Journal of Conflict and Security Law Volume 5, Number 1, 2000 Articles [IMG] Nigel White and Eirc Myjer Editorial: The Aims and Objectives of the Journal Michael J. Glennon American Hegemony in an Unplanned World Order N. D. White The Legality Of Bombing In The Name Of Humanity Peter Rowe Maintaining Discipline in United Nations Peace Support Operations: The Legal Quagmire for Military Contingents Sonja Boelaert-Suominen Grave Breaches, Universal Jurisdiction and Internal Armed Conflicts: Is Customary Law Moving Towards a Uniform Enforcement Mechanism for all Armed Conflicts? Charles Duelfer Arms Reduction: The Role of International Organizations, the UNSCOM Experience Volume 5, Number 2, 2000 Articles [IMG] Nigel White and Eric Myjer The Aims and Objectives of the Journal Hilaire McCoubrey THE PROTECTION OF CREED AND OPINION IN THE LAWS OF ARMED CONFLICT Emily Haslam INFORMATION WARFARE: TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGES AND INTERNATIONAL LAW David Turns SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE CONFLICT IN SOUTHERN LEBANON: THE `QANA INCIDENT' AND INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW Ademola Abass THE NEW COLLECTIVE SECURITY MECHANISM OF ECOWAS: INNOVATIONS AND PROBLEMS PROTOCOL RELATING TO THE MECHANISM FOR CONFLICT PREVENTION, MANAGEMENT, RESOLUTION, PEACE-KEEPING AND SECURITY Steven Wheatley THE FOREIGN AFFAIRS SELECT COMMITTEE REPORT ON KOSOVO: NATO ACTION AND HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTION Ambassador Thomas Graham, Jr LAWS, POLITICS AND THE ABM TREATY Barry Kellman NATIONAL MISSILE DEFENCE AND THE ABM TREATY: CONSIDERATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AND LAW Peter Rowe Essays On The Modern Law Of War Marco E. Odello The Contemporary Law of Armed Conflict Marco E. Odello Principes de Droit des Conflits Armes Robert Cryer Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Volume 6, Number 1, 2001 Articles [IMG] Nigel White and Eric Myjer Editorial Robert Cryer The Boundaries of Liability In International Criminal Law, or `Selectivity by Stealth' Constantine Antonopoulos Whatever Happened to Crimes Against Peace? Christine Byron Armed Conflicts: International or Non-International? John B. Rhinelander The Abm Treaty -- Past, Present and Future (Part 1) Ige F. Dekker Illegality and Legitimacy of Humanitarian Intervention: Synopsis of and Comments on a Dutch Report Nigel D. White Commentary on the Report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations (The Brahimi Report) Alfred P. Rubin Review article Paul Kearns The Changing Face of Conflict and the Efficacy of International Humanitarian Law Nicholas Tsagourias The United Nations and the Development of Collective Security: The Delegation by the UN Security Council of its Chapter VII Powers Marco Odello Les Procédures Internationales D'établissement Des Faits Dans La Mise En OEuvre Du Droit International Humanitaire Richard Lee Reconciliation via the War Crimes Tribunal? Volume 6, Number 2, 2001 Articles [IMG] Eric Myjer and Nigel White Aims and Objectives of the Journal Wouter G. Werner Self-Determination and Civil War Achilles Skordas Epilegomena to a Silence: Nuclear Weapons, Terrorism and the Moment of Concern John B Rhinelander The Abm Treaty -- Past, Present and Future (Part II) Boris Kondoch The United Nations Administration of East Timor Christine Gray Peacekeeping After the Brahimi Report: Is There a Crisis of Credibility for the UN? Robert Cryer Substantive and Procedural Aspects of International Criminal Law Paul Kearns Bloody Constraint: War and Chivalry in Shakespeare Marco E. Odello Humanitarian Law Ray Murphy Restoring and Maintaining Order in Complex Peace Operations Volume 7, Number 1, 2002 Articles [IMG] Eric Myjer and Nigel White Editorial Eric P.J. Myjer and Nigel D. White The Twin Towers Attack: An Unlimited Right to Self-Defence? Mary Ellen O'Connell Evidence of Terror Robert Cryer The Fine Art of Friendship: Jus in Bello in Afghanistan Masahiko Asada CTBT: Legal Questions Arising from Its Non-Entry-Into-Force Laura Rockwood The IAEA's Strengthened Safeguards System Ademola Abass The Nexus Between Peacekeeping and Peace-Building, Debriefing and Lessons Robert Cryer The Law of Internal Armed Conflict Volume 7, Number 2, 2002 ¨ Articles [IMG] Rein Müllerson Jus Ad Bellum: Plus Ça Change (Le Monde) Plus C'Est La Meme Chose (Le Droit)? Roberta Arnold Command Responsibility: A Case Study of Alleged Violations of the Laws of War at Khiam Detention Centre Catherine Jenkins A Truth Commission for East Timor: Lessons from South Africa? J. McClelland Starting from Scratch: The Military Discipline System of the East Timor Defence Force Onno Kervers Strengthening Compliance with the Biological Weapons Convention: The Protocol Negotiations Neil Boister The ICJ in the Belgian Arrest Warrant Case: Arresting the Development of International Criminal Law Guido den Dekker War, Aggression and Self-defence Mika Nishimura The Law of Arms Control: International Supervision and Enforcement Volume 8, Number 1, 2003 Articles [IMG] N.D. White and E.P.J. Myjer Editorial: The Use of Force Against Iraq Karel Wellens The UN Security Council and New Threats to the Peace: Back to the Future Ray Murphy United Nations Peacekeeping in Lebanon and Somalia, and the Use of Force L. C. Green Enforcement of International Humanitarian Law and Threats to National Sovereignty Brian T. O'Donnell and