The John Marshall Law School, Chicago, USA a děkanka Právnické fakulty MU zvou studenty i akademické pracovníky na A DAY of U.S. LAW pořádaný v úterý 19. října 2010 v učebně č. 025 u příležitosti návštěvy profesorů JMLS a dalších odborníků z americké právní praxe Program 8:00 – 9:15 hod. Juvenile Justice: Collateral Effects of Youthful Conviction Joseph Vosicky The International Public Health Preparedness Agenda: An Update Judy Munson P ř e s t á v k a 9:35 -10:50 hod. E-Discovery and Ethics Professor Robert G. Johnston The Ethics of Judges using Facebook and other Electronic Social Media Professor Samuel Jones P ř e s t á v k a 11:10 – 12:15 hod. User Generated Content and Authorial Control: Recalibrating Copyright to Meet the Challenge of the Digital Order Professor Doris Long Liability Insurance Coverage for the BP Spill Commercial Liability Insurance Coverage for Invasions of Privacy from Blast Faxes, and Unwanted e-Mails Property Insurance Coverage against Damage to a Computer and the Data Contained Therein Joseph Martan P o l e d n í p ř e s t á v k a 13:30 – 14:45 hod. The Use of Military Tribunals in the War on Terror: An Analysis of Orders, Legislation and Evolving Case Law Cynthia Hubbard U.S. Supreme Court Gets It Wrong on Material Support of Terrorism Professor Michael P. Seng Program subject to change Přednášky nebudou tlumočeny do češtiny