Adobe Systems Marketing for Lawyers 1 Marketing for Lawyers Services Romana Buzková Adobe Systems Marketing for Lawyers 2 Content ̶Services, global brands ̶Successful examples ̶Services marketing ̶Customer service ̶Services in legal context ̶ Obsah obrázku klávesnice, hodiny Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Adobe Systems Marketing for Lawyers 3 What is a service? ̶Any act or performance that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Its production may or may not be tied to a physical product (Kotler, 1987). ̶Service-based business x product-based business. Adobe Systems Marketing for Lawyers 4 Service x product Adobe Systems ̶Accounting ̶Advertising ̶Banking and financial services ̶Communications ̶Consulting ̶Education and training ̶ ̶ ̶ Marketing for Lawyers 5 Some examples of services ̶Health care ̶Leasing ̶Legal services ̶Maintenance and repair ̶Management and catering ̶Publishing ̶Transportation ̶ Adobe Systems Marketing for Lawyers 6 Why is it important? ̶Services play an important role in today's world of business – we live in a service economy. ̶Services sector is the largest sector in the world. ̶Today, over two-thirds of GDP and four-fifths of employment in the OECD countries are in the services sector. ̶ ̶ Adobe Systems Marketing for Lawyers 7 Examples Adobe Systems Marketing for Lawyers 8 Best global brands ̶Which companies do you think that belong to top 3 in the world? 1.… 2.… 3.… ̶ Adobe Systems Marketing for Lawyers 9 Do you know any Czech companies/brands? Adobe Systems Marketing for Lawyers 10 RegioJet (successful example from Brno J) ̶ ̶ ̶ Adobe Systems Marketing for Lawyers 11 Task 1 ̶Find a (successful) example from your country. ̶Prepare a short description of the company and its services. ̶What makes it special? Why do you like it? ̶Is there anything you do not like? ̶Do you have any recommendations for improvement? ̶How would you describe the marketing strategy of this company? ̶ ̶ Adobe Systems Marketing for Lawyers 12 Services marketing Obsah obrázku text, mapa Popis byl vytvořen automaticky ̶Internal marketing ̶Enabling the promise ̶Vertical & horizontal communications ̶ External marketing ̶Setting the promise ̶Advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, public relations ̶Interactive marketing ̶Delivering the promise ̶Personal selling, customer service center, service encounters, servicescapes ̶ ̶ ̶ Adobe Systems Marketing for Lawyers 13 Customer service ̶Everything what a company does for satisfaction of its customers. ̶Helps to gain higher profit from sold products. ̶Customer services can be also an important competitive advantage. ̶Why customer service matters: Adobe Systems Marketing for Lawyers 14 Customer service ̶May be provided by a person or by automated means. ̶Understanding of customers’ needs and wishes. ̶Influences emotional experiences from purchase and helps to increase the satisfaction of customers. ̶Generates income and revenue. Adobe Systems Marketing for Lawyers 15 Customer service ̶Takes place before, during and after the purchase. ̶Examples of customer services: ̶Providing sufficient information about the company and its products ̶Payment options ̶Transport and packaging of products according to customers' preferences ̶Maintenance services ̶Free phone connection ̶Online helpdesk ̶Others ̶ ̶ ̶ Adobe Systems ̶How to offer it: 1.Know your product (do not leave a customer with an unanswered question). 2.Body language/communication (smile, keep an eye contact, be polite). 3.Anticipate customers’ needs (go the extra mile). 4. ̶ Marketing for Lawyers 16 Customer service Adobe Systems Marketing for Lawyers 17 Task 2 ̶Think about any kind of service that can be provided in addition to standard legal services. ̶Try to find a legal office from your country which in your opinion provides good (accompanying) services. Adobe Systems Marketing for Lawyers 18 References ̶ ̶ ̶Kotler, Philip. Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation, and Control. Prentice Hall (1997). ̶Lovelock, Christopher; Wirtz Jochen. Services Marketing: Global Edition. Pearson (2012). ̶