James C. Kraska Humanitarian Law: Developing International Rules for the Digital Battlefield Onno Kervers Strengthening Compliance with the Biological Weapons Convention: The Draft Protocol Peter Rowe A New Court to Protect Human Rights in the Armed Forces of the UK: The Summary Appeal Court Colin Warbrick Jurisprudence of International Law: The Humanitarian Dimension Mika Nishimura Issues of Arms Control Law and the Chemical Weapons Convention: Obligations Inter Se and Supervisory Mechanisms Dirk Klaasen The Rights and Duties of Neutrals: A General History Volume 8, Number 2, 2003 Articles [IMG] Eric Myjer and Nigel White Aims and Objectives of the Journal Tarcisio Gazzini Nato's Role in the Collective Security System Ramses A. Wessel The State of Affairs in EU Security and Defence Policy: The Breakthrough in the Treaty of Nice Curtis A. Ward Building Capacity to Combat International Terrorism: The Role of the United Nations Security Council Alexander Orakhelashvili The Post-War Settlement in Iraq: The UN Security Council Resolution 1483(2003) and General International Law Kirsti Samuels Jus Ad Bellum and Civil Conflicts: A Case Study of the International Community's Approach to Violence in the Conflict in Sierra Leone Surya P. Subedi The Concept in Hinduism of `Just War' Christopher Michaelsen Maritime Exclusion Zones in Times of Armed Conflict at Sea: Legal Controversies Still Unresolved Jean Pascal Zanders International Norms Against Chemical and Biological Warfare: An Ambiguous Legacy Göran Sluiter Surrendering to International Criminal Courts: Contemporary Practice and Procedures Marco Odello Managing Conflict in the New Europe. The Role of International Institutions Richard Burchill Democratic Accountability and the Use of Force in International Law Volume 9, Number 1, SPRING 2004 Articles [IMG] Nigel White and Eric Myjer Aims and objectives of the journal Christian Henderson The Bush Doctrine: from theory to practice Eric Donnelly The United States--China EP-3 incident: legality and realpolitik Michel Bourbonniere Law of armed conflict (LOAC) and the neutralisation of satellites or ius in bello satellitis Elizabeth Chadwick A tale of two courts: the `creation' of a jurisdiction? Christer Ahlström Arrows for India? -- Technology transfers for ballistic missile defence and the missile technology control regime Robert Cryer Luc Reydams, Universal Jurisdiction: International and Municipal Legal Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003, 258pp +xxvii. ISBN 0-19-925162-2. Volume 9, Number 2, SUMMER 2004 Articles [IMG] Joanna Dingwall Unlawful confinement as a war crime: the jurisprudence of the Yugoslav Tribunal and the common core of international humanitarian law applicable to contemporary armed conflicts Daniel H. Joyner Restructuring the multilateral export control regime system Kerem Altiparmak Bankovic: an obstacle to the application of the European Convention on Human Rights in Iraq? Bruce M. Oswald Model codes for criminal justice and peace operations: some legal issues Chris Downes `Targeted killings' in an age of terror: the legality of the Yemen strike Charles Garraway European Military Law Systems Volume 9, Number 3, WINTER 2004 Articles [IMG] Nigel White The Future of Arms Control Law: An Overview of the Workshop John Freeman Is Arms Control Law in Crisis? Guido den Dekker The Effectiveness of International Supervision in Arms Control Law Masahiko Asada Arms Control Law in Crisis? A Study of the North Korean Nuclear Issue James A. Green The Oil Platforms Case: An Error in Judgment? Siobhán Wills Military Interventions on Behalf of Vulnerable Populations: The Legal Responsibilities of States and International Organizations Engaged in Peace Support Operations Emma McClean Review: You, The People -- The United Nations, Transitional Administration, and State-Building Volume 10, Number 1, Spring 2005 Articles [IMG] Inger Österdahl The Exception as the Rule: Lawmaking on Force and Human Rights by the UN Security Council Ilias Bantekas Head of State Immunity in the Light of Multiple Legal Regimes and Non--Self-Contained System Theories: Theoretical Analysis of ICC Third Party Jurisdiction Against the Background of the 2003 Iraq War Conor McCarthy The Paradox of the International Law of Military Occupation: Sovereignty and the Reformation of Iraq Daniel Moeckli The US Supreme Court's `Enemy Combatant' Decisions: A `Major Victory for the Rule of Law'? Christopher P.M. Waters Post-Conflict Legal Education Book Review [IMG] Robert Cryer Review: Law on the Battlefield Volume 10, Number 2, Summer 2005 Articles [IMG] Jack I. Garvey The International Institutional Imperative for Countering the Spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Assessing the Proliferation Security Initiative Erica Harper Delivering Justice in the Wake of Mass Violence: New Approaches to Transitional Justice Frederik Naert European Security and Defence in the EU Constitutional Treaty Robert Cryer Aggression at the Court of Appeal Marco Odello Commentary on the United Nations' High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change Erwin Dahinden The Future of Arms Control Law: Towards a New Regulatory Approach and New Regulatory Techniques Book Reviews [IMG] Ron Dudai Review: Courting Conflict: The Israeli Military Court System in the West Bank and Gaza Christian Henderson Review: The United States and the Rule of Law in International Affairs