Adobe Systems Tort law 1 Tort law JUDr. Lukáš Hadamčík, Ph.D. Adobe Systems Tort law 2 System of tort law • zero point • neminem laedere (not to harm anyone) • everyone is liable for everything • casum sentit dominus (coincidence affects the owner) • no-one is liable for anything Adobe Systems Tort law 3 Meaning of Tort law • only non-contractual liability • but! sc. 2913 – breach of contractual duty Adobe Systems Tort law 4 General clauses of tort liability • breach of good moral sc. 2909 • culpable violation of absolute right sc. 2910 • life, body, health, freedom, property, etc. • culpable violation of a protective law sc. 2910 Adobe Systems Tort law 5 Elements of liability for damage • delict – breach of statute or good morals • damage • causal relationship • fault Adobe Systems Tort law 6 Concepts of liability • liability based on fault • no-fault liability (strict liability) Adobe Systems Tort law 7 Civil delict • objective criterion • prohibitions and commands in the whole law system • prevention – sc. 2900 • required by the circumstances of the case or • required by the usages of private life • protected interests •freedom, life, body, property Adobe Systems Tort law 8 Defences and exeption clauses • using a right • fulfil a legal duty • victim´s consent • necessity sc. 2906 • self-hlep sc. 14 • self-defence sc. 2905 Adobe Systems Tort law 9 Fault • subjective criterion • examined aspects – knowledge and will • dolus directus – direct intent • dolus eventualis – indirect intent • culpa lata – wilful negligence • culpa levis – unwilful negligence • presumption of negligence sc. 2911 Adobe Systems Tort law 10 Causation • causal connection between the tortfeasor´s conduct and the damage • doctrine condictio sine qua non – theory of consequence • but-for test • concept of adequate causation • action is a relevant cause only if it is not just under particularly exceptional and extremely unlikely circumstances, but generally, suitable to produce a certain result Adobe Systems Tort law 11 Material damage • forms • damnum emergens – actual damage • lucrum cesans – lost profit • diferential hypothesis • what would the victim have, if the damge didn´t happen • expressible in the money Adobe Systems Tort law 12 Compensation of material damage • sc. 2951 • restoration to the original state • in money • coice of victim • reduction of compensation sc. 2953 Adobe Systems Tort law 13 Non-material damage • isn´t quantifiable in money • sc. 2894 par. 2 • general clause sc. 2956 • other clauses – sc. 2969 par. 2, sc. 2971 and others Adobe Systems Tort law 14 Appropriate satisfaction • sc. 2951 par. 2 • moral – apologize • in money Adobe Systems Tort law 15 Compensation for bodily harm and death • sc. 2958 • reparation money • compensation for deteriorated social position • other non pecuniary harm • Method of The Supreme Court of Justice Adobe Systems Tort law 16 Thank you!