INTERNATIONAL AND CZECH ENVIRONMENTAL LAW JUDr. Ilona Jančářová, Ph.D., Course schedule: 1. International environmental law - global environmental problems, sources of the international environmental law, environmental treaties and their characteristics. 2. International treaties in the field of air protection, inland water protection. 3. International treaties in the field of the cultural heritage of mankind, nature protection. 4. International treaties in the field of hazardous substances and waste movement. 5. Environmental impact assessment and Aarhus Convention. 6. Czech environmental law - regulatory structure, sources of the law, environmental decision-making. The right to information on the environment and participation of the public in the environmental protection. Environment and the Czech Constitution. 7. Land use planning and environmental protection, agricultural land and forest management and protection 8. Air protection, ozone layer protection, global climate change. 9. Protection of inland waters. 10. Nature protection. 11. Legal regime of waste disposal. 12. Environmental impact assessment, integrated prevention and pollution control.