The Government Council for Human Rights is a permanent advisory body for the government in the field of the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. The Council was established by a Government decree The Council monitors the compliance with the Constitution of the Czech Republic, the Charter of fundamental rights and freedoms, international conventions on human rights and fundamental freedoms which are binding to the Czech Republic as well as other laws laying down the protection and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. The Council works towards raising the general awareness of human rights and ways of their protection. Council monitors the domestic performance of international obligations of the Czech Republic in the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. In particular, it monitors obligations arising under certain international covenants. 1. it prepares for the government, proposals concerning policy concepts in different areas of human rights protection, drafts partial measures and incentives to improve the respect for human rights; either from its own initiative or as a task issued to the Council by the government or to the Government Commissioner for human rights, 2. adopts opinions on the proposals of the government, ministerial and other measures concerning the protection and respect for human rights, 3. it co-operates with non-governmental non-profit organizations involved in human rights and with local government bodies, 4. the Council members as well as specialized committees and working groups of the Council and their members may within the limits of the Council powers request information and opinions from the central authorities of the state administration including those not represented in the Council, from other bodies of the state administration and from the organizations and institutions subordinated to state administration bodies. This is without prejudice to the provisions of special regulations, In cooperation with central authorities of the state administration and non-governmental non- profit organizations, the Council through the President of the Council is involved in the performance of the government's commitments to report on the compliance with international treaties. The Council proposals pursuant to this article are submitted by the Council through the member of the cabinet responsible for the work of the Council to the government for discussion or to responsible members of the government and other central bodies of the state administration. Composition of the Council (1) The Council has 20 members, a president and a vice-president. The number of the members of the Council ­ representatives of central authorities of the state administration is equal to the number of the members of the Council ­ representatives of civil and lay public and the academia involved in the protection and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and seeking to increase general awareness of human rights and ways of their protection. The President of the Council is appointed and recalled by the government; The President is the government commissioner for human rights. The Vice-president of the Council is the deputy director of the department of human rights with the Office of the Government. The Head of the Government Office appoints him Deputy Director of the department on the recommendation of the President of the Council. The members of the Council ­ representatives of central authorities of the state administration and their permanent substitutes are appointed and recalled by the President of the Council on the recommendation of the responsible ministry. The members of the Council are: deputies: of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Justice, Interior, Labour and Social Affairs, Education, Youth and Sports, Culture, Health, Local Development, Information Technologies and the Chief Inspector for human rights with the Ministry of Defence, Representatives of civil, professional and the academic public involved in human rights and fundamental freedoms issue and seeking to raise the general awareness of human rights and their protection. Members of the Council The members of the Council participate at the Council meetings in person or through their permanent substitutes. The members of the Council submit to the Council proposals and are involved in the Council deliberations. Members of the Council may also participate in the meetings of Committees and working groups. The Committees of the Council The Council establishes standing Committees as required. External experts may be invited to work on a Committee. The members of a committee are appointed by the President of the Council on recommendation of the Committee. The work of the Committee is supported by the Committee Secretary ­ a member of the Council Secretariat. (3) The Council has the following Committees in particular: a) The Committee for Civil and Political Rights, b) The Committee for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, c) The Committee for Eliminating all Forms of Racism, d) The Committee Against Torture and other Inhuman, Cruel and Degrading Treatment or Punishment, e) The Committee for the Rights of the Child, f) The Committee for Eliminating all forms of Discrimination Against Women, g) The Committee for the Rights of Foreigners, h) The Committee for Human Rights Education, i) The Committee for Human Rights and Biomedicine. (4) In particular the Committees will, a) submit motions to the Council for increasing the level of the status and upholding of human rights in the Czech Republic, b) Will have a share in the drafting of reports for the control mechanisms of the international agreements on human rights, via its secretaries, c) draft motions for the Council for partial and systemic measures for increasing the status and upholding of human rights in the Czech Republic. External Co-operation The council may request co-operation from state administration employees who are not members of the Council or from external experts (hereafter only "Experts"). Council Secretariat The Council's activities (including the activities of the committees and working groups) is carried out by the Council Secretariat (hereafter only the "Secretariat"), which is an organisational part of the Office of the Government. In particular, the Secretariat will, a) carry out the Council's activities administratively and organisationally, b) collate the material and information necessary for the council's activities, c) draft expert materials for Council meetings based on the President's instructions, d) up-date the information on the Council and its members which is published on the Internet. The Director of the Secretariat will manage and be responsible for the Secretariats tasks being carried out. The director of the Secretariat is appointed and recalled by the Minister and Head of the office of the Government, on the proposal of the council President.