Law and Law Studies English for Lawyers I.1 logo_imapct_bitmap72dpi_bez_sloganu What might be the reasons ? nto learn the skills the lawyers use and apply them either in legal practice or some other jobs nthe desire to see justice done nto be a change agent nlucrative, prestigious profession nnew intellectual challenge, exciting, fascinating What are the usual objectives? nthe legal profession can be a rewarding one, both personally and financially n nthe legal education is also a good backround for other professions What should the lawyers be able to do? ncertain basic legal skills required: n nto develop analytical, synthesizing, creative and logical thinking nto strengthen reading and debating skills nto know how to analyze legal issues nto be able to advocate the views of individuals n What should the lawyers be able to do? nto be able to give intelligent counsel nto be able to write and speak clearly nto be able to persuade and negotiate effectively What will the law degree equip you for? nfor a variety of careers in : nthe legal profession, government, the social services nbusiness or industry nbarristers x solicitors x advocates = attorneys naccountancy, banking, administration, commerce, management n n Collocations: adjective + law nnatural law ncommon law ncriminal law ncivil law n nan unjust law na particular law Collocations: adjective + law nvalid laws ncriminal laws n ncountable = zákon nuncountable = právo Collocations: law + noun nLaw School nlaw studies nlaw student nlaw reports nlaw court nlaw(-)breaker nlaw(-)giver nlawsuit Collocations: legal + noun nlegal system nlegal validity nlegal regulation nlegal rule nlegal education nlegal rights nlegal dispute nlegal remedy n n Collocations: legal + noun n1. právní n2. právnický n3. soudní n4. zákonný ncommon law jurisdiction x civil law jurisdiction n5. v souladu s common law x statutory n n Collocations: verb + law nto make the law nto obey the law nto break the law nto create new law nto interpret the law nto respect the law nto pass a law nenforce the law Collocations: law + verb nstipulate nprovide nspecify nset forth ndetermine nlay down nregulate ngovern Collocations: law + of + noun nlaw of contract nlaw of tort nlaw of equity nlaw of nations nlaw of nature nlaw of property nlaw of succession Collocations: noun + of + law nsystem of law nbody of law narea of law nbranch of law nconcept of law nnature and function of law nsources of law nquestion of law n n Law and Leg- Phrases nLaw and Order nlegally binding ncriteria of legality npunishment by law nlegitimate authority nlawmaking abilities npractising lawyers