2 The legal systems: bodies of law This is the table of contents of the Twelve Tables. Choose the table where you think the following excerpts were drawn up on: 1 TABVLA I (Civil procedure) 2 TABVLA II (Civil procedure) 3 TABVLA III (Debt) 4 TABVLA IV (Parents and children) 5 TABVLA V (Inheritance) 6 TABVLA VI (Property) 7 TABVLA VII (Real Property) 8 TABVLA VIII (Torts) 9 TABVLA IX (Constitutional principles) 10 TABVLA X (Funeral regulations) 11 TABVLA XI (Marriage) 12 TABVLA XII (Crimes) Excerpts from the Law of the Twelve Tables Which table was it drawn up on? Marriages between plebeians and patricians are forbidden. TABVLA XI (Marriage) No dead man may be cremated nor buried in the City. If someone is called to go to court, let him go. If he doesn't go, a witness should be called. Only then should he be captured. If a slave has committed theft or harm. . . . Those who have sung an evil spell. . . Private laws must not be proposed. A person who admits to owing money or has been adjudged to owe money must be given 30 days to pay. One who seeks the testimony from an absent person should wait before his doorway every third day. If a person dies intestate without heirs, the nearest male kinsman shall inherit. If there is no near male kinsmen, his clansmen shall inherit. When someone makes bond or conveyance and announces it orally, right shall be given. If a father sells his son into slavery three times, the son shall be free of his father. If rainwater does damage, he shall be made to fix it by the judge. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve_Tables Use the following expressions to complete the text: development jurists legacy to question summons rulings contracts to influence succession decrees plaintiff weight of law defendant judex courts sentence trial Law of the Roman Republic and Empire Roman law has (1)……………… the (2)………………….. of law in most of Western civilization. It dealt with matters of (3)………………… (or inheritance), obligations (including (4)………………..), property (including slaves), and persons. Most laws were passed by assemblies dominated by the patrician families, though the (5)…………………. of magistrates were also important. Later emperors bypassed these forms and issued their own (6)………………... The interpretations of (7)………………… also came to have the (8)…………………. Though various attempts were made to gather and simplify existing laws (beginning with the Law of the Twelve Tables), by far the most successful effort was that of Justinian I, whose code superseded all previous laws and formed the Roman Empire's legal (9)………………. Roman legal procedure is the basis for modern procedure in civil-law countries. In the early Republic, the (10)……………….. was required to call the (11)…………………… to court or to bring him by force. A magistrate then decided whether the case should go before a (12)……………., or prominent layman. The judex heard arguments from advocates and (13)………………… witnesses; he made a decision but had no power to execute it. In the later Republic, much greater power was placed in the hands of the magistrates and (14)……………: the (15) ……………… was issued by the court, the (16)…………… was held only before a magistrate, and the court became responsible for the execution of the (17)………………. Roman law. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. Retrieved July 1, 2005, from Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service.