LEGAL REGULATION OF THE AIR PROTECTION 2008 SYSTEM OF THE REGULATION Act No. 86/2002 Coll., on the Air Protection, as amended – Air pollution (stationary and mobile sources) – Ozone layer (EC Regulation 2037/2000 as amended) – Climate system (Regulation 842/2006 on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases Act No. 695/2004 Coll., on Conditions of Trading in Greenhouse Gasses Allowances SYSTEM OF THE REGULATION MOBILE SOURCES REGULATION: Act No. 56/2001 Coll., on Conditions of the Vehicles Operation on Roads, as amended Act No. 266/1994 Coll., on the Railroad Mobile sources of pollution, as amended Act No. 49/1997 Coll., on the Civil Aviation, as amended Act No. 22/1997 Coll., on the Technical Requirements on Products Classification of sources of air pollution § Mobile sources § Stationary sources STATIONARY SOURCES a) according to their impact to the air quality: § - extra large (XXL) § - large (L) § - medium (M) § - small (S) b) according to the technical and technological equipment: § - combustion sources § - incinerators § - other stationary sources 2 LEVELS OF AIR PROTECTION: § Standard level of air protection § Special air protection Standard level of air protection Regulatory tools: § the admissible level of air pollution § plans and other program documents § fuel quality requirements § bans and duties of individual persons § permits and approvals § monitoring, record-keeping and reporting requirements § authorization § fees § sanctions. Special air protection Regulatory tools: § designation of areas with bad air quality, § designation of zones for the protection of ecosystems and vegetation, § continual monitoring of the air pollution levels, § air quality improvement programs, § specific air quality standards, § smog warning and regulation system. Mobile sources regulation Regulatory tools: § technical requirements and emission limits § fuel quality requirements (biofuels) § duties of operators § sanctions. OZONE LAYER PROTECTION Regulated substances: § chlorofluorocarbons, § other fully halogenated chlorofluorocarbons, § halon, § tetrachlormethan, § 1,1,1-trichloroethane § methylbromid and § hydrobromofluorocarbons OZONE LAYER PROTECTION Regulation applies to: § production, importation, exportation, § placing on the market, § use, recovery, recycling § reclamation and destruction of controlled substances § importation, exportation, placing on the market and use of products and equipment containing these substances OZONE LAYER PROTECTION Regulatory tools: § Ban on production of substances listed in Art. 3 of the EC Regulation § Production phase-out § Phase – out and ban of the use and placing on the market of regulated substances § Licence § Fees for production and import of substances and products containing CFCs § Sanctions for non – compliance with the law OZONE LAYER PROTECTION Rules for trade in the regulated substances: § Licence for the import from the third countries § Ban on the import from non - member parties to the Montreal Protocol § Export authorization (Ban on the export from the EC members with exemptions - export permit) OZONE LAYER PROTECTION Regulated substances handling requirements: § All precautionary measures practicable must be taken to prevent and minimise leakages of controlled substances § Labelling requirements § Permit to use, recycle, regenerate or to dispose the regulated substances § Monitoring, reporting and record – keeping requirements § Authorization requirements CLIMATE SYSTEM PROTECTION Regulatory tools: § climate change mitigation national program (national reduction aims for substances having an impact on the climate change) § list of activities resulting in greenhouse gasses emissions § greenhouse gass emission permits § national alocation plan § duties of persons § monitoring, record-keeping and reporting requirements § tradeable allowances and emission reduction unit/certified ERU § Project-based mechanisms (Joint Implementation (JI) and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)) § sanctions. COMPETENT AUTHORITIES § Ministry of the Environment § Ministry of Health § Ministry of Transportation § Czech Environmental Inspectorate § Czech Commerce Inspectorate § customs authorities § regions § municipal authorities § municipalities.