ECJ and the enforcement of the EU law European Court of Justice * As part of that mission, the Court of Justice: ­ reviews the legality of the acts of the institutions of the European Union, ­ ensures that the Member States comply with their obligations under Community law, ­ interprets Community law at the request of the national courts and tribunals. The European Judiciary * European Court of Justice (ECJ) * Court of First Instance (CFI) * Civil Service Tribunal (CST) * Plus national courts The European Court Justice * 1 judge per MS * 8 AG - submit their opinions on respective case * Sits in sessions ­ 3, 5, 13, full court * The highest judicial authority of the EU The Court of First Instance * 1 judge per MS * No AG * Sits in sessions ­ 1, 3, 5, 13, full court * Decide almost all actions brought by individuals The Civil Service Tribunal * 7 judges * Sit in chambers ­ 3 judges * Employment disputes The Competences of the Court of Justice of the European Communities * Judicial competence * Art. 220 ECT : The ECJ shall ensure that in the interpretation and application of this Treaty the law is observed... * it is all-in-one constitutional, civil and administrative court Changes under the Lisbon Treaty * new official name will be the Court of Justice of the European Union * it will include: ­ the Court of Justice (now ECJ) ­ the General Court (now CFI) and ­ specialized courts (now for example CST). References for preliminary rulings * Form of cooperation with national courts * ECJ ensures the uniform interpretation and review the validity of secondary law * National court may and sometimes must refer question concerning the interpretation or validity... * Great influence not only on the court that referred but also on future proceedings Actions for failure to fulfill obligations * Commission may sue a MS ­ Preliminary procedure ­ Judicial proceedings * Possible sanction - fixed or periodic financial penalty Actions for annulment Actions for failure to act * For annulment of a measure (regulation, directive or decision) adopted by an institution. * To review the lawfulness of Community institutions' failures to act to be reviewed * Institution must be first called on to act ECJ CFI Appeals CST NC The procedure * written stage and usually an oral stage * Difference is between references for preliminary rulings and other actions, known as "direct actions" * Commencement of proceedings before the Court and the written procedure ­ In references for preliminary rulings - national court submits questions to the Court of Justice, translation, notification, notice, submitting of observations ­ Application, Registry publishes, serving the other party, reply, rejoinder, appointment of Judge Rapporteur and Advocate General Further steps * Preparatory inquiries and the report for the hearing * The public hearing and the Advocate General's opinion * Judgments General activity of the Court