American Journal of International Law Vol. 94, No. 1, Jan., 2000 Symposium: The Hague Peace Conferences Introduction, pp. 1-3 George H. Aldrich; Christine M. Chinkin War and International Adjudication: Reflections on the 1899 Peace Conference, pp. 4-30 David D. Caron The Hague Conventions and Arms Control, pp. 31-41 Detlev F. Vagts The Laws of War on Land, pp. 42-63 George H. Aldrich The Law of Naval Warfare at the Turn of Two Centuries, pp. 64-77 J. Ashley Roach The Martens Clause, Principles of Humanity, and Dictates of Public Conscience, pp. 78-89 Theodor Meron A Century of Achievement and Unfinished Work, pp. 90-98 George H. Aldrich; Christine M. Chinkin Correspondence, pp. 99-101 Henry J. Richardson III; Ariel W. Gonzalez; J. Patrick Kelly Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law, pp. 102-139 Sean D. Murphy International Decisions The M/V "Saiga" (No. 2) (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines v. Guinea), Judgment (ITLOS Case No. 2), pp. 140-150 Bernard H. Oxman; Vincent Bantz Southern Bluefin Tuna (New Zealand v. Japan; Australia v. Japan), Order on Provisional Measures (ITLOS Cases Nos. 3 and 4), pp. 150-155 Barbara Kwiatkowska In re Bickel and Franz. Case C-274/96, pp. 155-159 Christoph J. M. Safferling Ethyl Corporation v. Canada, Award on Jurisdiction (under NAFTA/UNCITRAL), pp. 159-166 Alan C. Swan Ng Ka Ling v. Director of Immigration. 2 HKCFAR 4; Lau Kong Yung v. Director of Immigration. 3 HKLRD 778, pp. 167-171 Frank Shihong Hong In re Surrender of Ntakirutimana, 184 F.3d 419, pp. 171-178 Mary Coombs Current Developments Ownership of Oil and Gas Resources in the Caspian Sea, pp. 179-189 Kamyar Mehdiyoun The Fifty-Fifth Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, pp. 189-197 Michael J. Dennis Book Reviews and Notes ----------------, pp. 198-201 L'utilisation du "raisonnable" par le juge international: Discours juridique, raison et contradictions. Olivier Corten The Changing International Law of High Seas Fisheries. Francisco Orrego Vicuna Review author[s]: Edward L. Miles Consent and Commitment in the World Community: The Classification and Analysis of International Instruments. Douglas M. Johnston Review author[s]: Robert E. Dalton Essays on the Nature of International Trade Law. Robert E. Hudec Review author[s]: Joel R. Paul Gender Politics in Global Governance. Mary K. Meyer; Elisabeth Prugl Review author[s]: Berta Esperanza Hernandez-Truyol International Law, Human Rights, and Japanese Law: The Impact of International Law on Japanese Law. Yuji Iwasawa Review author[s]: Kohki Abe The Status of Palestinian Refugees in International Law. Lex Takkenberg Review author[s]: Anis F. Kassim The International Criminal Court: The Making of the Rome Statute-Issues, Negotiations, Results. Roy S. Lee Review author[s]: Benjamin B. Ferencz The New Chemical Weapons Convention: Implementation and Prospects. Michael Bothe; Natalino Ronzitti; Allan Rosas Review author[s]: David A. Koplow International Legal Protection of Wild Fauna and Flora. P. van Heijnsbergen Review author[s]: David A. Gantz Review Essay: Is Sovereignty Still Relevant?, pp. 226-231 Sovereignty Through Interdependence. Harry G. Gelber Anarchy and Order: The Interplay of Politics and Law in International Relations. James C. Hsiung Global Law without a State. Gunther Teubner Briefer Notices Justice without Frontiers. Volume 1: Furthering Human Rights. C. G. Weeramantry Justice without Frontiers. Volume 2: Protecting Human Rights in the Age of Technology. C. G. Weeramantry The Lord's Prayer: Bridge to a Better World. C. G. Weeramantry Review author[s]: Roger S. Clark Crimes of War: What the Public Should Know. Roy Gutman; David Rieff; Kenneth Anderson Review author[s]: John Carey Vol. 94, No. 2, Apr., 2000 The Humanization of Humanitarian Law, pp. 239-278 Theodor Meron Temporary Protection of Refugees: Elements of a Formalized Regime, pp. 279-306 Joan Fitzpatrick Notes and Comments Controlling Interlocutory Aspects of Proceedings in the International Court of Justice, pp. 307-317 Shabtai Rosenne The Emerging Mental Incapacity Defense in International Criminal Law: Some Initial Questions of Implementation, pp. 317-335 Peter Krug Enforcement and Countermeasures in the WTO: Rules are Rules-Toward a More Collective Approach, pp. 335-347 Joost Pauwelyn Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law, pp. 348-381 Sean D. Murphy International Decisions Lustig-Praen and Beckett v. United Kingdom, Applications 31417/96 and 32377/96. Smith and Grady v. United Kingdom, Applications 33985/96 and 33986/96, pp. 382-386 Rhona K. M. Smith Sebago Inc. and Ancienne Maison Dubois and Fils v. GB-Unic SA. Case C-173/98, pp. 386-391 Patricia Egli; Juliane Kokott Statute of the International Criminal Court, Decision No. 98-408 DC, 1999 J. O. 1317, pp. 391-396 Beate Rudolf People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran v. United States Department of State, 182 F.3d 17, pp. 396-400 Derek P. Jinks Birbrower Montalbano, Condon and Frank v. Superior Court, 17 Cal.4th 119, 70 Cal. Rptr.2d 304, pp. 400-405 Richard A. Eastman Current Developments UN Peacekeeping Operations: Applicability of International Humanitarian Law and Responsibility for Operations-Related Damage, pp. 406-412 Daphna Shraga The 1999 Judicial Activity of the International Court of Justice, pp. 412-415 Peter H. F. Bekker Book Reviews and Notes War Crimes Law Comes of Age. Theodor Meron Review author[s]: Richard J. Goldstone Governmental Illegitimacy in International Law. Brad R. Roth Review author[s]: Alain Pellet Custom, Power and the Power of Rules. Michael Byers Review author[s]: Maurice Mendelson Diplomatic Law: Commentary on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Eileen Denza Review author[s]: Catherine W. Brown Dispute Settlement in the World Trade Organization. David Palmeter; Petros C. Mavroidis Review author[s]: Kim Van der Borght The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. Virginia Morris; Michael P. Scharf Review author[s]: Leila Nadya Sadat Broken Chain of Being: James Brown Scott and the Origins of Modern International Law. Christopher R. Rossi Review author[s]: Gordon B. Baldwin Review Essay: Clashing Perspectives on Terrorism, pp. 434-438 The New Terrorism, Fanaticism and the Arms of Mass Destruction. Walter Laqueur The Ultimate Terrorists. Jessica Stern Superterrorism: Assassins, Mobsters and Weapons of Mass Destruction. Glenn Schweitzer Terrorism & the Constitution: Sacrificing Civil Liberties in the Name of National Security. James X. Dempsey; David Cole Review author[s]: Barry Kellman Review Essay: Contemporary Scholarship on Global Law in the Peoples Republic of China, pp. 439-443 Fazhi ji jiben tuzi yuan [Politics and Law and Fundamental Principles of Property and Capital]. Su Lizhu Guoji shangwu tanpan-yuanzi, fangfa, yishu [International Business Negotiation-Principles, Methods, and Techniques]. Zhang Xiang Review author[s]: Tahirih V. Lee Briefer Notices Trilateral Perspectives on International Legal Issues: From Theory into Practice. Thomas J. Schoenbaum; Junji Nakagawa; Linda C. Reif Review author[s]: Charlotte Ku Vol. 94, No. 3, Jul., 2000 Resolving Cross-Strait Relations between China and Taiwan, pp. 453-477 Jonathan I. Charney; J. R. V. Prescott Norms and Institutions in Global Competition Policy, pp. 478-504 Daniel K. Tarullo Notes and Comments The Incident at Cavalese and Strategic Compensation, pp. 505-515 W. Michael Reisman; Robert D. Sloane Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law, pp. 516-545 Sean D. Murphy International Decisions United States - Tax Treatment for "Foreign Sales Corporations." WTO Doc. WT/DS108/AB/R, pp. 546-555 Stanley I. Langbein The Right of Information on Consular Assistance in the Framework of the Guarantees of the Due Process of Law. Advisory Opinion OC-16-99, pp. 555-563 William J. Aceves Barayagwiza v. Prosecutor (Decision, and Decision (Prosecutor's Request for Review or Reconsideration)) Case No. ICTR-97-19-AR72, pp. 563-571 William A. Schabas Prosecutor v. Tadic (Judgement). Case No. IT-94-a-A. 38 ILM 1518 (1999), pp. 571-578 Marco Sassoli; Laura M. Olson Current Developments The Election of Thomas Buergenthal to the International Court of Justice, pp. 579-582 Lori Fisler Damrosch The Work of the Sixth Committee at the Fifty-Fourth Session of the UN General Assembly, pp. 582-590 Virginia Morris; Arnold Pronto Book Reviews and Notes Sovereignty: Organized Hypocrisy. Stephen D. Krasner Review author[s]: Benedict Kingsbury Legal Rules and International Society. Anthony Clark Arend Review author[s]: Ed Morgan The 1899 Hague Peace Conference: 'The Parliament of Man, the Federation of the World.' Arthur Eyffinger Review author[s]: Detlev F. Vagts The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Origins, Drafting, and Intent. Johannes Morsink Review author[s]: Jerome J. Shestack Deliver Us from Evil: Warlords and a World of Endless Conflict. William Shawcross Review author[s]: Edward C. Luck Women and International Human Rights Law. Kelly D. Askin; Dorean M. Koenig Review author[s]: Dorinda G. Dallmeyer The Prize Game: Lawful Looting on the High Seas in the Days of Fighting Sail. Donald A. Petrie Review author[s]: Gordon Baldwin Jerusalem in America's Foreign Policy, 1947-1997. Shlomo Slonim Review author[s]: Malvina Halberstam Briefer Notice Israel among the Nations: International and Comparative Law Perspectives on Israel's 50th Anniversary. Alfred E. Kellerman; Kurt Siehr; Talia Einhorn Review author[s]: Robbie Sabel Vol. 94, No. 4, Oct., 2000 Autonomous Institutional Arrangements in Multilateral Environmental Agreements: A Little-Noticed Phenomenon in International Law, pp. 623-659 Robin R. Churchill; Geir Ulfstein Notes and Comments The ILC's Draft Articles on State Responsibility: Toward Completion of a Second Reading, pp. 660-674 James Crawford; Pierre Bodeau; Jacqueline Peel Keith Highet (1933-2000), pp. 675-676 Thomas M. Franck Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law Barring of FRY Representative at UN Security Council, pp. 677-678 Ownership of Sunken Spanish Warships, pp. 678-682 Nazi-Era Claims against German Companies, pp. 682-687 Signing of Protocols to Rights of the Child Convention, p. 687 Declaration on the Promotion of Democracy, pp. 687-689 U.S. Reaction to Election in Peru, pp. 689-690 NATO Air Campaign against Seabirds and the Laws of War, pp. 690-692 OAU Report Regarding Rwandan Genocide, pp. 692-695 Multilateral Listing of States as Money-Laundering Havens, pp. 695-696 OECD Listing of State for Unfair Tax Practices, pp. 696-697 U.S. Designation of Foreign "Drug Kingpins", p. 697 U.S. Experience with WTO Dispute Settlement, pp. 697-698 Unsuccessful U.S. Opposition to IBRD Loans to Iran, pp. 698-699 Easing of U.S.