H:\Dieb PPT 2008\Streep300RGB2.jpg Step up to Saxion. H:\Dieb PPT 2008\Saxion_CGÐ1281x654 300RGB2.jpg Course Introduction to International Business Law Lecture 6 Streep300RGB2 Saxion_CGÐ1281x654 300RGB2 Step up to Saxion. Topics •Revision lecture 5 –Questions •Subjects of today: –Introduction to The Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) –Introduction to Incoterms 2000/2010 –Introduction to international payments –Homework – • • • Streep300RGB2 Saxion_CGÐ1281x654 300RGB2 Step up to Saxion. Introduction to The CMR •CONVENTION RELATIVE AU CONTRAT DE TRANSPORT INTERNATIONAL DE MARCHANDISES PAR ROUTE (CMR) •Nearly all European countries and a number of countries in the Middle East, Africa and Asia are contracting States of the CMR (55) •Compulsory law: art.1 par.1 CMR Streep300RGB2 Saxion_CGÐ1281x654 300RGB2 Step up to Saxion. Introduction to The CMR 2 •Art.2: in case of change of transport means without unloading the goods from the vehicle, the CMR shall nevertheless apply to the whole of the carriage •Art.4: consignment note is to be considered as a confirmation of the contract of carriage. So it isn’t a document of title. •Art.5: three copies of the consignment note •Art.6: content of the consignment note • Streep300RGB2 Saxion_CGÐ1281x654 300RGB2 Step up to Saxion. Introduction to The CMR 3 •Art.17: liability of the carrier –In case of total or partial loss of the goods & damage for the period of time between acceptance and delivery of the goods and also for delay in delivery –Carrier is relieved of liability if the above mentioned situations were caused •by tort or neglect of the sender or the consignee •by the instructions of one of them given otherwise than as a result of tort or neglect on the part of the carrier •by inherent defect in the goods •In case of ‘force majeure” • • • Streep300RGB2 Saxion_CGÐ1281x654 300RGB2 Step up to Saxion. Introduction to The CMR 4 •art.23: fixation of the value of the goods in case of compensation to be paid by the carrier •Art.31: Which court has jurisdisction? –Court of law designated in the contract –Court of law where the defendant has his place of residence –Court of law at the place the goods were taken over by the carrier –Court of law of the place where the goods were delivered. Streep300RGB2 Saxion_CGÐ1281x654 300RGB2 Step up to Saxion. Introduction to Incoterms 2000/2010 •International commercial terms designed by the International Chambre of Commerce in Paris •General terms of delivery of international sales contracts with worldwide acceptance •Version 2000: 13 terms •Version 2010: 11 terms •Four groups: E/F/C/D •E-group: seller has less obligations •F-group: main carriage not paid by seller •C-group: main carriage paid by seller •D-group: most obligations for seller Streep300RGB2 Saxion_CGÐ1281x654 300RGB2 Step up to Saxion. Introduction to International Payments •Letter of credit (L/C) most reliable ? •Applicant: buyer/importer •Issuing bank: buyers/importers bank or opening bank •Advising bank: sellers/exporters bank or notifying bank •Beneficiary: seller/exporter Streep300RGB2 Saxion_CGÐ1281x654 300RGB2 Step up to Saxion. Homework •Exercise Chapter 8 as PDF in your Information System • •