt asnods aqt;o,firadord 1euosrad aq] ", o,, p u e l 1 r a d or d,l t,.,.,* * o,',u,.i"# :ffffiJ.il; i] ji:::,fl ;;: ffi?,:'] ,asnods Jeqlo eqlJo luesuof parrnber aq] }noqll^\ peJJn]uI s]qeP (a) :eJn}eu r(q 1euosrad eJ? q]Iq^\ slqap (p) :Álradord 1euosrad o1 pa]?IeJ stqap (r) :arur8a; aqt 8u]lnp esnods auo .Áq parrnbce slsanbaq pue safuPllJequr ,sryr8 ol pal?Ial s}qap (q) :suotlrsrnb:t;o Álrunurruor eql olul 8urralua eJoJaq paJJn]uI s]qap (e) are asnods eJo slqap l?uosJed slqep leuosJe6 17:7 aldrculr6 ,s}qap leuoslad aq o1 pa,tord uaaq lou e^eq }€ql slqaP (3) :irrado.rd Átr.r.r*t ro, o1 8u,8uoleq slsenbaq pue sgr8 ot pal€Ial slqep (:) PlluásJ3luI :seIlLul :,{1rado,rd ílruntuuoc l _Jo uollB.I]slululpe ]o esn el :uJl (11ue1 aler-rdo.rdde aql leeur o ,8E:ý o1 99: :q o1 pa,to;d err: {aq1 ssalun ,{lr :o .(ro3aleo auo ,,(q eperu sI tl s]ae)xe ro slenbe,,!,rado.rd /1iu -:uosrad ai{] o1 3uolaq plnoq -:uosrad3o ]uatulse^uleJ Jo ]ua -luos.rad;o ]ualulsá^uleJ Jo ]ue - ltlesuadtuoo,(1.radord ;o l,.ro3 ,}asse pe]n, ,__:unuII!IoJ,,{q paprrr.o-rd 1uau ::. plnoqs 1uaru,,(ed Ieuoltlppp ::, ]lnoqs 1uau,,(ed BJ]xa lno ,uotssa3ord laur8a; aql 3r :t -, :uaullse^ulal Jo lueluJse^u :aurr8ar aqt 8ulrnp 1 :suotltsrnbce 3o dltuntuuro: ..:od§ uaamlaq suorlela6,{1:adol6 Principles of European Family Larv Regarding Property Relations between Spouses Principle 4:46 Annulment of acts of administration Acts requiring joint administration may be annulled by the competent authority upon the application of the non-consenting spouse, Principle 4:47 Administration of personal property Subjeci to Principles 4:6 and 4:7 each spouse is entitled to administer his or her personal property independently. Principle 4:48 Divestment of the right to administer community property (r) Upon application by one spouse the competent authority may divest the other spouse of the right to administer in whole or in part the community property on the grounds of (a) inability to express his or her intentions; (b) serious maladministration; or (c) serious failure to comply with the duty to inform in accordance with Principle 4:8. (2) To the extent that one spouse has been divested of the right to administer the community property the power vests exclusively in the other spouse, (3) Upon application of either spouse the competent authority may reinstate the divested spouse. DISSOLUTION Principle 4:49 Grounds for dissolution The community of acquisitions regime is dissolved by (a) the death ofa spouse; (b) the annulment of the marriage, divorce or legal separation; (c) the change of the matrimonial property regime by agreement between the spouses; or (d) the decision of the competent authority based upon serious grounds ordering separation of property. Principle 4:50 Date of dissolution The dissolution of the community of acquisitions regime takes effect (a) at the date ofthe death ofa spouse; (b)inthecaseofannulmentofthemarriage,divorceorlegalseparationas betweenthespouses,eitheratthedateoftheapplicationor,ifthe spouses separated earlier, at the date of their separation and as against third persons, at the date of the registration of the decision of the competent authority; (c) in the case of an agreement to change to another matrimonial proper§ regimeasbetweenthespouses,atthedateofthechangeandasagains: third persons, at the date of the publication of the agreement; Principles ofEurr (d) in the < as betv person Principle 4:51 l After the dissolr ownership appl; LIQUIDATION Principle 4:52 I (1) Community the community (2) The commul Principle 4:53 ( (1) The commr profiting the pe (2) The persol contribution pr, (3) In the case c an asset, the c resulting increa (a) The compe otherwise. Principle 4:54 l Community de DISTRIBUTIO Principle 4:55 l Spouses are fret Principle 4:56 professional