pruh+znak_PF_13_gray5+fialovy_RGB PF_PPT_en Zápatí prezentace The Czech Prison System MCj03910340000[1] PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Zápatí prezentace 2 Legal Regulation nAct No. 169/1999 Coll., Prison Act, as amended amended. n nAct No. 40/2009 Coll., Criminal Code, as amended n nAct No 141/1961 Coll., Code of Criminal Procedure, as amended n n Prison Rules n n PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Zápatí prezentace 3 Czech Prison System nThe prison system = a system of State institutions. n nThe Prison Service of the Czech Republic as a department of Ministery of Justice administers the prison system. n nThe Minister of Justice manages the Prison Service through a Director General, who is responsible to him for the operation of the Prison Service. n PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Zápatí prezentace 4 The Prison Service nis structured into Prison Guard, Judicial Guard and Administration Service. nThe Prison Guard guards, transports and escorts detainees and convicts, guard detention houses, prisons and local prisons and maintain peace in these facilities. nThe Judicial Guard maintan peace, security and safety in buildings of the Ministry of Justice, courts and Public Prosecutor´s Office. nThe Administration Service makes decisions within the framework of administattive procedures according to special regulations and provides organisational, economic, educational and other similar activities. The Medical Service is a part of the Administration Service. n PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Zápatí prezentace 5 Types of Prison nopen prison nprison under supervison nprison especially guarded ntop security prison n n n ndistinguished according to the method of external guarding and security. n nspecial prison designed for juveniles MCj02875000000[1] PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Types of Prison nWhen imposes a sentence of imprisonment, the court shall specify the type of prison in which the sentence will be served. n nThe court may also change the type of prison. Its decision depends on the convict`s behaviour during the service of a term of imprisonment. Zápatí prezentace 6 PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Zápatí prezentace 7 Open Prison nfree movement inside the institution without limits, nas a rule, work is allocated outside the institution, the supervision of a tutor is performed at least once in the week, n free movement outside the institutiton after work without any supervision (sport, culture) is possible, n as a rule, visits without surveillance are allowed. n No special technical means and armed guards to prevent from escaping. The tutors perform the control. PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Zápatí prezentace 8 Prison Under Supervision nas a rule, the movement inside the institution under the supervision of an employee of Prison Service, free movement can be permitted, nwork is allocated outside the institution, supervision of an employee of Prison Service is performed at least once in an hour, nthe movement outside the institution after work (sports, culture), is possible under the supervision, nas a rule, visits without surveillance are allowed. nNo special technical means and armed guards. The supervisors perform the control. n n PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Zápatí prezentace 9 Prison Especially Guarded nthe organized movement inside the institution under the supervision of an employee of Prison Service, free movement can be exeptionally permitted, nas a rule, the convicts work inside the prison or outside the prison on the guarded workplaces, the supervision of an employeet of Prison Service is performed once in 45 minutes, nthe movement outside the institution after work (sports, culture) is possible under the supervision, nas a rule, visits with surveillance are allowed. nSpecial technical means and armed guards. PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Zápatí prezentace 10 Top Security Prison nthe organized movement inside the institution under the supervision of a guard, nthe convicts work on workplaces inside the prison or in their cells, the supervision is performed once in 30 minutes, n free movement can not be permitted, n as a rule, visits with surveillance are allowed. nSpecial technical means and armed guards. PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Zápatí prezentace 11 Rights of convicts nBasic social rights include regulary meal, bed and place for personal things, eight hours a day for sleeping, time for personal ablution and cleaning, at least one hour for walking, adequate spare time and medical treatment, clothes suitable for the weather conditions and sufficient to protect their health. nVisits, correspondence, using the phone and spiritual and social services are also granted. nThe convicts can read books, newspapers, magazines, they can play games etc. They are entitled to order daily newspapers, magazines and books at their own expense and may borrow various publications including legal regulation. They also have the right to buy food and personal articles in the prison shop. Each prisoner has the right to receive a parcel containing food and personal articles weighing up to 5 kg, usually for his birthday and Christmas. n PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Zápatí prezentace 12 Duties of convicts nthe convicts have to keep order and discipline n nFor example, it is prohibited to drink alkohol and use drugs, to gamble, to tatoo oneself or the others etc. n nPrisoners are obliged to work if prison have work for them to do. Prisons create conditions for assigning work to prisoners either in their own workshops or in manufacturing centres, or in companies outside prison. The written consent of the prisoners is required so that he may order for him to work for a company which is not run by the State (for a private firm). n n n n n PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Programmes of treatment nWorking activities: prisoners work either in prison`s workshops or manufacturing centres, or in companies outside. nEducational activities: full–time study in prison`s schools, distance learning, correspondence course, requalification. nSpecial educational acitivities: psychotherapy, artetherapy, social treaning, socially - legal counselling. nActivities of interests: hobbies, amateurs clubs nExtramural activities: preparation for release n n Zápatí prezentace 13 PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Zápatí prezentace 14 Conditional Release/Parole nthe court may release a prisoner on parole if he has served one-half of the term of imprisonment or one-third of the term of imprisonment (no particulary serious crime, no previous conviciton to a prison sentence) nIn cases of minor offence earlier npersons who are sentenced for serious crimes, the list of which is given in CC + who are sentenced to an exceptional term of imprisonment of between 20 and 25 years after twothird of their sentence nlife convicts after at least 20 years PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Conditional Release/Parole nprobationary period up to three years (minor offence) and between 1 to 7 years (crime) nsupervision can be ordered and restrictions or duties can be imposed nobligation to stay home during time defined in the judgment can or n obligation to perform work for the public benefit or nobligation to pay some money for public benefit can be imposed n n n n n n n Zápatí prezentace 15 PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Change into house arrest nthe court may change the prison senctence into house arrest if the convict has served one-half of the term of imprisonment which was imposed for minor offence n Zápatí prezentace 16 PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Zápatí prezentace 17 Joint Execution of Imprisonment nof mothers together with their children n nup to 3 years of age (exceptionally up to 5 years) n nnot in top security prison n nspecial department since 2004 n n n PF_PPT_nahled PF_PPT_en2 Zápatí prezentace 18 Thank you for your attention. >