1) Promissory Note Brno, February 13, 2006 I promise to pay for this promissory note 3 months after date of issue to Jan Remitent the sum of 200 euro. At: Brno, Veveří Str. 77 John Maker Brno John Maker As aval for 100 euro John Gordon Case: John Maker purchased a used PC from Jan Remitent for 400 euro (200 euro Cash, 200 in the form of a promissory note due in 3 months). John Gordon signed the note with the sordiny „as aval“. The computer was defective and John Maker refused to pay. A) Jan Remitent has sued John Maker and John Gordon as an aval. Will he prevail as to entitě amount of the note? B) Fearing that John Maker would discover that he computer was defective Jan Remitent transferred the note to Sylvia. She attempted unsuccesfully to collect from John Maker, who by then had discovered that the PC was worthless. Sylvia has sued John Maker and John Gordon. Will Sylvia prevail as to the entire amout of the note? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- 2) Brno, February 18, 2005 I promise to pay for this bill of exchange to Jan Remitent the sum of 200 USD for Christmas 2009. At: Brno, Veveří Str. 77 John Maker Brno John Maker (back) James Hetfield John Gordon Paul Manne 3) Brno, February 15, 2006 I promise to pay for this promissory note to Jan Remitent the sum of 200 USD. At: Brno, Veveří Str. 77 John Maker Wroclaw John Maker Paul Manne 4) Brno, February 15, 2006 I promise to pay for this commercial paper to Jan Remitent the sum of 200 USD. At: Brno, Veveří Str. 77 John Maker Brno John Maker As a witness Paul Jackson 5) Bill of exchange In Prague, January 1, 2005 5000,- CZK Against this bill of exchange pay to me One hundred 100 USD. With interests 5% p.a. Drawee: Karel Nowak Brno, Úvoz 1 602 00 At:Brno, Veveří Str. 77 John Drawer As aval Paul Jackson