The domain name §Assignation is based on registration §The database of domain names is maintained by Administrators/Sponsors §Each top level domain has its administrator ICANN, EURid, CZ nic §The main task of administrator is to run DNS §The registration of domain names to individual users is performed by REGISTRARS §Registrars are entrepreneurs and compete §Singularity principle (uniqueness) §The domain name can be registered only for one user §One user can have more domain names §Priority principle §First come first served §Internet corporation for assigned names and numbers §responsible for managing and coordinating the Domain Name System (DNS) §ICANN is also responsible for accrediting the domain name registrars And abusive registrations §Competition for privileged domain names §Fastest user wins the race §Creates space for abusive domain name registrations §Cybersquatting §Typosquatting §Domain Kiting §Domain Hijacking § for $13 million in October 2010 § for $8.5 million in November 2010 § for $7.5 million in December 1999 § $5.1 million in January 2000 § Toys 'R' Us by auction for $5.1 million in 2009[11] § for $3.3 million in August 1998 § for $2.9 million in September 1999 § for $2.75 million in July 2004 § for $2.2 million in December 1999 § § § 973.102618830.lg.jpg §The first proprietory format was unsuccessfull §Telecommunications §Cable TVs §Banks(SWIFT) §Intranet §LAN § §TCP/IP – §Vyvinul Stanford a UCL §Army – the first user §After that IBM, AT&T and DEC §Established by US government §Administers IP adresses and domains §LDNS“ Office § §Non-profit organization §Standards coodination §Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), §Internet Architecture Board (IAB), §Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG), §Internet Research Task Force (IRTF). Internet Society logo and wordmark.png §Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers §From „single stakeholder“ to „multi-stakeholder“ Výřez obrazovky §The contract between USA and ICANN runs out §Either – completion of multi-stakeholder model §Or – return under US government §Internet corporation for assigned names and numbers §responsible for managing and coordinating the Domain Name System (DNS) §ICANN is also responsible for accrediting the domain name registrars Výřez obrazovky Výřez obrazovky §Internet corporation for assigned names and numbers §responsible for managing and coordinating the Domain Name System (DNS) §ICANN is also responsible for accrediting the domain name registrars Výřez obrazovky §CCA 1400 § § Výřez obrazovky §Trademark protection §Alternative dispute resolution §Applies to new TLD §LTD prior to such The harmonized solution §Increased volumes of squatting cases §Problems with international element §Insufficient national regulation §Low experience of judges with cybersquatting and IP law in general §Arbitration clause in the terms and conditions of registrations §Third parties have the right (not duty) to file a complaint at a selected arbitration institution §Arbitration clauses are contained in the majority of domain names § §Defensive registrations §215,835 .xxx domains. 132,859 are, adult-related sites, while 82,976 are merely defensive registrations Výřez obrazovky Výřez obrazovky §COSTS §1 million dollars §INCOME §150 dollars per registration per 5 years §1 000 000 / 150 §All you need is 6 000 Celebrities and companies who make „smart business move“ §RESERVED NAMES §SUNRISE PERIODS §UDRP procedure §RRP procedure § § § Výřez obrazovky Výřez obrazovky Výřez obrazovky §Competition law §Trademark law §Geographical indications §Commercial name (firma) §Right for privacy § §2976 – § "conduct in economic competition §conflicts with the accepted practices of competition § may be detrimental to other competitors or customers. § §Unfair competition is prohibited. • •misleading marking of goods and services •,, •parasitic use of the reputation of another competitor's enterprise, products or services •UDHR Article 12 •No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. •Charter of human rights – Article 10(1) ▫ Everyone has the right to demand that his human dignity, personal honor, and good reputation be respected, and that his name be protected. § § § § (inactive) § § § § §FIRMA §FIRMA is potected by unfair commercial rules §Exclusive right to use the trademark in connection with goods and services § § •Squatter registers a domain and offers it for sale ▫Can these companies rely on the protection on the company name claims? –Sony Music Entertainment Czech Republic s.r.o. –Sony Music Entertainment Czech Republic s.r.o. –SONY Czech, spol. s r.o. –Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications International AB Branch Office Czech Republic, §Squatter registers the domain §He does not use this domain and offers it for sale for 200 000 Kč § §Can the trademark owner claim violation of his rights? §Can the trademark owner claim transfer of the domain name? §What if the owner is based in denmark, administrator is Czech and squatter Russian? lego_computer_guy.jpg §Increased volumes of squatting cases §Problems with international element §Insufficient national regulation §Low experience of judges with cybersquatting and IP law in general §Arbitration clause in the terms and conditions of registrations §Third parties have the right (not duty) to file a complaint at a selected arbitration institution §Arbitration clauses are contained in the majority of domain names § §Not an arbitration clause §Competence of arbitration courts enacted by regulation 874/2004/EC §Complainant must prove: §Domain name is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark in which complainant has rights §Domain name has been registered and is being used in bad faith §No rights or legitimate interests in respect of current domain name C:\Users\Loutocký\Desktop\icann.jpg §The test: •comparison between the trademark and the domain name itself to determine likelihood of Internet user confusion. •the relevant trademark would generally need to be recognizable as such within the domain name •the content of website is irrelevant •E.g. •Typosqatting! C:\Users\Loutocký\Desktop\icann.jpg • • •If the complainant makes a prima facie case that the respondent has no rights or legitimate interests •The respondent fails to show one of the three circumstances under Paragraph 4(c) of the Policy, •The respondent may lack a legitimate interest in the domain name §What is bad faith? §Attempt to sell, lease, etc. the domain (cybersqatting) §Disrupt competitor‘s business §Attract (for commercial gain) the visitors to the site via confusion §Article 4 (b) of the rules C:\Users\Loutocký\Desktop\icann.jpg § §