-Iran Economic Sanctions, pp. 699-700 U.S.-Vietnam Trade Agreement, pp. 700-702 WHO Report Condemning U.S. Tobacco Companies, pp. 702-703 Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal Decision on Shah's Assets, pp. 703-705 Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal Dismissal of Case against the FRBNY, pp. 705-706 Nuclear Weapons States Pledge to Unequivocal Elimination, p. 706 International Decisions Aerial Incident of 10 August 1999 (Pakistan v. India), pp. 707-713 Peter H. F. Bekker The "Camoucs" (Panama v. France) (Judgment). ITLOS Case No.5, pp. 713-721 Bernard H. Oman; Vincent P. Bantz Eritrea-Yemen Arbitration (Award, Phase II: Maritime Delimitation), pp. 721-736 W. Michael Reisman Beyeler v. Italy. Application No. 33202, pp. 736-740 Beate Rudolf Portuguese Republic v. Council of the European Union (Judgment). Case C- 149/96, pp. 740-745 Patricia Egli; Juliane Kokott United States v. Locke. 120 S.Ct. 1135, pp. 745-750 Patrick O. Gudridge Crosby v. National Foreign Trade Council. 120 S.Ct. 2288, pp. 750-758 Brannon P. Denning; Jack H. McCall Current Developments Improving the Operation and Functioning of the International Criminal Tribunals, pp. 759-773 Daryl A. Mundis The First Five Sessions of the UN Preparatory Commission for the International Criminal Court, pp. 773-789 Christopher Keith Hall Newly Adopted Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, pp. 789-796 Michael J. Dennis Book Reviews and Notes Mixed Messages: American Politics and International Organization 1919-1999. Edward C. Luck Review author[s]: Jane E. Stromseth Religion and International Law. Mark W. Janis; Carolyn Evans Review author[s]: Harold J. Berman Governance in World Affairs. Oran R. Young Review author[s]: Kal Raustiala Order for the Oceans at the Turn of the Century. Davor Vidas; Willy Ostreng International Claims: Their Settlement by Lump Sum Agreements, 1975-1995. Burns H. Weston; Richard B. Lillich; David J. Bederman Review author[s]: Ronald J. Bettauer The International Law Character of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal. Moshen Mohebi Review author[s]: Charles H. Brower, II International Law, the International Court of Justice and Nuclear Weapons. Laurence Boisson de Chazournes; Philippe Sands Nuclear Weapons and the World Court. Ved P. Nanda; David Krieger Review author[s]: Peter Weiss Words over War: Mediation and Arbitration to Prevent Deadly Conflict. Melanie C. Greenberg; John H. Barton; Margaret E. McGuinness Review author[s]: Mary Ellen O'Connell At the Edge of the State: Indigenous Peoples and Self-Determination. Maivan Clech Lam Review author[s]: Milner S. Ball International Law and Sustainable Development: Past Achievements and Future Challenges. Alan Boyle; David Freestone Transnational Environmental Law: Lessons in Global Change. Peter H. Sand Briefer Notices Thoughts from a Bridge: A Retrospective of Writings on New Europe and American Federalism. Eric Stein Review author[s]: George A. Bermann Reflections on Law and Armed Conflicts: The Selected Works on the Laws of War by the Late Professor Colonel G. I. A. D. Draper, OBE. Michael A. Meyer; Hilaire McCoubrey Review author[s]: Howard Levie Vol. 95, No. 1, Jan., 2001 Symposium: State Reconstruction after Civil Conflict Foreword, pp. 1-6 Ruth Wedgwood; Harold K. Jacobson Beyond Impunity: Can International Criminal Justice Prevent Future Atrocities?, pp. 7-31 Payam Akhavan Individual Accountability in South Africa: Cultural Optimum or Political Facade?, pp. 32-45 Lorna McGregor Collapse and Reconstruction of a Judicial System: The United Nations Missions in Kosovo and East Timor, pp. 46-63 Hansjorg Strohmeyer Courts and Democracy in Postconflict Transitions: A Social Scientist's Perspective on the African Case, pp. 64-75 Jennifer Widner United Nations Governance of Postconflict Societies, pp. 76-85 Michael J. Matheson The Contribution of Democracy to Rebuilding Postconflict Societies, pp. 86-101 Samuel H. Barnes Peace Building: The Private Sector's Role, pp. 102-119 Allan Gerson Editorial Comments International Criminal Law and the Role of Domestic Courts, pp. 120-124 Jonathan I. Charney The United States and the Statute of Rome, pp. 124-131 Monroe Leigh Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law Treaty Obligations as Evidence of Federal Preemption, pp. 132-134 U.S. Judgments against Terroist States, pp. 134-139 World War II Era Claims against Japanese Companies, pp. 139-143 Award of Damages against Bosnian Serb Leader Radovan Karadzic, pp. 143-144 District Court Rejection of Burmese Claims against Unocal Corporation, pp. 144-145 U.S. Enacts Law on Normalizing Trade Relations with China, pp. 145-147 WTO Decision Striking Down U.S. Revenue Act of 1916, pp. 147-149 U.S. Sanctions against Japan for Whaling, pp. 149-152 Conservation of Fish in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, pp. 152-155 U.S. Funding to Combat AIDS, pp. 155-156 U.S.-EU "Safe Harbor" Data Privacy Arrangement, pp. 156-159 Middle East Peace Process: Violent Clashes, pp. 160-161 International Decisions Southern Bluefin Tuna, pp. 162-171 Barbara Kwiatkowska Castillo Petruzzi. Merits. Resoluciones y Sentencias, Serie C, No. 52., pp. 171-178 Jeanine Bucherer Ivcher Bronstein. Jurisdiction. Resoluciones y Sentencias, Serie C, No. 54 and Constitutional Tribunal. Jurisdiction. Resoluciones y Sentencias, Serie C, No. 55, pp. 178-185 Karen C. Sokol Waste Management, Inc. v. Mexico. ICSID Case No. ARB(AF) /98/2. 15 ICSID Rev. Foreign Investment L.J. 214 (2000), pp. 186-192 William S. Dodge Local Authority of Vasteras v. Republic of Iceland. Case No. 1999:112, pp. 192-197 Said Mahmoudi Prefecture of Voiotia v. Federal Republic of Germany. Case No. 11/2000, pp. 198-204 Maria Gavouneli; Ilias Bantekas Gonzalez ex rel. Gonzalez v. Reno, pp. 204-212 David Abraham Current Developments The Fifty-Sixth Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, pp. 213-221 Michael J. Dennis The Fifty-Second Session of the International Law Commission, pp. 221-226 Robert Rosenstock Book Reviews and Notes Review Essays Human Rights at the Millennium, pp. 227-235 Human Rights: Universality in Practice Peter R. Baehr The Future of International Human Rights Burns H. Weston; Stephen P. Marks Human Rights Fifty Years on: A Reappraisal Tony Evans The Power of Human Rights: International Norms and Domestic Change Thomas Risse; Stephen C. Ropp; Kathryn Sikkink Iraq: No Easy Response to "The Greatest Threat", pp. 235-245 The Greatest Threat: Iraq, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and the Crisis of Global Security Richard Butler The Rights of War and Peace Richard Tuck Review author[s]: David J. Bederman The Oslo Accords: International Law and the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Agreements Geoffrey R. Watson Review author[s]: Robbie Sabel The Recognition of States: Law and Practice in Debate and Evolution Thomas D. Grant Review author[s]: Valerie Epps Theory and Reality in the International Protection of Human Rights J. Shand Watson Review author[s]: Makau Mutua Remedies in International Human Rights Law Dinah Shelton Review author[s]: Beth Stephens Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples Cynthia Price Cohen Review author[s]: Asbjorn Eide International Law and Ocean Use Management Lawrence Juda Review author[s]: Myron H. Nordquist The Struggle for Constitutional Justice in Post-Communist Europe Herman Schwartz Review author[s]: Eric Stein Collected Essays, pp. 268-269 German Yearbook of International Law (Vol. 42, 1999) Jost Delbruck; Rainer Hofmann Chinese Yearbook of International Law and Affairs (Vol. 16, 1997-1998) Hungdah Chiu Vol. 95, No. 2, Apr., 2001 Complementary Agreements and Compulsory Jurisdiction, pp. 277-312 Bernard H. Oxman The United States and Its Treaties: Observance and Breach, pp. 313-334 Detlev F. Vagts Editorial Comments Women's International Tribunal on Japanese Military Sexual Slavery, pp. 335-341 Christine M. Chinkin Restitution as a Remedy in U.S. Courts for Violations of International Law, pp. 341-348 Frederic L. Kirgis Notes and Comments War and Peace in Refugee Law Jurisprudence, pp. 349-366 Hugo Storey; Rebecca Wallace Executive Order 13,141 and the Environmental Review of Trade Agreements, pp. 366-380 James Salzman Forum Prorogatum and the Advisory Proceedings of the International Court, pp. 381-385 Sienho Yee Correspondence, pp. 385-386 Benjamin B. Ferencz Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law Resumption of U.S. Diplomatic Relations with the FRY, pp. 387-389 Agreement on UN Financial and Structural Reforms, pp. 389-392 U.S.-Mexico Continental Shelf Boundary in Gulf of Mexico, pp. 393-394 Acquittal of Salvadoran Generals in Nuns' Deaths, pp. 394-396 Defeat of House Resolution on "Armenian Genocide", pp. 396-397 U.S. Signing of the Statute of the International Criminal Court, pp. 397-400 U.S. View of Crime of Aggression, pp. 400-401 ICTY Order for Disclosure of Information by NATO/SFOR, pp. 401-404 U.S. Reward Program for Rwandan War Criminals, p. 404 Verdict in the Trial of the Lockerbie Bombing Suspects, pp. 405-407 International Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, pp. 407-410 Admissibility of U.S.