Current Issues of Administrative Law in European Area
doc. JUDr. Lukáš Potěšil, Ph.D.
Current Issues of Administrative Law in European Area
Chapter contains:
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 1/9/2021 to 7/9/2021.
Chapter contains:
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 8/9/2021 to 14/9/2021.
Chapter contains:
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 15/9/2021 to 21/9/2021.


Je dostupná interaktivní osnova obsahující základní informace o předmětu a jeho ukončení zkouškou. Další informace budou zveřejněny dodatečně. 

4-. a 5. 11. 2021: uskutečnil se workshop se zahraničními hosty a v jeho rámci byly sděleny podrobnosti k ukončení předmětu.

11. 10. 2021: Podrobnosti k pojetí a obsahu výuku v podzimním semestru 2021 budou sděleny v průběhu měsíce října. 


This course focuses on current trends of administrative law that can be found in wider European context (or in the context of so called European Administrative Space or European Administrative Law). This course provides extended knowledge about the Europeanization of domestic/national administrative law as well as common principles of public administration and administrative law in European context. On completion of the course, diligent students should have a better understanding of the factors and processes that drive legislative and doctrinal change in administrative law and also from the national and European level.

  1. Europeanization of administrative law. EU and Council of Europe with connection to the national administrative law. 
  2. European administrative law and the EU administrative law. Principles of the European administrative law and european administrative space. The Right to Good Administration, the principle of an open, efficient, reliable, predictable, responsible and independent administration. 
  3. The principle of procedural autonomy of EU Member States and the impact of EU law on national procedural rules. EU Code of Administrative Procedure (proposal). 
  4. The control functions of administrative law. 
  5. Fiscal and personal limits of public administration. 
  6. Self-government in the European administrative context. 
  7. Protection of rights in European administrative space. European administrative justice. 
  8. Public administration as a part of a wider collective arena, in which public and private parties compete, interact, and bargain, responsibility of public authorities. 
  9. The multi-layered system of public administration and the EU and national level.

Ukončení předmětu

Current issues of administrative law will be addressed by a visiting legal scholar or a representative of the judiciary, administrative or civil society. The students will be required to analyse particular elements of the topic and present their results. Reading assignments and case law necessary for discussions will be provided by the course co-ordinator during the course.