Res incorporalis and the debate about the materiality of the object of property in the light of Roman-law tradition Wojciech Dajczak Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań 1 The object of property – a hard question •„Most persons familiar with philospohical treaties on property are never faced with the task of thinking about why some things are objects of property and others are not. Typically, phisosophical works purporting to concern property start with a kind of justibiable evasion of this task”. 2 The object of property – a hard question • •„Possibly in no area of the law does one find more diveristy among legal systems than in the domain that we may call ” 3 The object of property – a hard question • •Flemming v. Nestor 363 US (603) 1960) •Is the termination of benefits from the Social Seciurity program the case of a deprivation of property? • •„The New Property” 4 The object of property – a hard question The New Property 5 The object of property – a hard question 6 The object of property – a hard question 7 Division into tangible and intangible things in Roman legal sources • •res corporales and res incorporales 8 Roman law and the materiality of the object of property 9 Fundamental questions • • •- how important was the theoretical distinction of the materiality quality in the ancient Roman law for the idea of property ? • •- what were the basic results of the division into res corporales and incorporales in the ius commune for the forming of fundamental notions of property law as bien in France or Sache in Germany and for development of dogmatic ideas of what may constitute the object of property ? 10 The meaning of division into res corporales and incorporales in the ancient Roman law • •A. Seneca (Epist. 58,11) • »Corporalis •Quod est »Incorporalis 11 The meaning of division into res corporales and incorporales in the ancient Roman law • •G. 1,12 – 14 • • Estate • • res corporales • • res incorporales 12 The meaning of division into res corporales and incorporales in the ancient Roman law •Pomponius , libro 30 Ad Sabinum (D.41,3,30pr.) • •Corpus as the object of property • •- uno spiritu •- quod ex contingentibus •- quod ex distantibus constat • 13 The issue of relation between res corporales and incorporales glosa 061.jpg 14 The issue of relation between res corporales and incorporales – oppostion model 15 The issue of relation between res corporales and incorporales - coordination model 16 The issue of relation between res corporales and incorporales - coordination model 17 A precise definition of the object of property 18 The Roman division into res corporales and incorporales and the criticism of a strict limitation of property to material objects 19 The Roman law tradition as an inspiraton for a discussion on the boundaries of the object of property • • Scientific tradition of understanding the division into res corporales and res incorporales Opposition model Coordination model Issues important for the definition of the object of property with were grasped in the centuries –long discussion of Gaius’division 20 The Roman law tradition as an inspiraton for a discussion on the boundaries of the object of property • •Vital issues important for the definition of the object of property which were grasped in the centuries-long discussion of division into res corporales and incorporales: • •- question of the uniform approach to res incorporales (H. Donellus); •- dynamic character the notion of thing (M. Planiol) •- erroneus application of the division into res corporales and res incorporales in the pandectistic debate dedicated tto he system of private law 21 The Roman law tradition as an inspiraton for a discussion on the boundaries of the object of property • •The historic and comparative reflection on the division into res corporales and res incorporales inspires to hypothesise that also non – material objects should be regarded as the object of legal power, i.e. object of property 22 The Roman law tradition as an inspiraton for a discussion on the boundaries of the object of property • When non-material object may be regarded as object of legal power, i.e. object od property The dicussion of the „new property” Inspiration from the civilian tradition 23 The Roman law tradition as an inspiraton for a discussion on the boundaries of the object of property •D.41,3,30,pr. (Pomponius, libro 30 ad Sabinum) • • Rereum mixtura facta an usucapionem cuiusque praecedentem quaeritur. Tria autem genra sunt corporum; quod continetur uno spiritu (…)ut homo,tignum, lapis (…), alterum, quod ex contingentibus, hoc est pluribus inter se cohaerentibus constat, (…); ut aedificium, navis (…) tertium, quod ex distantibus constat, ut corpora plura non soluta, sed uni nomini subiecta veluti populus, legio, grex (…). • •D.41,3,30pr. – 1. Pomponius, On Sabinus, Book XXX. •It is asked whether a mixture of different things interrupts the usucaption which has begun to run with reference to each of them. There are three kinds of things which can be divided; first, those which are included in a substance of the same nature,(…), as a slave, a piece of timber, a stone, and other property of this kind. Second, things which are joined by contact, that is to say, which have coherence, and are connected, as a house, a ship, a cupboard. Third, such as are formed of distinct objects, as different bodies which are not united but are included under a single appellation, for instance, a people, a legion, a flock. (…) 24 The Roman law tradition as an inspiraton for a discussion on the boundaries of the object of property •D.41,3,30,pr. – 1 (Pomponius, libro 30 ad Sabinum) • Rereum mixtura facta an usucapionem cuiusque praecedentem quaeritur. Tria autem genra sunt corporum; quod continetur uno spiritu (…)ut homo,tignum, lapis (…), alterum, quod ex contingentibus, hoc est pluribus inter se cohaerentibus constat, (…); ut aedificium, navis (…) tertium, quod ex distantibus constat, ut corpora plura non soluta, sed uni nomini subiecta veluti populus, legio, grex (…). • •- the object may be individualised • •- its individualisation can be put to practical use; • •- its individualisation is in acordance with the law and good customs. 25 The end 26