-EU "Hushkits" Dispute before the ICAO, pp. 410-412 Reform of U.S. Sanctions Relating to Agriculture and Medicine, pp. 413-414 Obligation to Replenish Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal Security Account, pp. 414-416 U.S. Implementation of Intercountry Adoption Convention, pp. 416-418 Negotiation of Convention on Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments, pp. 418-421 International Decisions Salgueiro da Silva Moutav. Portugal. App. No. 33290/96; A.D.T. v. United Kingdom. App. No. 35765/97, pp. 422-430 Laurence R. Helfer Deutsche Post AG v. Gesellschaft fur Zahlungssysteme mbH (GZS) and Citicorp Kartenservice GmbH. Joined Cases C-147/97, C-148/97, pp. 430-434 Juliane Kokott; Sebastian Horsten Cornejo-Barreto v. Seifert. 218 F.3d 1004, pp. 435-438 Jacques Semmelman State v. Stepansky. 761 So. 2d 1027 (Fla.), cert. Denied, 121 S.Ct. 385 (2000), pp. 438-445 Mary Coombs Current Developments The Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act of 2000: Closing the Gap, pp. 446-454 Mark J. Yost; Douglas S. Anderson The London Declaration of International Law Principles on Internally Displaced Persons, pp. 454-458 Luke T. Lee Book Reviews and Notes The Boundaries of International Law: A Feminist Analysis Hilary Charlesworth; Christine Chinkin Review author[s]: Jose E. Alvarez The Settlement of Disputes in International Law: Institutions and Procedures John Collier; Vaughan Lowe Review author[s]: Stephen M. Schwebel The Role of Government in International Trade: Essays over Three Decades Andreas F. Lowenfeld Review author[s]: Robert E. Hudec Modern Treaty Law and Practice Anthony Aust Review author[s]: Jamison Borek Administrative and Expert Monitoring of International Treaties Paul C. Szasz Review author[s]: David A. Wirth Human Rights in Global Politics Tim Dunne; Nicholas Wheeler Review author[s]: Christine M. Chinkin Refugee Rights and Realities: Evolving International Concepts and Regimes Frances Nicholson; Patrick Twomey Review author[s]: Arthur C. Helton Creating Regimes: Arctic Accords and International Governance Oran R. Young Governing the Frozen Commons: The Antarctic Regime and Environmental Protection Christopher C. Joyner Review author[s]: Evan T. Bloom Vol. 95, No. 3, Jul., 2001 International Integration and Democracy: No Love at First Sight, pp. 489-534 Eric Stein The Role of Public International Law in the WTO: How Far Can We Go?, pp. 535-578 Joost Pauwelyn Editorial Comment Security Council Governance of Postconflict Societies: A Plea for Good Faith and Informed Decision Making, pp. 579-582 Frederic L. Kirgis Notes and Comments From Danzig to East Timor and Beyond: The Role of International Territorial Administration, pp. 583-606 Ralph Wilde The Nationality of the Offender and the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, pp. 606-623 Zsuzsanna Deen-Racsmany Correspondence, pp. 624-625 William R. Mansfield; David J. Scheffer Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law U.S. Comments on ILC Draft Articles on State Responsibility, pp. 626-628 Expulsion of Russian Diplomats Related to Hanssen Case, pp. 628-629 Sovereign Immunity Accorded to American Institute in Taiwan, pp. 629-630 Aerial Incident off the Coast of China, pp. 630-633 The Provision of Compound Interest under International Law, pp. 633-635 Voluntary Human Rights Principles for Extractive and Energy Companies, pp. 636-637 Legal Challenges by Suspects in Embassy Bombings, pp. 637-641 Application of Fifth Amendment to Overseas Torture of Alien, pp. 641-643 U.S.-Jordan Free Trade Agreement, pp. 643-644 U.S. Environmental Assessment of Trade Agreements, pp. 644-646 Call for Completion of Free Trade Area of the Americas by 2005, pp. 646-647 U.S. Rejection of Kyoto Protocol Process, pp. 647-650 U.S.-Italy Agreement Restricting U.S. Imports of Artifacts, p. 650 U.S. Position in ICJ Case on U.S. Execution of German Nationals, pp. 650-655 International Decisions Kambanda v. Prosecutor. No. ICTR 97-23-A, pp. 656-661 Olivia Swaak-Goldman Parfums Christian Dior SA v. Tuk Consultancy BV, and Assco Geruste GmbH v. Wilhelm Layher GmbH & Co. KG. Joined Cases C-300/98 and C-392/98, pp. 661-666 Juliane Kokott; Kai-Guido Schick United States v. Burns. [2001] 1 S.C.R. 283, pp. 666-671 William A. Schabas Islam v. Secretary of State for the Home Department, and Regina v. Immigration Appeal Tribunal, ex parte Shah. [1999] 2 A.C. 629, pp. 671-678 Penelope Mathew Sea Hunt, Inc. v. Unidentified Shipwrecked Vessel or Vessels, 221 F.3d 634, pp. 678-684 Michael White Current Developments The 2000 Judicial Activity of the International Court of Justice, pp. 685-691 John R. Crook The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, pp. 692-708 Peter L. Lallas Book Reviews and Notes ----------------, pp. 709-714 Commitment and Compliance: The Role of Non-Binding Norms in the International Legal System Dinah Shelton Review author[s]: Douglas M. Johnston The Law of Peoples John Rawls Review author[s]: Patrick O. Gudridge The Role of Law in International Politics: Essays in International Relations and International Law Michael Byers Review author[s]: Beth A. Simmons Encyclopedia of Public International Law Rudolf Bernhardt Review author[s]: Detlev F. Vagts Quo Vadis Arbitration? Sixty Years of Arbitration Practice Pieter Sanders Review author[s]: Andreas F. Lowenfeld The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Gudmundur Eiriksson Review author[s]: Bernard H. Oxman Exclusion from Participation in International Organisations: The Law and Practice behind Member States' Expulsion and Suspension of Membership Konstantinos D. Magliveras Review author[s]: Frederic L. Kirgis Genocide in International Law: The Crimes of Crimes William A. Schabas Review author[s]: Diane Marie Amann For Humanity: Reflections of a War Crimes Investigator Richard J. Goldstone Review author[s]: William A. Schabas The Guilt of Nations: Restitution and Negotiating Historical Injustices Elazar Barkan Review author[s]: David Kaye Vol. 95, No. 4, Oct., 2001 Traditional and Modern Approaches to Customary International Law: A Reconciliation, pp. 757-791 Anthea Elizabeth Roberts Rethinking WTO Trade Sanctions, pp. 792-832 Steve Charnovitz Editorial Comments In Defense of World Public Order, pp. 833-835 W. Michael Reisman The Use of Force against Terrorism and International Law, pp. 835-839 Jonathan I. Charney Terrorism and the Right of Self-Defense, pp. 839-843 Thomas M. Franck Hegemonic International Law, pp. 843-848 Detlev F. Vagts Notes and Comments Harold K. Jacobson (1929-2001): An Appreciation, pp. 849-851 Charlotte Ku Developing Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Accountability of the Security Council for the Imposition of Economic Sanctions, pp. 851-872 August Reinisch Correspondence, p. 872 Alfred P. Rubin; Detlev F. Vagts Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law Protection of Embassy Properties as a Discretionary Function, p. 873 Immunity as Head of State for Zimbabwe's President Mugabe, pp. 874-876 Employment of U.S. Nationals at UN Organizations, pp. 876-877 Loss of U.S. Seat on the UN Human Rights Commission, pp. 877-878 Inapplicability of ICCPR to Death Penalty Case, pp. 878-880 Inapplicability of OAS Report to Death Penalty Case, pp. 880-881 U.S. Interpretation of Core NAFTA Investment Standards, pp. 881-885 Confidentiality of NAFTA Chapter 11 Proceedings, pp. 885-887 Statements by Parties as "Subsequent Agreement" in Treaty Interpretation, pp. 887-889 Adoption of Convention on Cybercrime, pp. 889-891 U. S. Signing of Persistent Organic Pollutants Treaty, pp. 892-893 Privatization of INTELSAT, pp. 893-895 Challenge of Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal Judge Bengt Broms, pp. 895-897 Interpretation of Convention on International Child Abduction, pp. 897-899 U.S. Rejection of Protocol to Biological Weapons Convention, pp. 899-901 UN Conference on Illicit Trade in Small Arms, pp. 901-903 International Decisions Streletz, Kessler and Krenz v. Germany. App. Nos. 34044/96, 35532/97, & 44801/98.49 ILM 811 (2001), and K.-H. W. v. Germany. App. No. 37201/97. 49 ILM 773 (2001), pp. 904-910 Beate Rudolf Metalclad Corporation v. Mexico. ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/97/1.40 ILM 36 (2001), and Mexico v. Metalclad Corporation. 2001 B.C.S.C. 664, pp. 910-919 William S. Dodge Baraldini. Judgment No. 73/01. Gazz. Uff., 1 Serie Speciale, No. 13 (March 28, 2001), pp. 919-927 Annalisa Ciampi Lance Paul Larsen v. The Hawaiian Kingdom, pp. 927-933 David J. Bederman; Kurt R. Hilbert Current Developments New Mechanisms for the Enforcement of International Humanitarian Law, pp. 934-952 Daryl A. Mundis Accommodating Individual Criminal Responsibility and National Reconciliation: The UN Truth Commission for East Timor, pp. 952-966 Carsten Stahn Memorandum to Congress on the ICC from Current and Past Presidents of the ASIL, pp. 967-969 Arthur W. Rovine Book Reviews and Notes Review Essay The Tool Box, Past and Present, of Justice and Reconciliation for Atrocities, pp. 970-977 Stay the Hand of Vengeance: The Politics of War Crimes Tribunals Gary Jonathan Bass Transitional Justice Ruti G. Teitel Burying the Past: Making Peace and Doing Justice after Civil Conflict Nigel Biggar Review author[s]: David J. Scheffer Book Reviews The Empowered Self: Law and Society in the Age of Individualism Thomas M. Franck Review author[s]: Iain Scobbie The EU, the WTO and the NAFTA: Towards a Common Law of International Trade J. H. H. Weiler Review author[s]: Donald M. McRae The Jurisprudence of GATT and the WTO: Insights on Treaty Law and Economic Relations John H. Jackson Review author[s]: Judith H. Bello International Law and Infectious Diseases David P. Fidler Review author[s]: Urs A. Cipolat Unspeakable Truths: Confronting State Terror and Atrocity Priscilla B. Hayner Review author[s]: Steven R. Ratner Extradition, Politics, and Human Rights Christopher H. Pyle Review author[s]: John F. Murphy Briefer Notices Women and International Human Rights Law (vol. 3) Kelly D. Askin; Dorean M. Koenig