Marketing for Lawyers Websites of Law firms Eva Tomášková Task lMake analysis of websites of these law firms. l l l l l l lWhat type of clients (segment) is expressed? lWhat are strengths of the websites? lWhat are weaknesses of the websites? lDo you have any recommendation for improving of websites? lChoose two websites of law firms in your country and compare with the websites noticed above. l Advantages l lCertifications, 18 fields of law l lDesign, photos, our principles l l16 field of law (services), a lot of news l lLanguages, a lot of other services l lKnowledge in a lot of industries l Weaknesses l lOnly 2 languages l l26th floor (AKCCS IN NUMBERS) on websites l lgray colour l l l l lOnly women, short CV l lUnitary long text (profile, key facts) l l l l Websites of law firms lBasic information lLegal expertise (practice areas) lPrice lProfile lContact l lWidespread information lEmotional reason (The interests of our clients are our interests, providing a large portfolio of legal services) lInterests or News from the area of Law (useful links, firm's news) lCertificates (Awards) lPublications lRecent Major Assignments lLanguages lCustomer services (online advice, free parking for clients, unlimited calling, calling 24 hours etc.) lProjects sponsoring (eg. Medicine projects) l l l l l Task for the next lesson lChoose two websites of law firms in your country and analyze that. l