as In determining may, in the in allocate to one l (a) the faI (b) profes IntersentiaInterser::- 354 99€ l]Iluáslalul ,s]esspIpuolsseJoJd (q) :spoo3 ploqasnor{ pue áruoq,(1rure; aqt (e) sasnods aqlJo auo o] ale]oIIB 'uorltsuadtuol ;o 1uaur,(ed o1 1raíqns pue ,(1rue; aql Jo 1seJalu1 aql u1 ,(eu Álrroqlne 1ualadruo: e íl.radord ílruntuuror Jo uol]nqlJlsrp aql 8ululuualap uI slasse 1euolssa3ord pue spoo8 ploqesnoq 'auroq ÁlrureJ arll Jo uolleJolly 99|Ý aldrculr6 dlradord ,(1runtuuor eI{1Jo uoltnqlJlslp aql uo aa.r8e ol aa{ eJe sasnod5 uollnqlJlslp uo 1uauaar8y 9s|ý aldrculr6 NIOIJnSIUJSICI Állenba 1ue; slq8u uotlesuaduro) pu? stqep ílrunruuro3 slqap Álruntuuo]Jo 3urlue6 75:7 aldrcurr4 .asI'.t\leqlo aor8e sasnods eql sselun ',{auou-t ur pred aq plnoqs uorlesuaduro] eql (ý) ,lesse aql Jo anl?^ eq} uI eseeJ]ep Jo aspeJful 3urllnsa,r /ue 1uno::e olul e)el plnoqs uorlesuaduto] eq] Jo uol]Blnflpf al{l '}assp up Jo uollt^Jese.rd ;o 1ueua,tordrut 'uorltsrnbce aq] JoJ ]uau}sa^ulJo espf eqt uI (€) Álrado.rd.{1runtuuoc eq] 8ullgoJd uollnqlJ]uof l,ue ro3 palesueduor eq plnoqs esnods e ;o Álradord 1euos-rad eql (Z) ,asnods e3o 1,1radord 1euosrad eq] 8ul}uoJd uol]nqlJ]uoJ Áue .ro3 palesueduroc eq plnoqs Álredord Álrunruruor eqr (I) uol1esuaduro J t9|Ý aldrrurr6 ,uol}nqlJlslp JIaI{1Jo a]ep eq} }p penlp^ aq plnoqs slasse Íltunuruor aq1 (7) ,69:7 aldrrurr6 .(q pag1lods se 'suolllslnbre 3o ,(1runruluof aq] Jo uollnlosslP aql Jo elúpeq] ]e pauluIe]ap oq plnoqs ,,{lrodord ,(1runurruo3 (I) ,§.radord Állunuruoc eql Jo uollenle^ pue uolleultuJa}e C 79|Ý aldrrurr6 NoIJVoInol] ,uol1pJJsIuIuIpe o1 íldde drqs.raurrlo 1uroí;o salnr 1eraua3 aq] suo]}Islnbre;o ,{1tunuruo] el{l Jo uollnlosslp aq] JaUV uollnlosslp JeUe uolleJlslulurpv 19:7 aldlrurr6 ,uorlerrldde aqlJo uoileJllqnd eqt;o elep eql 1e'suosrad p.l1ql lsule8e pue uorle:rldde aql;o elep aq} 1e 'sasnods aq} uaeM]aq se Álrroqlne 1ualadruoc aqr.{q parap.ro.Qrado-rd3o uotleredas;o aseJ aql uI (p) sasnod5 uaalrlaq suorlela6,(1:ador6 Surpre8ag lre1.{1ruieg ueado.rng;o saldt:utr6 PIlu3slalUI :1uaruaar3e 1sute8e sp pu€ e8uuqr ,Qradord IeIuotuIJlpuI eql Jo uolsl]ap 0q] J 1sute3e sp pup uol}pJt eql JI :Io uorlerrldde se uorleredas 1e3a1 :o ; }]eJe sa{l spunor8 snorras uodr uee,4l.}eq 1uauaar8e,{c íuorlered; 3I{l alPlsulal ,,(eu 1,1rr< ,esnods Ja .q] Ja}slultupe o1 1q3r. .{ll.\l a]u?pJoJ]e uI uj :.l _(l.iadord,(1runruurr ::q]o aql lsa,rrp,{eu ,(ilradord ,(lrunur ::-,- lo slq JalslullupP ( " -- -oqlnP 1ualaduor ar ,;.: : j§ uaa_rrlaq suo!leIa Principles of European Family Laiv Regarding Property Relations between Spouses Principle 4:57 Equal sharing and adjustment (1) The community property should be distributed equally between the spouses. (2) In cases ofexceptional hardship the competent authority can (a) adjust the distribution; (b) set aside or modify any spousal agreement made in accordance with Principle 4:55. Principle 4:58 Recovery of community debts after distribution of the community (1) Community debts can be recovered after the distribution of the community from the share of the community of each spouse and from the personal property ofthe spouse who incurred the debt. (2) The spouse who paid a community debt after the distribution of the community has recourse against the other spouse for half of the payment. 356 Intersentia PRINCIP LA FAl RELA PREAMBULE Reconnaissant que, n droit de Ia famille, la Reconnaissant que la les différences qui der souhaitant contribue des époux; souhaitant établir un solidarité; souhaitant contribuel souhaitant assurer la Souhaitant garantir á pendant le mariage; souhaitant contribue renforcer les droits de La Commission pour suivants: CHAPITRE I: I I Principe 4:1 Applicat Les Principes contenu matrimonial des épou Principe 4:2Egalité d Chaque époux a les m Intersentia