Review author[s]: Dorinda G. Dallmeyer Torture as Tort: Comparative Perspectives on the Development of Transnational Human Rights Litigation Craig Scott Review author[s]: Detlev F. Vagts Vol. 96, No. 1, Jan., 2002 Symposium: The Boundaries of the WTO Triangulating the World Trade Organization, pp. 28-55 Steve Charnovitz It's a Question of Market Access, pp. 56-76 Kyle Bagwell; Petros C. Mavroidis; Robert W. Staiger Institutional Linkage: Transcending "Trade and ...", pp. 77-93 Joel P. Trachtman From Politics to Technocracy-and Back Again: The Fate of the Multilateral Trading Regime, pp. 94-117 Robert Howse Afterword: The Linkage Problem-Comments on Five Texts, pp. 118-125 John H. Jackson Afterword: The Question of Linkage, pp. 126-134 Jagdish Bhagwati Afterword: The "Trade and ..." Conundrum-A Commentary, pp. 135-145 Debra P. Steger The WTO as Linkage Machine, pp. 146-158 Jose E. Alvarez Notes and Comments Monroe Leigh (1919-2001), pp. 159-160 Stephen M. Schwebel Current Developments "The International Boundary Treaty" (Treaty of Jeddah) Concluded between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Yemeni Republic on June 12, 2000, pp. 161-173 Askar Halwan Al-Enazy The Third Summit of the Americas and the Thirty-First Session of the OAS General Assembly, pp. 173-181 Enrique Lagos; Timothy D. Rudy The Fifty-Seventh Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, pp. 181-197 Michael J. Dennis International Decisions Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain (Qatar v. Bahrain), pp. 198-210 Glen Plant LaGrand (Germany v. United States), pp. 210-218 William J. Aceves The "Grand Prince" (Belize v. France). Judgement. ITLOS Case No. 8, pp. 219-225 Bernard H. Oxman; Vincent P. Bantz PreussenElektra AG v. Schleswag AG. Case C-379/98, pp. 225-230 Dominik Thieme; Beate Rudolf Niyonteze v. Public Prosecutor, pp. 231-236 Luc Reydams Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law Terrorist Attacks on World Trade Center and Pentagon, pp. 237-255 Conventions on the Suppression of Terroist Bombings and on Financing, pp. 255-258 Department of State Legal Analysis of 1994 Genocide in Rwanda, pp. 258-262 State Department Discretion to Espouse, pp. 262-263 Recent Books on International Law Book Reviews The Riddle of All Constitutions: International Law, Democracy, and the Critique of Ideology Susan Marks Democratic Governance and International Law Gregory H. Fox; Brad R. Roth Review author[s]: Richard Falk International Crimes, Peace, and Human Rights: The Role of the International Criminal Court Dinah Shelton The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Challenge to Impunity Mauro Politi; Giuseppe Nesi Review author[s]: Reed Brody The International Law Commission of the United Nations Jeffrey S. Morton Review author[s]: Robert Rosenstock Rebels with a Cause: The Minds and Morality of Political Offenders Nicholas N. Kittrie Review author[s]: Michael P. Scharf The Tanker War, 1980-88: Law and Policy George K. Walker Review author[s]: Jane G. Dalton Peace Agreements and Human Rights Christine Bell Review author[s]: Julie Mertus Briefer Notice Continental Shelf Limits: The Scientific and Legal Interface Peter J. Cook; Chris M. Carleton Review author[s]: Ian Brownlie Vol. 96, No. 2, Apr., 2002 The Myth and Reality of Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment, pp. 291-319 John H. Knox Agora: Military Commissions The Use of Military Commissions to Prosecute Individuals Accused of Terrorist Acts, pp. 320-328 Daryl A. Mundis Al Qaeda, Terrorism, and Military Commissions, pp. 328-337 Ruth Wedgwood The Case against Military Commissions, pp. 337-344 Harold Hongju Koh Jurisdiction of Military Commissions and the Ambiguous War on Terrorism, pp. 345-354 Joan Fitzpatrick U.S. Military Commissions: One of Several Options, pp. 354-358 Michael J. Matheson Editorial Comment Beyond the Charter Frame: Unilateralism or Condominium?, pp. 359-364 Tom J. Farer Current Developments The New African Union and Its Constitutive Act, pp. 365-379 Corinne A. A. Packer; Donald Rukare The Agreement on Succession Issues of the Former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, pp. 379-397 Carsten Stahn The 2001 Judicial Activity of the International Court of Justice, pp. 397-411 John R. Crook The Fifty-Third Session of the International Law Commission, pp. 412-419 Robert Rosenstock; Margo Kaplan New Developments in the Law of the Sea: The UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage, pp. 419-434 Guido Carducci International Decisions European Communities-Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Products, pp. 435-439 David A. Wirth Prosecutor v. Kupreskic. No. IT-95-16-A, pp. 439-445 Diane Marie Amann Cyprus v. Turkey. App. No. 25781/94, pp. 445-452 Frank Hoffmeister Badeck. Case C-158/97. 2000 ECR I-1875; Abrahamsson v. Fogelqvist. Case C-407/98. 2000 ECR I-5539; Schnorbus v. Land Hessen. Case C-79/99. 2000 ECR I-10997, pp. 453-460 Steve Mazurana; Thomas Trelogan; Paul Hodapp Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law Department of State Letter to U.S. Court after LaGrand Decision, pp. 461-463 Lawsuit by U.S. Hostages against Iran, pp. 463-468 U.S. Concerns Regarding UNESCO Convention on Underwater Heritage, pp. 468-470 U.S. Detention of Aliens in Aftermath of September 11 Attacks, pp. 470-475 Decision Not to Regard Persons Detained in Afghanistan as POWs, pp. 475-480 Ability of Detainees in Cuba to Obtain Federal Habeas Corpus Review, pp. 481-482 State Department Views on the Future for War Crimes Tribunals, pp. 482-484 U.S. Legislation in Support of Diamond Controls, pp. 485-487 Bush Administration Proposal for Reducing Greenhouse Gases, pp. 487-488 Book Reviews Limits of Law, Prerogatives of Power: Interventionism after Kosovo Michael J. Glennon Review author[s]: Charles Tiefer Law and War: An American Story Peter H. Maguire Review author[s]: Tom Farer Die Schule von New Haven: Darstellung und Kritik einer amerikanischen Volkerrechtslehre Sandra Voos Review author[s]: Siegfried Wiessner The Human Rights Obligations of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund Sigrun I. Skogly Review author[s]: Joan Fitzpatrick The Future of UN Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Philip Alston; James Crawford Review author[s]: Nigel S. Rodley UN Sanctions in International Law Vera Gowlland-Debbas United Nations Sanctions Management: A Case Study of the Iraq Sanctions Committee, 1990-1994 Paul Conlon Review author[s]: Bartram S. Brown The International Dimensions of Cyberspace Law Teresa Fuentes-Camacho Review author[s]: Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker Citizenship Today: Global Perspectives and Practices T. Alexander Aleinikoff; Douglas Klusmeyer Review author[s]: Gerald L. Neuman Defenses in Contemporary International Criminal Law Geert-Jan G. J. Knoops Review author[s]: Richard J. Wilson Vol. 96, No. 3, Jul., 2002 Human Rights Treaties, Invalid Reservations, and State Consent, pp. 531-560 Ryan Goodman Legal Aspects of the IMF/WTO Relationship: The Fund's Articles of Agreement and the WTO Agreements, pp. 561-599 Deborah E. Siegel Editorial Comment Sex, Gender, and September 11, pp. 600-605 Hilary Charlesworth; Christine Chinkin Notes and Comments Treaties in Collision? The Biosafety Protocol and the World Trade Organization Agreements, pp. 606-628 Sabrina Safrin Redressing the Wrongs of the International Justice System: Compensation for Persons Erroneously Detained, Prosecuted, or Convicted by the Ad Hoc Tribunals, pp. 628-646 Stuart Beresford Correspondence, pp. 646-647 Per Tresselt The Francis Deak Prize, p. 647 Current Developments The Sixth Session (Part Two) and Seventh Session of the Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change, pp. 648-660 Davis A. Wirth Australian Refugee Protection in the Wake of the Tampa, pp. 661-676 Penelope Mathew International Decisions Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000 (Democratic Republic of the Congo V. Belgium), pp. 677-684 Alexander Orakhelashvili United States-Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products-Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Malaysia, pp. 685-692 Louise de la Fayette Hatton v. United Kingdom. App. No. 36022/97, pp. 692-699 Rhona K. M. Smith McElhinney v. Ireland App. No. 31253/96; Al-Adsani v. United Kingdom App. No. 35763/97; Fogarty v. United Kingdom App. No. 37112/97, pp. 699-705 Marius Emberland Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law U.S. Interpretation of Continuous Nationality Rule, pp. 706-707 U.S. Interpretation of Denial of Justice Standard, pp. 707-709 Interpretation of 1949 Convention on Road Traffic, pp. 709-710 U.S. Initiative to Oust OPCW Director-General, pp. 711-712 Blocking of Iceland's Effort to Join Whaling Convention, pp. 712-715 "Revenue Rule" Barring of Foreign Suits concerning Cigarettes, pp. 715-717 U.S. "Millennium Challenge Account" for Foreign Aid, pp. 717-718 Election of United States to UN Human Rights Commission, p. 718 North Koreans Seeking Asylum at Diplomatic Compounds in China, pp. 718-719 Doctrine of Command Responsibility in U.S. Human Rights Cases, pp. 719-723 U.S. Notification of Intent Not to Become a Party to the Rome Statute, p. 724 Efforts to Obtain Immunity from ICC for U.S. Peacekeepers, pp. 725-729 U.S. Pressure on Serbia to Transfer ICTY Indictees, pp. 729-730 Inter-American Human Rights Commission Decision on Cuba Detainees, pp. 730-731 U.S. Department of Defense Rules on Military Commissions, pp. 731-734 Signing of Treaty on Strategic Offensive Reductions, pp. 734-735 Book Reviews The Collapse of the Kyoto Protocol and the Struggle to Slow Global Warming David G. Victor Review author[s]: Oran R. Young Bowett's Law of International Institutions (5th ed.) Philippe Sands; Pierre Klein Review author[s]: Frederic L. Kirgis Sanctions beyond Borders: Multinational Corporations and U.S. Economic Statecraft Kenneth A. Rodman Review author[s]: Andreas F. Lowenfeld Governance in a Globalizing World Joseph