Proceedings at national level Proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights Execution of judgment Adoption of general measures (amendment to the legislation...) Examination by the Committee of Ministers Final resolution = case concluded Payment of compensation (just satisfaction) Satisfactory execution Adoption of individual measures (restitution, reopening of the proceedings...) Unsatisfactory execution Transmission of the case file to the Committee of Ministers Obligations of the State in question Inadmissibility decision = case concluded Final judgment finding a violation Judgment finding no violation = case concluded Request accepted = referral to the Grand Chamber Request dismissed = case conluded Request for re-examination of the case Judgment finding a violation Judgment finding no violation Examination of the admissibility and merits Initial analysis Exhaustion of domestic remedies Complaints to be based on the European Convention Applicant has suffered a significant disadvantage 6-month deadline for applying to the Court (from the final domestic judicial decision) Admissibility criteria Admissibility decision Application to the Court Exhaustion of domestic court Decision of the highest domestic court Beginning of the dispute Proceedings before the national courts The life of an application