H:\Dieb PPT 2008\Streep300RGB2.jpg Step up to Saxion. H:\Dieb PPT 2008\Saxion_CGÐ1281x654 300RGB2.jpg Course Introduction to International Business Law by Cynthia Vloon-Weultjes LLM Autumn 2012 Streep300RGB2 Saxion_CGÐ1281x654 300RGB2 Step up to Saxion. Lecture 1Topics •Introduction –Expectations of the participants –Objectives of the course + exam •Short Introduction to International Private Law (IPL) •Introduction to European Union Law •The European Court of Justice (ECJ) and Preliminary rulings •Homework Streep300RGB2 Saxion_CGÐ1281x654 300RGB2 Step up to Saxion. International Private Law •Characteristics: –solving legal problems arising out of different legal systems that apply to international relationships –providing a set of rules to either decide on the matter or refer the litigating parties to a national legal system – •Dealing with three main issues •Which body of law is applicable? •Which court of law has jurisdiction? •Can a court decision be executed in another country? • • • • • Streep300RGB2 Saxion_CGÐ1281x654 300RGB2 Step up to Saxion. Introduction to European Union Law •Legal system of the EU –Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union = TFEU –Regulations –Directives –Decisions –Case law of ECJ Streep300RGB2 Saxion_CGÐ1281x654 300RGB2 Step up to Saxion. Introduction to European Union Law 2 •Supremacy of EU law (Costa vs. ENEL) •Distinction between –Directly applicable EU law-> immediately effects the legal system of the Member States (MS) –art.288 TFEU –Directly effective EU law->individuals of MS Streep300RGB2 Saxion_CGÐ1281x654 300RGB2 Step up to Saxion. Introduction to European Union Law 3 •Only ECJ decides on direct effectiveness (Van Gend & Loos case) -> –Provision is clear + unambiguous –Provision must be unconditional –Provision must take effect without further acts of EU or MS – – Streep300RGB2 Saxion_CGÐ1281x654 300RGB2 Step up to Saxion. ECJ & Preliminary rulings •Art. 267 TFEU •Requirements: –Any Court and tribunal is allowed to.. –No juridical remedy under national law –Necessity of the ruling in order to enable the national court to give judgment (Cilfit case) – Streep300RGB2 Saxion_CGÐ1281x654 300RGB2 Step up to Saxion. Homework •Exercise 1 Chapter 1