S. Nye Jr.; John D. Donahue Review author[s]: David M. Trubek United States Practice in International Law: Volume 1, 1999-2001 Sean D. Murphy Digest of United States Practice in International Law, 2000 Sally J. Cummins; David P. Stewart Review author[s]: John King Gamble; John King Gamble Basics of International Intellectual Property Law G. Gregory Letterman Review author[s]: Doris Estelle Long Women, Armed Conflict and International Law Judith G. Gardam; Michelle J. Jarvis Review author[s]: Valerie Oosterveld Briefer Notices Legal Aspects of Foreign Direct Investment Daniel D. Bradlow; Alfred D. Escher Review author[s]: Thomas J. Schoenbaum Obtaining Evidence Abroad in Criminal Cases Michael Abbell Extradition to and from the United States Michael Abbell International Prisoner Transfer Michael Abbell Review author[s]: Bruce Zagaris Vol. 96, No. 4, Oct., 2002 Symposium: The ILC's State Responsibility Articles Introduction and Overview, pp. 773-791 Daniel Bodansky; John R. Crook The ILC and State Responsibility, pp. 792-797 Robert Rosenstock Invoking State Responsibility in the Twenty-First Century, pp. 798-816 Edith Brown Weiss Counterintuiting Countermeasures, pp. 817-832 David J. Bederman Righting Wrongs: Reparations in the Articles on State Responsibility, pp. 833-856 Dinah Shelton The ILC Articles on State Responsibility: The Paradoxical Relationship between Form and Authority, pp. 857-873 David D. Caron The ILC's Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts: A Retrospect, pp. 874-890 James Crawford Editorial Comments The Taliban, Al Qaeda, and the Determination of Illegal Combatants, pp. 891-898 George H. Aldrich Inspections and Their Enforcement: A Modest Proposal, pp. 899-900 Thomas M. Franck Notes and Comments The Security Council Starts Legislating, pp. 901-905 Paul C. Szasz Jus ad Bellum and Jus in Bello after September 11, pp. 905-921 Steven R. Ratner Current Developments The Second Review Conference of the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, pp. 922-936 David Kaye; Steven A. Solomon International Decisions Decision Regarding Communication 155/96 (Social and Economic Rights Action Center/Center for Economic and Social Rights v. Nigeria). Case No. ACHPR/COMM/A044/1, pp. 937-942 Dinah Shelton Pretty v. United Kingdom. App. No. 2346/02, pp. 943-949 M. A. Sanderson Kingdom of the Netherlands v. European Parliament & Council of the European Union. Case C-377/98. 2001 ECR I-7079, pp. 950-955 Juliane Kokott; Thomas Diehn Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law Efforts to Address Iraqi Compliance with UN Weapons Inspections, pp. 956-962 U.S. Funding for the UN Population Fund, pp. 962-963 U.S. Expulsion of Iraqi Diplomat, pp. 963-964 FSIA Terrorist-Exception Cases in 2002, pp. 964-967 ICTY Subpoena of Washington Post Journalist, pp. 967-968 U.S. Reaction to Russian Continental Shelf Claim, pp. 969-970 U.S. View on Pursuing a Torture Convention Protocol on Preventive Visits, pp. 970-971 Senate Consideration of CEDAW, pp. 971-973 Hate-Speech Protocol to Cybercrime Convention, pp. 973-975 American Servicemembers' Protection Act, pp. 975-977 Imposition of U.S. Tariffs on Steel Imports, pp. 977-978 Trade Developments between the United States and Sub-Saharan Africa, pp. 978-979 2002 Enactment of Trade-Promotion Authority, pp. 979-980 U.S. Nationals Detained as Unlawful Combatants, pp. 981-983 Review Essay Global Justice Thomas W. Pogge Review author[s]: Joel P. Trachtman Book Reviews The Gentle Civilizer of Nations: The Rise and Fall of International Law 1870-1960 Martti Koskenniemi Review author[s]: A. W. Brian Simpson Is Jihad a Just War? War, Peace and Human Rights under Islamic and Public International Law Hilmi M. Zawati Review author[s]: M. Cherif Bassiouni Substantive and Procedural Aspects of International Criminal Law: The Experience of International and National Courts Gabrielle Kirk McDonald; Olivia Swaak-Goldman Review author[s]: Jordan J. Paust United States Economic Sanctions: Theory and Practice Michael P. Malloy Review author[s]: John Ellicott An International Antitrust Primer: A Guide to the Operation of the United States, European Union, and Other Key Competition Laws in the Global Economy Mark R. Joelson Review author[s]: Susan L. Karamanian Evolution and Status of the Precautionary Principle in International Law Arie Trouwborst Review author[s]: Sumudu Atapattu Vol. 97, No. 1, Jan., 2003 So Far, so Fair: The Local Remedies Rule in the Jurisprudence of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, pp. 1-37 Nsongurua J. Udombana Subsidiarity as a Structural Principle of International Human Rights Law, pp. 38-79 Paolo G. Carozza Jonathan I. Charney (1943-2002), pp. 80-81 The Board of Editors Editorial Comment Assessing Claims to Revise the Laws of War, pp. 82-90 W. Michael Reisman Notes and Comments The Delimitation of the Outer Continental Shelf between Neighboring States, pp. 91-107 David A. Colson Correspondence, pp. 107-109 Elena A. Baylis; Ruth Wedgwood; Steven R. Ratner; Edith Brown Weiss; Thomas M. Franck; Anthony Miller Call for Nominees: The Hague Prize for International Law, p. 110 Current Developments Creating the Legal Framework of the Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Model for the Region and Other Postconflict Countries, pp. 111-131 Michael G. Karnavas The Assembly of States Parties and the Institutional Framework of the International Criminal Court, pp. 132-147 Daryl A. Mundis Certain Issues of the Work of the Sixth Committee at the Fifty-Sixth General Assembly, pp. 147-162 Gerhard Hafner The Fifty-Fourth Session of the International Law Commission, pp. 162-167 Robert Rosenstock; Benjamin K. Grimes International Decisions Bankovic v. Belgium (Admissibility). App. No. 52207/99, pp. 168-172 Alexandra Ruth; Mirja Trilsch Ajuri v. IDF Commander in West Bank. Case No. HCJ 7015/02, pp. 173-175 Detlev F. Vagts Beverly Overseas SA v. Privredna Banka Zagreb. Case No. 4C.172/2000, pp. 175-178 Juliane Kokott; Patrick Sutter Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law Congressional Effort to Move U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, pp. 179-180 U.S. Implementation of ICJ's LaGrand Decision, pp. 180-181 Service of Process on Foreign Official via U.S. Security Personnel, pp. 182-183 Extraterritorial Application of U.S. Law to Crimes on Foreign Vessels, pp. 183-185 Interpretation of "Direct Effect" under FSIA Commercial-Activity Exception, pp. 185-186 Application of Act of State Doctrine to Export License Decision, pp. 186-187 2002 Victims of Terrorism Law, pp. 187-189 U.S.-UN Dispute over Parking Fines, pp. 190-192 ICJ Judge Conducts Marriage Ceremony in United States, p. 192 U.S.-Russia Polar Bear Agreement, pp. 192-193 U.S.-Mexico Dispute on Cross-Border Trucking, pp. 194-195 Enactment of the Sudan Peace Act, pp. 195-196 U.S. Nationals Detained as Unlawful Combatants, pp. 196-200 U.S. Bilateral Agreements Relating to ICC, pp. 200-203 U.S. Adoption of New Doctrine on Use of Force, pp. 203-205 Suit by Congressmen regarding Withdrawal from ABM Treaty, pp. 205-207 U.S. Interpretation of "Rights of Custody" under Hague Child-Abduction Convention, p. 207 Application of Forum Non Conveniens Doctrine to Arbitral Award Proceeding, p. 208 Review Essay Delusions about Leadership, Terrorism, and War, pp. 209-215 Warrior Politics: Why Leadership Demands a Pagan Ethos Robert D. Kaplan The Lessons of Terror: A History of Warfare against Civilians: Why It Has Always Failed and Why It Will Fail Again Caleb Carr Review author[s]: David J. Scheffer Book Reviews Trade Law and Global Governance Steve Charnovitz Review author[s]: Robert E. Hudec International Law in Antiquity David J. Bederman Review author[s]: William Allan; Thomas D. Grant The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal and the Process of International Claims Resolution David D. Caron; John R. Crook Review author[s]: Melissa E. Crow Saving Strangers: Humanitarian Intervention in International Society Nicholas J. Wheeler Review author[s]: Julie Mertus Amnesty for Crime in International Law and Practice Andreas O'Shea Review author[s]: David Weissbrodt The Ethics of Destruction: Norms and Force in International Relations Ward Thomas Review author[s]: David Kaye The Law of International Watercourses: Non-Navigational Uses Stephen C. McCaffrey Vol. 97, No. 2, Apr., 2003 Famine Crimes in International Law, pp. 245-281 David Marcus Editorial Comments Solving the War Puzzle, pp. 282-289 John Norton Moore Extraterritoriality and the Corporate Governance Law, pp. 289-294 Detlev F. Vagts Notes and Comments The Promise of Hybrid Courts, pp. 295-310 Laura A. Dickinson Seymour J. Rubin (1914-2003), pp. 310-311 Stephen M. Schwebel Robert E. Hudec (1934-2003), pp. 311-313 Joel P. Trachtman Correspondence, pp. 313-314 Roberto Lavalle Current Developments The International Law of Terrorist Financing, pp. 315-333 Ilias Bantekas Security Council Resolution 1373, the Counter-Terrorism Committee, and the Fight against Terrorism, pp. 333-341 Eric Rosand Nonprosecutorial Sanctions for Grave Violations of International Humanitarian Law: Wartime Conduct of Bosnian Police Officials, pp. 342-352 Gregory L. Naarden The 2002 Judicial Activity of the International Court of Justice, pp. 352-364 John R. Crook Human Rights in 2002: The Annual Sessions of the UN Commission on Human Rights and the Economic and Social Council, pp. 364-386 Michael J. Dennis International Decisions Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria (Cameroon v. Nigeria; Equatorial Guinea Intervening), pp. 387-398 Pieter H. F. Bekker Sovereignty over Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan (Indonesia/Malaysia), pp. 398-406 David A. Colson Yamaguchi v. United States. 56 Minshu 729, pp. 406-411 Mizushima Tomonori United States v. Duarte-Acero. 