SOC044 - Basics of EU Environmental Law Course Schedule - Spring 2021 Monday 16.00 – 17.40; room 160 1.3.2021 1. Environmental policy of EU, its history and development, aims and instruments. The role of environmental action plans. JUDr. Vojtěch Vomáčka, Ph.D., LL.M. 8.3.2021 2. EU environmental law - sources of law, system of environmental regulation and relation to other EU policies, environmental law principles. JUDr. Vojtěch Vomáčka, Ph.D., LL.M. 15.3.2021 3. Harmonization of environmental requirements. EU law transposition and implementation. The role of national courts and the role of CJEU. JUDr. Vojtěch Vomáčka, Ph.D., LL.M. 22.3.2021 4. Access to environmental information, participation of public in environmental decision-makig and access to justice - the 3 pillars of Aarhus Convention. JUDr. Vojtěch Vomáčka, Ph.D., LL.M. 29.3.2021 5. Environmental impact assessment. JUDr. Vojtěch Vomáčka, Ph.D., LL.M. 12.4.2021 6. Air protection. Ass.Prof. JUDr. Ilona Jančářová, Ph.D. 19.4.2021 7. Ozone layer regulation / Global climate change in EU environmental policy. Ass.Prof. JUDr. Ilona Jančářová, Ph.D. 26.4.2021 8. Nature protection. Natura 2000. Ass.Prof. JUDr. Ilona Jančářová, Ph.D. 3.5.2021 9. Biodiversity protection. / Regulation of trade in endangered species of animals and plants. Ass.Prof. JUDr. Ilona Jančářová, Ph.D. 10.5.2021 10. Inland waters protection. Ass.Prof. JUDr. Ilona Jančářová, Ph.D. 17.5.2021 11. Waste management. JUDr. Jakub Hanák, Ph.D. 24.5.2021 Human rights and environmental protection. JUDr. Vojtěch Vomáčka, Ph.D., LL.M.