SOC050 Legal Philosophy - Some philosophical text will always be discussed in seminars. These texts can be found in the study materials in IS MUNI. Always bring them to a seminar (printed or in electronic form). - Part of the text will be a few questions that will be discussed at the seminar. These questions will include those that will be part of the test. - The course is finished by an exam, which is evaluated by marks A to E. The exam consists of a written test composed of the questions discussed in the seminars and a presentation about some philosophical issue. - A maximum of ten points can be obtained from the test. You can get the following marks from it: Points Marks 10 A 9 B 8 C 7 D 6 E 5 or less F - The presentation is created by each student himself (not in a group). You can choose any topic from the field of legal philosophy. The length of the presentation is 5 to 10 minutes. The day before the seminar when you will present, put your presentations into the study materials in IS MUNI. - The exam mark is the average of the test and presentation marks. Important dates September 26: Introductory lesson 3 October to 28 November: Regular lessons (discussing texts) December 5: Test December 12 and 19: Presentations