296 F.3d 1277, cert. denied, 123 S.Ct. 573, pp. 411-418 David L. Sloss Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law Use of Military Force to Disarm Iraq, pp. 419-432 Federal Foreign Relations Law Preemption of California Statutes, pp. 432-434 U.S. Position before International Court of Justice in Mexican Death Penalty Case, pp. 434-437 Retroactive Application of Treaty to Treaty-Based Claim, pp. 437-438 The Denial of Justice Standard in International Law, pp. 438-440 Measures "Relating to" Foreign Investors under NAFTA Dispute Resolution, pp. 440-441 Customary International Law Does Not Prohibit Anticompetitive Behavior, pp. 441-442 "Buy America" Provision Consistent with NAFTA National-Treatment Standard, pp. 442-443 U.S. Ratification of Protocols to Rights of the Child Convention, pp. 443-444 Exemption of U.S. Military from Migratory Bird Treaty Act, p. 445 Review Essay Re-Leashing the Dogs of War, pp. 446-456 International Law and the Use of Force Christine Gray Review author[s]: Mary Ellen O'Connell Book Reviews Rethinking Humanitarian Intervention: A Fresh Legal Approach Based on Fundamental Ethical Principles in International Law and World Religions Brian D. Lepard Review author[s]: David Wippman Eyewitness to a Genocide Michael Barnett Review author[s]: Stephen J. Toope Remedies against International Organisations Karel Wellens Review author[s]: August Reinisch The Law of Internal Armed Conflict Lindsay Moir Review author[s]: Michael J. Matheson Peaceful Uses of International Rivers: The Euphrates and Tigris Rivers Dispute Hilal Elver Review author[s]: Stephen C. McCaffrey Briefer Notice The International Law Commission's Articles on State Responsibility: Introduction, Text and Commentaries James Crawford Review author[s]: David D. Caron Vol. 97, No. 3, Jul., 2003 The Law of Aerial Bombardment in the 1991 Gulf War, pp. 481-509 Michael W. Lewis Enhancing the Legitimacy and Accountability of Prosecutorial Discretion at the International Criminal Court, pp. 510-552 Allison Marston Danner Agora: Future Implications of the Iraq Conflict Editors' Introduction, pp. 553-557 Lori Fisler Damrosch; Bernard H. Oxman Preemption, Iraq, and International Law, pp. 557-563 William H. Taft IV; Todd F. Buchwald International Law and the War in Iraq, pp. 563-576 John Yoo The Fall of Saddam Hussein: Security Council Mandates and Preemptive Self-Defense, pp. 576-585 Ruth Wedgwood Neither Bush nor the "Jurisprudes", pp. 585-590 Richard N. Gardner What Future for the UN Charter System of War Prevention?, pp. 590-598 Richard A. Falk Iraq: The Shifting Sands of Preemptive Self-Defense, pp. 599-607 Miriam Sapiro What Happens Now? The United Nations after Iraq, pp. 607-620 Thomas M. Franck The Prospect for International Law and Order in the Wake of Iraq, pp. 621-628 Tom J. Farer Law and Force after Iraq: A Transitional Moment, pp. 628-642 Jane E. Stromseth Notes and Comments International Arbitration and the Islamic World: The Third Phase, pp. 643-656 Charles N. Brower; Jeremy K. Sharpe Joan Fitzpatrick (1950-2003), pp. 656-658 Daniel Bodansky International Decisions Goodwin v. United Kingdom App. No. 28957/95 and I. v. United Kingdom. App. No. 25680/94, pp. 659-664 Rhona K. M. Smith Podkolzina v. Latvia. App. No. 46726/99, pp. 664-669 Frank Hoffmeister Republic of South Africa v. Grootboom. Case No. CCT 11/00. 2000 (11) BCLR 1169 and Minister of Health v. Treatment Action Campaign. Case No. CCT 8/02, pp. 669-680 Joan Fitzpatrick; Ron C. Slye Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law Security Council Recognition of U.S. Postwar Role in Iraq, pp. 681-683 Interpretation of U.S. Constitution by Reference to International Law, pp. 683-685 Expulsion of Cuban Diplomats for Spying, pp. 685-686 Nonapplicability of FSIA Exceptions to "Comfort Women" Case, pp. 686-688 U.S.-France Agreement regarding the Sunken Vessel "La Belle", pp. 688-689 Adoption of Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, pp. 689-691 Unsuccessful Challenge to Department of State Shrimp-Turtle Guidelines, pp. 691-692 Implementation of German Holocaust Claims Agreement, pp. 692-695 Federal Preemption of California Statute on Holocaust-Era Insurance Claims, pp. 695-696 U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement, pp. 696-699 U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement, pp. 699-700 NAFTA Decision on Continuous Nationality and Local Remedies, pp. 700-702 Failure to Elect U.S. Candidate to Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, pp. 702-703 Department of Justice Position in "Unocal" Case, pp. 703-706 Instructions for Military Commissions on Trying Aliens Charged with Terrorism, pp. 706-709 Designation of Qatari Student as Enemy Combatant, pp. 709-710 U.S. Efforts to Secure Immunity from ICC for U.S. Nationals, pp. 710-711 Review Essay The International Criminal Court in Context: Mediating the Global and Local in the Age of Accountability, pp. 712-721 Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Otto Triffterer The International Criminal Court: Elements of Crimes and Rules of Procedure and Evidence Roy S. Lee The International Criminal Court and the Transformation of International Law: Justice for the New Millennium Leila Nadya Sadat An Introduction to the International Criminal Court William A. Schabas The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary Antonio Cassese; Paola Gaeta; John R. W. D. Jones Review author[s]: Payam Akhavan Book Reviews Recourse to Force: State Action against Threats and Armed Attacks Thomas M. Franck Review author[s]: Michael Byers The Spirit of International Law David J. Bederman Review author[s]: Robert Y. Jennings Human Rights Protection for Refugees, Asylum-Seekers, and Internally Displaced Persons: A Guide to International Mechanisms and Procedures Joan Fitzpatrick Review author[s]: Carolyn Patty Blum The Paradox of American Power: Why the World's Only Superpower Can't Go It Alone Joseph S. Nye Jr. Review author[s]: Peter J. Spiro The World Court Reference Guide: Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders of the Permanent Court of International Justice and the International Court of Justice (1922-2000) Bimal Patel Review author[s]: John R. Crook Vol. 97, No. 4, Oct., 2003 State Immunity, Human Rights, and Jus Cogens: A Critique of the Normative Hierarchy Theory, pp. 741-781 Lee M. Caplan Sovereignty-Modern: A New Approach to an Outdated Concept, pp. 782-802 John H. Jackson Agora (Continued): Future Implications of the Iraq Conflict Editors' Note, pp. 803-804 Lori Fisler Damrosch; Bernard H. Oxman Enforcement of the Collective Will after Iraq, pp. 804-823 Carsten Stahn The Security Council and Iraq: An Incremental Practice, pp. 823-842 Thomas D. Grant Beyond Occupation Law, pp. 842-860 David J. Scheffer Water Conflicts during the Occupation of Iraq, pp. 860-872 Eyal Benvenisti Editorial Comments Hegemonic International Law Revisited, pp. 873-888 Jose E. Alvarez Belgium's War Crimes Statute: A Postmortem, pp. 888-897 Steven R. Ratner Correspondence, pp. 898-900 Nabil Elaraby; John Crook; Jeannette Smyth Current Developments Norms on the Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises with Regard to Human Rights, pp. 901-922 David Weissbrodt; Muria Kruger International Decisions Avena and Other Mexican Nationals, pp. 923-929 William J. Aceves Prosecutor v. Plavsic. Case No. IT-00-39&40/1-S, pp. 929-937 Nancy Amoury Combs Pope & Talbot, Inc. v. Canada, pp. 937-950 David A. Gantz American Insurance Ass'n v. Garamendi. 123 S.Ct. 2374 Deutsch v. Turner Corp. 324 F.3d 692, pp. 950-961 Brannon P. Denning Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law Extraterritorial Application of NEPA, pp. 962-965 Foreign Country Request for Extradition Does Not Preclude Its Immunity, pp. 965-966 Terrorist-State Litigation in 2002-03, pp. 966-974 Head-of-State Immunity for Former Chinese President Jiang Zemin, pp. 974-977 United States' Return to UNESCO, pp. 977-979 Submission of MARPOL Protocol to the U.S. Senate, pp. 979-980 Modification of WTO Rules on Protection of Pharmaceuticals, pp. 981-983 Transboundary Abduction as a Violation of International Law, pp. 983-984 U.S. Reaction to Belgian Universal Jurisdiction Law, pp. 984-987 Libyan Payment to Families of Pan Am Flight 103 Victims, pp. 987-991 Book Reviews Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice and the World Crisis: A Legal Adviser in the Foreign Office Anthony Carty; Richard A. Smith Review author[s]: Stephen M. Schwebel International Economic Law Andreas F. Lowenfeld Review author[s]: Cynthia Crawford Lichtenstein Humanitarian Intervention: Ethical, Legal, and Political Dilemmas J. L. Holzgrefe; Robert O. Keohane Review author[s]: David M. Malone International Organizations and International Dispute Settlement: Trends and Prospects Laurence Boisson de Chazournes; Cesare Romano; Ruth Mackenzie Review author[s]: David A. Wirth Human Rights as Politics and Idolatry Michael Ignatieff Review author[s]: Hurst Hannum Peace with Justice? War Crimes and Accountability in the Former Yugoslavia Paul R. Williams; Michael P. Scharf Review author[s]: Miriam Sapiro International Criminal Evidence Richard May; Marieke Wierda Surrendering to International Criminal Courts: Contemporary Practice and Procedures Geert-Jan Alexander Knoops Review author[s]: Daryl A. Mundis Volkerrecht und Machtpolitik: Georg Schwarzenberger (1908-1991) Stephanie Steinle Review author[s]: Bardo Fassbender Briefer Notice Toward a Just World: The Critical Years in the Search for International Justice Dorothy V. Jones Review author[s]: Mark W. Janis Vol. 98, No. 1, Jan., 2004 Controlling the Use of Force: A Role for Human Rights Norms in Contemporary Armed Conflict, pp. 1-34 Kenneth Watkin Oscar Schachter (1915-2003), pp. 35-41 Lori Fisler Damrosch Agora: The United States Constitution and International Law Editors' Introduction, pp. 42-43 Lori Fisler Damrosch; Bernard H. Oxman International Law as Part of Our Law, pp. 43-57 Harold Hongju Koh Misusing International Sources to Interpret the Constitution, pp. 57-69 Roger P. Alford International Materials and Domestic Rights: Reflections on Atkins and Lawrence, pp. 69-82 Michael D. Ramsey The Uses of International Law in Constitutional Interpretation, pp. 82-90 Gerald L. Neuman International Law, Sovereignty, and American Constitutionalism: Reflections on the Customary International Law Debate, pp. 91-108 T. Alexander Aleinikoff Editorial Comment International Law Status of WTO Dispute Settlement Reports: Obligation to Comply or Option to "Buy Out"?, pp. 109-125 John H. Jackson Notes and Comments The Challenge to the Mandatory Death Penalty in the Commonwealth Caribbean, pp. 126-140 Joanna Harrington Current Developments Restrictions on U.S. Attorneys Practicing before International Criminal Tribunals, pp. 141-149 Jonathan G. Cedarbaum International Decisions United States: Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000. WT/DS217 & 234/AB/R, pp. 150-155 Mark L. Movsesian Loewen Group, Inc. v. United States. ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/98/3. 42 ILM 811 (2003). Mondev International Ltd. v. United States. ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/99/2. 42 ILM 85 (2003), pp. 155-163 William S. Dodge UNESCO-France Arbitration. Award. 107 Revue Generale de Droit International Public 221 (2003), pp. 163-168 Douglas D. Reichert Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law U.S. Immunity from Suit under FTCA regarding Security Measures at Nairobi Embassy, pp. 169-171 UN Resolution Demanding That Israel Not Deport or Threaten Palestinian President, pp. 171-172 Protection of UN and Humanitarian Personnel in Conflict Zones, pp. 172 Senate Testimony regarding U.S. Adherence to Law of the Sea Convention, pp. 173-175 Environmental Torts Do Not Violate Customary International Law, pp. 175-177 Ratification of the 1999 Montreal Convention on Aviation Liability, pp. 177-179 WTO Decision Striking down U.S. Steel Safeguard Measures, pp. 179-180 Canadian Deportation to United States of Death-Penalty Convict, pp. 180- Enactment of PROTECT Act against Sex Tourism, p. 182 Adoption of UN Convention against Corruption, pp. 182-184 Testimony by U.S. General before the ICTY, pp. 184-186 Second Circuit Rejection of Presidential Power to Declare U.S. National "Enemy Combatant", pp. 186-188 Ability of Detainees in Cuba to Obtain Federal Habeas Corpus Review, pp. 188-190 Turmoil in Iraq, Transitional Arrangements, and the Capture of Saddam Hussein, pp. 190-193 U.S. Support for Multinational Intervention in Liberia, pp. 193-195 U.S./UK Negotiations with Libya regarding Nonproliferation, pp. 195-197 Refusal to Confirm an Arbitral Award against Nonsignatory Government, pp. 197-199 Review Essay: International Law Casebooks: Tradition, Revision, and Pedagogy The International Legal System: Cases and Materials Christopher L. Blakesley; Edwin B. Firmage; Richard F. Scott; Sharon A. Williams International Law Barry E. Carter; Phillip R. Trimble; Curtis A. Bradley International Law: Cases and Materials Lori Fisler Damrosch; Louis Henkin; Richard Crawford Pugh; Oscar Schachter; Hans Smit International Law: Norms, Actors, Process: A Problem-Oriented Approach Jeffrey L. Dunoff; Steven R. Ratner; David Wippman Cases and Commentary on International Law Mark W. Janis; John E. Noyes Review author[s]: David J. Bederman Book Reviews United States Hegemony and the Foundations of International Law Michael Byers; Georg Nolte Review author[s]: Detlev F. Vagts An Introduction to International Institutional Law Jan Klabbers Review author[s]: Frederic L. Kirgis The ICSID Convention: A Commentary Christoph H. Schreuer Review author[s]: David D. Caron Transatlantic Governance in the Global Economy Mark A. Pollack; Gregory C. Shaffer Review author[s]: Kenneth W. Abbott Environment and Statecraft: Strategies of Environmental Treaty-Making Scott Barrett Review author[s]: Jeffrey L. Dunoff Diversity and Self-Determination in International Law Karen Knop Review author[s]: Gregory H. Fox Migration and International Legal Norms T. Alexander Aleinikoff; Vincent Chetail Review author[s]: Linda S. Bosniak Mass Refugee Influx and the Limits of Public International Law Ann Vibeke Eggli Review author[s]: Jane McAdam Vol. 98, No. 2, Apr., 2004 Judicial Lawmaking at the WTO: Discursive, Constitutional, and Political Constraints, pp. 247-275 Richard H. Steinberg Common but Differentiated Responsibilities in International Law, pp. 276-301 Christopher D. Stone Editorial Comment Sovereign Bankruptcy: In re Germany (1953), In re Iraq (2004), pp. 302-306 Detlev F. Vagts Former Legal Advisers' Letter on Accession to the Law of the Sea Convention, pp. 307-308 Herbert J. Hansell; Roberts B. Owen; Davis R. Robinson; Abraham D. Sofaer; Edwin D. Williamson; Conrad K. Harper; David R. Andrews; Michael J. Matheson Current Developments The 2003 Judicial Activity of the International Court of Justice, pp. 309-317 John R. Crook The Fifty-Fifth Session of the International Law Commission, pp. 317-324 Michael J. Matheson; Sara Bickler International Decisions Prosecutor v. Nahimana, Barayagwiza, & Ngeze. Case No. ICTR 99-52-T, pp. 325-330 Catharine A. MacKinnon Access to Information under Article 9 of the OSPAR Convention (Ireland v. United Kingdom), pp. 330-339 Ted L. McDorman S.D. Myers, Inc. v. Canada, and Attorney General of Canada v. S.D. Myers, Inc., [2004] F.C. 38, pp. 339-348 Charles H. Brower II Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law D.C. Circuit Interpretation of Scope of FSIA "Flatow Amendment", pp. 349-350 Adoption of Central American Free Trade Agreement, pp. 350-352 U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement, p. 352 Reviews, Release, and Trials of Detainees at Guantanamo Bay, pp. 353-355 "Proliferation Security Initiative" for Searching Potential WMD Vessels, pp. 355-357 Adoption of Fifth CCW Protocol on Explosive Remnants of War, pp. 357-360 ICJ Advisory Opinion on Israeli Security Fence, pp. 361-364 ICJ Decision regarding Mexicans on Death Row in United States, pp. 364-368 U.S. Signing of UNCITRAL Convention on Assignment of Receivables, pp. 368-370 Book Reviews The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary Bruno Simma; Hermann Mosler; Andreas Paulus; Eleni Chaitidou Review author[s]: Yoram Dinstein Policing World Society: Historical Foundations of International Police Cooperation Mathieu Deflem Review author[s]: David Bryan Sullivan Determining Boundaries in a Conflicted World: The Role of "Uti Possidetis" Suzanne N. Lalonde Review author[s]: Marcelo G. Kohen International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Rene Provost Review author[s]: Michael Bothe The Treatment of Prisoners under International Law Nigel S. Rodley Review author[s]: Ralph G. Steinhardt The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights: The Challenges of International Protection Bertrand G. Ramcharan Review author[s]: Felice D. Gaer The Exclusive Economic Zone and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982-2000: A Preliminary Assessment of State Practice Erik Franckx; Philippe Gautier Review author[s]: Jaye Ellis Between Light and Shadow: The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and International Human Rights Law Mac Darrow Review author[s]: Galit A. Sarfaty Lillich on the Forcible Protection of Nationals Abroad Richard B. Lillich; Thomas C. Wingfield; James E. Meyen Review author[s]: Gordon A. Christenson Vol. 98, No. 3, Jul., 2004 International Law Immunities and the International Criminal Court, pp. 407-433 Dapo Akande Compliance with Final Judgments of the International Court of Justice since 1987, pp. 434-461 Colter Paulson Justiciability of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights: Should There Be an International Complaints Mechanism to Adjudicate the Rights to Food, Water, Housing, and Health?, pp. 462-515 Michael J. Dennis; David P. Stewart The Manley O. Hudson Lecture: Why Regime Change Is (Almost Always) a Bad Idea, pp. 516-525 W. Michael Reisman Notes and Comments Policing the High Seas: The Proliferation Security Initiative, pp. 526-545 Michael Byers When Is a Final Clause Not a Final Clause?, pp. 546-549 Shabtai Rosenne International Decisions Oil Platforms (Iran v. United States), pp. 550-558 Pieter H. F. Bekker Case concerning Avena and Other Mexican Nationals (Mexico v. United States) 43 ILM 581 (2004), pp. 559-566 Dinah L. Shelton Commission v. United Kingdom, Commission v. Denmark, Commission v. Sweden, Commission v. Finland; Commission v. Belgium, Commission v. Luxembourg; Commission v. Austria, Commission v. Germany, pp. 567-572 Frank Hoffmeister Hingitaq 53, Qajutaq Petersen, and Others v. Prime Minister's Office (Qaanaaq Municipality and Greenland Home Rule Government Intervening in Support of the Appellants), pp. 572-578 Ole Spiermann Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law Supreme Court's Use of Court Decisions of Treaty Partners, pp. 579-581 Implementation of Avena Decision by Oklahoma Court, pp. 581-584 Retroactivity of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, pp. 584-586 Replacement of U.S.