Legal Philosophy Introductory Lesson Lectures š š6/3 Legal Positivism š doc. JUDr. Tomáš Sobek, Ph.D. š13/3 Natural Law Theory š doc. JUDr. Martin Hapla, Ph.D. š20/3 Metaethics š doc. JUDr. Tomáš Sobek, Ph.D. š27/3 Normative Ethics š doc. JUDr. Martin Hapla, Ph.D. š3/4 Legal Philosophy and Problem of Free Will š doc. JUDr. Tomáš Sobek, Ph.D. š š10/4 Justice š doc. JUDr. Martin Hapla, Ph.D. š17/4 Legal Philosophy and Problem of Truth š doc. JUDr. Tomáš Sobek, Ph.D. š24/4 Philosophy of Human Rights š doc. JUDr. Martin Hapla, Ph.D. š1/5 No Class š8/5 No Class š15/5 Traditional Challenges to the Right to Life š JUDr. PhDr. Jakub Valc, Ph.D. š22/5 Biomedicine as a Creator of New Human Rights Problems š JUDr. PhDr. Jakub Valc, Ph.D. Where can I find texts and presentations? Obsah obrázku text Popis byl vytvořen automaticky š What are the parts of the exam? Online test šThe test will contain three of the following ten questions, which will be discussed in the lectures. šWhat is legal positivism? šWhat is natural law theory? šWhat is metaethics? šWhat are the main theories of normative ethics? šWhat is the problem of free will? šWhat are contemporary theories of distributive justice? šWhat is the truth? šWhat are human rights? šCan we describe the right to life as an absolute right and what does it mean? šWhat specific conflict of human rights or public interests can be discussed in relation to the application of biomedical (reproductive) technologies? šThe test will be written online via the ROPOT application in IS MUNI in the last week of the teaching period (May 20-24). Where can I find ROPOT application? š;obdobi=9283;kod=SOC050;predmet=15 65793;lang=en Online test evaluation Points Marks 9 A 8 B 7 C 6 D 5 E 4 or less F Essay šSeveral questions are given on the topic of each lecture. The student chooses one topic and prepares answers to these questions in a minimum of 500 words. šThis essay is uploaded to the Homework Vaults in IS MUNI no later than two days before the related lecture. The essay will serve as a basis for discussion in class. šThe specific essay topic must be booked through the application available at this link: Where should I put the essay? Obsah obrázku text Popis byl vytvořen automaticky š Thank you for your attention.