Czech Legal Culture

Syllabus and essential information



3. 3. Introduction; information on course requirements (attendance, assignments, final exam)

10. 3. What is culture? What is legal culture?

17. 3. The basics (Constitution and Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms)

  • Assignment: Discuss a chosen constitutional issue in the Czech legal system and the legal system of your home country and compare and contrast them.

24. 3. 1989: The regime change

31. 3. Historical context: Trial with Milada Horáková

  • Assignment: Discuss the issue of a chosen political trial in a vulnerable period of your country’s history;  with the trial with Milada Horáková  

7. 4.  Legal authorities I.: Texts (aka Sources of Law)

  • Assignment: Discuss the role of case-law in the Czech legal system and in the legal system of cour home country. Compare and contrast.

14. 4. Cases I: Pl. ÚS 27/09 - Shortening the Term of Office of Chamber of Deputies

  • Assignment: Provide summary of the case.

21. 4. Legal authorities II.: People (Judges and Lawyers; ethical standards of their professions)

  • Assignment: Consider the following situation and discuss the ethical aspects of the behaviour in relation to a profession of a judge (and/or other legal profession). A judge is participating in a party during which they end up dancing on the table. Is such a behaviour acceptable for a judge (other legal profession)? Why? In what circumstances would your answer change? Why? Discuss. 

28. 4.  Cases II:  

I. ÚS 2617/15 - Restriction of Judges' freedom of expression

I. ÚS 3018/14 - Scope of Parliamentary indemnity

  • Assignment: Provide summary of a chosen case.

5. 5. Legal authorities III. Who writes the laws/legal texts? (Does legal language produce elites? What are the consequences?)

  • Assignment: Does legal language produce elites? What are the consequences? Discuss.

12. 5. Cases III.

  • Assignment: Provide summary of the case.

19. 5. Assignment presentation

26. 5. Final exam

Course requirements
  • Course participation (10 seminars minimum incl. assignment presentation + final exam).
  • Grading:
    • at least 4 out of 6  in-course assignments for seminars marked with A or B (cca 2 pages A4, 12pt, single-spacing, deadline at 12:00 on the day of respective seminar) - relevance 40%
    • exam (2 short essaystimed, open-book, in-class - online) - relevance 60% 

How to prepare for a class?

  • Read the materials in the respective chapter of the interactive syllabus.
  • Is there an assignment? Write it and submit it by 12.00 of the day of the respective seminar.
  • Are there any discussion questions in the seminar chapter? Think about them, we will come to them during the seminar.