-Led Force in Haiti with UN Peacekeeping Mission, pp. 586-588 Establishment of U.S. Antiterrorism Maritime Transportation System, pp. 588-590 Report of U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy, pp. 590-591 U.S. Opposition to Measures Condemning Israel, p. 591 U.S. Abuse of Iraqi Detainees at Abu Ghraib Prison, pp. 591-596 Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties with the European Union, Germany, and Japan, p. 596 U.S. Reaction to ICJ Judgment in Iranian Oil Platforms Case, pp. 597-601 Coalition Laws and Transition Arrangements during Occupation of Iraq, pp. 601-606 UN Security Council Resolution on Nonproliferation of WMD, pp. 606-608 Senate Consent to U.S. Ratification of IAEA Additional Protocol, pp. 608-609 Book Reviews 'Like Products' in International Trade Law: Towards a Consistent GATT/WTO Jurisprudence Won-Mog Choi Review author[s]: Steve Charnovitz Volkerrecht. Vol. I Georg Dahm; Jost Delbruck; Rudiger Wolfrum Review author[s]: Detlev F. Vagts Rethinking Refugee Law Niraj Nathwani Review author[s]: James C. Hathaway The Competing Jurisdictions of International Courts and Tribunals Yuval Shany Review author[s]: Laurence Boisson de Chazournes International Organizations before National Courts August Reinisch Review author[s]: Malcolm N. Shaw Universal Jurisdiction: International and Municipal Legal Perspectives Luc Reydams Review author[s]: Kenneth C. Randall The Law of Treaties in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States: Text and Commentary William E. Butler Review author[s]: Peter Krug Studies in International Space Law Bin Cheng Review author[s]: Jonathan F. Galloway Vol. 98, No. 4, Oct., 2004 Hyperownership in a Time of Biotechnological Promise: The International Conflict to Control the Building Blocks of Life, pp. 641-685 Sabrina Safrin Editorial Comments Criminals, Combatants, or What? An Examination of the Role of Law in Responding to the Threat of Terror, pp. 686-688 Thomas M. Franck Speaking Law to Power: Lawyers and Torture, pp. 689-695 Richard B. Bilder; Detlev F. Vagts Using Framework Statutes to Facilitate U.S. Treaty Making, pp. 696-710 Steve Charnovitz Notes and Comments The Right of the Accused to Self-Representation before International Criminal Tribunals, pp. 711-726 Nina H. B. Jorgensen Peacekeeping and Prosecutorial Policy: Lessons from Kosovo, pp. 727-743 Gregory L. Naarden; Jeffrey B. Locke Correspondence, pp. 743-744 Mathieu Deflem; David Bryan Sullivan Current Developments The Security Council's Efforts to Monitor the Implementation of Al Qaeda/Taliban Sanctions, pp. 745-763 Eric Rosand Regulating Antarctic Tourism and the Precautionary Principle, pp. 763-781 Kees Bastmeijer; Ricardo Roura International Decisions Hamdi V. Rumsfeld. 124 S.Ct. 2633, pp. 782-788 Jenny S. Martinez Rasul v. Bush. 124 S.Ct. 2686, pp. 788-798 David L. Sloss Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain; United States v. Alvarez-Machain. 124 S.Ct. 2739, pp. 798-804 Brad R. Roth Prosecutor v. Brdjanin & Talic. Case No. IT-99-36-AR73.9, pp. 805-809 Megan A. Fairlie Bustani v. Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. Judgement No. 2232, pp. 810-814 Ana Stanic Commission of the European Communities v. Jego-Quere & Cie SA. Case C-263/02 P, pp. 814-819 Cornelia Koch Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law Executive Branch Memoranda on Status and Permissible Treatment of Detainees, pp. 820-831 U.S. Efforts to Secure Methyl Bromide Exemption to Ozone Depletion Regime, pp. 831-833 U.S.-Japan Tax Treaty, pp. 833-835 U.S.-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement, p. 835 U.S.-Morocco Free Trade Agreement, pp. 835-836 Proposed New U.S. "Model" Bilateral Investment Treaty, pp. 836-837 Bioterrorism Act's Notice Requirements for Food Imports, pp. 837-838 NAFTA Waste Management Tribunal Finds No Arbitrary Treatment, No Expropriation, pp. 838-840 NAFTA Commission Statement on Amicus Curiae Participation in Arbitrations, pp. 841-842 Amendment of Treaty on Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures, pp. 843-844 Supreme Court's Rejection of "Headquarters Doctrine" under FTCA, pp. 844-845 Supreme Court Interpretation of Alien Tort Claims Act, pp. 845-848 New U.S./EU and U.S./UK Extradition Treaties, pp. 848-850 Continuance of Extradition Treaty with Czech Republic, p. 850 Suspension of U.S. Aid to Serbia and Montenegro for Noncooperation with ICTY, pp. 850-851 Intepretation of "Rights of Custody" under Hague Convention on Child Abduction, pp. 851-852 Cape Town Convention on Financing of High-Value, Mobile Equipment, pp. 852-854 Book Reviews Conflict of Norms in Public International Law: How WTO Law Relates to Other Rules of International Law Joost Pauwelyn Review author[s]: Joel P. Trachtman Ordering Anarchy: International Law in International Society Rein Mullerson Review author[s]: Frank Berman The Epochs of International Law Wilhelm G. Grewe Review author[s]: C. G. Roelofsen Title to Territory in International Law: A Temporal Analysis Joshua Castellino; Steve Allen Review author[s]: Valerie Epps Post-Conflict Justice M. Cherif Bassiouni Review author[s]: Ruti Teitel The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Cases, Materials, and Commentaries Sarah Joseph; Jenny Schultz; Melissa Castan The Law and Process of the U.N. Human Rights Committee Kirsten A. Young Review author[s]: Eckart Klein The African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights: A Comprehensive Agenda for Human Dignity and Sustainable Democracy in Africa Fatsah Ouguergouz Review author[s]: Adeno Addis Briefer Notice La jurisprudence de l'OMC/The Case-Law of the WTO, 1996-1997 Brigitte Stern; Helene Ruiz Fabri Review author[s]: Steve Charnovitz Vol. 99, No. 1, Jan., 2005 Agora: ICJ Advisory Opinion on Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory Editors' Introduction, pp. 1-6 Lori Fisler Damrosch; Bernard H. Oxman The "Wall" Decisions in Legal and Political Context, pp. 6-26 Geoffrey R. Watson The ICJ's Advisory Jurisdiction and the Crumbling Wall between the Political and the Judicial, pp. 26-42 Michla Pomerance Toward Authoritativeness: The ICJ Ruling on Israel's Security Wall, pp. 42-52 Richard A. Falk The ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Israeli Security Fence and the Limits of Self-Defense, pp. 52-61 Ruth Wedgwood Self-Defense and the Israeli Wall Advisory Opinion: An Ipse Dixit from the ICJ?, pp. 62-76 Sean D. Murphy Words My Mother Never Taught Me: "In Defense of the International Court", pp. 76-88 Iain Scobbie The Advisory Opinion: The Light Treatment of International Humanitarian Law, pp. 88-102 David Kretzmer Critical Reflections on the International Humanitarian Law Aspects of the ICJ Wall Advisory Opinion, pp. 102-118 Ardi Imseis Application of Human Rights Treaties Extraterritorially in Times of Armed Conflict and Military Occupation, pp. 119-141 Michael J. Dennis Notes and Comments The Judicial Effects of the "Completion Strategies" on the Ad Hoc International Criminal Tribunals, pp. 142-158 Daryl A. Mundis Closing an International Criminal Tribunal while Maintaining International Human Rights Standards and Excluding Impunity, pp. 158-174 Larry D. Johnson The Security Council as World Legislature, pp. 175-193 Stefan Talmon Current Developments The UN Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property, pp. 194-211 David P. Stewart The Fifty-Sixth Session of the International Law Commission, pp. 211-221 Michael J. Matheson International Decisions Assanidze v. Georgia, pp. 222-229 Alexander Orakhelashvili Biret International SA v. Council of the European Union. Case C-93/02 P. 2003 ECR I-10497; Etablissements Biret & Cie SA v. Council of the European Union. Case C-94/02 P. 2003 ECR I-10565., pp. 230-235 Patricia Egli Republic of Austria v. Altmann, pp. 236-242 Charles H. Brower II Ferrini v. Federal Republic of Germany, pp. 242-248 Andrea Bianchi Airport Linz v. United States, pp. 248-252 Stephan Wittich Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law United States Lifts Some Sanctions on Libya, pp. 253-254 U.S. Relations with Republic of Macedonia, p. 254 U.S. Responses to Alleged Abuse of Oil-for-Food Program, pp. 254-255 Nongovernmental Bodies Standardize Bar Codes, p. 255 United States Whaling Policy, p. 255 U.S. Market-Based Partnership to Reduce Methane Emissions, p. 256 Arctic Council Policy Document on Global Warming, pp. 256-257 Repeal of U.S. Tax Benefit for Exporters, p. 257 Requests for Safeguards on Apparel from China, pp. 257-258 U.S. Policy regarding Internet Governance, pp. 258-259 Updated U.S. Model BIT, p. 259 New BIT Model Followed in New Treaty with Uruguay, pp. 259-260 Paris Club Agrees to Substantial Debt Relief for Iraq, p. 260 United States, Australia Settle Disputes Blocking U.S.-Australian Free Trade Agreement, p. 260 Treatment of U.S. Detainees at Guantanamo Bay, pp. 261-262 Supreme Court Litigant Released to Return to Saudi Arabia, p. 262 Proceedings Involving Possible Offenses against Protected Persons in Iraq and Afghanistan, pp. 262-263 ICRC Report Alleges Interrogation Techniques "Tantamount to Torture", p. 264 Religious Freedom Report Cites Eight Countries, including Saudi Arabia, p. 264 Human Trafficking: Proposal to Criminalize the Patronization of Prostitutes by U.S. Service Members, pp. 264-265 Reported Removal of Prisoners from Iraq, pp. 265-266 Efforts to Ban Human Cloning, p. 266 President and Secretary of State Characterize Events in Darfur as Genocide, pp. 266-267 United States Supports Security Council Anti-Terrorism Resolution, p. 268 United States Vetoes Resolution to Condemn Israeli Incursion in Gaza, pp. 268-269 Legality of U.S.-Led Invasion of Iraq, pp. 269-270 Iran's Nuclear Program, pp. 270-271 U.S. Initiates Arbitration against India over OPIC Claims for the Dabhol Power Project, pp. 271-272 U.S. Appeals Adverse NAFTA Panel Ruling on Softwood Lumber, pp. 272-273 Book Reviews The Perplexities of Modern International Law Shabtai Rosenne Review author[s]: Anne Orford Sharing Transboundary Resources: International Law and Optimal Resource Use Eyal Benvenisti Review author[s]: Daniel Bodansky A Concise Encyclopedia of the United Nations Helmut Voteer Review author[s]: Ruth Wedgwood Introduction to International Criminal Law M. Cherif Bassiouni Review author[s]: Mark A. Drumbl Defending Interests: Public-Private Partnerships in WTO Litigation Gregory C. Shaffer Review author[s]: William J. Davey Universal Jurisdiction: National Courts and the Prosecution of Serious Crimes under International Law Stephen Macedo Review author[s]: Kenneth C. Randall Universalising International Law C. G. Weeramantry Review author[s]: Roger S. Clark International Human Rights and Islamic Law Mashood A. Baderin Review author[s]: Ann Elizabeth Mayer European Conquest and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: The Moral Backwardness of International Society Paul Keal Review author[s]: S. James Anaya Briefer Notice International Institutional Law: Unity within Diversity Henry G. Schermers; Niels M. Blokker Review author[s]: Kelly Vinopal